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So far AdminM has created 1978 entries.

Senator-Doctor Richard Pan Wants California to be First State to Refuse Medical Exemptions by Doctors for Vaccines

In 2015, despite widespread opposition from the public which included testimonies from doctors and attorneys opposing SB 277 to remove the religious exemptions to vaccines, California became the first State in the U.S. to remove religious and philosophical exemptions by parents to childhood vaccines. Every other state legislature that tried to do the same, both then and through the present time, failed. The majority of the American public is clearly OPPOSED to mandatory vaccinations, even among those who choose vaccines for their own children. Since the passage of SB 277 in California in 2015, the only way to opt out of childhood vaccines is to get a medical exemption from a licensed doctor. California started going after doctors who write medical exemptions trying to restrict their freedom to practice medicine in a matter best suited for the individual needs of their patients. The Internationally well-known pediatrician Bob Sears, who himself is NOT anti-vaccine but does delay or forgo some vaccines dependent upon the medical needs of his patients, was the first doctor they attacked, threatening to revoke his medical license. California medical doctor Ron Kennedy, who has been in medicine for almost 50 years, observed how many California medical doctors feared the loss of their medical license for writing vaccine medical exemptions, and filed a lawsuit against the California State Medical Board. Dr. Kennedy allegedly states in his lawsuit that the California Medical Board goes from school to school demanding medical records of children, without any permission from the parents, in an effort to find medical doctors writing medical exemptions for vaccines. Now, Dr. Richard Pan, who is a State Senator in California and authored SB 277 to remove the religious exemptions for childhood vaccines in California in 2015, has introduced Bill SB 276, which would take away the right of California medical doctors to write medical exemptions for vaccines, unless they get government permission.

FDA Committee Chair: “Congress is Owned by Pharma”

Dr. Raeford Brown is a pediatric anesthesia specialist at the UK Kentucky Children’s Hospital. He also chairs the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Committee on Analgesics and Anesthetics. Dr. Brown has been openly critical of the FDA and their lack of oversight on the pharmaceutical industry, claiming "Congress is owned by pharma.” His comments were recently reported by Adriana Belmonte at Yahoo Finance. "Pharmaceutical companies are under the spotlight with congressional hearings on the cost of drug prices and allegations of the industry’s role in the opioid crisis. Dr. Raeford Brown, a pediatric anesthesia specialist at the UK Kentucky Children’s Hospital and chair of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Committee on Analgesics and Anesthetics, has been openly critical of big pharma and the lack of proper oversight from the FDA. Despite many politicians, particularly declared presidential candidates, beginning to speak out against big pharma, Brown does not think that anything will come out of it 'because Congress is owned by pharma.'" The article documents how pharmaceutical companies are making significant financial contributions to politicians and political candidates. Statistics are based on OpenSecrets, a website operated by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks money in U.S. politics. “The pharmaceutical industry pours millions of dollars into the legislative branch every single year,” he told Yahoo Finance. “In 2016, they put $100 million into the elections. That’s a ton of money.” Dr. Brown went on to say: “I’m really much more concerned because Congress is supposed to have oversight for the FDA. If the FDA isn’t going to hold pharma accountable, and Congress is getting paid to not hold pharma accountable, then it really doesn’t matter who the president is because it’s really about Congress.”

Medical Doctor to Maine Legislators: Diseases Persist Due to Vaccine Failure – Not Unvaccinated

My name is Dr. Meryl Nass. I am here today to oppose LD798 and support LD987. I am a physician in Ellsworth, Maine. I graduated from MIT and the University of Mississippi School of Medicine. In 2010, I was the chair of a commission established by you, the legislature, “to protect the lives and health of members of the Maine National Guard.” I have testified to 6 Congressional committees, primarily on anthrax vaccine and Gulf War Syndrome, and the permanent injuries suffered by service-members who received military vaccines of questionable quality. There is no crisis of infectious diseases caused by lack of vaccinations, here in Maine or in the rest of the United States. The rates of vaccine preventable diseases are approximately the same as always. I have attached the official statistics, so please check me on this! According to the CDC, effective vaccine exemption rates in Maine are not higher than they have been, and they are consistently better than the US average. The truth, not widely known, is that immunocompromised children are not catching diseases from their unvaccinated classmates, and they are not dying. Look at the numbers. The diseases that persist and have been in the news remain a challenge, simply because the vaccines have a high failure rate–not because of the unvaccinated.

Will the Government Start Using Force against the American Public Resisting Mandatory Vaccines?

On a cold winter morning in November 2007, I watched hundreds of parents line up with their children in front of a Maryland county courthouse. The children had been kicked out of school by state officials and were truant. The mothers and fathers were holding letters threatening them with imprisonment or fines of $50 a day for failing to show proof their children had gotten a chickenpox or hepatitis B shot. Confused, angry and frightened, but mostly resigned, they were working Moms and Dads trudging toward the courthouse on a Saturday morning to face a judge ordering them to vaccinate their children or go to jail. Patrolling the scene was an armed SWAT team of policemen with dogs. We were being shown the power of the State wielded by guards armed with dogs and guns. When a government policy is unjust and people resist, the last resort is always a show of force. Use of fear, intimidation, discrimination and punishment of dissenting minorities is the hallmark of authoritarian governments and so is censorship and propaganda. You and you alone will make the choice to live free or die as a slave. Do not let anyone take away your freedom to think and speak and obey the certain judgment of your conscience. It’s your health. Your family. Your choice. And our mission continues: No forced vaccination. Not in America.

Enduring Mockery, Insults, and Death Threats, Pediatric NICU Nurse Comes Forward to Talk About Her Own Child’s Vaccine Injuries

It’s been too long I have stayed silent. It’s time to share my story. To speak the truth in love. My adult career as a Registered Nurse has been centered on the NICU, PICU, & Pediatric populations. Growing up I had all my vaccines. ​Fast forward to nursing school. I remember watching a short video, the CDC schedule & the importance of our patients receiving the full schedule. The denial of the autism link - and that’s it. We did not study ingredients, we were not told about vaccine injury/death, or how to report to VAERS when an injury occurred. Upon graduating and securing my first job in the NICU, I thought nothing of the injections I pushed into the thighs of my screaming newborn patients, nor of the “poor feeding,” lethargy, high-pitched screams, & breathing abnormalities that would sometimes follow. This was all normalized as common for the short period after vaccines. I questioned nothing as my own belly grew and grew with my own first child. I was a nurse after all, and this was science. How different things would be had I stood firm and learned back then what I know now. The toxic load of aluminum, formaldehyde, human and animal tissues, etc and etc, were too much for my son’s neurological system and detoxification system. He lost his words & eye contact altogether, started flapping, spinning, walking on his toes, horrible GI symptoms, food limiting, had no desire for social interaction, etc. He was diagnosed with severe autism. And our world was turned upside down. Us pro-vaxxers & Ex-vaxxers are NOT enemies! We all want the same thing - safety for our babies. ​Do you know why we are suddenly, and in such great numbers, stepping out of hiding, bearing the mockery, insults, wishes of death on us and our children?? It’s because we can’t afford to remain silent any longer, there is TOO much at stake for ALL of us!

Dr. Brownstein on Mandatory Vaccines: “We Don’t Live in Nazi Germany where Medical Procedures were Done without Consent”

Over the past week, we have been inundated with mainstream media stories about the measles ‘epidemic’ in Washington state where 68 have been infected. Nationwide, there have been 159 cases identified through February 21, 2019. The headlines today might make you think that measles is as deadly as Ebola. That is absurd. But, just look at what is happening around our country after a small and predictable measles outbreak. There was a US Congressional hearing last week about the measles ‘epidemic’ and another one is scheduled in the US Senate next week. At these hearings, the Powers-That-Be are calling for mandatory vaccinations and eliminating parental choice when it comes to vaccines. As I previously stated, with the amount of media coverage this measles epidemic is receiving, I would not fault you for guessing that many must be dying from measles. In fact, no one has died. Folks, we don’t live in Nazi Germany where medical procedures were done without consent. We don’t live in Communist countries where there is no choice. At least, I don’t think we do.

Director of NIAID Gives False Testimony Under Oath to Congress Regarding MMR Vaccine

On Feb. 27, 2019, the U.S. House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations held a public hearing on “Confronting a Growing Public Health Threat: Measles Outbreaks in the U.S” that was also broadcast live on C-span. Parents across the nation watched and heard the renowned Anthony Fauci, MD, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), either tell a bald faced lie or show his ignorance when he testified, under oath, that MMR vaccine does not cause encephalitis. This large dose of disinformation drew gasps of protest from parents attending the Capitol Hill hearing and prompted Committee Chair Diana DeGette (D-CO) to bang the gavel and warn that “manifestations of approval or disapproval of the proceedings is in violation of the rules of the House and this Committee.” It is really hard to watch a distinguished physician like Dr. Fauci mislead legislators by blatantly denying the damage that serious vaccine reactions like brain inflammation can do to children’s brains. It is also hard to watch legislators believe everything they are told by government employees just because they have MD or PhD written after their names. The MMR product manufacturer package insert published by Merck & Co., the manufacturer of MMR vaccine, states that encephalitis and encephalopathy are known side effects of the vaccine.

U.S. Congress Holds Hearings on Vaccines: Will Lawmakers Look at BOTH Sides of the Issue?

Congress has announced two hearings to discuss vaccines in light of the recent "measles outbreaks" that have affected 127 people in 10 states since the Fall of 2018. The first hearing is in the House, tomorrow, February 27, 2019. The second hearing is in the Senate on March 5, 2019. The hearing in the House will be with the subcommittee Oversight and Investigations, of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, chaired by Representative Frank Pallone from New Jersey's 6th congressional district. Will this hearing look at both sides of the vaccine debate, or simply represent the most extremist view of vaccines promoted by the pharmaceutical companies and their powerful lobbyists and allies in government? The extremist pro-vaccine view states that the "science has been settled" on vaccines (an obvious non-scientific view), and that ALL vaccines are safe and effective for ALL people, ALL the time, by force if necessary. This extremist view, however, is NOT the majority view of medical doctors and scientists. Judging by the memorandum published by Congressman Pallone, himself a career politician with a law degree and no apparent medical background, and which reads like a press release for the Merck pharmaceutical company which manufactures the MMR vaccine and contains factual errors, and based on the only two "witnesses" invited to the hearing who represent the CDC and NIH, it would appear that the hearing is going to be one-sided representing only the most extremist view of vaccines. The public's action is desperately needed to contact these lawmakers and put pressure on Congress to present BOTH sides of the vaccine debate.

Federal Government Moves to Restrict Vaccine Exemptions as they Pay Out Billions of Dollars for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths

In response to several measles outbreaks that have been reported across the US by the CDC, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee is planning to meet on March 5 to discuss vaccine-preventable diseases and efforts to boost vaccination rates and fight vaccine hesitancy. A House subcommittee is holding a similar hearing next week. Ahead of these hearings, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb has warned states offering vaccine exemptions that the federal government may intervene. This attack on exemptions is unprecedented. We must ensure that Congressional members are properly educated about the numerous safety issues that have been demonstrated. We must also respond in force to protect vaccine exemptions from federal interference.

Will New FDA Approval of Gardasil Vaccine for Adults Lead to Mandatory Gardasil Vaccination?

After the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approved Merck’s HPV-9 Gardasil vaccine for use in adults age 27 to 45 in 2018, the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is evaluating whether to expand their current HPV vaccine recommendation to include this new age group. ACIP’s current recommendation is that boys and girls ages 9 through 15 should get two-doses of HPV-9. The “catch-up” vaccine schedule is a three- dose series for females above age 15 through age 27 and males above 15 years of age to 21 years of age, if not previously vaccinated with HPV vaccine. Should ACIP expand their recommendations for use of HPV-9 vaccine in the newly approved age group, the CDC won’t be alone in the push to increase the use of the HPV vaccine by children and adults in the U.S. During the September meeting of the National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC), a federal advisory committee that makes recommendations to the National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO), the HHS Assistant Secretary ADM Brett Giroir M.D. emphasized that HHS supported the NVAC’s HPV vaccine recommendations published in June 2018. Dr. Giroir stated that increasing HPV vaccination in America would be a focus for HHS in 2019. The federal government’s focus on increasing the use recommendations for the HPV vaccine may result in a renewed effort by state legislators to introduce legislation in many states to mandate HPV vaccine for school entry.