The HPV vaccine continues to make headline news around the world, while the mainstream media in the U.S. ignores these stories. There is little doubt left in my mind that Gardasil (and therefore Cervarix also) will eventually crash and burn much like other defective Merck pharmaceutical products such as Vioxx, that eventually had to be removed from the market because it was so dangerous. Sadly, while Merck was found guilty of selling a drug that killed tens of thousands of people, it made no dent into their sales of other products, or the prescription pain killer market overall. Unfortunately, the same will probably hold true for the vaccine market. People will continue to willingly be injected with products produced by convicted criminals.
In the meantime, please look outside the U.S. mainstream media for vaccine information, before you too become one of the victims. Because unlike the U.S., where pharmaceutical companies enjoy immunity from the law for any defective vaccine products in the market, such is not the case in other countries, and they are beginning to take action and publish the truth regarding the HPV vaccine.
In this report from Christina England, a 43 page document produced by the Indian Parliament accuses the U.S. group PATH, funded in part by Bill Gates' foundation, of committing illegal and improper activities in support of commercial interests in the development of the HPV vaccine in India, which reportedly led to the deaths of several young Indian girls.