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So far AdminM has created 1979 entries.

UK Government to Begin Giving HPV Vaccine to Boys Amid Public Outcry

The UK government has recently announced that, by September 2019, boys aged 12 to 13 years will be given the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, a vaccine that has been available to girls in the UK for the past ten years. There has been documented evidence that the HPV vaccine has caused more injuries than any other vaccination in history. Despite this evidence, however, the HPV vaccination has continued to be hailed a success by the pharmaceutical industry and governments alike. According to the MHRA, the adverse event reporting system in the UK, there have been a total of 9,119 reports of adverse reactions reported in the UK since the vaccine was launched in 2008. These reports equate to 23,882 different ailments and include a total of 8 deaths. The UK’s decision to include boys into the equation has alarmed many parents whose daughters have already been injured by the vaccine.

Are Vaccines Linked to Increase in Mast Cell Disease and Allergies?

Do you or does someone you know have severe symptoms of itching, rashes, flushing, stomach or other body pain, frequent diarrhea, nausea, fatigue, brain fog, headache and severe allergies to certain foods, medications or insect stings that may include fainting episodes or anaphylaxis? Although it has been classified as a rare immune system disorder, there are indications that Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) may be more prevalent than previously thought and people can suffer for years without being correctly diagnosed. With severe allergies and chronic inflammatory diseases increasing in populations around the world, scientists are investigating the association between mast cell dysregulation and various brain and immune system disorders ranging from asthma, inflammatory bowel disease and chronic fatigue syndrome to ADHD, depression, autism and cancer. Mast cells play an important part in keeping the body healthy, but when they malfunction, can cause system wide chronic inflammation in the body that interferes with quality of life or can even cause death. Although for the past several decades, most pediatricians and public health officials have rejected the possibility of a relationship between vaccination and the development of allergic and autoimmune disorders, the apparent increase in mast cell dysregulation in highly vaccinated populations deserves more in-depth investigation.

Soaring Infertility Rates Linked to Vaccines

A plague is spreading silently across the globe. The young generation in America, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Japan, Australia – in virtually every western country -- is afflicted by rapidly increasing rates of infertility. This spring, the United States reported its lowest birth rate in 30 years, despite an economic boom. Finland’s birth rate plummeted to a low not seen in 150 years. Russian President Vladimir Putin recently introduced a string of reforms aimed at stemming the country’s “deep demographic declines.” The government of Denmark introduced an ad campaign to encourage couples to “Do it for Denmark” and conceive on vacations, and Poland produced a campaign urging its citizens to “breed like rabbits.” The “population bomb” we were all endlessly warned about by environmentalists failed to blow, and instead, demographers have been trying to raise the alarm about the population implosion crisis unfolding across the West -- the graying of societies facing an unprecedented aging demographic in which there will be too few young to support the old. Most often, they blame social factors: young women embracing careers instead of motherhood, men shunning marriage and fatherhood, rising consumerism or couples choosing to delay raising a family until the economy settles. But there is another phenomenon that is rarely mentioned – the growing numbers of young people who are not childless by choice but who are incapable of bearing children. So, earlier this month, when an unprecedented study was released that looked at a database of more than eight million American women and singled out a whopping 25 percent increase in childlessness associated with one particular vaccine that young women have been taking for only a decade -- in tandem with a marked decline in fecundity -- you would have thought there would be significant interest from public health, the medical profession and the media, wouldn’t you?

Unable to Sue Big Pharma, Vaccine Injury Victims Now Being Denied Legal Counsel in Vaccine Court

How does the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) and the Federal Court of Claims deprive petitioners, who are seeking compensation for their injuries, the opportunity to seek and retain legal counsel? Very cleverly. But it takes some understanding of how legal representation in the program has evolved and more importantly, how fees are paid. Today, our government is shutting the door on those who have been injured or have died as a result of a vaccine.

Texas Mom Who is a Nurse Fights to Regain Custody of Daughter Taken Away After Gardasil Vaccine Injury

Social workers told a Texas mother that Monday was her last visit with her daughter. Aniya Blu Vasquez was medically kidnapped from her family after she became ill following a medical error in which her pediatrician injected her with the Gardasil 9 vaccine intended for her older brother. Aniya was just 4 months old at the time. A Texas court decided last month that the parental rights of her mother, Anita Vasquez, should be terminated, devastating the family and supporters alike. However, their story is not over. In a quirk of legalities, Anita Vasquez filed a Declaration of Recision of Signature/Contracts before the court was able to file the entry of judgement on the termination of parental rights. As a result, there will be another hearing on Monday, July 23, 2018, at the Victoria County Courthouse at 9 a.m. She says that there is substantial new evidence in her case that was not considered by the court. Anita asserts that the very basis upon which CPS seized custody of Aniya was fraudulent, and CPS knew it all along. Concerned citizens are rallying around the family that they believe is suffering a grave injustice.

Should Women be Given the Tdap Vaccine During Pregnancy?

A great debate is raging about whether we should have mandatory vaccination to prevent childhood illnesses. Mandatory vaccination would do away with a religious, ethical, or scientific disapproval of a vaccine. A study from the University of North Carolina School of Medicine reported that the Tdap vaccination during pregnancy reduced the occurrence of infantile pertussis. This study is a perfect example of why we need informed consent on the safety and efficacy of vaccines and why we should not have government mandates about vaccines. The researchers looked at infants admitted to the hospital with pertussis and compared two groups of pregnant women: one group who received the Tdap and the other group that did not. This study showed that the Tdap vaccine is 0.02% effective at preventing hospitalization from pertussis. In other words, the vaccine will not benefit 99.98% who take it. The Tdap vaccine contains a known neurotoxin (aluminum) and carcinogen (formadehyde). There are ZERO safety studies shown that it is safe to inject either substance into a human much less a pregnant human. When I was trained, I was taught to be very careful when prescribing any therapy for a pregnant woman. I was always taught to err on the side of caution. I think that was sage advice. Tdap for pregnant women? Give women the appropriate information and let them decide.

Who Will Take a Stand Against Forced Vaccination and Fight for Medical Freedom in the U.S.?

Every July Americans celebrate the day in 1776 when we declared our independence from a monarchy and began to create a Constitutional Democratic Republic to secure liberty and justice for all. Today, we are witnessing the erosion of core values that our constitutional democracy was founded upon. One example is a public campaign led by the medical establishment to demonize and discriminate against anyone opposing zero tolerance vaccine laws that violate human rights in the name of public health. There are only two laws that require American citizens to risk their lives. The first is a federal law, the military draft, which requires all healthy male adults to risk their lives in a war declared by the government to protect national security. Adults objecting to a war for religious beliefs or conscience can obtain a conscientious objection exemption without being punished. The second is a state law requiring all healthy children to risk their lives in a war that doctors declared on microbes two centuries ago. However, unlike adults who are not punished for following their conscience and refusing to fight in a war to protect national security, parents can be punished for following their conscience and refusing to risk their children’s lives in a war to theoretically protect the public health. State sanctions include segregation and loss of the unvaccinated child’s right to a school education or permitting pediatricians to deny medical care to children if their parents refuse one or more government recommended vaccinations. The forced vaccination lobby backed by industry and medical trade is already making plans to double down and target multiple states in 2019 for removal of religious and conscientious belief exemptions, while also placing further restrictions on medical exemptions to vaccination. Will you stand up and defend vaccine freedom in America?

Texas Mom Blamed for 4-Month-Old Daughter’s Accidental Gardasil Vaccine Injury – Loses Parental Rights

A Texas jury decided Thursday afternoon, June 21, to terminate the parental rights of a mother whose 4-month-old baby was injected with the Gardasil-9 vaccine in error. Anita Vasquez is devastated. She and her friends and supporters are shocked that this could happen. Instead of doctors and social workers considering the possibility that the symptoms her daughter, Aniya Blu Vasquez, experienced could be related to the vaccine that is not approved for children under 9-years-of-age, Anita was blamed, and her daughter was taken from her by Child Protective Services (CPS). Anita tells us that there was important information that the jury did not hear before making their decision. There were things that she believes her attorney should have presented but did not. For example, only doctors who believed that there were no side effects from the Gardasil vaccine were allowed to testify.

Mother Faces Jury Trial As Texas Seeks to Terminate Her Parental Rights Over Daughter Injured by Gardasil Vaccine

A trial began this week for a mother who was separated from her baby after the 4-month-old mistakenly received a Gardasil-9 vaccine intended for her older brother. The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services seeks to convince a jury to terminate the parental rights of Anita Vasquez for her now 22-month-old daughter, Aniya Blu Vasquez. Jury selection began on Monday, June 18, 2018, for the trial which is expected to last up to 2 weeks. We originally reported their story in June of last year. The previously healthy baby, Aniya, began showing symptoms of problems almost immediately after getting the Gardasil shot, a vaccine which is not approved for use in children under 10 years of age. Her mother sought medical attention for the symptoms that her daughter exhibited, asking each practitioner about the connection between the symptoms and the Gardasil-9 shot that her baby should not have received, but her concerns were rebuffed at every turn. No doctor that saw her daughter wanted to admit that the vaccine could have any kind of side effects. The doctor who made a medical error in giving her the vaccine has suffered no consequences, but the baby's family has been ripped apart, as the mother is being blamed for her daughter's medical condition.

IQ Rates in Children Plummeting – Environmental Toxins to Blame?

Over the past several decades, American children’s physical and mental well-being has steadily deteriorated. Over half (54%) of all U.S. children (as of 2007) had a chronic health condition—with developmental and behavioral problems, obesity, allergies, asthma and mental health conditions leading the pack—and the prevalence of many of these conditions doubled from 1988 to the mid-2000s. Federal reporting on pediatric health indicators in 2017 showed that one in five children (kindergarteners through adolescents) were obese, one in ten had activity limitations resulting from chronic health problems, and one in seventeen (more males than females) had, according to a parent, “serious difficulties with emotions, concentration, behavior or getting along with other people.” In addition, 12% of adolescents suffered a major depressive episode in the previous year, with the prevalence of teenage depression rising continuously since 2004 and suicide representing the second leading cause of death for both teens and young adults. Vaccines are one of the most widespread and ongoing sources of prenatal and childhood exposure to metals that negatively affect the brain. Prenatal exposure—as occurs with the mercury-containing flu shots and aluminum-containing pertussis vaccines now routinely administered to pregnant women—is particularly dangerous as early exposure can impair subsequent growth and development of neurons. The U.S. requires the largest number of vaccines for school entry of any developed nation, although compulsory vaccination has been trending upward in Europe as well.