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The Crumbling Empire: Will America’s Defense of Israel be Her Last Stand?

This past Sunday, during the Memorial Day weekend as Americans were out celebrating the weekend holiday that traditionally kicks off the Summer Season, Israel bombed a refugee camp in Gaza where dozens of innocent people, including women and children, died horrible deaths as many of them were burned alive. Those who view the current war in Israel through the eyes of Zionism may try to claim this is fake news as they do almost every time a news outlet reports the massacre of innocent women and children in Gaza, but they cannot do so this time, as Netanyahu himself admitted that this was true, as he vowed to continue the bombing. There is actual video footage of this that Al Jazeera published, but is "restricted" on YouTube due to the violence it shows. I am not restricting it, and here is a copy from our Odysee video channel. Be aware that this is a disturbing video that younger children may not be able to handle and should not watch. As the world watched this in horror, Zionist Republican Nikki Haley appeared in Israel the next day, on Memorial Day, to support Israel's genocide by actually signing her name to a bomb and hand writing "Finish them!" This came about the same time that it was revealed that the bombs launched into the Rafah refugee camp were American bombs. Haley was the first Indian American to serve in a presidential cabinet under Trump as his Ambassador to the UN. Here is how the English press in India covered Haley's visit to Israel (Video). Just before her trip to Israel, Haley announced that she would be voting for Trump in the election later this year even after opposing him in the primaries, and Trump responded by saying just before her trip to Israel: “We had a nasty campaign, it was pretty nasty,” Trump said. “But she's a very capable person, and I'm sure she's gonna be on our team in some form, absolutely.” With growing opposition around the world against the United States and their support of Netanyahu's reign of terror, from BOTH U.S. allies and from America's "enemies" such as Russia, China, and Iran, would the Globalists who run the United States allow the American Empire to be defeated and collapse?

Evangelical Christians Running Orphanage in Haiti Murdered – Time to Shut Down Orphanages in Haiti’s Lucrative Child Trafficking Business?

In a tragic story that made headline news this past week, three leaders of a Haitian Orphanage were reportedly murdered by gangs in Haiti. Davy Lloyd, age 23, and his wife Natalie Lloyd, 21, were the American leaders of the orphanage who were killed, as well as Pastor Jude Montis, age 45, who was the Haitian director of the orphanage of Missions in Haiti, Inc., an American non-profit corporation started by Davy's parents in 2001, who are the directors of the corporation. This story has been extensively covered in the corporate media with very little derivation from the original AP story that reported the incident. We really do not know the story that is behind these murders, as the deceased are portrayed as innocent victims of random gang violence in Haiti, which is reportedly common these days. And while that is probably true, it ignores the larger issue of the presence of Christian orphanages in Haiti that have been shown in the past to be part of the huge child trafficking network operating out of Haiti. In my research of Missions in Haiti, Inc., which is headquartered in Oklahoma, I could find no evidence of any known intentional child trafficking operating out of their business. However, it is widely known that such Christian organizations have been used in the past to traffick children. Much of this was revealed back in 2010, just after a massive earthquake hit Haiti, when Evangelical Christian Laura Silsby along with American Baptist missionaries from Idaho tried to traffick 33 children out of Haiti, claiming they were “orphans.” They were also working with the Clinton Foundation. Since this time, some organizations have begun to investigate the 30,000 + children living in orphanages in Haiti, which they claim is a form of "child trafficking."

God’s Power to Perform Miracles vs. Satan’s Power to Practice Magic and Sorcery

Western culture, and in particular American culture, can trace its origins back to Europe and the time period known as the "Age of Enlightenment" in the 17th and 18th centuries, which placed a high value on concepts such as "rationalism" and "empiricism", which shaped academics and the development of the field of modern-day "science." In short, this period of western culture placed more value on the academic studies of the physical sciences over the study of philosophy, along with the humanities and arts. Parallel to this time period was the development of Reformed Theology in Europe and America that broke away from many of the religious teachings of the Catholic Church. In my opinion much good came out of this period, particularly the translation of the original languages that the Scriptures and the ancient texts that comprise the Bible were written in, into the vernacular languages of the "common people" so that religious "experts" were no longer needed to interpret or explain what the Bible, which was then, and still is today, used to enslave the masses. But much evil also came out of this period of history. This is the period of history where Freemasonry was spreading throughout the UK and Europe with Masonic Lodges and "secret societies" which, in spite of the emphasis on rationalism and empiricism in the higher academic institutions that emphasized the physical world over the non-physical world, taught and practiced many spiritual teachings that were considered too advanced for the "uninitiated." The most dangerous teachings that came out of this period of history, by far, were the teachings that accepted the theories of Charles Darwin, and his theory about the origins of man known as biological evolution. The teachings of Darwin were also adopted by the Christian Reformers in religious academics, and one of the most evil doctrines developed by Reformation Theology was the doctrine known as "Cessationism," the teaching that the miraculous power of God, on display in the Scriptures from the first book to the last book in the Bible, no longer applied in "modern times." "Cessationism" is a trap, as it leads one to only have an intellectual knowledge of the Scriptures, and even Satan has that kind of knowledge of the scriptures, as he even quoted the Old Testament to Jesus in their lone, physical encounter, as recorded in the Gospels. Dark and evil days are just ahead, and without the power of God in your life, you will be left helpless before the power of Satan.

The Banking Crisis is Accelerating in Big Tech Banks: 10 Million Americans Cannot Withdraw their Funds on One FinTech App!

The technology that America's infrastructure is now hopelessly dependent upon continues to fail, as it was reported this week that one of the most popular FinTech (Financial Technology) apps, which are supposed to "reinvent" banking by getting rid of such pesky nuisances such as over-draft charges, having to wait until your paycheck clears before having access to funds, and many other wonderful Big Tech promises that have convinced tens of millions of people to open accounts on these FinTech apps, has left millions of customers today without access to their funds on deposit. These funds on deposit with these FinTech apps are NOT FDIC insured. And a judge just ruled that if you lost your money on this app, too bad. As I have been warning for over a year and a half, if you trust in the technology, you risk losing everything as a reward for your faith in Big Tech, as the Big Tech Crash that started in 2022 just after the demise of FTX, with its billionaire founder now sitting in prison, is now accelerating.

America: Behold the Results of Your Faith in AI Technology! The Boeing Example of Failure

The commercial aircraft manufacturer and U.S. Military contractor Boeing is having a turbulent 2024 so far, as it seems like almost every week now we are seeing news about their aircraft malfunctioning and causing harm. Earlier today (May 21, 2024) one of their planes suddenly dropped 7,000 feet in just six minutes without warning, sending everyone in the plane who was not wearing seat belts flying through the air and crashing into the ceiling and overhead bins, where one man died, and others were injured, many of them critically. I have spent hours today researching what I could find about what the media is reporting about all these aviation mishaps by Boeing this year, and what they speculate is causing all these "accidents." But so far I have not found anyone investigating what I have investigated today, and which I am going to report on in this article, and that is the fact that while Boeing has an annual budget of $6.4 billion for developing AI and technology, and that while it has invested in AI technology for over a decade now, not only are their planes NOT becoming safer and more advanced due to this "newer" technology, but they are becoming more dangerous and less advanced than older planes were before the rapid development of all this "AI technology." At the very least, we can say that all of the $BILLIONS spent on AI and technology by Boeing over the past decade plus has not made their planes safer. This calls into question the value of spending so much money on developing AI. We have already seen that the automotive industry has been pulling their funding for AI for "fully autonomous driver-less cars" since 2022 after decades of spending $billions on this with no fully autonomous driver-less cars in the mass market yet. But beyond the waste in spending $billions on technology that is mostly science fiction, is the over-reliance on this technology actually leading to decreased performance and safety that is primarily behind the cause for all these failures for Boeing? THIS is the question that investigators and Government agencies should be asking, but they won't, and they can't.

The Reign of the U.S. Dollar as The World’s Reserve Currency is Rapidly Coming to an End – Is the Death of the Iranian President Related?

In an event that was barely covered in the western media last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a 2-day visit to China to meet with his counterpart, Chinese President Xi Jinping. A lot of the western media coverage seemed to be infatuated with the fact that the two of them hugged each other in public, which was allegedly unprecedented, and that spawned dozens of articles of corporate media conspiracy theories about what it was that made them so happy with each other. But details of the meeting are now beginning to emerge, especially as some sources have begun translating Russian and Chinese versions of descriptions of what happened during the meetings into English. And if these English reports are accurate, it is no wonder as to why the two were so happy, as it appears that the U.S. Dollar's supremacy as the world's reserve currency is on the way out as the rest of the non-western world is rapidly abandoning the U.S. Dollar, which spells doom for the United States, and the ultimate end of the U.S. Empire as the world's most powerful nation. And now add to that the news of the suspicious death of Iran's President that happened this weekend after I started to write this article, and perhaps we now can see clearer into the future to understand what is about to happen next. It's not a pretty picture, at least not for Americans.

Abiogenic Deep Origin of Hydrocarbons Disputes the Climate Change Cult

Today I am publishing a guest post by my Australian friend Dr. John Gideon Hartnett about the Abiogenic Deep Origin of Hydrocarbons. I have briefly summarized this kind of research in the past (see: The Myth of “Fossil Fuels” and the Myth that the U.S. is Transitioning Away from Oil to “Green” Energy), but Dr. Hartnett is far more qualified to write on this topic than I am. His bio: "Dr John Gideon Hartnett is an accomplished Australian physicist, cosmologist, and noted biblical creationist. A PhD holder from The University of Western Australia (UWA), Hartnett has served at both UWA and the University of Adelaide, contributing to over 200 scientific papers. He was a founding director of a successful startup that has commercialized his research on ultra-stable cryogenic ‘clocks’. He’s known internationally as a speaker on biblical creation, and has written extensively on the subject, especially from an astrophysics and cosmology perspective. Hartnett also writes popular science pieces, frequently critiquing man-made climate change and green energy." He is also a fellow Truth Warrior and my brother in Christ, who stood firm against the tyrannical COVID edicts opposing the Australian Government from 2020 on, and standing on the Truth, even at risk to his own life and career.

Washington D.C. Republicans Now Representing Israel – NOT The United States

Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives, led by their Speaker Mike Johnson, passed a law trying to force President Biden to send thousands of bombs to Israel, threatening to "de-fund the Defense Department, State Department, and National Security Council unless and until Joe Biden agrees to facilitate the totally uninhibited, conditions-free transfer of US arms to Israel." As has become the norm in recent days, these Republicans needed help from Democrats in order to get this bill passed. Thomas Massie, a non-Zionist Republican, was recently attacked by AIPAC, which receives over $300 million a year to lobby Congress for Israel and the Zionist cause, because he tried to remove Mike Johnson from the Speaker of the House position. AIPAC put out a $300,000 ad to attack Massie, to which Massie replied that AIPAC should register as a foreign agent under "The Foreign Agents Registration Act" which requires agents of foreign principals to register & disclose certain information, since it is obvious that they receive much of their revenue from Israel. Watch the $300,000 AIPAC ad which accuses Massie of being the only Republican that voted against 15 bills in the House in April, to which Massie replied: "@SpeakerJohnson, why did the U.S. House of Representatives vote 15 times in April on Israel’s issues, but not on our own?" Indeed, the House Republicans are obviously more concerned about Israel's interests than the issues of their American constituents. It is very obvious who they serve now, and it is not Americans. They have sold their soul to Zionist Israel who now controls them. The Zionist bill that passed yesterday was all show, because the Senate has already stated that it is "dead on arrival", and even if it did somehow pass, Joe Biden would obviously veto it. And while all these multiple bills are being introduced in the House to support Israel and expand the definition of "antisemitism" which would also criminalize any speech that supports the New Testament portion of the Bible, nothing is being done about the border-migrant problem, the proposed WHO Pandemic Treaty, or any investigations into the criminal COVID-19 vaccines, or stopping the Fed from developing CBDC digital currencies, or any other issue of importance to Americans.

2020: Can be Arrested for Refusing to Wear a Mask – 2024: Student Protesters Face Criminal Charges for Wearing a Mask

In yet another insane example of how "free speech" is a myth and only defined by what side of whatever political debate you are on that is dominating the news of the day, Pro-Palestinian student protesters faced criminal charges in Ohio this week for wearing face masks during the protest. This is happening just 4 years after people were arrested in 2020 during the fake COVID pandemic for REFUSING to wear face masks in anti-lockdown protests. In Ohio, Governor Mike DeWine issued a statewide mask order in 2020 requiring everyone in Ohio to wear a face mask in public. After issuing this order, a woman was tased and arrested for criminal trespassing for not wearing a mask during an outdoor school football game. Fast forward to almost 4 years later, and Governor DeWine's Attorney General, Dave Yost, is trying to bring up criminal charges against two peaceful pro-Palestinian student protesters at Xavier University who were wearing masks, citing an old 1953 law designed to prosecute Ku Klux Klan members for covering their faces. Whatever remnants of the First Amendment that still exist are now in serious danger as the Zionist coalition with their mega-funding lobbyists seek to redefine the First Amendment to basically read: "You a have a right to freedom of speech and freedom of religion as long as you support the Zionist cause and don't criticize Israel." Also this week, more GOP Zionist politicians in DC are calling for nuclear bombs to be launched against Palestinians.

Exposing Christian Myths: The Bible does NOT Teach that Believers Should Always Obey the Government

One of the most common myths taught in Christianity today, and since the "Reformation" period in Europe in the 1700s, is that believers in Jesus Christ are taught to always obey our government. The passage in the New Testament part of the Bible that is used by pastors and other Christian "leaders" today to try and convince people that they need to always obey their government, is from Paul's letter written to the congregations who were in Rome at the time. The first thing one must do to understand this passage, is consider who these instructions were written to, and what their situation was that prompted Paul to write a letter to these congregations, which included this passage at the beginning of the 13th chapter of Paul's letter to the believers in Rome. We saw how this wrong interpretation of this passage in Romans was used by Christian leaders to tell people in 2020 and 2021 to obey what the Government was dictating in terms of a response to the fake COVID "pandemic" and their pharmakeia "cures." And we are going to see more cases like this in our future, especially in terms of Zionism and how they define "antisemitism." But this is an introduction to this topic that should clearly show how the Bible is so easily manipulated by these Zionist Jews and Christians to force the public to comply with their plans for a New World Order, run by the true Antichrist, Satan.