Ron DeSantis’s Military Career: Torturing Prisoners at Guantanamo Bay
It used to be that if I published anything critical of Donald Trump, that I was accused of being a "liberal" or "Democrat" (I am neither). Now, I am being accused of supporting Ron DeSantis if I write anything critical of Donald Trump. So let me set the record straight here. I support Jesus Christ, and his imminent return to earth when he will not be coming as a helpless baby born in a manger this time, but as the Judge and Executioner of Satan and his followers. There is no salvation by politicians. None. I have exposed the corruption in Florida and with DeSantis in previous articles, as Florida is a hub for child trafficking that DeSantis continues to not only allow, but also participate in, and he is also solidly pro-vaccine including pro-COVID-19 vaccine. In addition to these crimes that Governor DeSantis has participated in, Mike Prysner has just published a video looking at Ron DeSantis's military career when he served in Iraq and also at Guantanamo Bay as an attorney in the Navy's Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG). Mike Prysner served in Iraq himself, and was reportedly appalled at the corruption he saw in the way the military interrogated prisoners and other ways they abused people, which led him to start working with other military veterans who also suffered trauma from their experiences in the military. Prysner actually interviewed a former prisoner at Guantanamo Bay who was there when Ron DeSantis was also there. DeSantis was allegedly sent to Guantanamo Bay to be an advocate for the prisoners there, to make sure their rights were not being violated. But according to this former Guantanamo detainee, Mansoor Adayfi, not only did DeSantis not stand up for their rights, he betrayed them and participated in their torture. This is information about Ron DeSantis you are not likely to read about or hear elsewhere.