You are 25X More Likely to be Injured and 20X more Likely to Die if you get the COVID Shot
The biggest lie that has been perpetrated in modern medicine is that "the science is settled" when it comes to the issue of vaccines, and that all vaccines are "safe and effective." We have been exposing this lie for over a decade now, combating the lies with REAL data and truth, such as comparing the health outcomes of children whose parents followed the CDC vaccine schedule and injected their children with all the recommended vaccines, with those parents who decided to not vaccinate their children. This is, by far, the most scientific way to determine if vaccines, ANY vaccine, is "safe and effective." But such studies have never been conducted by the federal government and their alphabet "health" agencies such as the FDA, CDC, NIH, etc. And when others privately conduct such studies, these federal bureaucratic medical tyrants do everything they can to discredit and vilify those conducting such studies, to prevent the public from having this information. Families who suffer from vaccine injuries to their children, and as a result then decide to not vaccinate future children that they have, also become homes in which the health outcomes of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children can be observed, and we have published many of their stories. So it should not surprise us at all that the current medical authorities have no desire whatsoever to compare the health outcomes of people who have been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccines with those who have not. This is information that they do NOT want to be disseminated to the public. Steve Kirsch has just published a very revealing article about two groups of people he has studied that contain both people vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines and those who were not, comprising a sample of about 800 people, 200 of which attended a wedding about 8 months ago, and about 600 people who responded to a survey he published. The results of his analysis: "In the year after you are vaccinated with the COVID “vaccines” - you are 25X more likely to be injured and 20X more likely to die, and expect at least a 7% rate of serious injury and a 2% chance of death." It is this kind of data the CDC and FDA do NOT want disseminated to the public, and is being heavily censored.