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So far AdminM has created 1974 entries.

LA County May be Forced to Pay $3 Billion in 3,000 Claims of Child Sexual Abuse in Foster Homes, Children Shelters, and Probation Camps

Three years after the Child Victims Act went into effect, L.A. County — responsible for facilities meant to protect and rehabilitate the region’s youth — has emerged in court filings as one of the biggest alleged institutional offenders. Two weeks ago, in an otherwise dry budget document, county officials delivered figures that stunned even some of the most seasoned California sex abuse attorneys. County officials predicted that they may be forced to spend between $1.6 billion and $3 billion to resolve roughly 3,000 claims of sexual abuse that allegedly took place in the county’s foster homes, children shelters, and probation camps and halls dating to the 1950s. The county is gearing up to litigate the cases, bringing on 11 law firms to work through the claims. Experts say the volume is unlike anything they’ve heard of in local government. There is only one apt comparison, attorneys say: the Catholic Church.

Family Files Federal Lawsuit Against Massachusetts Police and Government for Medically Kidnapping Infant & Toddler at 1 a.m. in Home Invasion

A family who took their 3-month-old son to an emergency room in Waltham, Massachusetts last year at the advice of their pediatrician because the infant had a 103 degree fever, is now suing Waltham police and social workers who came to their home unannounced at 1 a.m. in the morning and forced their way into their home to remove both their 3-month-old baby and his 3-year-old brother, with no warrant, simply because an x-ray taken of the baby a couple of days earlier showed a healed fractured rib in the baby. That was all it took for local authorities to medically kidnap their children, by forcing their way into the family's home in the middle of the night and terrorizing the young children by kidnapping them and taking them away from their parents. The parents were eventually cleared of all charges and their children were returned to them, but now the parents are suing to try and stop this from happening to other families. This story has received national media attention, and The Pacific Legal Foundation has taken up their case and filed a federal lawsuit. Sadly, this is a common story in the U.S. and not rare at all. We have covered dozens of these stories over the past several years. As we have reported over the years, taking your child to an emergency room is one of the most dangerous things parents can do these days, as there is a huge industry devoted to "medical child abuse" and "child abuse pediatricians" along with their "child abuse" teams which can only be funded and their salaries justified by finding "child abuse" in pediatric patients brought to the hospital. Unsuspecting parents bring their child to the emergency room and often end up having x-rays taken of their child, and based solely on an x-ray these "child abuse" pediatric doctors will order a child be seized from their parents, even before an investigation can be conducted. It is a horrific violation of constitutional rights, as even terrorists, rapists, murderers, etc. are afforded due process of law in the criminal justice system, but parents are not given those same rights in Family Court. After a medical doctor suggests "child abuse", the children are often ripped away from the parents without any charges even filed, and then they have to prove their innocence, which can take months or even years, to get their children back.

INFANTICIDE: 4,739 Dead Babies in VAERS Following COVID-19 Shots Injected Into Pregnant and Child-Bearing Aged Women

The U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) now reports that there have been at least 4,739 fetal deaths reported following COVID-19 vaccines given to pregnant and child-bearing women. If we compare the yearly average of 75 fetal deaths following FDA approved vaccines for 30 years with the number of fetal deaths recorded in 2021 following the COVID-19 experimental shots, which is 3,863 fetal deaths in a single year, that is an increase of over 5,000%. There have been numerous doctors and nurses who have noticed this horrific increase in fetal deaths who have tried to warn the public throughout 2021 and 2022, and we have featured most of them here on Health Impact News. The public has been warned about how dangerous the COVID-19 shots are, especially for pregnant and child-bearing aged women. But the U.S. Government has still not warned the public, and continues injecting pregnant women with these lethal shots. Maggie Thorp JD and Jim Thorp MD have just published an explosive report that serves as a criminal indictment for those who have participated in this infanticide, with over 70 footnoted references.

Iran Central Bank and Oman Ditch the U.S. Dollar

The strategic policy of the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) is to set aside US dollar in trade and FOREX exchanges with other countries, the CBI chief said. Mohammad Reza Farzin made the comment in his meeting with Omani Minister of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion Qais bin Mohammad Al Yousef in Tehran on Monday. During the meeting, Farzin pointed to the full readiness of the Central Bank of Iran to remove the US dollar from trade and economic transactions between Iran and the Sultanate of Oman.

The Real Reason Why the U.S. is Trying to Control the Elections in Turkey this Week

Yesterday, (May 7, 2023), there was a rally of reportedly 1.7 million people at Istanbul’s Atatürk Airport showing support for Turkey's current president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, ahead of national elections this coming Sunday, May 14th. On Saturday, (May 6, 2023), Erdoğan's opponent for president in the national elections, Kemal Kiliçdaroglu, also held a rally in Istanbul, Turkey's largest city, but I have been unable to find any published reports about how large the crowds were, although some of the foreign English media have reported that the crowds were in "the thousands" or "tens of thousands." The media here in the U.S., however, in both the corporate media and the alternative media, are reporting that President Erdoğan is either losing or in a close race with Kiliçdaroglu, as they characterize Erdoğan as losing support in an election that "really matters." Why do they say that this election "really matters"? They use the same old excuse they always use when the U.S. has an interest in interfering with elections in other countries where they do not like the outcome: "democracy is at stake." As someone who has lived for many years in Turkey in the past, and was at one time fluent in Turkish and worked as a translator in Turkey, I am going to report the "other side" of this Turkish election that you are not likely going to read in Western English news reports. To sum up the "other side" of why the United States does not want Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to be re-elected as President of Turkey, it is because Turkey is clearly choosing sides in the conflict between the U.S. and Russia in Ukraine, and they are choosing their neighbor, Russia, who is helping Turkey become energy and military independent from the U.S., and part of a larger coalition of Middle Eastern Countries who are banding together to fight years of U.S. military dominance in their region over oil. Some have even suggested that the deadly earthquake in Turkey earlier this year was not natural, but caused by an HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) weapon used by the U.S. to punish Turkey for working together with Russia.

The Brain Myth: Your Intellect and Thoughts Originate in Your Heart, Not Your Brain

Those of us who have been educated in Western Culture today have been taught to believe that the center of a person's consciousness and thoughts is our brain. Like a computer that contains a microprocessor that allows the computer to accomplish all of its various tasks, the idea that a human being also works like a computer with a brain that functions like a microprocessor, is something that almost all people raised in Western Culture assume is a fact. But it is not a fact. It is a belief system. And as a belief system, would it surprise you to learn that this is a fairly modern belief, and that historically it has not been the brain that has been considered the driving force in humans that allows them to think and reason, but that historically it has been the heart that is attributed to human consciousness, including our mind, speech, and thoughts? When we look at the ancient literature written in non-Western cultures, the idea that the brain controls human thought and consciousness is mostly absent. The largest collection of writings of antiquity that exist to us today is contained in the Bible, a collection of 66 unique writings spanning over thousands of years. Most of the Bible was written in Hebrew and Greek, and the most common translations of the Bible found today are English translations. I have an electronic Bible I use every day (e-Sword), and in this program I currently have about 16 different English translations of the Bible. I searched every English translation I have for the word "brain," and all of them turned up a negative result with ZERO instances of the English word "brain" used to translate any of the words in the original languages. If one does a search for the word "heart," however, it will return a result of almost 1000 matches where words in the original languages were translated into English as "heart."

New Free Vehicle Privacy Report Shows if Your Car Might Be Tracking You, Selling Your Data

Almost all modern-day vehicles are now connected to the Internet with the ability to transmit your personal data back to the car manufacturer where it can then be viewed and sold to others. Tesla is probably the worst one, due to the fact that some models have up to 9 cameras, and a recently published report admitted that Tesla employees were sharing photos and videos of Tesla owners, including “intimacy”, their kids, and their location. There is now a new free online tool that drivers can use to see how much their car may be spying on them.

Another California Bank on the Verge of Collapse!

Earlier today, when Jerome Powell openly lied to the American People during the FOMC press conference stating without a hint of irony that the US banking system is "sound and resilient", we balked: how could this former lawyer lie so brazenly to the American people, the narrator wondered, when in just the past few weeks we had seen over half a trillion in bank failures, making the current bank failure episode even worse than the global financial crisis? Well, as usual, the narrator was right, because while Powell's lies were still ringing in our ears, the next regional bank collapse was on its say. Shortly after the close, Bloomberg reported that another regional, California-based bank (of course), PacWest Bancorp., was weighing a range of strategic options, including a sale. The Beverly Hills-based bank - whose financial conditions it appears has been far worse than the Fed, which just hiked another 25bps, thought - has been working with a financial adviser and has also been considering a breakup or a capital raise, according to Bloomberg sources. While it is open to a sale, the company hasn’t started a formal auction process. And sure enough, following the Bloomberg report, PacWest - which had $28 billion in deposits at last check (far less as of this moment) and $44 billion in assets, saw its stock plunge more than 60% after hours...

Will Anyone Be Held Accountable for the 300,000 Americans Murdered by the COVID-19 Shots in 2021?

2021 will go down in history as the worst year of "death by lethal injection" as an estimated 300,000 people in the United States were killed by lethal injections. Lethal injections are only supposed to be injected into convicted criminals who receive the death penalty in a court of law. But starting in December of 2020, when President Trump threatened the FDA and forced them to approve experimental injections of COVID-19 shots that were produced by U.S. Government funds through his Operation Warp Speed program, through 2021 when President Biden instituted mandates for people to receive those lethal injections as a condition for employment, an estimated 300,000 Americans lost their lives from these lethal injections. Will anyone be held accountable for these acts of domestic terrorism and mass murder? Donald Trump and Joe Biden should be tried as domestic terrorists and mass murderers for these crimes, along with their entire administrations who participated in them. And yet, both men are running for re-election for President of the United States. I am going to present the evidence for their guilt in these crimes against the American people in this article, using publicly available information published by the U.S. Government that anyone can fact check.

How AI Will Replace Humans Like The Wizard of Oz and Save the Economy

As long as we mint millions from a Never-Ending Bull Market, we'll always stay one step ahead of the Debt Monster. AI! . Of the many astounding developments of the current era (AI!), none is more remarkable than the proliferation of soothsayers peering into crystal balls to predict The Most Important Trend In The Universe--a Bull or Bear stock market. The computing power and wealth thrown at conjuring up charts, statistics and forecasts is astounding in and of itself, but the proliferation of crystal balls and soothsayers is even more astounding. After reviewing hundreds of charts, statistics and forecasts on the most arcane correlations and the deepest data-dives (AI!), I've reached soothsayer satori: the secret to insuring a Never-Ending Bull Market in which monumental wealth will be piled up by all those entities (software and wetware alike--AI!) who buy every tiny dip and continuously roll over their zero-expiration-day-call-options is this: Say "AI" 300 times with fervent enthusiasm and then click your heels three times. You will then be transported to a magical paradise where stocks only go down for a few moments to enable dip-buyers the immense satisfaction of buying more stocks at a discount.