Waiting in Line for Hours to Withdraw Funds Bank Runs Increase in China as Bank-Issued Digital Currency Use Expands
China continues to lead the world in implementing the Globalists' Great Reset, as financial systems around the world begin to collapse. Watching what is happening in China, if you can find the heavily-censored news, will give a preview of how things are likely to unfold in other countries. Bank failures now seem to be accelerating in China, as panic begins to set in among the public, and it is being reported that in some areas people are standing in line for many hours trying to withdraw funds from their accounts. The run on banks is apparently a reaction to the story we covered last week where over 1 million residents in China’s Henan Province were prevented from withdrawing their money from their bank, with many losing their entire life savings. As protesters were heading to Henan province’s capital Zhengzhou to demand to get their money back, Chinese health authorities used their COVID-19 tracking app to turn up “red,” forcing them into quarantine, in order to stop the protests. When the current banking system can no longer meet the demands of its depositors, the Globalists will move on to the next phase of the Great Reset, which is to replace currencies and hard cash with Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). While many of us in the Alternative Media have been warning about the dangers of CBDCs for years now, most in the general public are totally unaware of how using a Central Bank issued digital currency will eliminate almost all of your privacy, and make you a financial slave to the system. Not only will they be able to track every single one of your financial transactions, they will be in a position to enforce social behavior as well as a condition for you to have access to funds in "your" account on their servers, such as comply with COVID-19 or other health mandates, like mandatory vaccines. China leads most of the world right now in rolling out their State Bank-issued digital currencies, so let's take a look at how they have done it so far, as both Russia and the U.S. scramble to try and catch up with China and issue their own Central Bank digital currencies.