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So far AdminM has created 1974 entries.

Moody’s Downgrades Banking System from “Stable” to “Negative” – Crypto Takedown in Place with “Operation Choke Point”?

In spite of the fact that President Biden and U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen have told Americans that the U.S. Banking System is "safe and sound," Moody's Investors Service today announced that they had downgraded the U.S. banking system to "negative" from "stable" to reflect “the rapid deterioration in the operating environment.” They also announced today that they were studying First Republic’s debt rating for a potential downgrade, along with five other regional banks. Sifting through the plethora of news today regarding the banking industry's woes, there are some who are now questioning why the Feds closed down Signature Bank on Sunday, when other banks appeared to be worse off. This has led to speculation that cryptocurrency banks are being targeted, and the revival of the "Operation Choke Point" conspiracy theory.

Canada is now Giving COVID-19 Vaccines to Minors Without Parental Consent – Doctors are Now a Hazard to Your Child’s Health

This evil practice of coercing children to accept COVID injections without their parents' approval is not only happening in Canada, it is happening in the United States as well, as some states allow children as young as 12-years-old to get COVID injections without their parents' knowledge or approval.

Bank Runs Continue as Multiple Banks on Verge of Collapse

While the Fed's move yesterday (Sunday, March 12th) to bailout depositors from the Big Tech banks that crashed in recent days may have prevented a stock market crash today, it did not stop the bank runs, and more than 30 banks halted trading at one point today. Most banking is done online now, so long lines at banks to withdraw funds are not something most are going to see these days. What is happening instead is that customers are withdrawing their funds from the riskier, mostly smaller banks, and putting them into larger banks that they believe are "too big to fail" because they believe the Fed will step in to prevent that. While this is quickly turning into a partisan issue with each side blaming the other, open up your wallet and look at the color of your federal reserve notes (known as U.S. dollars). They are GREEN, not blue, and not red. You "reap what you sow" is a fact of life, not only in agriculture (you can't plant corn and expect to harvest watermelons), but also in the financial world, and after years of corruption in the business world and financial markets, the time to reap the consequences seems to be upon us.  America has prospered for too long off the backs of cheap labor outside the U.S. while investments and start up firms have become just as risky and worthless as gambling in Las Vegas, throwing money around as entertainment without producing anything of real value. This is a MORAL issue, not a political issue. The time to pay off our debts that we have immorally been ignoring for decades, no matter which political office has been in power, is now upon us it would seem.

The God of All Comfort

If you are a disciple of Jesus Christ, you were not born into this world to be "happy," or to live "the good life." That's the lie that is called "the American Dream" and that is primarily taught by Corporate Christianity. If you are a true disciple of Jesus Christ, you were born into this world to do battle against the evil world system, and to suffer for doing so. What we are promised is "comfort", and the strength to endure the suffering from being attacked by the enemy.

The Government May Stop Issuing Social Security Payments After the Debt Limit is Hit

There’s a very real possibility the government will stop issuing Social Security payments after the debt limit is hit. Scary as that prospect is, however, the alternative might be even worse: A little-known provision of a 1996 law could be interpreted to allow the Social Security trust fund to be used not only to pay Social Security’s monthly checks but also to circumvent the debt limit and pay all the government’s otherwise overdue bills. If that happens, any short-term relief to Social Security recipients would come with a potentially huge long-term price tag: The Social Security trust fund could be exhausted much sooner than currently projected—in just a couple of years, in fact.

2nd FDIC-Insured Bank in 3 Days COLLAPSES! Bank Runs, Trading Halted on Some Banks

Silicon Valley Bank became the second FDIC-insured bank to collapse in 3 days today. They are reportedly the 16th largest bank in the U.S., and the largest bank to collapse since the 2008 financial meltdown, and the second largest bank to ever collapse in the U.S. While it was still not the main headline news this morning in the corporate media, a glance at the headlines as I began to write this article shows that it is apparently now getting the headline news it should receive, as bank runs are starting, and some banks suspended trading today to stop the carnage. The Alternative Media is mostly still asleep, ranting and raving about new "Jan. 6 footage" and the Tucker Carlson show, or talking about the latest AI technology that is going transform everyone into transhumans and hack our brains. But this news about Silicon Valley Bank collapsing today has led to a dramatic drop in value in trading for ALL banks, and several of them reportedly suspended trading on the NYSE for a while today. Bank runs have also been reported across the country.

BREAKING: Silicon Valley Bank Run has Reportedly Started – Website Down

The news is moving fast now, with the report of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) being in trouble, after Silvergate Bank announced yesterday that they were liquidating their assets and shutting down.  A bank run has apparently just started at SVB, with reports that people cannot access their funds, and that their website is down. This is a developing story...

WARNING: Big Tech Banks Collapsing! Infection Spreading to Other Sectors

The collapse of the banking industry has started, with FDIC-insured Big Tech Silvergate Bank announcing yesterday they were liquidating their assets and closing down. Silicon Valley Bank also announced yesterday that they have lost $10 billion, while trying to reassure depositors to just "stay calm," suggesting that their collapse is also probably imminent. I don't think there has been a more significant news event in the financial sector since the financial crisis of 2008, and yet at the time of my publishing this article, none of the corporate media is treating this as a headline story, unless it is a publication that focuses only on financial news. This is the beginning of the storm that should have happened last year after FTX blew up, and probably did, but the infection that I have been calling The Big Tech Crash that started in 2022 has only just now begun to reveal how serious this crisis is, which can no longer be hidden from the public as the bank failures have now begun. Bank runs that began last year, are only going to significantly increase in the days and weeks ahead. And this infection is not confined to Big Tech and their banks, but is spreading fast to other sectors of the economy.

Safe to Fly? Pilots and Flight Attendants Who Recently had Cardiac Arrests In-Flight and “Died Suddenly”

There has been an increasing number of stories of pilots and flight attendants suffering cardiac arrests and sudden deaths in-flight, and here are some that made it into mainstream media.

Trump’s Call for Building “Freedom Cities” Plays Right into Globalists’ Plan for Fourth Industrial Revolution Control Grid

Low and behold, the paragon of American conservatism has now come out of the woodwork with a message built on repackaged, reformulated smart cities as the way to go moving forward. Because the globalists’ climate agenda doesn’t resonate with conservatives, the globalists need a prominent conservative political voice who could take their message and communicate it in a way that appeals to conservative patriotic Americans. Enter the perfect stooge: Donald J. Trump. In the same way Trump offered his services to the globalists when he sold their deadly mRNA clot shots to conservatives, he is now signaling to them that he is willing and available to be used again — this time to convince us to move back into the cities, where we will be safe, secure and well taken care of. Instead of warning us about the globalists’ plans for digitization of everything, including our money and our very identities, Trump puts his own patriotic twist on the same globalist technocratic theme. He is distracting us here with stupid talk about flying cars and Americanizing the tools of our slavery. Instead of buying the tools from China, he will make sure they’re all American-made. Doesn’t that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside?