HPV Vaccine: Israel Health Ministry Considers Canceling Vaccination Due to Side Effects

A new article published in the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz on September 3rd, 2013 said that the Israeli Health Ministry is re-evaluating the safety record of the HPV vaccine. The Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease (CBCD) urges American health officials to start their own re-evaluation.

CDC Deception: HPV First Vaccine Marketed to Prevent Cancer

With human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination rates far below targets, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is redoubling efforts to promote HPV vaccine as an ‘anti-cancer’ vaccine. Describing Gardasil or Cervarix, the two HPV vaccines, as ‘anti-cancer vaccines’ could be described as borderline fraudulent as they’ve never been proven to prevent cancer. The HPV vaccine only contains two strains of HPV associated with cancer, but there are about 15 of them known to potentially cause cancer; in most cases HPV infection does not become chronic or lead to cancer but rather naturally resolves on its own within two years. Deadly blood clots, acute respiratory failure, cardiac arrest and "sudden death due to unknown causes" have all occurred in girls after they've received the Gardasil vaccine. Routine pap smear testing is a far more rational and less dangerous strategy for cervical cancer prevention, as it can identify chronic HPV infection and may provide greater protection against development of cervical cancer than reliance on HPV vaccinations.

Japan Requires New Disclosures on Dangers of HPV Vaccine

Are acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) and Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) adverse reactions to HPV vaccines? Health authorities in Japan are not sure at this point, but they have chosen to apply the precautionary principle and inform medical consumers just in case. The reason for this action? During the first three years of using HPV vaccines, 3 cases of ADEM and five cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome had been reported after Cervarix injections for which a causality to the drug could not be ruled out. As a point of reference, there have been 31 cases of ADEM and 121 reports of Guillain-Barré Syndrome filed with the United States VAERS (vaccine adverse event reporting system) after HPV vaccinations during the last seven years. The FDA has made no request that these conditions be added to the package inserts. What is wrong with this picture?

Bill Gates Funded Group Accused of Breaking Law in HPV Vaccine Trials in India Resulting in Fatalities

The HPV vaccine continues to make headline news around the world, while the mainstream media in the U.S. ignores these stories. There is little doubt left in my mind that Gardasil (and therefore Cervarix also) will eventually crash and burn much like other defective Merck pharmaceutical products such as Vioxx, that eventually had to be removed from the market because it was so dangerous. Sadly, while Merck was found guilty of selling a drug that killed tens of thousands of people, it made no dent into their sales of other products, or the prescription pain killer market overall. Unfortunately, the same will probably hold true for the vaccine market. People will continue to willingly be injected with products produced by convicted criminals. In the meantime, please look outside the U.S. mainstream media for vaccine information, before you too become one of the victims. Because unlike the U.S., where pharmaceutical companies enjoy immunity from the law for any defective vaccine products in the market, such is not the case in other countries, and they are beginning to take action and publish the truth regarding the HPV vaccine. In this report from Christina England, a 43 page document produced by the Indian Parliament accuses the U.S. group PATH, funded in part by Bill Gates' foundation, of committing illegal and improper activities in support of commercial interests in the development of the HPV vaccine in India, which reportedly led to the deaths of several young Indian girls.

United Nations Monitors Your Interaction with Alternative News Sources that Oppose Vaccines

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has been monitoring independent health sites and their users in an attempt to identify 'anti-vaccine influencers' and their effect on lackluster vaccine sales. If you have visited one of the following websites or Facebook Pages, the United Nations has been monitoring you to find out how they can stop people from refusing vaccines: GreenMedInfo.com, Mercola.com, Vactruth.com, Mothering.com, Dr. Tenpenny on Vaccines, Thinking Moms' Revolution, The Refusers, Natural News, Worldtruth.tv, Cafemom.com, VaccineInjury.info, EverydayHealth.org, LeftBrain/RightBrain, Zen Gardner – Just Wondering

Six Lies Mainstream Media is Printing about Kenneth Copeland Church and Measles Outbreak – Here’s the Truth

Eagle Mountain International Church and the Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been attacked by the mainstream media this past week because 21 of its members were found to have measles. The mainstream media, heavily influenced by Big Pharma, wasted no time in seizing the opportunity to use this event as a means to promote the pro-vaccine dogma. The problem is that in order for them to do so, they had to twist the facts and actually lie. So to set the record straight on facts that are easily verifiable by anyone willing to take some time to do a simple Internet search, let's expose these lies of the mainstream media in trying to promote the vaccine agenda via this story.

CDC Targets Hispanics in Campaign to Strike Fear in Pregnant Women Who Refuse the Flu Shot

A new marketing campaign has been released by the CDC which marks a new low in marketing the influenza vaccine, as they target pregnant Hispanic women. A Spanish language mini soap opera is claimed to be based on a true story of a Hispanic couple expecting their second child. "The story of Jorge and Monica is a tragic reminder of the importance of annual flu vaccination for pregnant women and their family." states the CDC. This video shows first hand the lengths the CDC will go to further brainwash the masses on a useless yearly flu shot, as it promotes the flu vaccine based purely on fear and emotion, with no basis in facts or science.

Vaccinations: Know the Risks and Failures While You Still Have a Choice

Like the first vaccine for smallpox, every vaccine recommended today by government health officials and medical trade associations carries a risk for complications, such as brain inflammation, which can lead to chronic brain and immune system damage or death. Do you know all the risks associated with any given vaccine? Are you familiar with your state's vaccine requirements and exemptions?

Big Pharma Wants to Convince You that Food Has no Role in Obesity – Buy Their Drugs Instead

Curing obesity has become a huge market in the U.S., so the pharmaceutical companies have decided they want to profit from it also. The AMA announced earlier this year that obesity is now a disease, and scary press releases are becoming headline news in the mainstream media, even though obesity rates have leveled off for the first time in years. All this is a cleverly designed marketing campaign to introduce their new drugs and vaccines for obesity. One vaccine in development is claiming to cure obesity with no exercise necessary. This week the Journal of the American Medical Association published an article stating that it was time to stop discussing diets, because diets don't work. The weight-loss diet market is, of course, a huge profit sector standing in the way of Big Pharma, so this should have surprised no one who is paying attention to what is really going on. The solution according to one "expert" is to control people's behavior. Do you trust medical professionals and politicians to define what is "correct behavior" in regards to weight loss, especially when they have just now said that the food you eat is not important? Could forced vaccinations and medications be on the way for those who do not comply with their standard of "correct behavior"?

HPV Vaccines Can Kill And They Do!

On every packet of cigarettes sold, there is a warning, Smoking Kills, to deter people from damaging their health by smoking. Governments around the world decided to put this warning on every packet of cigarettes due to the high death rate caused by the toxic effects of nicotine and other additives. It is a great pity that these governments do not apply the same forward-thinking standards to HPV vaccines and the information sheets offered to parents. Based on the evidence, these vaccines should also carry a government-issued heath warning, stating HPV Vaccines Can Kill. The latest statistics published on the United States VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) in June 2013 show a staggering 140 lives have been lost due to the HPV Vaccine.

Vaccines Injure and Cause Death: 2,500 Claims of Vaccine-induced Injury and $2 Billion in Compensation

Vaccines, like all prescription medicines, carry risks—the law considers them to be “unavoidably unsafe.” Because the government and medical community want to ensure high vaccination rates, they do not publicize this legal fact. To the contrary, they tell the public that “vaccines are safe and effective.” The public is lulled into believing that vaccines are almost perfectly risk free. That, however, is public relations. In 1986, Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (“the Act”) in part to compensate families for “vaccine-related injury or death.” In the name of protecting children’s health, the Act changed the legal landscape fundamentally. Instead of keeping doctors and the vaccine industry directly liable for adverse reactions to vaccines, the Act created a taxpayer-financed compensation program for injuries. Unprecedented at that time, the Act was, in effect, a corporate bailout for the pharmaceutical industry, forcing the public—rather than the industry—to pay for damage from “unavoidably unsafe” products. Thus the Act deprived children of two of the most significant legal protections they had to ensure safety and remedial compensation: informed consent and the right to sue manufacturers directly.

Past Vaccine Failures the Media Never Covered

When you investigate the United States vaccine schedule, you will find that children are injected with 36 vaccines by the time they are 6 years of age. This article documents 17 examples where children were injected with toxic and ineffective vaccines, which their parents trusted would protect their children from getting the disease, yet the vaccines failed. As a parent, you trust doctors to provide you with accurate information. When doctors say vaccines work and they are effective, from whom are they getting their information? Maybe even more importantly, why aren’t the vaccine failures covered by mainstream media to inform you? The likely answer is the organizations who really need protection from the truth are the members of Big Pharma.

Chiropractors Who Publish the Truth About Vaccines to be Silenced in Australia

In a brazen restriction of freedom of speech, chiropractors in Australia are being told they can no longer give their patients any information criticizing vaccines, and they must take down any "anti-vaccine" material from their websites.

Study: HPV Vaccine Linked to Premature Menopause in Young Girls

Dr. Deirdre Little, a pediatrician in Australia, was the first one to sound the alarm over the HPV vaccine causing premature menopause when she observed it in one of her 16 year old patients in 2012. Dr. Little published a paper in the British Medical Journal warning that the premature menopause of a healthy 16-year-old girl may be linked to the Gardasil vaccination. Now a new study has just been recently published in American Journal of Reproductive Immunology documenting three more cases of "Primary Ovarian Failure," where three young girls stopped having periods and showed signs of menopause. The study confirms Dr. Little's experience, and was conducted in Israel and Italy. Sadly, this study and others that are conducted outside the U.S. receive no mention in the U.S. mainstream media. While Japan's Health Ministry recently stopped recommending the HPV vaccine due to so many documented injuries, it is continued to be promoted as safe in the U.S., and the push is now on to start giving it to infants.

Witch Hunting Jenny McCarthy for Vaccine Talking

With the hiring of Jenny McCarthy to join the popular daytime talk show, The View, a multitude of articles have been published in major print and broadcast media outlets, all sharing concern about “blonde” girls expressing politically incorrect opinions about vaccine side effects. This call to muzzle vaccine talking mothers will not work, as thinking Moms and Dads continue to dig deeper and learn that good health is about more than using lots of vaccines to prevent infections. Most of the writers who wrote stories about a vaccine talking celebrity Mom joining ‘The View,” including those calling for censorship and the gutting of journalistic standards that ensure fair balance - when it comes to writing stories about vaccination - are journalists by profession. 28 of the 29 articles were written by individuals without medical degrees. Even though these writers do not have medical degrees, the U.S. Constitution guarantees them the liberty to express their views about Jenny McCarthy, Barbara Walters, ABC and vaccines, just as the media outlets publishing their opinions are protected by the First Amendment. That legal right to engage in critical thinking and to hold personal beliefs and to exercise free speech, belongs to every American - not just to those articulating talking points made or approved by citizens with M.D. or Ph.D. written after their names.

Scientists Explain Why HPV Vaccines Are Unsafe

There is no evidence that Gardasil or Cervarix can prevent cancer better than a decent screening program. There is strong evidence that they can produce severe and life-threatening harm. This report by 4 scientists documents how science has been corrupted & misused to promote these life-devastating vaccines. There is no legitimate reason for pushing these vaccines in the face of strong evidence indicating severe debility and even death induced by HPV vaccines, combined with a lack of evidence of efficacy.

The Coming Push to Give HPV Vaccines to Infants

The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database shows clearly that the vaccines with the most reported adverse effects are Gardasil and Cervarix, the two herpes papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines. It would obviously be madness to lower the age at which they’ve given—but that appears to be exactly what’s being planned. If you can push the most dangerous vaccines in use today on teen and pre-teen girls, and later on boys of the same age, without any proof that they work, then why not give them to newborn infants—plus another ‘booster’ later on? That appears to be planned for Gardasil and Cervarix, along with a slick new marketing program, thanks to the vaccine-industrial complex.

Rise of New Rotaviruses Induced by the Vaccine

A bit of wizardly conjuration involving the words “it is believed” can make things transmute from nice-ideas-if-they-work into facts—if they’re muttered with the correct intonation from the throats of state-sanctioned scientists. It is, at least, a nifty way to hide the fact that the rotavirus vaccine has caused new types of rotavirus.

HPV Vaccines: Resounding success or future failure?

Are HPV vaccines a viable option in your personal war against cancer? It is very difficult to make an informed choice about Gardasil or Cervarix when you receive only part of the available information. The time has come to take a critical look at the facts behind recent HPV vaccine news reports. The theory behind these two vaccines is: by reducing infections with the two high-risk types of HPV associated with an estimated 70% of cervical cancer cases globally, there may be a reduction in the number of cervical cancer victims. However, until such time as a verifiable reduction in the number of cervical cancer diagnoses is reported, this theory remains unproven.

Pediatrician predicts Bill Gates and the WHO will kill 3,125 babies with their 5-in-1 vaccine

The head of pediatrics at St Stephens Hospital in New Delhi has blasted the World Health Organization and Bill Gates’ GAVI vaccine partnership for pushing a deadly vaccine program on India. The pentavalent vaccine has already killed at least 40 babies in India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Bhutan. The vaccine program has been suspended in Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Pakistan after deaths and adverse reactions. This pentavalent vaccine combines the outdated whole-cell DPT (withdrawn in the US) with Hib and hepatitis B. It is the brainchild of the Bill Gates GAVI vaccine partnership, which boasts of rolling it out around the world.