New Study: Drug Legalization Leads to Significant Reduction in Foster System Admissions

Richard Nixon, in his effort to silence black people and antiwar activists, brought the War on Drugs into full force in 1973. He then signed Reorganization Plan No. 2, which established the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).  Over the course of five decades, this senseless war has waged on. At a cost of over $1 trillion — ruining and ending countless lives in the process — America’s drug war has created a drug problem that is worse now than ever before. This is no coincidence. For years, those of us who’ve been paying attention have seen who profits from this inhumane war — the police state and cartels. For decades, millions of Black men — whose only “crime” was possession or sale of crack — were torn from their home and incarcerated. This led to millions more children growing up in fatherless environments which, in turn, put these future families in major deficits from their difficult childhoods. The effects have spanned decades and have turned once thriving communities into high-crime areas in which violence is the only constant. When we add marijuana prohibition into the equation, the damage done to the American family through the enforcement of the drug war could be considered a crime against humanity. Drug laws are now evolving but not fast enough. Despite knowing the effects of mass incarceration for victimless crimes, the state still aggressively pursues people for non-violent drug possession. Perhaps with the release of a new study out of Oxford, Mississippi published in the journal Economic Inquiry, this paradigm of destroying families over the war on drugs subsides more quickly. In the study, titled, Recreational marijuana legalization and admission to the foster-care system, a pair of economists with the University of Mississippi assessed foster care admission trends in states pre and post-legalization. What they found was both encouraging and infuriating at the same time.

6 Canadian Medical Doctors Died Within 2 Weeks After 4th COVID Booster Shots for Employees Started at One Hospital

The alternative media was all a buzz this week as several previously young, healthy doctors all died within just a few days of each other. The biggest story came out of Canada’s Trillium Health Partners-Mississauga Hospital in Toronto, where 3 physicians from that hospital died "unexpectedly" within the same week, and according to a nurse who also works in the same hospital, the deaths followed after the hospital started mandating the fourth Covid shot for their employees. These deaths followed the announcement of the death of Dr. Paul Hannam, the Chief of Emergency Medicine and Program Medical Director at North York General Hospital (NYGH). Dr. Hannam was reportedly in excellent health, as he was an Olympic sailor and marathon runner. Any links to COVID-19 vaccines he may have taken were vehemently denied by the hospital and corporate media. Then Dr. Candace Nayman, 27, a resident at McMaster Children Hospital in Hamilton and also a triathlete, also died "unexpectedly" this week. Then yesterday, Gateway Pundit reported that 44-year-old family physician Dr. Shahriar Jalali Mazlouman from Saskatchewan "died unexpectedly" last weekend, July 23. That is quite a flurry of "unexpected deaths" in the medical community in Canada, which mandates COVID-19 vaccines as a condition for employment in the medical system. How long will the public continue to believe that these "unexpected deaths" of previously young, healthy doctors have "nothing to do with the COVID-19 vaccines"?

Los Angeles Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer Backs Down Indoor Mask Mandates As Multiple Cities Refused Enforcement

Earlier this month we reported that LA County Chief Medical Officer Dr. Brad Spellberg went public to humiliate Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer’s announcement that COVID-19 cases were on the rise and new face mask mandates were needed soon. "In a sign that perhaps even the pro-pharma pro-vaccine medical professionals are starting to get tired of the constant COVID hype and are beginning to speak out against health politicians who are appointed bureaucrats and never elected by the people to their public office, LA County Chief Medical Officer Dr. Brad Spellberg went public recently to humiliate Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer’s announcement that COVID-19 cases were on the rise and new face mask mandates were needed soon." Apparently the public put more stock into what Dr. Spellberg was saying as opposed to what the public health politicians wanted people to believe, and Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer backed down on the mask mandates today (for now), as several cities stated they would not enforce it.

W.H.O. – 99% of Monkeypox Cases are Among Men, 95% Men who Have Sex with Men – Calls for Global Censorship of MonkeyPox “Misinformation”

The World Health Organization published recommendations regarding the MonkeyPox "Global Emergency" today, and in doing so, they revealed that this "virus" actually only risks a very small portion of the world's population: men having sex with other men. WHO Director-general Tedros Adhanom then called for global censorship on any "disinformation" that does not follow the WHO approved propaganda, just as they did with COVID-19. So there you have it. Don't let history repeat itself, because we know now that those who researched the truth for themselves regarding COVID-19 (labeled as "misinformation") and determined that it was not a major risk, and therefore stayed clear from the "vaccines" and other novel, new medicines that were quickly authorized for "emergency use," are the ones who are still alive today and still have their hearts and brains in tact.

Treasonous Biden and the Green Agenda is Shipping Gas OUT of the United States – War on the American People

U.S. President Biden's Administration continues to risk national security by taking millions of barrels from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve and shipping it abroad to Asia (including China) and Europe. And this situation just grew much worse, as today it was announced that the Biden Administration has actually shipped MORE liquid natural gas (LNG) to Europe than the U.S. even promised! Total exports of LNG to Europe have now exceeded total exports to Europe for ALL of 2021. This is astounding news given the fact Natural Gas prices are soaring to (so far) 14-year highs today, due to Russia cutting back on natural gas flow to Europe via the Nord 1 Stream pipeline. Last week, Germany and other European nations breathed a collective sigh of relief, as Russia turned the Nord 1 pipeline back on after maintenance work, against fears that they would not. It was only turned on to allow about 40% of its capacity to Europe, the same amounts as before they shut it down completely for maintenance earlier this month (July, 2022), which was already causing energy shortages in Europe. But then a few days later, it was announced that another turbine required maintenance, and that they were further reducing the flow to now only 20%. Now, natural gas prices are already at a 14-year high, and production in the U.S. has fallen as the Freeport liquefied natural gas plant in Texas, one of the largest U.S. operators of liquefied natural gas, will remain offline until almost the end of the year after a fire at their facility in June. Shipping U.S. natural gas to Europe as payment for their involvement in the Ukraine War while supplies are dwindling in the U.S., is a threat to national security, as we are obviously now in a "Proxy War" with Russia. How is this not a treasonous act?

WHO Declares Monkeypox “Global Emergency” After Vaccine Approved by EMA for Europe – Outbreaks are Only in Countries That Injected Their Citizens with Pfizer COVID Shots

The roll out of the Monkeypox "Plandemic" has been carefully planned and coordinated, much like the COVID Plandemic of 2020, including having simulations on how this "plandemic" will evolve, much like the 2019 Event 201 which simulated, with almost precision accuracy, how the COVID plandemic would evolve. This past weekend the World Health Organization officially declared the “monkeypox outbreak” a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). An important event had to occur before this announcement, however, and that happened on Friday last week, when the European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved Bavarian Nordic Smallpox/Monkeypox vaccine for distribution in Europe, so that Big Pharma can continue reaping windfall profits from vaccines that are supposed to stop "plandemics." This vaccine, while approved by the FDA in the US and now by the EMA in Europe, is largely untested in the public, and there were very serious issues with rates of heart disease in the clinical trials, which are actually higher than the rates of heart disease for the experimental COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. The World Health Organization has acknowledged that the vaccine is mostly untested, and that those being injected with the vaccine now are part of a “clinical study” for the purpose of data collecting so that researchers can learn more about the “effectiveness of the vaccine.” And perhaps the most interesting aspect of this planned and coordinated MonkeyPox "outbreak" was reported by The Exposé yesterday, where their investigation revealed that the only countries where these "outbreaks" of MonkeyPox are happening are only in countries where the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine has been injected into the citizens of those countries in mass vaccination campaigns. Russia and China, therefore, are allegedly not seeing these MonkeyPox "outbreaks," and "coincidentally" they did not mass vaccinate their populations with American-made Pfizer COVID vaccines, but used their own, locally produced, COVID vaccines.

Israel Caught Concealing Children’s Vaccine Injuries

Israel’s Ministry of Health commissioned a study analyzing reports of adverse events from Pfizer’s COVID vaccine to Israel’s vaccine database, known as the Nahlieli system, between December 2021 and May 2022. The research team was headed by Professor Matti Berkowitz, director of the Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology Unit at Assaf Harofeh Hospital (Shamir).  Prof. Berkowitz’s team found that children in the 5-11-year age group had twice to four times as many adverse events following the Pfizer shot as children in the 12-17 age group. This doubling of vaccine injuries is, in itself, extremely disturbing — and should have been immediately brought to the attention of the nation’s parents.  The parents were not informed. What’s more, the Ministry officials recommended booster shots for youngsters aged 5-11—thereby increasing the risk for serious harm. It is unconscionable that the Israeli Health Ministry knew about the serious risks of harm posed to young children, concealed the evidence, and further expanded the ever-increasing risk for children by authorizing the use of these UNSAFE and medically unjustifiable genetically manipulated injections for infants and toddlers! The exposure of children to unjustifiable risks constitutes — as the late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko fearlessly categorized diabolical child sacrifice.

76,253 Dead 6,033,218 Injured Recorded in Europe and USA Following COVID Vaccines with 4,358 Fetal Deaths in U.S.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) database of adverse drug reactions is now reporting 46,618 deaths and 4,682,268 injuries following COVID-19 vaccines. In the United States, the Vaccine Adverse Events Recording System (VAERS) is now reporting 29,635 deaths and 1,350,950 injuries following COVID-19 vaccines. There have now been more deaths and vaccine side effects reported during the past 20 months to VAERS following COVID-19 vaccines than there has been for the entire previous 30 years for all FDA-approved vaccines before the Emergency Use Authorization of the COVID-19 shots in December of 2020. (833,968 cases, 9,279 deaths.) The latest update in VAERS shows 4,358 fetal deaths following COVID-19 vaccines injected into pregnant and child-bearing aged women. This has to be the saddest, most criminal activity of Big Pharma and the FDA by allowing these COVID-19 shots to be injected into pregnant and young women. Pfizer had data showing how dangerous these shots were for pregnant women, but the FDA gave authorization anyway. Another 103 records of COVID-19 vaccine injuries were added to VAERS yesterday (July 22, 2022) for the 6-month to 4-years-old age group, continuing to show horrible side effects that include brain injuries, anaphylactic shock, dementia, depression, lupus, pancreatitis, colitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, eye infections, encephalitis, seizures, meningitis, and all sorts of rashes, since these shots were approved for this age group a few weeks ago, in June.

Drilling Under Lake Mead To Drain The Last Drop: 40 Million in U.S. West Without Water in 2023

Dane Wigington of revealed earlier this month (July, 2022) that drilling going on under Lake Mead to supply water to Las Vegas could soon reach a point known as a “dead pool,” which would have a devastating impact on the lives of tens of millions of people in the U.S. Southwest. "Many are now aware of and justifiably concerned about Lake Mead soon becoming what is known as a 'dead pool'. When this milestone is reached, the ramifications for tens of millions of Americans is beyond grave. What is not being discussed is the Lake Mead 3rd intake drain that was designed to drain every last drop from this diminishing and dying largest reservoir in the US. The remaining water will keep Las Vegas Nevada partying till the last possible moment. Even more dire is the official denial of the ongoing drought inducing covert climate engineering operations that are the core causal factor behind the unprecedented drought in the Western US. The six minute video below provides much needed information on the unfolding cataclysm surrounding the collapsing Colorado River water source." Last week Dane Wigington was interviewed by Greg Hunter where he explained how these engineered droughts in the West will affect 40 million people next year. "There is no speculation, no hypothesis or conjecture in any of this. Climate engineering is the primary cause for the protracted drought, and not just in the U.S. but in many other parts of the world. It also causes a deluge scenario, and all of it is crushing crops. We can speculate to the motives and agendas behind those who run these operations, but the fact that climate engineering is the primary causal factor for the western drought is inarguable. This is a runaway train of total cataclysm, and those in power are preventing anyone from even discussing this issue down to the point that there is an illegal federal gag order on the nation’s weathermen at the National Weather Service and NOAA." Last year I watched the documentary created by Dane Wigington, The Dimming, which conclusively shows how weather modification is being used by the military for warfare, and this has been happening for many years now. I am going to republish my review of "The Dimming" here, and provide the free YouTube version below that can be watched.

Has NATO Now Taken Over Command of the U.S. Navy?

Has a non-U.S. citizen, a military general from France, now taken over command of the U.S. Navy under NATO? French General Philippe Lavigne was appointed to the post of Supreme Allied Commander Transformation by the North Atlantic Council on May 28, 2021. The North Atlantic Council is the political organization that controls NATO, and its primary funding source comes from George Soros. Less than two months after the appointment of French General Philippe Lavigne to the post of Supreme Allied Commander Transformation by the North Atlantic Council, NATO annexed the largest naval base on U.S. soil, in Norfolk, Virginia, on July 15, 2021, bringing it completely under the control of NATO, even though the base is on U.S. soil. There was almost no media coverage of this event, but we covered this story in September last year with a story published at Today (July 20, 2022) it was announced that the USS Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group was now also under NATO control. How many U.S. citizens are even aware that the U.S. Navy is now almost completely under the control of NATO, including our largest naval base in Norfolk, VA? Probably almost nobody. My father is a U.S. Navy veteran who was commissioned to Norfolk in the early 1960s, and it is my own birthplace, as I was born in the Navy hospital there. But not even he knew about this, until I told him. It is hard for me to even comprehend that my birthplace, while on U.S. soil, is no longer under U.S. control, but instead is under the command of a French General. I think it is time for the many veterans in this country, and the hundreds of thousands of service members who are now losing their jobs because they refuse to take a toxic vaccine that might kill them, to start banding together and possibly start forming local militia groups. It might be time for a military coup, because if something like this doesn't happen soon, the U.S. military will just be a branch of NATO and the UN.

ATF and Delaware State Police Trooper Conduct Surprise Firearm Inspection at Man’s Home without Search Warrant

Armed American News has published an excellent investigative report about a man in Delaware who recently received a visit from two ATF agents and a Delaware State Police trooper, who wanted the man to bring out two guns that he had allegedly recently purchased, to make sure they were still in his possession. They had no search warrant. Please watch and learn how this man was coerced into giving consent to let them examine one of his guns, when he legally did not have to, so that faced with a similar circumstance as this man found himself in, you do not make the same mistakes that he did. Absent a search warrant, you do not even have to talk to law enforcement! You have a 5th Amendment right to remain silent. Let them know that they are trespassing, and ask them to leave immediately. Be polite and respectful, as often these officers are just "following orders" and may be just as uncomfortable being in that situation as you are. But that's no excuse for them to violate your Constitutional rights. Absent a search warrant signed by a judge, the only way they can remain on your property and converse with you is if you consent, and the minute you open up your mouth and answer their questions, you are consenting, at least in their view. The only words that should come out of your mouth are: "You're on private property and trespassing, and I am requesting that you leave now." Record everything as much as possible! This man had a Ring camera, but I do NOT recommend those as law enforcement agents across the country are tapping into these cameras on people's doors without their permission, and they have the ability to see everyone who enters and exits your home. Use your cell phone, or if you can afford it install a private security camera system that does NOT use the Internet, but simply records everything on to a DVR inside your home. This could have very well been a "trial balloon" by the authorities to see just how compliant the public will be on the issue of their privately-owned firearms, and they need to know that the public will not give in to illegal searches and entries willingly. If too many people give in and start answering their questions, they will simply move on to the next phase, with the goal of knowing where every firearm is located, and then to seize them at the right time if they choose to do so. We have also uploaded Law Professor James Duane's excellent presentation on why you should NEVER talk to the police! This is your right, and is protected by the 5th Amendment. It has been viewed by probably over 100 million people now, but copies are starting to disappear on YouTube so we have uploaded it to our Bitchute Channel.

Panic in Europe: Russia Stops Gas Flow on “Force Majeure” as Biden Admin Temporarily Prevents Rail Strike

In two major headline stories today on Monday, July 18th, there was some bad news for Germany and Europe, but some potentially good news for the U.S. This is not a good time to be dependent on public utilities if you live in Europe, especially Germany, as Russian natural gas supplier Gazprom reportedly declared a force majeure today on the Nord Stream 1 pipeline into Europe, stating that “extraordinary” circumstances outside its control would not allow them to reopen it. Meanwhile in the U.S., disaster was averted today, at least for now, as it was announced that the Biden Admin has set up an emergency "National Mediation Board" and signed an executive order that prevents any work stoppage for 60 days. Any "good" news for the short-term is temporary, of course, as the planned collapse of the world's financial system is now inevitable. Charles Hugh Smith reminded us all of the Economics 101 lesson in a recent blog post at of two that when your society is built on debt that cannot be paid back, there is only one solution: DEFAULT. Gazprom won't be the first force majeure or bankruptcy that we will be reading about in the news in the days ahead....

Utah Ritualized Sexual Abuse Investigation: The Mormon Church And Child Sexual Abuse

An investigation into ritualized child sexual abuse was first announced by the Utah County Sheriff’s Office on May 31st. The USCO released a statement detailing how “multiple county and federal agencies are investigating reports of ritualistic child sexual abuse from as far back as 1990”. I have been following the investigation since the initial announcement and reporting on various angles of the story. I encourage readers to spend time with the previous four parts of this series, particularly the third report on the history of similar allegations in the state of Utah. For this report I will be looking at the historical record, including lawsuits, church records, and previous reporting from other outlets to document the history of allegations involving members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, otherwise known as the Mormon Church. I have spoken with current and former members of the Church who hold varying views regarding allegations of ritualized child sexual abuse.

Funeral Home Whistleblower: Hospitals Are Covering Up Baby Vaccine Deaths By Cremating Babies Themselves

Funeral home director John O'Looney (UK) was interviewed by Maria Zeee (Australia) yesterday, where he discussed that hospitals were directly cremating babies who allegedly died after a COVID vaccine, most of them prenatal, rather than going to a funeral home. He states that he has never seen anything like this in his professional career as a funeral director, and that the only reason as to why hospitals were doing this was to prevent this information from reaching the public. Mr. O'Looney became a whistleblower early on in the vaccine roll outs, as he had bury so many young, previously healthy people in their early to mid-20s shortly after receiving COVID-19 vaccines, and his embalmer was seeing things in the arteries of those who were vaccinated that he had never seen previously. Meanwhile, another 141 cases of COVID-19 vaccine injuries in the 6 months old through 4 years old age group were added to the Vaccine Adverse Events Recording System (VAERS) database today.  As we reported last week, the damage being done to these young brains that are creating seizures and hallucinations is truly horrifying, where the most common side effect being reported is “Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome,” which the Cleveland Clinic defines as: "Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a rare and life-threatening reaction to the use of any neuroleptic medication. Neuroleptics, also known as antipsychotic medications, treat and manage symptoms of many psychiatric conditions." There is also extensive damage being done to their digestive tracts, with diarrhea and vomiting being reported, as well as pancreatitis and colitis, and many other gastrointestinal issues. Other side effects being reported among these babies and toddlers include anaphylactic shock, dementia, depression, lupus, Guillain-Barre syndrome, encephalitis, seizures, meningitis, and all sorts of rashes.

Politicians and Politics do Not Rule the World: Corporations, Financial Institutions and Bankers do and They are Implementing a New World Order

Boris Johnson was recently removed from office in the UK, Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has just fled the country in disgrace, and in the U.S. the corporate media has turned against U.S. President Joe Biden, now that his son's penis is probably the most downloaded image on the Internet among photos of his pedophilia ways, and Biden's days in office seem to be coming to an end, possibly sooner rather than later. But anyone who still believes that these high-ranking politicians have any real power over national or international affairs, and that by replacing them with other politicians will solve economic or social problems, is not living in reality in terms of who controls the affairs of this world. Money, or financial power, rules the world, and since the start of the industrial age that began after WW II, that group of people at the top who occupy the leadership of banks, financial institutions and large corporations has dramatically shrunk, and the time has come for them to make their ultimate move, to take over the world's financial system and implement a New World Order where any resemblance to individual liberty and principles of democracy are completely swept away for totalitarianism and tyranny. In the U.S., for example, these Corporate Globalists have their own separate legal system that prevents them from facing justice, their top banks employ as many software engineers to spy on their employees as Google and Microsoft employ, and they have gotten away with rigging the markets illegally for so long now, that they are now in the process of doing away with Wall Street altogether and implementing a new national stock exchange called MEMX, where people will work remotely instead of on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in New York City. Technology, and I am defining "technology" here as the advent of the PC (personal computer) and public use of the Internet (which was developed by the military) in the 1980s and early 1990s, is by and large what has allowed them to gain so much power, but that technology may also be their Achilles heal and downfall - but that is a topic for another day and another article. Most of the public is aware of the World Economic Forum (WEF) where many of these Globalists gather, but Brandon Smith has published an article today exposing another organization that is less well known, and possibly even more influential, the "Council For Inclusive Capitalism." This is not an organization that you want to be ignorant about, if you want to fight Globalism and their plans for a New World Order.

Injecting Babies with COVID-19 Vaccines: Brain Damage, Seizures, Rashes are Recorded Side Effects in VAERS

We are now seeing more records of side effects from the pediatric COVID-19 vaccines for the most recent age group authorized by the FDA, babies and toddlers between the ages of 6 months and 4 years old. This age group was authorized to be injected with COVID-19 vaccines less than 1 month ago, on June 17th. In the most recent update to the national Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database this past Friday (July 8, 2021), 123 new records were added to this age group, with 137 cases now recorded since the FDA authorization. As we reported on July 6th, when the first few cases were beginning to show up in VAERS for the babies and toddlers, hallucinations are a very troubling side effect in this very young age group. With these 137 cases recorded in the past few weeks, other troubling side effects including brain injuries, seizures, and skin rashes are showing up in the database. 27 of the 137 cases listed "Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome" as a side effect. Cleveland Clinic defines "Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome" as: "Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a rare and life-threatening reaction to the use of any neuroleptic medication. Neuroleptics, also known as antipsychotic medications, treat and manage symptoms of many psychiatric conditions." I am tempted to write my emotional reaction to this news, but I want to keep this clean and G-rated. What kind of parent would willingly inject their baby with something that has the same "rare and life-threatening reaction" as antipsychotic drugs?? No wonder some of these babies and toddlers are hallucinating! Other side effects among these first 137 cases recorded in VAERS for babies and toddlers who are injected with the COVID-19 vaccines are: anaphylactic shock, dementia, depression, lupus, pancreatitis, colitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, encephalitis, seizures, meningitis, and all sorts of rashes.

Video: New York Releases New Nuclear Attack PSA – What Does this Mean?

New York City Emergency Management released a new nuclear attack public service announcement today. American Military News reports: "The grim video begins with an animated depiction of New York City after a nuclear explosion, including piles of rubble and sirens blaring. So there’s been a nuclear attack. Don’t ask me how or why, just know that the big one has hit. Ok? So, what do we do? There are three important steps that I want you to remember, the video’s host states. Step one: get inside, fast. You, your friends, your family … get inside. And, no, staying in the car is not an option. You need to get into a building and move away from the windows.” So what does this mean? Why are they disseminating this PSA in New York City at this time? The most logical reason would be that someone believes that NYC is being targeted for a nuclear missile strike. But sending a nuclear missile into NYC would be pure suicide for whatever country would do such a thing, as the U.S. would most certainly retaliate. Targeting a major civilian population area also does not make much military sense, because if any country would be foolish enough to risk a first strike against the U.S., chances are they would target military bases and our naval ships, seeking to destroy places where nukes are kept to reduce the chances of retaliation. Given the current political climate and the constant use of fear to keep the public in a never-ending state of terror so that they gladly accept government solutions that sacrifice freedom for slavery, the more reasonable explanation is to keep New Yorkers (and the rest of the country) in a perpetual state of being afraid of the next "big thing." Could we be looking at "false flag" attacks on American soil that are actually orchestrated by our own government, who will then turn around and blame some foreign entity, such as Russia, in order to justify more government actions to keep people at home and off the streets as they did during the COVID plandemic?

Chinese Bank Run Turns Violent After Angry Crowd Storms Bank of China Branch Over Frozen Deposits – Are You Prepared for the Financial Crash?

Signs of financial systems collapsing continue all across the world, which should be headline news, but the corporate media in the U.S. gives very scant mention of most of these events, if they cover them at all. Some of the corporate outlets are starting to report about the total collapse of society in Sri Lanka, but if you go to news aggregate sites like Google News, these reports will be further down the page than what they deem to be the most important news of the day, which in most cases are political news stories, like the continuing Jan. 6 saga sideshow. I am republishing a report of violent protests in China that happened today over frozen bank accounts where people can no longer withdraw their money from their own bank accounts. While rioting and protests for the most part have not yet started in the U.S., just wait. The corporate media cannot continue to suppress the financial apocalypse for too long, and make no mistake about it, it is coming. A story that barely got any mention last week, and one that I found on, of all places, even though it was from an American news source (Bloomberg), talks about the collapse of the U.S. industrial industry due to rising energy costs. In Indiana, Kaiser Aluminum closed down last week, not necessarily because of energy costs, but due to the inability to secure magnesium to produce aluminum beverage and food packaging products. People who just blindly depend on "the system" and think it will always be there, or that the government will come in and rescue people, are going to be in for some huge surprises at some point. Everybody should be thinking about energy sources right now, and if you can afford it, start investing in alternative forms of producing energy, before a run on those types of products begins, as has already happened in Europe, mainly in Germany. Natural gas is going to be the most problematic source of energy for the rest of this year, as supplies continue to dwindle, especially after a major explosion happened at a natural gas plant in Oklahoma today, and if you are on natural gas and have options to switch to something else, even propane, do it while you can. Those who live in colder climates and have abundant wood available, should look into either wood burning stoves, or even wood burning boiler systems that can heat your entire home with wood using the more healthy "radiant heat" from hot water running through radiator pipes. Those in sunny climates should be looking at solar alternatives. But not just solar panels that feed back into the grid and help save on your electric bill, because they will become worthless if the grid goes down, but also a battery storage system to utilize your solar energy when the system collapses. All of these options are for the most part available now, but they may not be in the near future.

UK Government Stats Show Vaccinated Children are 30,200% more Likely to Die than Unvaccinated Children

The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has questionably authorised emergency use of both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 injections for use among children aged 6 months and above despite the UK Government admitting the Covid-19 Vaccine is killing children after it published data via the Office for National Statistics proving children are 82 to 303x more likely to die following Covid-19 vaccination than children who have not had the Covid-19 vaccine.

System Collapses Begin as Germans Warned to Prepare for Heating Shortages, School Closures

Officials in Germany warned citizens this week to prepare for gas shortages due to cuts in natural gas imported from Russia. Trying to sell the war in Ukraine and sanctions against Russia, Germans are being told to prepare for hot water shortages, and rationing of gas to heat their homes where limits may be set to only 62 F (17 C). This has caused mass panic buying of wood-burning stoves and firewood throughout Europe. This energy shortage also threatens to shut down schools and educational facilities in Germany this winter. As we reported yesterday with the farmer rebellion in Europe right now, shortages of just about everything now loom in the worldwide economy, due to government actions, such as the "Green Agenda" in the Netherlands that is trying to take farmland away from farmers, to the war in Ukraine, or to government mandates such as COVID-19 vaccines where a significant portion of the workforce has either quit, or for the ones who complied, have now died or become permanently disabled. Very few people today are truly understanding just what is in store in the future, especially because so many have a false belief in the technology that today holds everything together. The technology is failing, and will continue to fail, as it takes a tremendous workforce to be able to service this technology and keep it running, not to mention that it also takes massive amounts of energy to produce the electricity that runs it. Today in Canada, millions of people could not use their debit cards due to a major Internet outage. Reports out of Sri Lanka show the country has completely broken down, where chaos now rules. What is to stop this from happening to other countries in the not-too-distant future? In the U.S., it is being reported that the Biden Administration has been shipping the nation's emergency oil reserves overseas, which will cause higher gas prices and potential shortages here in the U.S. As we have been warning for months now, all these actions are PLANNED, and not accidental, being the result of government actions who are doing the bidding of the Billionaires and Bankers they work for and who know full well that the current economy cannot sustain the massive debts and corruption that have propped up the system for far too long, and their goal is to crash everything, reducing the world's population in the process, and then implement the Great Reset where they are the masters, and where those of us who survive are the slaves. A critical mass of people waking up from the mind-numbing propaganda and resisting the tyrants, as maybe we are beginning to see in Europe with the farmers, is perhaps the only thing standing in their way.