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What It’s REALLY Like to Live Off-Grid

What is “off-grid” living really like? There’s a reason that I enclose that term in quotation marks, and we’ll address it toward the end of the article. Additionally, I have to balance a fine line between transparency on the subject and my own privacy. Perhaps you can understand this, as the world seems to have turned into a gigantic “reality TV show” where everything is made public, even though that shouldn’t be the case. There are several reasons I made such a move. First was the need for privacy (and to be left alone) coupled with the deterioration in society of individual liberties. Simply put, the quality of life in the large municipalities and urban sprawls is “zero,” and it’s a soul-draining existence, to say the least. It was also a quest, so to speak, to find something “more,” a small place that hadn’t been tainted or ruined the way most everything else is. Additionally, politicians and world leaders are maniacs. They start wars that result in the deaths of thousands just to bring their poll ratings of popularity higher. They wouldn’t think twice about incinerating a million people in the blink of an eye if it was the means to holding on to their positions of power. When everything comes full circle (and it will), the odds of my surviving their megalomaniacal actions are better.

INFANTICIDE: 10 Million Babies and Toddlers Targeted for Slaughter by Biden Administration with Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Injections

The COVID-19 vaccine population reduction program is now entering its final phase, as the White House has just announced that they have purchased 10 million doses of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines that became available today for all 50 States to purchase in preparation for injecting babies and toddlers between the ages of 6 months and 5 years old within the next few weeks. And since the FDA has not even conducted an advisory committee meeting yet, let alone issued emergency use authorizations for this age group, the purchase and distribution of these killer shots proves once again that the FDA just rubber stamps whatever the pharmaceutical industry wants. And I can guarantee you that all 50 Governors will allow this infanticide to happen within their states, by allowing foolish and ignorant parents to attempt to abuse and murder their children. So for all of you "conservatives" who continually come to this site and try to present your case that there are some "good" governors who are opposing Big Pharma, such as Ron DeSantis or Kristi Noem who are frequently mentioned in the comments here, please stop, because these governors are puppets serving Big Pharma and they already have blood on their hands for allowing these kill shots to be injected into children over the age of 5, when they have the power and political authority to stop this child abuse in their state. But to do so would be to sacrifice their political careers, and they obviously value their careers more than they value the lives of the children in their states. EVERY SINGLE GOVERNOR in the United States is guilty of participating in the murder and destruction of the lives of these precious children, even if they claim to be "pro-life." They do not deserve our praise, but should be arrested and convicted in a court of law, and then face public execution.

World War III Has Started – How Did we Get Here and What’s Next? A Non-Western Perspective

Today I am publishing more recent articles by Sam Parker at Behind the News Network, who has posted a flurry of articles within the past few days, and offers a contrasting commentary on rapidly developing world events from a non-American corporate media perspective, much of which is not easily found from other sources, at least not in English. In the two articles I am republishing today, we will see the perspective that we are already in World War III, and that it is currently a financial war, with the main hot zone being limited to Ukraine, for now. You will also read a totally different perspective on Russia, and how Russia is not actually America's enemy, but instead Europe is. And when I used the term "America" in this context, I am not referring to the people, nor even the politicians, but as Parker states, the Rockefeller Empire - the Wall Street billionaires and Bankers in the U.S. we usually refer to collectively as "the Globalists." Change is coming, major changes, and the more you can learn about the perspectives, motives, and plans of those outside of the U.S. and western culture, and what we might be facing in the not-too-distant future, the better you will be prepared for this change that is inevitable now, and not be enslaved by the one-sided propaganda that exists in the corporate media and western culture.

California Farm Water Coalition Warns Domestic Food Supply In Peril with State Cutting Water

The California Farm Water Coalition issued a dire statement Tuesday warning that California’s agriculture industry and food supply is in peril because of restricted agriculture water supplies. “Today’s State Water Board emergency water conservation regulation continues to demonstrate how serious this year’s drought is. Water conservation measures are reaching farther and farther into our communities and now go beyond the water supply cuts felt by California farms and rural communities earlier this year.” When the State Water Board orders water cut off to farmers, the food supply is also cut.

The Collapse of the Global Food System – Massive Starvation and Death Worldwide is now Imminent

Sam Parker of Behind the News has just published an excellent commentary of the imminent, intentional collapse of the Global Food System. As I have previously written in other articles we have published by Sam Parker, this individual obviously has access to very high level intelligence sources, and he publishes information that I have found nowhere else. A year ago he published the best historical account of the main families in the Global Food Cartel that controls the world's financial systems, that I have ever read. If you have not read it yet, you should. Today he updates this information to explain world events like the war in Ukraine with information you are not likely to read elsewhere. In short, Sam Parker believes that the Rockefeller and Rothschild Empires are about to collapse, and they are hastening their own destruction by their current actions and policies, particularly in Ukraine. If you do not have the ability to divorce yourself from the propaganda in the western corporate media right now, your life is in grave danger, because you probably have no clue regarding what is about to happen. He writes: “'The Strategic Triangle '- India, China, Russia – these nations combined have 38 % of the world’s population,  produce 42% of its wheat and 66% of its steel. The point is, that these nations are PRODUCING goods, which many western nations have out-sourced, to their detriment. Besides, nature has endowed Russia with an abundance of natural resources in oil, gas, gold, silver, platinum, iron ore, coal diamonds, timber, fresh water, millions of agricultural land, and much, much more. Russian commodities are in demand. To ban them from global markets means killing off the Western economies. What Covid did not achieve for the Rockefeller family, sanctions on Russian goods will. This is their hope. Good luck with that. The funny part in this is that the two families shut down the world economy for two years, in the hope of accelerating their plans to herd mankind into an electronic prison camp, steal their money, and usher forth a new global slave state. Putin’s bold move into Ukraine has upended their plans, and also threatens the very survival of the empires. Reason seems to have deserted them. The ongoing sanctions and financial war against Russia, China and Iran has had a blow-back effect on the West. Russia is becoming stronger by the week, and the West is becoming weaker by the week. It may reach a critical point – and go nuclear."

Local Banks and Credit Unions Beginning to Realize that Implementing Central Bank Digital Currencies will Drive Them Out of Business

Credit union and banking trade groups have released a joint letter to the chair and ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee, warning of “devastating consequences” if the Federal Reserve moves forward with a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). The fact that credit unions, which frequently serve unionized labor, joined with banking trade groups to sign off on the letter, lends credibility to the “devastating consequences” the letter enumerates of a Central Bank Digital Currency.

FDA had Data Showing 82% – 97% of Pregnant Women Injected with the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Lost Their Babies Before Approving the Shots

Anne Reed of Operation Rescue reported last week that recently released documents from Pfizer that were submitted to the FDA prior to approving their COVID-19 vaccine in early 2021 showed that 82% – 97% of the documented pregnancy outcomes resulted in death in their post-marketing analysis. This is more evidence that Pfizer and the FDA colluded together to conceal damaging data related to the roll out of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines. Back in May of 2021, Operation Rescue published a report from a whistleblower who had examined the Pfizer documents submitted to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) which authorized the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines for emergency use in the UK back in December of 2020, and among those documents (which we assume were also submitted to the FDA but not yet made public) were the results of animal trials showing serious birth defects occurred in rat specimens injected with the vaccines. When the EMA originally authorized the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines, they included a warning about injecting child-bearing women: "For women of childbearing age, pregnancy should be excluded before vaccination." However, when the FDA issued an EUA for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines shortly after the EMA, in December of 2020, they did NOT include any warnings for pregnant and child-bearing women. As of the 5/20/2022 release of VAERS data, there have been 4,202 cases recorded of fetal deaths following COVID-19 vaccines for the past 18 months since these vaccines were issued EUAs. By way of contrast, performing the exact same search in VAERS for the previous 30 years (360 months) there were only 2,239 fetal deaths recorded following all FDA-approved vaccines during those 30+ years. That's a 3,653% increase in dead babies following COVID-19 vaccines, compared to deaths of pre-born children following vaccines for the previous 30+ years.

Russia Develops New Test to Detect “MonkeyPox Virus” Then Creates the Vaccine for MonkeyPox in Less Than 30 Days

Back in August of 2020, Russia shocked the world by announcing that they had developed the world's first vaccine for the "new" coronavirus, seemingly taking delight in the fact that they beat the Americans to the market. It was named “Sputnik V,” reminding the Americans that they were the first ones to launch a rocket into space during the Cold War era in the space program race with the U.S. back in the 1960s. It was also apparently a mock on Trump's "Operation Warp Speed" which was still months away from producing their first COVID-19 vaccine. Giving further signs now that the "monkeypox virus" is the new plandemic that is going to be rolled out to the world to instill fear and sell vaccines, Russia announced this month (May, 2022) that they have developed a new test to allegedly detect the monkeypox virus, and then shortly after that they announced a new gene-based smallpox vaccine that had allegedly been developed in less than 30 days which will also reportedly work against monkeypox. In addition to this "new" smallpox vaccine, a drug company of an existing smallpox vaccine in Russia just announced that they can produce up to 10 million doses or more per year.

44,821 Dead 4,351,483 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions

The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 44,821 fatalities, and 4,351,483 injuries following injections of five experimental COVID-19 shots. From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,972,105) are serious injuries. Here are some faces and names to put on these cold, hard statistics, as these "vaccines" continue to destroy people's lives.

Cases of Brain Damage in Children Skyrocket Following COVID-19 Vaccines

Weakened hearts, blood clots, and now you can add neurological brain damage to the list of side effects being reported in children following COVID-19 vaccinations. In at least one case, one poor child developed all three conditions. In a case study published earlier this month (May, 2022) in the Journal of Neuroimmunology, a 15-year-old girl developed encephalopathy, myocarditis, and thrombocytopenia simultaneously following the second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Neurological issues are common side effects of all childhood vaccines, and are often grouped under the label of "autism." There is a very clear correlation with increased vaccinations of children to rising rates of autism in the United States, even though the U.S. Government health agencies refuse to acknowledge any causal effect between the bloated childhood vaccine schedule and diagnoses of autism. It is no surprise, therefore, that we are seeing similar reports following the deadly COVID-19 vaccines. But how do reports of brain damage following COVID-19 vaccines compare to the rate of brain damage reported with all other vaccines administered for the previous 30 years before the roll-out of the COVID-19 experimental shots? To develop a baseline, I chose to search VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) for all cases reporting "encephalopathy" following vaccination. "Encephalopathy" is a term for "any diffuse disease of the brain that alters brain function or structure." This term alone does not represent all the cases of neurological damage to the brain that are reported in VAERS, but it does give us a point of reference to compare cases reported after COVID-19 shots as compared to all other FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30+ years. And what I found was that there is a 2,000%+ increase in brain injuries being reported after COVID-19 shots.