Official Government Data Record 74,783 Deaths and 5,830,235 Injuries Following COVID-19 Vaccines in the U.S. and Europe
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) database of adverse drug reactions is now reporting 45,752 deaths and 4,522,307 injuries following COVID-19 vaccines, while the United States' vaccine adverse events recording system (VAERS) is now reporting 29,031 deaths and 1,307,928 injuries following COVID-19 vaccines. We know that as huge as these numbers are which are official government statistics, that they only represent a very small fraction of the total number of deaths and injuries suffered by those who chose to receive COVID-19 vaccines during the past 18 months. Last year, Dr. Jessica Rose did a comprehensive analysis to determine the "under-reported factor" in VAERS, and came up with 41X, meaning that the recorded data for adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines in VAERS had to be multiplied by 41 to get more accurate numbers. However, now that more time has elapsed since this study was performed, many feel that 41X is significantly too low, and should be closer to 100X, which is the number that was previously used based on a 2011 report by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). So if we take the publicly available data from VAERS and the European EMA and multiply by 100, these would be the true numbers of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines: 7,478,300 deaths and 583,023,500 injuries in Europe and the U.S. Is there any evidence available to corroborate these kinds of numbers of people who died and were injured from the COVID-19 vaccines? Oh yes, there most certainly is! Former Blackrock Fund Manager Edward Dowd was one of the first to sound the alarm about the massive increase in payouts for life insurance and health insurance benefits in February of this year (2022), as insurance companies began reporting on their earnings from 2021, the year the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out. We also published an article about a week ago from Margaret Menge reporting that a 163% increase in death benefits was paid out for group life insurance policies by the 5th largest life insurance company in the U.S. in 2021. This is creating tremendous shortages of human resources in the economy as the entire financial system is heading towards a collapse. When will the masses wake up to the fact that their governments and Big Pharma have an agenda, a very evil agenda, to reduce the world's population which is now a year and half old? And when they finally do wake up, will it be too late? Will they be sitting in a FEMA camp somewhere hoping that the government is going to give them enough food to stay alive?