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So far AdminM has created 1979 entries.

Former Athlete Teen Boy Gives up Dreams on Future After Life is Destroyed by Gardasil Vaccine

Jesse was born on August 17th, 2001. Other than the occasional cold or flu, Jesse was a fairly healthy child. On August 13th, 2014, Jesse had a doctor’s appointment during which he received several vaccines. One of them, the one which we feel is the issue, was the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, Gardasil. After his first injection, I started noticing small changes in Jesse’s sleep habits. He was having trouble staying awake during class and staying asleep at night. Jesse was having similar issues on the football field as well. He could hardly stay awake to practice his favorite sport. After the second shot, things went from bad to worse for Jesse. Along with the issues stemming from his sleep problems, Jesse began having problems with his muscles and again with his knees buckling during football. Jesse started hallucinating and having nightmares. The doctor diagnosed Jesse with both Narcolepsy and Cataplexy. He had to quit football and sports. Jesse has become depressed and has erratic mood changes. He has explained he believes his idea of the future has been swept away. My husband and I are angry at the fact that Kaiser Permanente and its doctors know the side effects and possible reactions to the HPV shot. We believe they did not properly warn us about the possible side effects or dangers.

“Manufactured Crisis” Film Exposes Motives Behind Mass HPV Vaccinations and Deadly Side Effects

A substantial new documentary film released online to audiences in the UK and across Europe this week, questions claims made by UK, Danish and Spanish health authorities that widespread administering of the HPV vaccine is both safe and a guaranteed means of preventing cervical cancer. It comes at a time when – flying in the face of independent science – UK and European medical experts are proposing to extend the vaccine’s use from teenage girls, adding teenage boys and children below the age of puberty. 'Manufactured Crisis: What they're not telling you about the HPV Vaccine' exposes cases of severe, life-changing adverse reactions experienced by girls and young women following doses of the commercial HPV vaccines Gardasil or Cervarix – cases from which the public has previously been shielded. Recorded adverse reactions include severe disability, paralysis and even death. Throughout Manufactured Crisis, victims and their families tell their own, often heartrending, stories.

The Vaccine Wars: How Most Pediatricians Now Represent Big Pharma Instead of Their Patients

Pediatricians’ offices have become ugly battlegrounds. Intelligent, well-informed and loving parents asking legitimate questions about vaccinations are being belittled and treated with disrespect and contempt by too many pediatricians robotically implementing the CDC’s inflexible vaccine schedule in clear violation of the informed consent principle. The National Vaccine Information Center is regularly contacted by mothers reporting that pediatricians are refusing to provide medical care to their babies if they decline or ask to delay even one of the two dozen doses of nine vaccines that CDC officials order pediatricians to give infants in the first year of life. The sacred trust between mothers and pediatricians fostered by mutual respect and shared decision-making has been broken. Sadly, the admiration and trust that mothers used to have for family pediatricians is melting away and being replaced by fear. Doctors are not our masters. We pay them well to do a job, not to exploit and terrify us. Discrimination, coercion and force have no place in modern medicine or in public health policy.

Did a Military Experimental Vaccine in 1918 Kill 50-100 Million People Blamed as “Spanish Flu”?

The “Spanish Flu” killed an estimated 50-100 million people during a pandemic 1918-19. What if the story we have been told about this pandemic isn’t true? What if, instead, the killer infection was neither the flu nor Spanish in origin? Newly analyzed documents reveal that the “Spanish Flu” may have been a military vaccine experiment gone awry. In looking back on the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, we need to delve deeper to solve this mystery. During the pandemic of 1918-19, the so-called "Spanish Flu" killed 50-100 million people, including many soldiers. Many people do not realize that disease killed far more soldiers on all sides than machine guns or mustard gas or anything else typically associated with WWI.

Public Petitions FDA to Investigate Gardasil Vaccine Fraud

The following open letter to FDA Commissioner, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, calling for immediate investigations into many facets of the clinical trials for Gardasil sponsored by Merck was emailed today. Dear Dr. Gottlieb: This open letter, written on behalf of medical consumers around the world, is an urgent request for you to investigate potential malfeasance perpetrated by Merck during their clinical trials of Gardasil, the human papillomavirus vaccine that the FDA approved in June 2006. A new book, The HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed, by Holland, Rosenberg, and Iorio, outlines at least four areas requiring the FDA’s urgent attention.

The Happy-go-Lucky Girl I had Pre-HPV Vaccine is Gone Forever

There is no doubt in my mind that HPV vaccines played a part in changing my daughter from a healthy young girl into one who was constantly sick with a long journey to recovery. After all, the only change in her life prior to the appearance of all these new medical conditions was being vaccinated with Cervarix and Gardasil. Fast forward three years to September 2018: Has my daughter recovered? Has Chelsea regained some sense of normality in her life? The answers to these questions are both “NO”! Chelsea has had to battle mental health problems. I strongly believe these issues stem from the long term chronic illness she had to endure during her teenage years. These years changed my daughter’s entire outlook on life. I rarely understand her reasoning with things. At times I despise her ways. However, writing her story has made me stop and think. The happy go lucky girl I had pre-vaccine is probably gone forever.

World Health Organization Ensures More Children Die from Vaccines by Revising Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reporting

In April 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) coordinated a joint project between teams of experts from the National AEFI (adverse events following immunization) committees of India and Zimbabwe with each country’s Ministry of Health. However, doctors in private practice did not necessarily agree that the new guidelines helped protect the children of the world. In fact, they suspected just the opposite. Instead of accurately assessing potential vaccine-reactions, the new guidelines seemed to further hinder the discovery of real vaccine-reactions, particularly when a death occurred after vaccine administration. In a letter published in the prestigious Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, two prestigious doctors from India, Dr. Jacob Puliyel and Dr. Anant Phadke, expressed their concerns over this new classification system. “By simply denying deaths, the new AEFI classification is liable to miss the safety signals and therefore potential dangers with new vaccines.” They note that Sri Lanka suspended the use of a pentavalent vaccine after five deaths within four months after its introduction in January 2008 and, in 2013 Viet Nam shelved the pentavalent vaccine because it had been associated with 12 deaths. However, in both cases, the WHO teams which investigated the deaths declared they were ‘unlikely’ to be related to the vaccines used. The authors point out that the consequences of using the new classification are illustrated starkly in the causality assessment of 134 serious AEFI cases uploaded on the website of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in India. 78 of these babies survived and 58 died. Who is WHO protecting – children or vaccine manufacturers?

The CDC’s Outlandish Lies About Mercury in Vaccines

The CDC says “the evidence is clear” that thimerosal is “merely a preservative” and not a neurotoxin. However, no one who actually takes the time to examine the scientific literature can rationally conclude that mercury in any form—including the mercury in thimerosal—is safe for humans. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s book, Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak, describes hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific publications and the “broad consensus among research scientists that Thimerosal is a dangerous neurotoxin.” The CDC falsely claims that “thimerosal was taken out of childhood vaccines in the United States in 2001.” However, 25 micrograms of thimerosal remain in many of the influenza vaccines administered in the U.S., including to pregnant women and infants. All eight studies included in the CDC fact sheet claiming that thimerosal is safe involve lead or co-authors accused of fraud or known to have been involved in behind-closed-doors data manipulation or weighed down by serious conflicts of interest.

Vaccine Extremist and Industry Insider Dr. Paul Offit Losing Credibility with the Public

Dr. Paul Offit was at the National Press Club in Washington, DC last night peddling his new book, “BAD ADVICE: Or Why Celebrities, Politicians and Activists Aren’t Your Best Source of Health Information.” It is clear that Dr. Offit desperately wants to be the authority on vaccines. He already is the industry shill, but is he the authority? The opinion of the crowd in attendance at the event was a resounding NO. Children’s Health Defense advocates, parents of vaccine-injured children, and scientists came from all over the United States to ask Dr. Offit questions. They pointed out in their respectful, thoughtful questions that they do their own research. Although Offit declined to take questions directly from the audience, it was a good day for parents everywhere to see Dr. Offit forced to have a moderator filter the written questions he did address down to the very basics so he could answer with one of his canned responses. And the harder questions from the group were never presented to him. Today’s intelligent parents don’t need a pharmaceutical tycoon physician from Philadelphia with a “gift of gab” telling them what the industry wants them to hear.

WARNING: Dangerous Flu Shots Being Given to Children Without Parental Consent

The annual influenza vaccine is, by far, the most dangerous vaccine in the United States. This is evident from the quarterly reports the Department of Justice (DOJ) supplies every 3 months to the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) as mandated by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). Compensation paid through settlements in the federal Vaccine Court for injuries or deaths due to vaccines are highest for the annual flu shot, comprising more settlements than all other vaccines currently approved for the US market combined. The last report from September of 2018, for example, listed 73 settlements from 198 cases, and of those 73 settlements for that 3-month period, 48 of the cases were for harm caused by the flu vaccine. The actual number of people who are confirmed to have died with the influenza virus is only a few hundred each year, and most of those already have a compromised immune system that makes them more susceptible to the flu virus. On the other hand, each year there are reports that healthy people are dying or being permanently injured after receiving a flu vaccine. So there really is no good justification for anyone to give a child a flu vaccine and put that child at risk, without consulting with the child's parents first. And yet, news reports across the United States indicates that this is indeed happening. In some of the reports we have heard, some parents have even signed statements that they did NOT want their child to receive a flu vaccine, but the child got one anyway. So how can this be justified? I asked Health Impact News foreign correspondent, Christina England, to look into this matter, as our initial reports indicated that the rationale for subverting parental consent to the flu vaccine might have come from a document published by the World Health Organization (WHO), defining something called "Implied Consent," and is not unique to just the United States.