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Official Government Data Record 74,783 Deaths and 5,830,235 Injuries Following COVID-19 Vaccines in the U.S. and Europe

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) database of adverse drug reactions is now reporting 45,752 deaths and 4,522,307 injuries following COVID-19 vaccines, while the United States' vaccine adverse events recording system (VAERS) is now reporting 29,031 deaths and 1,307,928 injuries following COVID-19 vaccines. We know that as huge as these numbers are which are official government statistics, that they only represent a very small fraction of the total number of deaths and injuries suffered by those who chose to receive COVID-19 vaccines during the past 18 months. Last year, Dr. Jessica Rose did a comprehensive analysis to determine the "under-reported factor" in VAERS, and came up with 41X, meaning that the recorded data for adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines in VAERS had to be multiplied by 41 to get more accurate numbers. However, now that more time has elapsed since this study was performed, many feel that 41X is significantly too low, and should be closer to 100X, which is the number that was previously used based on a 2011 report by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). So if we take the publicly available data from VAERS and the European EMA and multiply by 100, these would be the true numbers of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines: 7,478,300 deaths and 583,023,500 injuries in Europe and the U.S. Is there any evidence available to corroborate these kinds of numbers of people who died and were injured from the COVID-19 vaccines? Oh yes, there most certainly is! Former Blackrock Fund Manager Edward Dowd was one of the first to sound the alarm about the massive increase in payouts for life insurance and health insurance benefits in February of this year (2022), as insurance companies began reporting on their earnings from 2021, the year the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out. We also published an article about a week ago from Margaret Menge reporting that a 163% increase in death benefits was paid out for group life insurance policies by the 5th largest life insurance company in the U.S. in 2021. This is creating tremendous shortages of human resources in the economy as the entire financial system is heading towards a collapse. When will the masses wake up to the fact that their governments and Big Pharma have an agenda, a very evil agenda, to reduce the world's population which is now a year and half old? And when they finally do wake up, will it be too late? Will they be sitting in a FEMA camp somewhere hoping that the government is going to give them enough food to stay alive?

US Supreme Court Declines Bayer/Monsanto Bid to Challenge Glyphosate Cancer Rulings

The US Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to hear a bid from Bayer-owned Monsanto that aimed to challenge thousands of lawsuits claiming its weedkiller Roundup causes cancer – a potentially costly ruling, AFP reported Tuesday. The high court did not explain its decision, which left intact a $25 million ruling in favor of a California man who alleged he developed cancer after using the chemical for years. The decision marks a major blow to the German conglomerate’s legal fight against Roundup-related cases, and Bayer has set aside more than $15 billion to deal with a wave of US lawsuits linked to the weedkiller.

Why are the Nation’s Pharmacies and Retail Outlets Refusing to Give the New FDA-Authorized COVID Shots to Babies?

Florida’s largest private employer, Publix Food & Pharmacy, announced yesterday that they would NOT be giving the new FDA-authorized COVID vaccines to babies and toddlers between 6 months old and 4 years old. The Tampa Bay Times reports: "Since COVID-19 vaccines first became available, Publix has played a major role in tackling the public health emergency in Florida by offering vaccines to adults and, later, children as young as 5. But the Lakeland grocery company says it will not offer the vaccine approved for children ages 4 and under 'at this time.' Spokesperson Hannah Herring said Tuesday that Publix will not release a statement explaining its decision." Apparently Publix is not the only retail outlet in Florida refusing to inject babies with the toxic COVID shots. Brianna Andrews, writing in Jacksonville for News4Jax, reports: "Children under 5 years old are now eligible for COVID-19 vaccines, but some local parents say they are struggling to find appointments to get them. News4JAX called a dozen local pharmacies in the area, and none of them offered the vaccine for children under 5. They told us they did not intend to." And while this hesitancy to inject babies with COVID experimental shots is at least somewhat understandable in Florida, where the State announced they were not supplying the shots through the Health Department, national retail outlets are also seemingly hesitant to inject babies and infants. According to an article published on Axios yesterday, Walgreens, Costco, Rite Aid, Walmart, H-E-B, Hy-Vee, and Wegmans are only offering the shots to 3 and 4-year-olds, but not 6 months old through 2. CVS offers the shots for children as young as 1.5 years old, but apparently not babies younger than that. Why are these retail outlets refusing to inject the babies now that they are authorized by the FDA? Publix refused to explain their decision, suggesting that this is a legal can of worms. Hospitals are apparently the only ones injecting the babies. Is it because they have Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) to handle the casualties, while retail outlets do not?

Keeping Moms With Their Newborns: A Team of Washington Lawyers and Advocates Works to Avoid Foster Care Separation at Birth

When Jennifer Justice went into labor with her fourth child in 2020, she was determined that child protective services would not take this baby away.  Two of the Washington mom’s older sons lived with their grandparents, and social workers had removed her third child shortly after birth due to her opiate addiction. After the courts terminated Justice’s parental rights to that child, she had plunged into a deep depression, lost her job and then her home.  This birth, however, would be different. Justice had started drug treatment and someone new was by her side: a lawyer. “When the social worker first came in, and I tell her, ‘I have an attorney,’ their whole demeanor changed,” Justice, now 38, recalled. “I felt protected, I felt like I had arms around me and my child.”

Families Sue Governor DeSantis and State of Florida for Medically Kidnapping Their Children

We recently reported how Florida Governor Ron DeSantis threatened parents in his state who took their children to “family friendly drag shows" by stating that he would ask Child Protection Services (CPS) to investigate these parents for "child endangerment," although he has not issued similar threats against parents who choose to inject their children with deadly COVID-19 vaccines. Last week, Katie LaGrone with WPTV Channel 5 in West Palm Beach reported on a lawsuit with multiple families suing Gov. DeSantis and the State of Florida for medically kidnapping their children. This problem of state-sponsored child kidnapping and trafficking, is systemic in Florida, and NOT rare. “It’s happening all over Florida,” said attorney Octavia Brown of Community Law for Families and Children. She’s part of a team of attorneys who filed the complaint. When LaGrone suggested the lawsuit accused kidnapping by and within the system, Brown responded “what else do you call it? If there is someone who is connected to the system and they see a child that they want, they are going to get the child." Brown is also a former insider who worked as an attorney for DCF and other agencies representing Florida’s foster care system. She explained how some staff members who collaborate to deliberately keep a child from being placed with biological relatives can get away with it. “This system is so bogged down”, she said. “When they [system staff] come in with these false stories or they come in with false allegations of caregivers having backgrounds, the judge is not going to say ‘oh let me look into that home study or let me look into that criminal record,” she explained. Brown said young parents and poor families are most vulnerable to what they dub as “internal diversion” practices. “Because those families don’t have the money to fight the bogus allegations,” Brown said.

Almost 3,000% Increase in Eye Disorders Following COVID-19 Vaccines

A case study was published earlier this month in the Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie reporting an anterior uveitis case that developed after the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine in a 54-year-old female. We have previously reported on a case of a 7-year-old girl in Thailand who began oozing blood from her eyes and skin after receiving the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. Her case was published in CTN News. With the dangerous COVID-19 mRNA shots now being extended to babies and toddlers, I decided to search the Government VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Reporting System) database for cases filed for various eye disorders. For the past 18 months since the COVID-19 vaccines were given emergency use authorizations, there have been 17,858 cases of eye disorders reported, including 59 deaths, 1,232 permanent disabilities, 2,882 ER visits, and 1,466 hospitalizations, with 307 life threatening events. That's an average of 992 cases of eye disorders reported each month following COVID-19 vaccine injections, and this is most certainly NOT an exhaustive list of eye disorders. But it does give us a sub-set of data to compare to all other FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30 years (360 months) prior to the roll out of the COVID-19 vaccines. Using this exact same set of eye disorders, we find 11,898 cases filed for eye disorders over the course of 30 years following all other FDA-approved vaccines, which averages out to 33 cases a month. So that is 2,902% increase in eye disorders following the very dangerous COVID-19 vaccines, which the health "authorities" now want parents to inject into their babies.

More Evidence of Population Reduction Effects of COVID Vaccines as Study Shows Decreased Sperm Counts in Men Following Vaccination

On Friday, the journal Andrology published a peer-reviewed paper showing large decreases in sperm counts among men after the second dose of Pfizer’s mRNA Covid jab. Based on counts from men who donated sperm to three fertility clinics in Israel, this finding is devastating - medically and politically. It cuts to the heart of the hottest button question of all about the mRNA shots, whether they have hidden fertility risks. That issue has simmered since early 2021, following my reporting that data showed the shots had caused excess miscarriages in rats - and other reports showing that measurable amounts of vaccine reached the ovaries and testes in tests in rats. Ever since, media “fact-checkers” and public health authorities have dismissed and mocked the concerns and anyone who raises them. Now - after a half-billion men have received mRNA shots - the skeptics appear to be right. Again. The Israeli paper offers hard evidence that the vaccines may present a systemic risk to men’s sperm counts. What was a conspiracy theory is now just a theory. AGAIN.

82% Pregnant Women Getting COVID Vaccine have Miscarriages – More than the Abortion Pill

In January of 2021, the New England Journal of Medicine came out with an article that stated that pregnant women who got the shot did not have a higher rate of spontaneous miscarriage. However, when you look at the data, they lumped women in their third trimester into the first-trimester group and assessed whether or not they had a first-trimester spontaneous miscarriage. When you take that cohort out, the rate of miscarriage was 82%, right in line with findings from the Pfizer documents. Dr. Elizabeth Mumper: "For a first-trimester woman to get this injection, they have more of a chance of having a miscarriage or stillbirth than if they were to actually take an abortifacient."

Waiting in Line for Hours to Withdraw Funds Bank Runs Increase in China as Bank-Issued Digital Currency Use Expands

China continues to lead the world in implementing the Globalists' Great Reset, as financial systems around the world begin to collapse. Watching what is happening in China, if you can find the heavily-censored news, will give a preview of how things are likely to unfold in other countries. Bank failures now seem to be accelerating in China, as panic begins to set in among the public, and it is being reported that in some areas people are standing in line for many hours trying to withdraw funds from their accounts. The run on banks is apparently a reaction to the story we covered last week where over 1 million residents in China’s Henan Province were prevented from withdrawing their money from their bank, with many losing their entire life savings. As protesters were heading to Henan province’s capital Zhengzhou to demand to get their money back, Chinese health authorities used their COVID-19 tracking app to turn up “red,” forcing them into quarantine, in order to stop the protests. When the current banking system can no longer meet the demands of its depositors, the Globalists will move on to the next phase of the Great Reset, which is to replace currencies and hard cash with Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). While many of us in the Alternative Media have been warning about the dangers of CBDCs for years now, most in the general public are totally unaware of how using a Central Bank issued digital currency will eliminate almost all of your privacy, and make you a financial slave to the system. Not only will they be able to track every single one of your financial transactions, they will be in a position to enforce social behavior as well as a condition for you to have access to funds in "your" account on their servers, such as comply with COVID-19 or other health mandates, like mandatory vaccines. China leads most of the world right now in rolling out their State Bank-issued digital currencies, so let's take a look at how they have done it so far, as both Russia and the U.S. scramble to try and catch up with China and issue their own Central Bank digital currencies.

FDA Allows Pfizer and Moderna to Inject Babies and Toddlers with COVID-19 Vaccines as Florida is Only State that Refuses to Participate

As expected, the FDA rubber stamped Pfizer's and Moderna's request to start injecting babies and toddlers between the ages of 6 months and through 4 years old with toxic and deadly COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. The FDA is simply a branch of Big Pharma and this was just a formality, as the Biden Administration had already purchased 10 million doses for this age group weeks ago, and began distributing them to the states in preparation. What was unexpected, however, was that it was reported that Florida and the DeSantis Administration was the lone State to refuse to participate in this pre-purchase of 10 million doses from the Biden Administration. Was the DeSantis Administration taking this position for political purposes, having seen how Donald Trump infuriated his voter base by continuing to promote the dangerous COVID-19 shots? The Big Pharma drug pushers reacted in horror, with many doctors in Florida stating that they were not going to be able to order the vaccines if the State did not participate, and a Congressional Panel also took DeSantis to task. Some reports seem to indicate that Florida did reverse their decision, but apparently they simply clarified that doctors would be able to place orders through the federal system, but that the State Health Department would not be participating. So in the end, babies and toddlers in Florida can still be abused by their parents and doctors who choose to inject them with killer COVID-19 shots, but the DeSantis Administration will not endorse it. Even if this was simply a political decision, we applaud the Governor and his administration for taking this stance, one that no other Republican Governor has taken.

This is Not a “Recession” – This is a Total Collapse of the Financial System to Bail Out the Globalists Who Want to Enslave Us

The severity of the economic disaster facing the United States continues to be minimized if not altogether ignored by the corporate media, as they use very tame words such as "recession" and "bear market" to describe the current financial conditions we are all facing. I have confirmed this week that people are already starting to suffer from high prices on gasoline and rising prices on food, as many food banks across the country are seeing dramatic increases in traffic, while the supply of donated food to many of these food pantries is diminishing. And things are just going to get worse, not better, so there is little time left to prepare for what is going to be the total collapse of the financial system, and the implementation of the Great Reset, which will bail out the Globalist bankers and Wall Street Billionaires and place the rest of society into a slave market, where cash will disappear, and new Central Bank Digital Currencies will be implemented for those who comply with this new system. China is currently further ahead in implementing this new Great Reset than most other countries, as most of its residents cannot travel or participate in the economy without their digital IDs which the government controls. For the rest of this article I am going to include perspectives on the current financial situation and what lies ahead from the alternative media, which is where you need to go now to truly understand what is happening and to combat the propaganda from the corporate media, which is controlled by the same Globalists who are implementing this "Great Reset."

Monkeypox Renamed for Shingles? COVID-19 Vaccines Increase Risk of Shingles by 4,925%

Monkeypox; or the new name the W.H.O are urgently trying to find for it to make it sound more frightening, is about to become the word of the day in the mainstream media now that they know everyone is bored of hearing about Ukraine. The World Health Organization is convening an emergency meeting and will most likely have announced a Public Health Emergency of International Concern over the alleged disease by the end of June. All member states including the USA, UK, Canada, Europe, Australia etc. will be legally obliged to then act and respond. But data made available by the U.S. Government strongly suggests the alleged “monkeypox” outbreak may not be what it appears to be. The disease is nigh on impossible to distinguish from chickenpox/shingles, and the U.S. Gov. data reveals that Covid-19 vaccination increases the risk of developing shingles by a shocking 4925% at the very least.

Fifth Largest Life Insurance Company in US Paid Out 163% More for Deaths of Working People ages 18-64 in 2021 After COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

Five months after breaking the story of the CEO of One America insurance company saying deaths among working people ages 18-64 were up 40% in the third quarter of 2021, I can report that a much larger life insurance company, Lincoln National, reported a 163% increase in death benefits paid out under its group life insurance policies in 2021. This is according to the annual statements filed with state insurance departments — statements that were provided exclusively to Crossroads Report in response to public records requests. The reports show a more extreme situation than the 40% increase in deaths in the third quarter of 2021 that was cited in late December by One America CEO Scott Davison — an increase that he said was industry-wide and that he described at the time as “unheard of” and “huge, huge numbers” and the highest death rates that have ever been seen in the history of the life insurance business. The annual statements for Lincoln National Life Insurance Company show that the company paid out in death benefits under group life insurance policies a little over $500 million in 2019, about $548 million in 2020, and a stunning $1.4 billion in 2021. From 2019, the last normal year before the pandemic, to 2020, the year of the Covid-19 virus, there was an increase in group death benefits paid out of only 9 percent. But group death benefits in 2021, the year the vaccine was introduced, increased almost 164 percent over 2020.

Chinese Protesters Demanding Bank Funds Returned Reportedly Stopped by Health Code Apps Turning Red

Earlier this month (June, 2022) we reported how over 1 million residents in China's Henan Province were prevented from withdrawing their money from their bank, with many losing their entire life savings. Now it is being reported this week that as many protesters were heading to Henan province’s capital Zhengzhou to demand to get their money back, Chinese health authorities used their COVID-19 tracking app to turn up "red," forcing them into quarantine, in order to stop the protests. This is what happens when citizens freely give up their freedom to comply with government medical tyranny and let them track their movements and health status.

U.S. Farmers Issue Dire Warnings of Looming Food Shortages as Most Americans are Clueless as to How Their Food is Produced and Unprepared for What’s Coming

Unless you have a farmer in your family, or in your circle of friends and contacts, chances are that you are among the millions of people in the United States that seldom give thought to how the food you buy and eat is produced. Ask the typical American where the food on their table comes from, and probably 99.9% of them will answer: the grocery store. The grocery store is a modern-day retail outlet that most of our forefathers did not enjoy. Prior to the industrial age post WWII, most neighborhoods had local businesses and farmers who supplied the bulk of that community's food, from the milkman who delivered dairy products, to the town butcher who processed meat, to the town baker who produced products from grains, etc. There was no one-stop shop where one could pick up multiple products called "groceries." Few understand that the modern day grocery store is dependent on a highly technical system that is interdependent on many inputs into the supply chain, and can easily be ground to a halt. If you have lived through local natural disasters, like a hurricane, or an earthquake, you probably have had a taste of what it can be like when everyone all of sudden needs to buy groceries all at the same time, and then learn that the grocery store shelves are bare. Panic buying can cause similar disruptions, and most of us got a taste, and that's all it was, a "taste", of this in the early days of the COVID-19 lockdowns. But almost all of the people alive in the U.S. today have not experienced real hardship that produces hunger and starvation, such as what this nation experienced in the 1930s prior to WWII during the "dust bowl" as the nation suffered an economic depression, along with massive food shortages due to crop failures. We have had economic downturns since WWII, but in general the U.S. has seen prosperous times for over 70 years now, and the current generations alive have become so dependent on the conveniences that modern technology has brought us, that they just assume it will always be there, and fail to realize just how fragile that technology is. Today, less than 1% of the population of the United States now produces food for the other 99%, thanks to the technological age, so when farmers, particularly farmers with contracts in the commodity food industry, which is by far the majority, speak out with warnings about what is ahead, it is time to sit up and listen, and realize that if you cannot buy food from your usual local grocery outlets, that there will be no one to bail you out if you have not prepared for such a situation. For the rest of this article I am publishing some news today that farmers themselves are reporting, and everyone needs to take heed and prepare accordingly.

10,000 Head of Kansas Feedlot Cattle Reportedly Dead

Multiple news sources are reporting that thousands of feedlot cattle have died in Kansas, and they are blaming it on the heat. Many farmers have chimed in on social media, however, stating that cattle don't usually die like this simply because of heat, especially in the southern cattle producing states, such as Texas which have long, hot summers. Because these are "feedlot" cattle living in close quarters and being fed commercial feed, rather than cattle that graze on pasture, some have speculated it could have been poisoning, while others are theorizing it could be EMF radiation such as from 5G towers, as there is some precedence of EMF radiation poisoning harming cattle in the past.

California Assembly Passes Bill on Expanded Abortions that Includes Infanticide

I have previously written that if the Supreme Court does strike down the infamous Roe vs. Wade abortion decision, that this will NOT decrease abortions in the United States, but actually increase them. The issue of abortion will now be dealt with at the State level, and some states, like California, will increase abortion services and become "Abortion Tourism States." In states that restrict or ban abortions altogether, look for legislation to be adopted that forces employers or the state to pay for pregnant employees who want abortions that are illegal in their state to travel to one of these "Abortion Tourism" states. It will open up a whole new market to make money off of abortions in the U.S. In California, the State Assembly just passed AB 2223 which will also probably pass the Senate and be signed into law by Governor Newsom, which approves abortions not only through the 3rd trimester, but also after birth in what are called "perinatal deaths."

Florida Gov. DeSantis Wants CPS to Take Children Away from Parents Attending “Drag Shows” but Not from Parents Attempting to Murder Their Children with COVID-19 Shots

Last week, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis criticized a "family friendly" drag show held at a gay bar in Dallas, Texas. And while most parents in the U.S. would probably agree with the Governor on this issue, it is what he said next that should concern every parent in America who values parental rights. When asked by reporters whether he would support proposed legislation from a Florida state representative that would punish parents who take their children to such performances, the governor said he has asked his staff to look into the idea. "We have child protective statutes on the books," the governor said. "We have laws against child endangerment." Threatening parents who do not conform with a politician's view about what constitutes being a good parent or not by having their children kidnapped by the State and put into the nation's lucrative child trafficking network called "foster care" by government "child protection" agents, is something everybody should be against, regardless of your political views. As we have documented numerous times over the past many years, putting children into the nation's child trafficking network called "foster care" has disastrous and deadly results, as many of these children are raped and sexually abused in foster care, and nationwide studies have shown that children who are left with their biological families, even in troubled homes, fare much better than children forced to be separated from their families and put into the foster care system. Where is the outrage from Gov. DeSantis against the parents who are trying to abuse or kill their children by forcing them to take a COVID-19 "vaccine" that is today maiming and killing so many children, including children in the "Red" State of Florida? This is something Gov. DeSantis has the power to stop, NOT by threatening to take away their children, but by issuing an executive order stating that Florida will not follow the FDA and CDC recommendations for injecting children with the COVID-19 shots to be implemented in their State. These recommendations from the FDA and CDC are just that: recommendations. They are NOT laws!

The Financial Apocalypse Begins

The "coming financial apocalypse" is no longer "coming." It has arrived. Of course it can be argued that it has been here for quite some time already, but only a few in the alternative media were publishing the truth, as the corporate media and those financial "experts" employed by corporate media properties instead used terms like "recession," mainly because the manipulated stock markets were still plowing ahead full steam gambling away the future and seemingly keeping things afloat and not understanding, or if understanding certainly not admitting, that the American stock exchanges had become nothing more than huge ponzi schemes. But that all changed on Friday last week, when key inflation figures released to the public ended up being much higher than the corporate media had been reporting. I had a feeling that all hell would break loose when the markets opened on Monday morning, and sure enough that is exactly what happened today.

Based on VAERS Data for Children Aged 5 to 15 Injected with COVID-19 Shots, Will 1 Million Babies be Injured and Killed in the First Year if Authorized for 6 Months to 5 Year Olds?

The FDA and CDC will consider injecting babies and infants between the ages of 6 months and 5 years old with COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna in the coming week. In May of 2021 the FDA and CDC authorized Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines for children between the ages of 12 and 15, and at the end of October they authorized Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines for children between the ages of 5 and 11. So I am going to publish Government data on cases of adverse reactions that have been filed with the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) for these age groups subsequent to the authorization for these vaccines for these age groups, something that neither the government nor the pharma-funded corporate media will publish, and yet can be verified by anyone with Internet access since this is public knowledge. In this report today, I will also include cases of fetal deaths recorded in VAERS after their mothers were injected with COVID-19 vaccines, as 2nd and 3rd trimester unborn children are closer in age to 6-month-old babies that the FDA and CDC will soon decide to start injecting with these shots. Anyone who plans to be present next week in these advisory committee meetings is free to copy and use this data.