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44,348 Dead 4,279,200 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions as More Pfizer Fraud Uncovered

The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 44,348 fatalities, and 4,279,200 injuries following injections of five experimental COVID-19 shots. The latest Pfizer documents released by the FDA show evidence of more fraud during the COVID-19 vaccine trials. The number of people that were allegedly enrolled for the studies appeared very quickly, suggesting that fraud was committed. The Exposé has also just published an article about the Pfizer documents reporting that Pfizer knew during the trials that their COVID-19 vaccines "shed" and contaminated others who did not take the shot, and that a new study corroborates this. And Ed Dowd, an equity investment executive, reports that funeral homes and insurance companies continue to see increased deaths following COVID-19 vaccines.

China Lockdowns in Shanghai and Beijing Continue as Economy Self-Destructs

China continued its killer lockdowns in Shanghai and Beijing this weekend as more people are being moved into COVID quarantine camps, and unemployment is now skyrocketing as their economy is self-destructing. This is going to put more pressure on the global supply chains that are already stressed and breaking down.

Recorded Cases of Heart Disease Among Under 40 Years Old Explodes 20,000% After COVID-19 Vaccines Roll Out

A new study out of Israel published in the journal Nature reports that there has been a dramatic increase in emergency cardiovascular events among the under-40 population in Israel during the COVID-19 vaccine roll outs. They analyzed data collected by Israel’s National Emergency Medical Services between 2019 and 2021. They found that there was an over 25 percent increase in emergency calls about cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome—an umbrella term used for coronary problems associated with sudden-onset reduced blood flow to the heart, according to the Mayo Clinic– for young adults, ages 16 to 39 years old, compared to the same time period in both 2019 and 2020. Furthermore, the researchers discovered that this increase in emergency heart issues was associated with COVID-19 vaccination but not with COVID-19 infections. I decided to pull the data for all forms of "carditis" following COVID-19 vaccines from VAERS for this age group. For the 17 months since the COVID-19 vaccines were authorized, young people under the age of 40 have filed 6,711 cases reporting some type of "carditis," resulting in 36 deaths, 261 permanent disabilities, and 656 life threatening events. By comparison, I ran the exact same search for the previous 30 years before the COVID-19 vaccines were given authorization, and during that time there were 713 cases of carditis reported for those under 40. That's a 19,832% increase of cases of carditis reported for this age group following COVID-19 vaccines! If someone like myself can easily pull these statistics out of VAERS to corroborate what the Israeli study was observing, you can be sure our Government health agencies can also. They are committing crimes against humanity by allowing these killer COVID-19 shots to continue, as they lie to the American public. This past weekend, FDA chief Dr. Robert Califf appeared on CNN and had the nerve to tell the American people that the #1 cause of death in the United States right now is "online misinformation," like the kind of information I am supplying to the public with this article, using the U.S. Government's own data. This man needs to face a federal grand jury on charges of mass murder, convicted, and publicly hung.

Killer COVID Vaccines: 4,400% Increase in Deaths Compared to All FDA-Approved Vaccines for Previous 30 Years

The U.S. Government Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) was updated today, and there have now been 1,255,355 cases of adverse reactions filed following COVID-19 vaccines since December of 2020, a 17-month time frame. This includes 27,758 deaths and 51,600 permanent disabilities. By way of contrast, for the previous 30 years before the COVID vaccines were rushed to market with EUAs (emergency use authorizations), there were 936,214 cases reported with 12,964 deaths and 23,838 permanent disabilities following all FDA-approved vaccines during a 360-month period. That's a 4,434.22% increase in deaths following COVID-19 vaccines, compared to deaths following ALL FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30 years. And yet, the CDC continues to refer to COVID-19 vaccines as "safe and effective." "Effective" in what? The symptoms associated with "COVID-19" are easily treatable as many doctors have said since the beginning of the "pandemic" that they were healing COVID-19 patients with older drugs such as Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. The annual "flu virus" has all but disappeared since COVID-19 arrived, so this will go down as the biggest medical scam in the history of the human race. The CDC and FDA acknowledge that there are serious side effects with these vaccines, but they call them "rare," a term that is really not defined. Yesterday, however, the FDA announced that they were only recommending the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine now in certain cases, due to the reports of blood clots following the vaccines.

FDA Approves Killer COVID Drug for Babies

While we have focused more on the COVID-19 vaccines that have created more deaths and injuries than all other FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30 years, the other killer COVID drug currently being administered to the public is Remdesivir, with the brandname of “VEKLURY.” This drug, which was originally developed for ebola but never approved because it was so dangerous, has a history of scandals and many thousands of deaths since it was given an EUA (emergency use authorization) by the FDA, and then in October of 2020 it was fully approved by the FDA as a treatment for adults with COVID-19. To get the original EUA by the FDA, they had to attack existing drugs in the market that were already being proven as safe and effective against COVID-19 symptoms, such Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. A reasonable estimate of deaths caused by this killer drug worldwide would number in the millions. In September of 2021, Attorney Thomas Renz released to the public statistics on Remdesivir that a whistleblower had given to him from the CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) database, and the statistics were truly horrifying in terms of how many people were dying after taking this drug, which was over 25% of the patients. And now, the FDA has just approved this killer drug to be used with children, and babies as young as 28 days old.

Elon Musk: Champion of Free Speech or Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?

It’s quite clear that Musk is on board with the whole technocratic/transhumanist agenda, so why is he all of a sudden being cast as a champion of democracy and free speech? Simple. The globalists are playing “good cop, bad cop”. Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, the Rockefellers, etc are the “bad guys” and Musk is the “good guy” who has come along to offer humanity a better way forward. There’s only one problem. Schwab’s vision for the future and Musk’s vision for the future are exactly the same. The paths to getting there may be different but the destination hasn’t changed. So why choose Musk to play the role of the “good cop”? First of all, he’s got the right personality, he’s eccentric and he’s already worshipped as a genius of our time. Secondly, he’s not associated with either the political right or left and thus he appeals equally to people on both ends of the spectrum. While it’s a good thing that banned accounts have returned to Twitter and that freedom of speech on the platform has (supposedly) been restored, it’s important to stay cautious before bowing down to Musk as some sort of saviour. In fact, I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t trust Elon Musk to tell me the time in a room full of clocks.

China is Stockpiling Food in Preparation of Looming Food Shortages While U.S. Increases Exports

While killer lockdowns in China are leading to starvation and mass suicide, as well as serious disruptions to exports, China has been quietly stockpiling food for the past couple of years in what appears to be preparation for coming food shortages, and is increasing imports of food. In December of 2021, RT.com reported that China had the world's largest stockpile of grains. Today, RT.com is reporting that China is addressing "food security concerns" by increasing their imports of soybeans, mostly from the U.S. Soybeans are high in protein and the #1 ingredient in livestock feed today. People in the Washington D.C. are stating that these increased exports of food to China are good for American farmers, apparently ignoring the fact that the U.S. should also be stockpiling food as part of our own national food security. Not only can soybeans be used in animal feeds, it can be turned into biodiesel and combined with petroleum diesel to help keep our trucks on the road in the event that fuel becomes scarce or too expensive to operate the nation's trucking fleet. So as China increases their food security, the U.S. Government seems to be destroying our own food security here in the U.S.

Bill Gates’ Dream to Control the Planet through the World Health Organization is Becoming Closer to Reality

From time to time I get emails from people asking me to cover some story or video about Bill Gates and his influence in global vaccine production and distribution, and I usually reply by asking the person who is emailing the information if they have first searched for "Bill Gates" on Health Impact News, because we have been covering Bill Gates' role behind global vaccination programs, mainly by buying a controlling interest in the World Health Organization, for over a decade now. If you search for "Bill Gates" on Health Impact News, it will return a result of 318 articles (319 when this one is published). On April 8, 2020, when we were just weeks into the COVID Plandemic, I published an article titled: "Who is Controlling the U.S. Response to COVID19: The White House or Bill Gates?" where I presented very strong evidence that Bill Gates was controlling U.S. policy regarding COVID-19, and not Donald Trump or the White House. It was published the day after President Trump announced that the United States would no longer support the World Health Organization. Earlier this week Bill Gates announced what the plan is for what comes next now that the majority of the world's population has been conditioned to fear "viruses" and surrender all of their civil liberties to fight this "unseen war" against "global pandemics." There will be one pandemic treaty, one GERM team, one global vaccine passport, and one World Health Organization to monitor every person on the planet.

4,113 Fetal Deaths in VAERS Following COVID-19 Vaccines Not Including Those Murdered Alive to Develop the Vaccines

The U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is now reporting 4,113 fetal deaths following COVID-19 vaccines for the past 17 months. By way of contrast, there were 2,239 recorded deaths of unborn babies in VAERS for the 30 years (360 months) prior to the authorizations of the COVID-19 vaccines in December of 2020, following all FDA-approved vaccines combined during that time period. Postmarketing reports from Pfizer that the FDA was forced by a court order to release at the beginning of April show that Pfizer had plenty of data to show how dangerous their COVID-19 vaccine was to pregnant and nursing mothers, and yet the FDA approved it anyway. A former employee of Pfizer has come forward to report on the dangers of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to pregnant women and unborn children, saying they are too dangerous, even though the FDA and CDC will not reveal these facts, and another doctor who is seeing the effects of COVID-19 vaccines on pregnant women was interviewed by the Epoch Times. Not only are unborn babies being killed in the womb of their mothers who took a COVID-19 vaccine, these unborn children are sacrificed to the vaccine cult to actually make the vaccines. In an interview between Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dr. Theresa Deisher conducted back in 2020 regarding the use of human fetal tissue to culture viruses for vaccines, Dr. Deisher stated: "And you know what’s really alarming is the lack of outcry over human babies born alive at five to six months old so that their hearts can be obtained beating. And they have to be beating to be used in the research that’s being done. If the heart has stopped beating, it’s not useful. You cannot use it. And so these babies are delivered alive, and their hearts cut out without anesthesia."

Governments Worldwide are Working in Lockstep to bring in Digital I.D. & Social Credit System as EU agrees to Expand Online Censorship with ‘Digital Services Act’

Under pressure applied by both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the European Union is working to expand online censorship to an extreme Orwellian level, as well as strictly regulate speech during what authorities deem to be times of crisis (we always seem to be in the middle of a “crisis”), and remove online anonymity by forcing the public to have a digital identity. But these plans aren’t unique to the EU. They are also currently being rolled out in the UK and Africa, proving Governments worldwide are working in lockstep to bring in a digital identity and social credit system right under your nose. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama both lobbied for the EU to back the censorship bill known as the ‘Digital Services Act‘ on Thursday, April 21st, 2022. There is a coordinated effort worldwide to bring in a digital identity and social credit system right under your nose.