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So far AdminM has created 1979 entries.

National Vaccine Laws Routinely Ignored by Health Officials and Doctors Regarding Patient Information on Vaccine Risks

In 1986, Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), a carefully crafted piece of legislation that gave vaccine manufacturers their dream come true: blanket immunity from liability for injuries resulting from childhood vaccines. Throwing a bone to the safety concerns of consumers, the Act also mandated that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (via the CDC) develop and distribute educational materials to inform vaccine recipients and/or their parents about a given vaccine’s risks and benefits. The NCVIA stipulated that doctors give out the appropriate materials—currently called Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)—“prior to every dose of specific vaccines,” including before “each dose of a multi-dose series.” Early on, government documentation emphasized the importance of giving VISs every time a vaccine is administered because “the health status of the child could have changed”—and as an example of changes in health status, the CDC cited children with “evolving neurological disorder[s].” By 2005, however, researchers were calling attention to doctors’ frequent failure to give out VISs, while also noting that the physicians who did distribute VISs “rarely initiated discussions regarding contraindications to immunizations.” To rectify the situation, the same authors carried out a CDC-coordinated evaluation in 2007 and proposed revisions “that would alert the physician to the need to use the VIS.” Neither the CDC nor state-level officials endorsed the proposed revisions. What appears to matter most to the CDC is that health care providers use “every opportunity to administer appropriate vaccines,” and informing patients about the potential risks to receiving vaccines is counter productive to that goal.

European Nations Send Open Letter to WHO Regarding Lack of Vaccine Safety Studies

Open Letter from International Organisations to the WHO on the Issue of Vaccine Safety. To the World Health Organisation and those attending the meeting of the Global Vaccine Quality Control Laboratories Network (Rome 25th-27th September 2018). To the European Parliament, the European Medicines Agency and the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines: In your previous meeting you advocated for less independent testing, considered ‘redundant’, in order to speed up the supply of products. The recent administration of 250,000 defective vaccines in China, the tragedy of the oral polio campaign in India with over 450,000 cases of paralysis and death, the damage caused by the Dengue vaccine in the Philippines, reports from all over the world of chronic pain and paralysis after administration of the HPV vaccine, show that vaccine safety and efficacy are being tragically disregarded in this drive for fast-tracking approval and easy certification.

Argentina Creates Mandatory Vaccination Law For Passport, ID, Driver’s License, School & More

According to a new Argentine law, in order to renew one's DNI, passport and registration, a complete vaccination card must be presented. The Senate approved on Wednesday a law that establishes the obligatory nature of vaccination against preventable diseases for all the inhabitants of the country, and stipulates that the complete vaccination card will be required at the time of processing the DNI, passport and driving record, among others.

CDC’s Own Data Support Link Between MMR Vaccine and Autism

After four long years, Dr. Brian Hooker’s reanalysis of the CDC’s MMR-autism data from the original Destefano et al. 2004 Pediatrics paper has been republished in the Winter 2018 Edition of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons. The data, when properly analyzed, using the CDC’s own study protocol, show a strong, statistically significant relationship between the timing of the first MMR vaccine and autism, specifically in African American males. In addition, a relationship also exists in the timing of the MMR vaccine and those individuals who were diagnosed with autism without mental retardation. These relationships call into question the conclusion of the original Destefano et al. 2004 paper which dismissed a connection between the MMR vaccine and autism.

The CDC Claims the Flu Shot Reduces Mortality in the Elderly – But Where’s the Evidence?

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone aged six months and up, including pregnant women, get an annual influenza vaccine. The two fundamental assumptions underlying the CDC’s policy are that vaccination reduces transmission of the virus and reduces the risk of potentially deadly complications. Yet multiple reviews of the scientific literature have concluded that there is no good scientific evidence to support the CDC’s claims. Notwithstanding the science, to increase demand for the pharmaceutical companies’ influenza vaccine products, the CDC makes use of fear marketing, asserting as fact that tens of thousands of people die each year from the flu, even though the CDC’s numbers are actually estimates that are controversial because they are based on dubious assumptions that appear to result in a great overestimation of the negative impact of influenza on societal health. The primary justification for the CDC’s flu vaccine policy is the assumption that it significantly reduces the mortality rate among people aged 65 and older, the group at highest risk of potentially deadly complications from the flu. The CDC declares to the public that the vaccine does so as though this was a scientifically proven fact. Yet, the reality is that the CDC’s bold claim that the vaccine greatly reduces the risk of death among the elderly has been thoroughly discredited by the scientific community.

800K Children in the U.S. Missing Each Year – International Tribunal Exposes Pedophilia Problem – Victims Testify of Child Sex Trafficking and Satanic Ritual Abuse

800,000 children a year in the United States go missing, many of them being sexually trafficked through pedophilia networks where the children suffer unimaginable horrors such as Satanic ritual abuse. This number is comprised of documented cases of children gone missing, and does not include children who are born and bred into pedophilia networks and have no birth certificates, or undocumented immigrant children who come across the borders. Worldwide, the number is close to 8 million children missing and being sexually trafficked. Such is the scope of the problem that was reported earlier this year (2018) in Westminster, London by The International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ), as the court convened over a 3-day period to launch their Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse. The Judicial Commission is comprised of world leaders who have been involved in fighting child sex trafficking for years, and includes intelligence officers, politicians, legal scholars, and many others. The International Tribunal was formed because most of the world's government bodies today have been corrupted and no longer represent the people, but instead private corporate interests, and as such, justice is seldom found in most government judicial courts around the world today to stop such a heinous crime as child sex trafficking.

NY State Senator Dies of Sepsis After Receiving Flu Vaccine

Eight-year-old Amely Baez of LeFrank City, New York died on February 5, 2018 of “flu-related” symptoms, according to local health authorities. Published reports did not indicate whether the child had received the influenza vaccine. New York State Senator José Peralta (D-East Elmhurst) said Amely’s death was tragic and that it “reminds us of how dangerous the flu outbreak is” and he urged New Yorkers to “protect themselves, and their children, and get vaccinated.” He added, “We need to ensure we do everything possible to combat the spread of this deadly virus as the number of hospitalizations is increasing. The influenza vaccine can be the difference between life and death.” Partly in response to Amely’s death, Sen. Peralta partnered with NYC Health + Hospitals/Elmhurst to sponsor free influenza vaccinations in LeFrank City on November 17, 2018. Some 90 area residents were vaccinated. On November 20, Peralta, 47, developed a fever. The following day, he became “disoriented and had trouble breathing.” He was taken to Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, NY where he died that evening. “We really don’t know what happened,” said Peralta’s wife, Evelyn Peralta. “He just took a turn for the worst.” An article in The New York Times quoted Sen. Peralta’s director of communications, Chris Sosa, as saying, “It was like pulling teeth to get him (Peralta) to talk about not feeling well. He just thought he was having symptoms related to getting the flu shot.”

Doctors Are the Leading Cause of Death: Top Reasons You Can’t Trust Your Doctor

A visit to your doctor’s office should leave you feeling informed and supported, with open and truthful conversations about your health and treatment plans. Many, however, do not get such courtesies, especially where vaccinations are concerned. Open conversations about vaccines are the exception rather than the rule at many U.S. doctors’ offices. Increasingly, parents are left feeling belittled or threatened by their children's doctors should they so much as question the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) vaccination schedule. Many are even going so far as to kick patients out of their practice, leaving them without a source for medical care. As Barbara Loe Fisher, founder of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), states: "The sacred trust between mothers and pediatricians fostered by mutual respect and shared decision-making has been broken. Sadly, the admiration and trust that mothers used to have for family pediatricians is melting away and being replaced by fear. Doctors are not our masters. We pay them well to do a job, not to exploit and terrify us. Discrimination, coercion and force have no place in modern medicine or in public health policy."

$4 Billion and Growing: U.S. Payouts for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths Keep Climbing

The Health Resources & Services Administration just released new dollar figures reflecting payouts from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. The payouts for vaccine injuries just went past the whopping $4 billion mark. Using the government’s own conclusion that only 1% of all vaccine injuries are reported, the $4 billion is just the tip of the iceberg. Despite assurances from CDC and our Federal agencies that all vaccines are safe, the payouts say otherwise. Vaccine injuries can and do happen—to previously healthy children and adults. Consumers deserve to know the facts about the full range of vaccine risks.

American Cancer Society Seeks $11 Billion to Pursue an 80% Gardasil Vaccination Rate Among U.S. Children

The American Cancer Society (ACS) has set an aggressive goal to achieve an 80 percent uptake rate among American children with two doses human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine by 2026. To gain that coverage, 14 million more preteen children would need to complete the two-dose series, for a total of 57.62 million doses above and beyond the number of vaccinations given to date. HPV vaccine is one of the most expensive vaccines on the CDC recommended childhood vaccine schedule, costing a pricey $168 to $204 per dose, with Merck being the sole producer of HPV vaccine (Gardasil) in the U.S. Although U.S. health officials have continued to deny a causal connection, Japanese researchers have pointed out that the temporal association with post-Gardasil clinical symptoms such as “chronic regional pain syndrome, orthostatic intolerance, and/or cognitive dysfunction” suggests a causal relationship with the vaccine. Other health issues associated with HPV vaccination include nervous and immune system disorders such as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), chronic fatigue syndrome, blood clots, acute respiratory failure and cardiac arrest. Also widely reported are menstrual abnormalities and premature ovarian failure. Using the MedAlerts search engine, as of April 30, 2018, the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) contained more than 58,992 reports of HPV vaccine reactions, hospitalizations, injuries and deaths including 430 related deaths, 794 hospitalizations, and 2,773 disabling conditions. Over 45 percent of the reported serious adverse events occurred in children and teens 12-17 years of age.