The HPV Scandal: Pain and Suffering for Young Women – Sacrificial Virgins Documentary Part 2

The HPV vaccine - one of the world's most popular vaccines - is also the world's greatest source of serious adverse reactions, on a different scale to any other mass-administered vaccine, according to a new film launched today on YouTube. "Pain and Suffering," part two of the three-part series "Sacrificial Virgins," examines why the reported number of adverse reactions associated with the HPV vaccine is so great, offering a shocking analysis of what may have gone wrong. "It is a medical scandal," asserts the film's writer and narrator, Joan Shenton. "The Human Papilloma Virus vaccine - or HPV vaccine - is in a class of its own when it comes to causing pain and suffering, and in Sacrificial Virgins we are asking why."

American Children Compared to Rest of World: Among Sickest and Most Vaccinated

Every year, the President of the United States issues a proclamation in honor of Child Health Day (the first Monday of October), which in turn launches Children’s Health Month. President Calvin Coolidge was the first president to dedicate a special day to children’s health, in 1928, recognizing that “the conservation and promotion of child health places upon us a grave responsibility.” The U.S. is not living up to that vital responsibility and, in fact, is failing children miserably. American children’s ability to develop and thrive is being sabotaged by an avalanche of chronic ailments, with pediatric rates of some chronic conditions among the highest in the world. Infants in the U.S. receive more vaccines in their first year of life than anywhere else in the world, yet the U.S. infant mortality rate is much higher than in other high-income countries. At this juncture, millions of children’s futures are at stake. It is critically important to honestly assess whether vaccines have had a net negative impact rather than the “enormous” beneficial impact that the public health establishment likes to present as fact.

Medical Doctor and Mother Relates How Vaccines Killed her 6 Month Old Baby Daughter

The VAXXED team recently interviewed Dr. Stephanie Christner of Tulsa, Oklahoma, who is a primary care physician and psychiatrist who was pro-vaccine until her baby daughter died of vaccine injuries just shy of her 6 month old birth date. When she was pregnant with her daughter, she had two friends who questioned vaccines, and listened to them non-judgmentally. But when she went to the CDC website to research vaccines, and then talked to her pediatrician, her pediatrician basically told her she could not stay in his practice if she did not get her baby daughter vaccinated. She states that in her own medical training virtually nothing is taught about the science behind the manufacturing of vaccines, and that during her residency she was just expected to vaccinate everyone, and that if there were any complications after administering the vaccines, no one would ever associate the problem with the vaccine. Both of her sons, born prior to her daughter, were vaccinated, and experienced developmental delays and allergies. Her baby daughter was not vaccinated in the hospital when she was born, and was perfectly healthy the first couple of months. When she received her two month old vaccinations, things began to change. But she was still in denial at that time, not linking her daughter's health problems to the vaccines. As her baby's health continued to decline, she continued with the vaccine schedule. She died before she reached 6 months old. Up until this time, she still did not suspect any relationship to vaccines. She states: "I feel like every mother in the world, that you can't possibly imagine - I was so naive - I thought that there was really no way that we would ever give something to our most precious, precious, thing in the world, our children... that would be harmful and that wasn't (fully) studied." She sees things differently now, and realizes that many people have their eyes closed. She believes that most pediatricians would change their views on vaccines if they would bother to do the research that she has done.

Idaho Toxicologist Reveals Censorship of Vaccine Science in CBS Interview that Never Aired – Watch it Here

KBOI CBS channel 2 out of Boise, Idaho, recently interviewed Ashley Cates, a toxicologist, on the issue of vaccines. The interview was never aired, so by request we are making it available to the Health Impact News readership. Ashley Cates is a toxicologist who earned her degree in environmental toxicology from the University of California at Davis (UC Davis). She has previously worked at the California EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). She now lives in Idaho. When asked about her views on childhood vaccination, Ashley replied that she believes parents should make informed choices regarding vaccines for their children, after researching all of the science. She explains that when she researched the science, she was shocked over how much science is suppressed. She believes parents should be aware of all the science related to vaccines, including the negative, so that parents can make an informed choice. When asked what her personal views were in regards to vaccines, and whether or not she vaccinates her own children, Ashley replied: "We did (vaccinate) until my son started showing signs of damage to his health... Three days after a set of vaccines, he actually had seizures and began to have development delays and cognitive delays. He had sensory processing disorder, he had eczema, he had gastro-intestinal issues." Ashley goes on to explain that their current pediatrician has determined that her son has a specific genetic marker that makes him more susceptible to adverse reactions to vaccines, and has recommended to be cautious in giving her son any more vaccines.

Mother Faces Jail for Defying Judge’s Order to Vaccinate her Son

A metro Detroit mother is facing jail time for defying a judge's order forcing her to vaccinate her child. Rebecca Bredow is not anti-vaccine; she consented to have her son vaccinated in the past, but was concerned about giving him too many vaccines at one time. Her ex-husband agreed with her at the time, but now he has allegedly changed his mind, and sought a court order to force her to vaccinate their son. Rebecca is the primary care giver of the child. Judge Karen D. MacDonald has ordered the child to be vaccinated, and has allegedly threatened the mother with being put in jail for failing to comply. Speaking to reporters with WXYZ in Detroit, Rebecca states that she prefers sitting behind bars than forcing her son to receive so many vaccines.

Baby Foreskin Is Being Used To Make Vaccines

WARNING: SOME PEOPLE MAY FIND THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE DISTURBING AND THE IMAGES GRAPHIC. Every year, some infants are circumcised. During this surgical procedure, part of the child’s protective penile tissue is removed. This tissue removed from his penis may be sold to companies and institutions seeking the rich human fibroblast cells and other cells it contains. Most people are unaware that for decades, vaccine companies have been using these foreskin cells to research, grow and develop vaccines.

UK Media Publishes Truth About HPV Vaccine Destroying the Lives of “Thousands” of Girls

The Daily Mail, a U.K. publication, has published an article exposing the carnage that has resulted from the HPV vaccine Gardasil. They highlight the story of Jasmin Soriat, 19, from Vienna, who died from respiratory failure three weeks after having a second dose of the Gardasil vaccine. The article is based on the new HPV vaccine documentary, "Sacrificial Virgins." Thousands of girls around the world have suffered adverse reactions, often developing chronic fatigue syndrome. The family of British teenager Ruby Shallom from Bracknell, Berkshire, also claim she was left paralysed in three limbs after having the HPV jab. She also appears in the documentary and reveals: "The only limb that works now is my left arm… I still go out and see my friends but the pain and fatigue makes it hard." In the US, France, Spain and Denmark, more than 250 court cases are being mounted over HPV vaccinations. Damages have been won in the US and France. The Japanese government withdrew its recommendation for the HPV vaccine in 2013, after highly publicised cases of alleged adverse events in girls who had been vaccinated.

3 Day LIVE Event FREE: Preventing, Treating and Beating Cancer

Ty and Charlene Bollinger are hosting their critically-acclaimed health summit, The Truth About Cancer LIVE, from October 5th through October 7th, 2017. This year they’ve gathered an impressive collection of alternative health and natural cancer experts, maybe some of the best in the world, to present. It’s a “who’s who” of the very brightest minds and caring hearts in the field of alternative healing. Here’s just a taste of who’s coming: Dr. Patrick Quillin - Beating Cancer with Nutrition, Dr. Joseph Mercola - Ketogenic Diet and Cancer, Dr. Robert Scott Bell - Gut Health, the Microbiome, and Cancer, Dr. Rashid Buttar -The Cancer Conflict: Resolving the 5th Toxicity, Dr. Tony Jimenez - Treating Cancer with Sound and Light, Mike Adams - The importance of "ORGANIC", Del Bigtree - Freedom of Choice in Medicine, Chris Wark - How "Chris Beat Cancer" - Plus SO many more! These experts will share their most front-line, advanced and important information about healing and preventing cancer and other chronic diseases. And you have a front row seat - from the comfort of your own home. Here’s the best part: it’s absolutely FREE to you! The broadcast starts Thursday, October 5th at 9am Eastern.

CDC Lies About the Risks of Vaccination of Preterm Infants

According to the CDC, it is perfectly safe to vaccinate preterm babies by the same childhood vaccination schedule as full-term infants. “You can vaccinate premature babies according to chronological age”, the CDC says, meaning that there is no reason to delay vaccination until the infant has matured more, developmentally. The CDC states that “The vaccines cannot harm them and they will develop active immunity.” On its face, this is a remarkably bold lie from the CDC. After all, the CDC acknowledges that vaccination carries risks of adverse events in children born full-term, so how can it possibly be true that vaccination “cannot harm” infants born prematurely? Perhaps what the CDC is trying to communicate is that vaccination of preterm babies carries no greater risk. But if we assume this is simply a miscommunication, it would be a shockingly irresponsible one, particularly given that the CDC’s target audience for this information is medical professionals, from hospital administrators to physicians to medical students. In fact, the information just quoted comes from an online course presented by the CDC through its Training and Continuing Education Online program. Moreover, if we assume the CDC means to say that vaccination of premature infants does not place them at any greater risk, in the above video (presented by the team that made the documentary film Vaxxed), Suzanne Humphries, MD, shares research exposing what a dangerous lie this still would be. As she demonstrates, science informs us just the opposite: that vaccinating infants born prematurely puts them at significantly greater risk of a host of known adverse reactions.

World Renowned Genetics Doctor Sees Relationship Between Fetal Cells Used in Vaccines and Increasing Autism Rates

Dr. Theresa Deisher recently granted an interview with the VAXXED team to discuss, among other things, vaccines and autism. Theresa Deisher, Ph.D., is the president of Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI), a cutting edge biomedical research organization. Dr. Deisher is a genetic engineer with over 20 years experience in the pharmaceutical industry, from basic human biology through clinical trials. Dr. Deisher states in her VAXXED interview that she looked at the rise in autism rates in the U.K. and its link to the MMR vaccine, originally discovered and published by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and how the medical establishment tried to discredit Dr. Wakefield's research. She notes that one reason given to try and discredit Dr. Wakefield's research was that MMR vaccination rates remained steady both prior to and after the spike in autism rates in 1988. However, what she discovered that was not reported was that the manufacturer of the MMR vaccine switched from animal cells to develop cultures to human fetal cells from aborted babies in 1988. So she had one of her Ph.D. researchers investigate the matter more thoroughly, and compare autism rates to the use of human fetal cells in vaccines, and she discovered that every time fetal cells were introduced into the manufacture of vaccines, autism rates increased.

CDC Study Shows Up to 7.7 Times the Risk of Miscarriage After Influenza Vaccine

The CDC has just published a seismic study (Donahue et al. 2017 Vaccine 35:5314) linking spontaneous abortions in women to flu vaccines.  The study reviewed data for the 2010-11 and 2011-12 flu seasons.   Women vaccinated with the inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV) in the 2010-2011 season were 3.7 times more likely to experience a spontaneous abortion within 28 days than women not receiving the vaccine.  Over the entire study period (2010 to 2012), the odds for a spontaneous abortion for vaccinated women were 2.0 times greater than for those women not receiving the flu vaccine.  Both figures showed a statistically significant increase in miscarriages when women received their flu shot.  Most alarmingly, in women who received the H1N1 vaccine in the previous flu season, the odds of spontaneous abortion in the 28 days after receiving a flu vaccine was 7.7 times greater.

Studies Link Heavy Metals to the Explosion of Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Declining IQ in American Children

A “silent pandemic of neurodevelopmental toxicity” is disabling a generation of children around the world. This is the verdict of neurology experts Philippe Grandjean and Philip Landrigan in a 2014 report in Lancet Neurology. The staggering tsunami of developmental disabilities now affects at least one in six children in the U.S. and millions more worldwide. Two new studies suggest that the most common of these illnesses—autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and tics—are related to each other and may share common causation. The culprit? Environmental toxins, particularly heavy metals. About 11% (or one in nine 4-17-year-olds) have received an ADHD diagnosis—and in some states, as many as 19%. The most recent ASD estimates in the U.S., from 2014 data, report a prevalence of one in 45 children, representing a “significant increase” compared to 2011–2013. Adding to the worry, scientists and physicians are increasingly seeing children with multiple neurodevelopmental disorders. Children with “comorbid diagnoses” (i.e., more than one disorder) often have “greater levels of emotional, behavioral and educational impairment and the need for more intensive treatment.” Notably, ASD and ADHD frequently co-occur. The current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) recognizes this trend by allowing for a combined diagnosis, whereas prior versions (DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR) barred simultaneous ADHD and ASD diagnoses.

German Doctor Links Nano-aluminum, Glyphosate and Parasites to Chronic Disease – Develops Healing Protocol

The bodies of Americans are saturated with very high levels of nano-aluminum. This provides ideal conditions for severe parasite infestation. These burdens are making us a country of chronically ill and cognitively impaired people. This is part two of a series on nanotechnology and its effect on human health. In the first article, I provided an overview of the safety concerns associated with manmade nanotechnology, and identified nano-aluminum as a serious threat to our health. The lack of safety studies on most forms of nanotechnology makes it hard to assess and rank the long-term risks posed by the thousands of nanosized ingredients that are being used in food, cosmetics, consumer products, and industry/military applications. However, evidence is pointing to nano-aluminum as being an extremely dangerous nanotechnology. The sickest people have the highest levels of nano-aluminum and parasites in their bodies, and when they are helped to detox their aluminum and control their parasites, they begin to heal from chronic illness. The presence of nano-aluminum goes hand-in-hand with the presence of parasites. The presence of nano-aluminum in our bodies cannot be measured through conventional lab tests. It requires sophisticated electron microscopic examination of samples, which strangely is not currently available in the United States. A doctor can’t just order a nano-aluminum test to check your status, because U.S. labs aren’t able or aren’t permitted to do this test.

Cardiff University Expels Student Who Refused to be Vaccinated

Currently, vaccinations are not mandatory in the UK and, according to recent reports, the UK’s position on mandatory vaccination is unlikely to change. According to the British Medical Association, in 2003, the Department of Health issued guidelines clearly stating that none of the vaccinations available in the UK were compulsory and that they were all offered on a voluntary basis. These issues were once again debated by the British Medical Association (BMA) earlier this year, and once again, UK doctors voted against making vaccinations compulsory in the UK. This being the case, it is difficult to imagine why a so-called reputable university such as Cardiff would actively choose to dismiss a student physiotherapist from his course, simply because he refused to be vaccinated. In September 2015, Edward Thompson registered with Cardiff University to study for a Bachelor of Science degree (BSc) in physiotherapy. According to Mr. Thompson and his family, when he registered for the course, his vaccination status was not discussed and there was no mention of vaccinations being required, in either the university’s literature or at his interview. However, six weeks after his course had begun, Mr. Thompson was asked to attend an appointment with the Occupational Health Department, where the subject of vaccination was broached by the university for the first time.

The Thriving Child Summit – FREE Online!

The Thriving Child Summit is a FREE online conference for parents who want to learn how to help their children THRIVE! Join holistic mama doc – Elisa Song, MD, for this inspirational, information-packed, 1-week event where she brings you video interviews with over 40 of the world’s leading experts in holistic health and wellness, integrative medicine, nutrition, parenting, and mind-body medicine who will show you how to help your children thrive to their fullest potentials. Whether your child is healthy, or has a chronic health concern – learn how to integrate the best of conventional and holistic pediatric health care, lifestyle management, and parenting tools. Become empowered to take charge of your child’s health and wellness holistically!

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Exposes New Evidence of CDC Corruption Regarding Vaccines and Autism

In a new report released today, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and his team outlined various criminal acts on the part of employees and consultants for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) whose questionable ethics and scientific fraud have resulted in untrustworthy vaccine safety science. Among other information, Kennedy has found additional evidence of criminal activity by the CDC consultant, Poul Thorsen, the author and principal coordinator of multiple CDC studies exonerating the mercury-based preservative thimerosal in the development of autism. The new evidence, recently uncovered by the World Mercury Project, shows that Thorsen and his collaborators did not obtain permission from an Institutional Review Board (IRB) to conduct their research, which was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2002 and Pediatrics in 2003. In 2011, The Department of Justice indicted Thorsen on 22 counts of wire fraud and money laundering for stealing over $1 million in CDC grant money earmarked for autism research. The product of Thorsen’s work for CDC was a series of fraud-tainted articles on Danish autism rates that, today, form the backbone of the popular orthodoxy that vaccines don’t cause autism.

New HPV Vaccine Documentary: Sacrificial Virgins

Sacrificial Virgins is a new HPV documentary written and narrated by Joan Shenton and directed by Andi Reiss. “Sacrificial Virgins – so named because the vaccine is often given to girls before they become sexually active – will expose controversial evidence to the world in the hope of avoiding a global tragedy similar to the one left in the wake of Thalidomide use.” The conclusion of the film is that, based on the scientific evidence presented, there is so far no proof that HPV vaccination of girls can prevent cervical cancer in her later life, while the occurrence of serious adverse reactions is clear. So why take the risk? The film also introduces some victims suffering such adverse reactions and pressure groups that are beginning to fight for their cause.

Study: Flu Shot Associated with Spontaneous Abortion in Pregnant Women

The annual flu vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine in the market today, a fact that is not in dispute. The most recent report from the Department of Justice submitted at this year's Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) meeting revealed that the U.S. Government had settled 275 lawsuits for flu vaccine injuries and deaths, while all other vaccine injury and death settlements were 57 combined. A new study published this month and actually making news in the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media reveals a clear association between the flu vaccine given to pregnant women every year and spontaneous abortion. The study was funded by the CDC with American tax payer funds, so the results had to be published somewhere. Private studies exposing anything negative about vaccines are routinely censored in the U.S. In spite of the dangers revealed in this study and a call for further research, there was no change to the CDC recommendation that all pregnant women be vaccinated with the flu shot every year in terms of public policy.

Law Professor Attacks Homeschoolers – Believes State Should Choose Parents for Babies

A law professor at the oldest law school in the nation believes that there is no inherent right to parent one's own children. In an interview for CRTV about homeschooling, Professor James G. Dwyer told syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin that: "The reason that parent-child relationship exists is because the state confers legal parenthood on people through its paternity and maternity laws." An investigation into Dwyer's writings and history reveals that this alarming statement was not an exaggerated statement taken out of context or misrepresented by a conservative journalist. Instead, the statement appears to be a foundational core belief held by a man who formerly worked in New York state family courts as a Law Guardian, which is the equivalent of a Guardian ad Litem. Dwyer's writings now influences policy within the family court system. Dwyer argues: "Courts should recognize that newborn babies, much more clearly than birth parents, have fundamental interests at stake in the state's selection of legal parents and, therefore, a much stronger claim to constitutional protection."

Does the Claim that Only 1 in a Million are Harmed by Vaccines Have Any Merit?

It is commonly believed that vaccines are safe. Many doctors and public health officials will tell you that serious adverse effects from vaccines are “extremely rare”—that they occur in less than “one in a million” vaccine doses given. One in a million. It sounds like pretty good odds that you would be fine. However, is this one in a million merely an idiom being used to convey the idea that the odds are very small, or is it truly a fact based on accurate and observable data?