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California Wants to Mandate COVID Vaccines for Children and Employees, but Not the 4 Million Welfare Recipients and Homeless

“Dr. Richard Pan Introduces Measure to Keep Schools Open and Safe,” reads the headline on Sen. Richard Pan’s official Senate website. And then the truth comes next: “Bill Would Close Personal Exemption Loophole for COVID-19 School Vaccinations, Builds on Success of SB 277 Law.” California lawmakers also are mandating all businesses to require their employees and independent contractors receive the COVID-19 vaccine under legislation announced February 10th by State Democrats. State employees and legislative staffers are required to be vaccinated, even though Assembly members are not. If the COVID vaccine is really about saving lives, why isn’t the mandate evenly applied? Why are lawmakers requiring children and the working classes to get vaccinated, when no such requirement exists for California’s largest-in-the-nation population of welfare recipients and homeless? Welfare recipients and homeless receive government checks. One in three of the nation’s welfare recipients are in California, nearly 4 million that we know of.

The Technocrats New World Order Advances – Expect “Cyber Attacks” Soon

As I wrote yesterday, the "leaks" to the media this past weekend that show the U.S. health agencies have been concealing data that prove the COVID-19 "vaccines" are deadly signify that a major move is about to happen as the next "crisis" is being planned to shift the public's attention away from the COVID-19 vaccine crimes against humanity. After weeks of both sides in the Ukrainian conflict blaming each other for escalating the situation needlessly, seemingly out of the blue Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared in public and signed documents that reportedly state that Russia is recognizing the national sovereignty of Donetsk and Luhansk, republics currently part of the Ukraine, but with historical ties to Russia. This appears to me to be the implementation of a script that has already been written that charts a course now that will move the world on to the next big crisis, with the end goal of uniting the world under a central, technological state. U.S. President Biden then was handed his script, which he read earlier today. For months now the U.S. corporate media has been preparing the public for future "cyber attacks," which will now obviously be blamed on Russia. Newsweek just published an "exclusive" report on these coming cyber attacks this past Sunday: Exclusive: FBI Braces for Russian Cyber Attacks in US as Ukraine Tensions Rise. And last night (Monday, Feb. 21) Fox News did the same thing: Ukraine-Russia Crisis: Cyberattacks could affect U.S. As I have been warning for the past few weeks, it is imperative that you be prepared for disruptions to basic services like water, power, fuel, and frozen bank accounts. Ian Davis, an independent journalist out of the UK, has just published an excellent piece that will help you cut through the propaganda that the corporate media is publishing and drill down to just what the Globalists are planning in this next phase. It was published at Unlimited Hangout, and I am going to republish it here as well. It is one of the most thorough reports on the move to a technocratic centralized government that I have read so far, and well worth the time to read through and digest. Much of this policy is set by the World Economic Forum, led by Klaus Schwab, and the evidence is strong that world leaders such as Trudeau, Putin, Xi, and Biden are following the script that the World Economic Forum has laid out. And for those of you still hanging on to your faith in Trump, here is a clip put together by High Impact Flix (HIF), highlighting President Donald Trump's cozy relationship to Klaus Schwab and the WEF, where Trump was a featured speaker in 2018, and then again in January of 2020, just weeks before the COVID-19 scam was unleashed to the world. I know this will not sway the die-hard Trump cult members who will excuse him as either being "ignorant" and not smart enough to know the true motives of Klaus Schwab and the WEF, or that he is at least better than [fill in the blank - usually Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden]. But I share all of this, not to discourage people, but to make you wise and understand who your true enemies are. We are not without hope, but hope will soon vanish if we continue to cling to the false idea that people can vote their way out of this mess by simply choosing the correct politicians.

Our Leaders Made a Pact with the Devil, and Now the Devil Wants His Due

The unprecedented credit-fueled bubbles in stocks, bonds and real estate are popping, and America's corrupt leaders can only stammer and spew excuses and empty promises. Unbeknownst to most people, America's leadership made a pact with the Devil: rather than face the constraints and injustices of our economic-financial system directly, a reckoning that would require difficult choices and some sacrifice by the ruling financial-political elites, our leaders chose the Devil's Pact: substitute the creation of asset-bubble "wealth" in the hands of the few for widespread prosperity. The Devil's promise: that some thin trickle of the trillions of dollars bestowed on the few would magically trickle down to the many. This was as visibly foolish as the promise of immortality on Planet Earth, but our craven, greedy leadership quickly sealed the deal with the Devil and promptly inflated the greatest credit-asset bubble in human history.

CDC Withholding Data on COVID-19 Vaccines Because “They might be misinterpreted as the vaccines being ineffective” and “The figures would be misrepresented by anti-vaccine groups”

Yesterday we reported how the Epoch Times obtained emails that showed the FDA and NIH have been secretly studying neurological problems that have appeared in people after they took a COVID-19 vaccine. But the Epoch Times was not the only news organization to report that data from COVID-19 vaccine injuries has been concealed from the public by Government health agencies. The New York Times also reported yesterday that the CDC is not publishing large portions of the Covid data it collects. "For more than a year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has collected data on hospitalizations for Covid-19 in the United States and broken it down by age, race and vaccination status. But it has not made most of the information public. Two full years into the pandemic, the agency leading the country’s response to the public health emergency has published only a tiny fraction of the data it has collected, several people familiar with the data said." (Source: NYT) And what is the reason why they have not published all this data according to the New York Times? "Kristen Nordlund, a spokeswoman for the C.D.C., said the agency has been slow to release the different streams of data because basically, at the end of the day, it’s not yet ready for prime time. She said the agency’s priority when gathering any data is to ensure that it’s accurate and actionable. Another reason is fear that the information might be misinterpreted, Ms. Nordlund said." So there you have it. This information alone is enough to charge and convict all the heads of the U.S. health agencies, including the FDA, NIH, and the entire department of Health and Human Services with criminal intent to commit fraud resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans, and millions injured by the illegally rushed-to-market COVID-19 shots under President Donald Trump's Operation Warp Speed, and the mass distribution and concealment of the data showing how ineffective and deadly these shots are under the Biden administration. So why is the information only now being leaked to news media like Epoch Times and the New York Times? That's the big question, and whatever the answer is, it surely is nothing good. Are they ready to crash the economy and move to the next "crisis" to hide their criminal activities?

Pro-Vaccine Dr. Peter McCullough Attacks Health Impact News with False Claims

Peter McCullough was recently interviewed by "Red Voice Media" and attacked Health Impact News, claiming that we have been "fact checked" by someone named "Dan O’Connor" at TrialSiteNews and that we were found to be "100% fallacious" and that we don't cite our claims, and that we make "false claims." In making this accusation against us in public, Peter McCullough has himself made a "false claim" and slandered Health Impact News in the process.

Jon Rappoport: Exposing the HIV AIDS Fraud for Over 30 Years

My first book, AIDS INC., was published in 1988. The research I engaged in then formed a foundation for my recent work in exposing the vast fraud called COVID-19. In 1987-88, my main question eventually became: does HIV cause AIDS? For months, I had blithely assumed the obvious answer was yes. This created havoc in my investigation, because I was facing contradictions I couldn’t solve. For example, in parts of Africa, people who were chronically ill and dying obviously needed no push from a new virus. All their “AIDS” conditions and symptoms could be explained by their environment: contaminated water supplies; sewage pumped directly into the drinking water; protein-calorie malnutrition; hunger, starvation; medical treatment with immunosuppressive vaccines and drugs; toxic pesticides; fertile farm land stolen by corporations and governments; wars; extreme poverty. The virus cover story actually obscured all these ongoing crimes. Finally, in the summer of 1987, I found several researchers who were rejecting the notion that HIV caused AIDS. Their reports were persuasive. I’m shortcutting a great deal of my 1987-8 investigation here, but once HIV was out of the picture for me, many pieces fell into place. I discovered that, in EVERY group supposedly at “high-risk” for AIDS, their conditions and symptoms could be entirely explained by factors that had nothing to do with a new virus. AIDS was not one condition. It was an umbrella label, used to re-package a number of immunosuppressive symptoms and create the illusion of a new and unique and single “pandemic.” Several years after the publication of AIDS INC., I became aware of a quite different emerging debate going on under the surface of research: DOES HIV EXIST? Was the purported virus ever truly discovered? And THAT question led to: what is the correct procedure for discovering a new virus?

Heavily Armed Police Begin to Arrest Protesters in Ottawa

Interim Ottawa Police Chief has promised all week that the protesters in Ottawa would be removed, and that this weekend would not be like the past couple of weekends in Ottawa, and he followed through with his attempt to make that happen today on Friday, February 18th, as heavily armed police took to the streets of Ottawa and began arresting the protesters. Here is my video report, so you can listen and watch for yourself instead of read what I write.

40,000 Deaths Following COVID Shots in European Database as Life Insurance Death Claims Skyrocket

The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 39,997 fatalities, and 3,666,011 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots. From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,727,226) are serious injuries. Edward Dowd is a former Portfolio Manager for Blackrock where he managed a 14 billion dollar portfolio. He was recently interviewed by Kristi Leigh and in this interview he discusses the surge of death payouts recorded in the Life Insurance industry in the 4th quarter of 2021. While Life Insurance companies suffered in 2021, the year the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, funeral businesses saw a surge in sales.

FDA Executive Officer: “Almost a Billion Dollars a Year Going into FDA’s Budget from the People we Regulate”

Project Veritas published Part Two of its series on the FDA on Wednesday night which featured FDA Executive Officer, Christopher Cole, speaking about the inner workings of the agency including the FDA’s conflicts of interest, overspending, and why it’s hard for those within the agency to speak out on such abuses. The incendiary footage, which features Cole talking about how the additional money the FDA brings in “gets banked” to be spent on “whatever you can, whether it’s right or wrong,’’ also features Cole discussing reasons why it’s difficult for anyone in government to speak out about practices he sees as “probably excessive.” “I don’t think there’s enough people saying they’re, like, ‘Look, that’s fine, but that’s not right.  So, we’re not going to charge that.’ You don’t want to be that person. You’re not going to have a long shelf life in the agency if you’re always that person,” Cole said. “There’s not an incentive to speak out in government, surprisingly. You would think there would be, but there’s not. It’s better just to just not say anything and just ignore it. The whistleblower, well, it’s high-profile whistleblower statutes and everything, that’s kind of ridiculous,” Cole said before adding “it’s better to just stay quiet and accept.”

After Trudeau Freezes Protesters’ Bank Accounts a Run on Canadian Banks Shuts Down Services

Banks in Canada started freezing accounts of those who allegedly were supporting the Trucker Freedom Convoy protests yesterday. As news of bank accounts being frozen spread, several major Canadian banks went offline in what appeared to be a bank run. Trudeau faced his critics in Ottawa earlier today at the House of Commons, and reportedly stated: "We understand that Canadians are frustrated with [COVID-19]. Some protesters came to Ottawa to express their frustrations and fatigue with public health measures. That's their right. It's a right that we'll defend in this free and democratic country. But the illegal blockades and occupations are not peaceful protests. They have to stop." According to Trudeau's Justice Minister, apparently those "illegal blockades and occupations" include being a Trump supporter, which can result in your bank account being frozen. Protesters apparently are not backing down, and Dr. Byram Bridle reportedly called on all Canadians to now head to Ottawa to join the protests.