USA Today Shows How States Pay Foster Parents to Take Care of Children Removed from Poor Families but Offer No Assistance to the Biological Families to Keep Their Children
I am pleased to see the corporate media cover an issue that we have covered here at Health Impact News, and especially on our website, for almost a decade now, which is that most children removed from their home and put into foster care are not abused, but are living in poverty where it makes it difficult for their families to take care of them. These children are medically kidnapped from their families for "neglect," usually "medical neglect," and not abuse. So rather than provide assistance to these poor families so they can keep their children, they remove them from the home, against their wish and the wish of their family, and put into the very lucrative child welfare system where they become foster children or adopted children. The tragedy in almost all of these stories is not only that the families lose their children, but that their children are usually suffering from the abuses of the medical system, which their parents blindly trusted. So while this story by USA Today does address many of the key issues, especially with children who are handicapped, they won't go all the way in their investigations to report that a child suffering from autism, for example, is most likely vaccine injured as well. The USA Today has started a series on this issue, and this one is about Florida. You know, that "family friendly" and "conservative" State.