Ireland: Nine Nursing Home Residents Die of COVID-19 Despite Being mRNA “Vaccinated”

Nine elderly residents are dead after a severe post-“vaccine” COVID-19 outbreak. Eligible staff and residents received their first doses of mRNA on January 12 and 13, according to the Irish Times. It was either Pfizer or Moderna mRNA shots as those were the only two with emergency use authorization at the time. At least half of the 50 residents tested positive for COVID-19 by January 20. An HSE spokesperson said that immunity does not occur until after the second dose of mRNA shots. The Irish Health Products Regulatory Authority said it has received reports of 17 elderly people dying after receiving experimental shots as of early march. But the agency said the shots did not cause the deaths.

Fully Vaccinated People Testing Positive for COVID – So How Does the “Benefit” of Experimental Vaccines “Outweigh the Risk”?

What are being called "breakthrough" cases of COVID-19 are popping up across the U.S. They're people who test positive 14 days or more after receiving their last dose of the vaccine. “It still is shocking that I’m positive. I have no symptoms," home health worker Hanna Rewerts said. The 27-year-old's vaccination card shows she received her second dose of the Pfizer vaccine on January 12. She said she found out she was positive on March 18 from one of the routine tests she takes weekly for work. Believing it might be a false positive, Rewerts said she took a rapid test, which also came back positive. She said her mother and two other family members – all fully vaccinated – also tested positive this week. They are experiencing symptoms. “My biggest question right now is – is it still effective in my system?" Rewerts asked of the vaccine. Rewerts is currently isolating. She said she was told by the health department that she can resume normal activities on March 25, as long as she's not experiencing symptoms. “I think I’d just want people to continue to educate themselves about the vaccine and what’s best for them and their family. I still am happy that I got it, but I really would like there to be more research on the effectiveness," she said. In addition to media reports of breakthrough cases in Florida outside Tampa Bay, the Minnesota Health Department released an advisory earlier this month saying it was investigating instances in that state. It's asking health care providers to report breakthrough cases so that it can look into them further, along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. What exactly are the "benefits" that "outweigh the risk" of being permanently disabled or killed by one of these shots then?

1,739 DEAD as CDC Adds Another 200+ Recorded Deaths this Week Following COVID Experimental “Vaccines”

Recorded deaths following the experimental COVID "vaccines" continued to soar this week as the CDC added more data today into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. While the information contained in VAERS is publicly available information, the corporate media continues to censor it, and anyone who dares to publish publicly available information from the U.S. Government is labeled as "fake news" by the "fact checkers." The data released by the CDC today goes through March 11, 2021, with 38,444 recorded adverse events, including 1,739 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID "vaccines." Besides the recorded 1,739 deaths, there were 6,716 visits to Emergency Room doctors, 734 permanent disabilities, and 3,976 hospitalizations.

534 Dead 330,063 Reported Injured following COVID19 Experimental Vaccine Injections in the U.K.

The UK Government’s reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency released their latest report today, March 18, 2021. The report covers data collected from December 9, 2020, through March 7, 2021, for the two experimental COVID vaccines currently in use in the U.K. from Pfizer and AstraZeneca. They report a total of 534 deaths and 330,063 injuries.

Norwegian Medical Professor Finds Link Between AstraZeneca Vaccine And Fatal Blood Clots but EMA Tells Europe to Continue Anyway because “Benefits Outweigh Risks”

A Norwegian physician and professor of medicine at Oslo University Hospital, Pål Andre Holme, held a press conference earlier today to announce the results of their investigation into three healthcare workers under the age of 50 in Norway who developed blood clots following the AstraZeneca experimental vaccine, resulting in the death of one of them. Dr. Holme confirmed that the AstraZeneca vaccine was the cause of the blood clots. More than 20 countries have suspended the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine roll out due to similar reports and concerns. In Italy, a manslaughter investigation has been launched against the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine. However, just hours after Dr. Holme's press conference, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) also held a press conference to announce the results of their investigation over the reports of fatal blood clots. Predictably, their result was more in favor of the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, and not patient rights and safety concerns. They concluded that there was no link between the AstraZeneca experimental COVID vaccines and the fatal blood clots, and urged countries to resume vaccinations because "the benefits outweigh the risks." So who would you trust to give you truthful advice on the AstraZeneca experimental vaccines? A university chief physician and professor of medicine who is just trying to find the cause of these blood clots and has no financial interest in the results, or government health agency bureaucrats comprised of Big Pharma insiders? I predict that every single country that has halted the AstraZeneca experimental vaccines will eventually resume them in the days and weeks ahead. I also predict that the U.S. FDA will issue an EUA to AstraZeneca in the weeks ahead to start using their experimental COVID vaccine in the U.S., where tens of millions of doses are already stockpiled. I seriously doubt that Tanzania President John Magufuli's sudden death yesterday after being missing for almost 3 weeks was an accident, but probably a well-timed murder to serve as an example to anyone else in a position of national authority who could prevent the rapid roll-out of these eugenic experimental COVID vaccines, that the Big Pharma cartel will go after anyone who stands in their way.

Tanzanian President Who Was Skeptical of Western Vaccines DEAD After Missing for Two Weeks

It is being reported today that Tanzania’s president, John Magufuli, has died after being missing for more than two weeks.  The President's death was announced today by the country’s vice-president Samia Suluhu, who said the president died of heart failure. He was 61. About two weeks ago Health Impact News published an article that was written by Rishma Parpia of The Vaccine Reaction reporting that both President John Magufuli, and his health minister, Dorothy Gwajima, had announced that their country has no plans in place to recommend widespread use of COVID-19 vaccines in the African country. "Tanzania’s health minister, Dorothy Gwajima, announced that her country has no plans in place to recommend widespread use of COVID-19 vaccines in the African country. The announcement came a few days after Tanzania’s President John Magufuli expressed concern about the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines developed and manufactured in Western countries. President Magufuli said that the health ministry will only accept COVID-19 vaccines after Tanzania’s experts have examined and certified them. Health Minister Dorothy Gwajima explained, 'We are not yet satisfied that those vaccines have been clinically proven safe.' President Magufuli reiterated that he will not allow Tanzanians to be used as guinea pigs in COVID-19 vaccine trials conducted by vaccine manufacturers. He warned that COVID-19 vaccines could be harmful and has been urging Tanzanians to stop living in fear and adopt common sense disease control measures and lead a healthy lifestyle. Last summer Pierre Nkurunziza, the President of Burundi, refused to play along with Covid and instructed the WHO delegation to leave his country…before dying suddenly of a “heart attack” or “suspected Covid19”. His successor immediately reversed every single one of his Covid policies, including inviting the WHO back to the country. I would expect that the incoming new administration of Tanzania will be quick to accept western COVID experimental "vaccines" now.

Crisis at the Border: 13,000 “Kids in Cages” as Illegal Immigration on Track to Increase More than the Past 20 Years

The crisis at the border with children streaming into the country without their parents has become such a huge problem, that even the corporate media is now reporting on it, and admitting that the Biden administration's policies are undoing what the Trump administration did to try to stem the tide of this terrible problem of trafficking of children. Steve Watson of Summit News reports: "The crisis at the border continues to accelerate, as CBS News reported Tuesday that there are now more than 13,000 unaccompanied migrant children being held in prison like cells by US authorities. The report notes that many more are being turned back every day, and that there are now so many trying to cross the border that the US is on track this year to encounter more illegal immigration than in the past TWENTY YEARS." What these news reports are NOT reporting, is how can all these children be coming across the border without their parents? And where are they going? The buying and selling of children is one of the largest markets in the world today, and the #1 destination is the United States. These children coming across the border may not be with their parents, but you can be sure that they are not alone. They are with their handlers or pimps, and most of them are destined to become part of the lucrative child sex trafficking network in the United States.

Study: Cannabis Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication in Human Lungs

A new study, published on preprint server bioRxiv last week, suggests that a cannabis plant compound inhibited infection with SARS-CoV-2 in human lung cells. According to the researchers at the University of Chicago in Illinois, cannabidiol (CBD), a chemical in the Cannabis sativa plant, also known as marijuana, and its metabolite 7-OH-CBD, blocked SARS-CoV-22 replication in lung epithelial cells. Epithelial cells are cells that come from body surfaces, such as the skin, blood vessels, urinary tract or organs. The researchers also found that CBD appeared to inhibit viral gene expression and reverse many of the effects SARS-CoV-2 has on host gene transcription. CBD also appeared to bring about the expression of interferons, proteins released by cells, in response to the entry of viruses, that are supposed to inhibit virus replication. In addition, for those patients who had been taking CBD, the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection was up to an order of a magnitude lower than in patients who had not been taking CBD.

Why is Geert Vanden Bossche Getting So Much Exposure in the Alternative Health Media? Could this Pro-Vaccine Scientist be “Controlled Opposition”?

I have received literally dozen of emails for the past week from people wanting me and Health Impact News to cover the recent interviews that "virologist and vaccine expert" Geert Vanden Bossche has given warning about the dangers of the new experimental COVID vaccines. But until now, we have not covered his interviews, because honestly he was not adding anything to the current discussions about the dangers of the experimental COVID vaccines that other doctors and scientists that we do feature here at Health Impact News have made. He claims to have worked with Bill Gates at GAVI, and I guess that is the reason so many find him interesting and credible. But as I read his bio, I found him far less credible than other physicians and scientists we have featured here at Health Impact News, as he is very clearly pro-vaccine and believes vaccines are necessary. He himself says publicly: “I can assure you that each of the current vaccines have been designed, developed and manufactured by brilliant and competent scientists.” Really? I have publicly called some of these same people he calls "brilliant and competent scientists" mass murderers. So why would Health Impact News take seriously anything this man says? My first impression was that this man was "controlled opposition" with some unknown hidden agenda. I simply could not understand why so many in our readership would want us to cover what this man says, and yet most of major names in the alternative media were giving this man a platform for his views. Today, I finally came across someone who shares my skepticism about what this man is saying. I first read her article on, but the original source is her own website, and we reproduced it here for our readers.

Teacher Dies Hours After Getting AstraZeneca COVID Shot in Italy – Manslaughter Investigation Launched

A day after Italy, Germany and the Netherlands joined a growing list of European countries suspending the experimental AstraZenca COVID shots due to reported cases of fatal blood clots, a manslaughter investigation has reportedly been launched in Italy over a 57-year-old clarinet teacher who passed away on Sunday, less than 24 hours after having the first dose of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. Prosecutors in the northern Italian region of Piedmont have also reportedly seized nearly 400,000 doses of the AstraZenca COVID vaccine. Sweden announced earlier today that they have also halted the use of the experimental AstraZeneca vaccine. The experimental AstraZeneca vaccine is expected to be given emergency use authorization (EUA) by the FDA in the U.S. by the end of March, or early April. AstraZeneca has faced supply issues in distributing the shots to other countries, and even though the U.S. has tens of millions of doses stored that currently cannot be used since it has not been issued an EUA yet, the Biden administration has reportedly refused to allow AstraZeneca to ship the doses to other countries, signaling that the FDA issuing an EUA to allow the shots to be used in the U.S. is probably a done deal already.

Pediatric Nurse Brags About Getting COVID Vaccine While Pregnant – Baby is Stillborn 8 Days Later

Mrs. Mary Pat Voll is a pediatric nurse in Altamonte Springs, Florida, according to her Facebook page. She posted a photo of herself holding a vaccine card, with the caption “pregnant and vaccinated” on February 22. She wrote that she considered all factual information and weeded out “conspiracy theories” before getting the first and second shots. Mrs. Voll was 21 weeks pregnant at the time. Her baby was stillborn eight days later, according to a subsequent Facebook post.

URGENT: New Documentary Proves Climate Engineering by Controlling the Weather (NOT “Global Warming”) is Destroying Life and the Planet: Immediate Danger FAR Greater than COVID-19

As the world has been dominated for the past year by the fake threat that the Globalists want us to believe COVID-19 presents, a much greater risk to human health and the very life that exists on this planet has been covered up, until now. In a very well documented and brilliantly produced explosive new film just released, The Dimming, by Dane Wigington of, conclusive evidence is presented to show that the planet earth is not being destroyed by global warming as defined by the Globalists, but it is being destroyed by the Globalists themselves through their weather modification efforts to dim the sun by spraying nanoparticles into the atmosphere and then using microwave transmissions such as 5G to weaponize the weather. The horrendous forest fires on the west coast late last year, the nuclearized winter storm that recently hit Texas, and one that is currently hitting Denver as this is being written, are all related to the Globalists militarized weather modification programs. These climate engineering programs that are spraying dangerous nanoparticles into our atmosphere every day, and then activated by EMF radiation like 5G, are causing far more sickness and disease than any virus can, including producing "flu-like" symptoms. Dane Wigington reveals in this film that the U.S. government and private military contractors have had weather modification patents going back over 100 years into the past. He states: "Climate engineering is the crown jewel of the military industrial complex. Climate engineering has been used to destabilize and topple nations all over the globe facilitating military occupations." "Global warming" is obviously real, as we see its effects all around us, but the cause of this planet melt-down is one of the biggest cover-ups in maybe the history of the human race. Those funding and profiting from the myth that global warming is a man-made problem that government and Wall Street now need to come in and "fix" are familiar names, such as Bill Gates. How do we stop this insanity before the planet can no longer sustain life, which might be only a few years away? That's the focus of this film, The Dimming. First, make sure you watch this film yourself so you can be educated on this topic. Next, share it far and wide so people can understand what is happening in the skies above us, that is destroying our health, and destroying our planet. This is a FAR greater issue than even the COVID issue. And while the roll-out of the COVID DNA changing vaccines is the most imminent threat to humanity, and will continue to be our main focus here at Health Impact News for the foreseeable future, for those of us who successfully resist getting injected with the experimental "vaccines" and their human operating system, we still have this threat of climate engineering we have to deal with. Because if we don't deal with it, we will all die very soon as the planet dies. This will probably be the most important film produced in 2021.

Leaked Pfizer Documents Reveal Only 55% of Some COVID Vaccine Samples had RNA Intact Prior to European Approval Exposing Huge Quality Control Issues

In December of 2020, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) was allegedly the victim of a cyberattack as they were reviewing documents received from Pfizer regarding their mRNA COVID vaccine trials in preparation for issuing emergency use approval for the vaccine in Europe. More than 40 megabytes of classified information was allegedly published on the dark web, and sent to several journalists, including The BMJ which just published a review of the leaked documents last week. One of the key issues revealed in the leaked documents, according to The BMJ, was that European regulators had major concerns over unexpectedly low quantities of intact mRNA in batches of the vaccine developed for commercial production. Some batches were as low as only 55% intact. The BMJ asked Pfizer, Moderna, and CureVac, as well as several regulators, what percentage mRNA integrity they consider acceptable for vaccines against covid-19. None offered any specifics. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, the UK’s medicines regulator, acknowledged the lack of a specified percentage RNA integrity, but declined to provide further detail. “The specification limit acceptance criteria are commercially confidential,” the agency said in an email. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) directed The BMJ to read its guidance documents and its review of Pfizer’s vaccine, but none of these specify the percentage RNA the agency is requiring. Asked to comment, the regulator pointed to Pfizer: “information that you seek that is not addressed in the FDA Review Memorandum should be directed to Pfizer.” In subsequent correspondence, FDA, EMA, and Canadian government department Health Canada all stated that specific information related to the acceptability criteria is confidential. Pfizer also declined to comment on what percentage mRNA integrity it is aiming for, nor would it address questions about the cause of the unexpectedly low percentage mRNA integrity in certain batches, leaving open the question of whether it could happen again. Moderna’s chief corporate affairs officer Ray Jordan declined to respond to any of The BMJ’s questions, stating: “At this point, Moderna will not be offering additional commentary on these topics.” Dr. Meryl Nass, M.D. commented: "I am flummoxed by the lack of interest shown by a public that wants its vaccines but doesn't want to know anything about what is being injected into them and what the long-term effects will be? Why aren't citizens saying that of course they want to gain immunity, but demanding to know a lot more about these products before they are irretrievably vaccinated?"

Boxing Champion Marvin Hagler DEAD at Age 66 After Receiving an Experimental COVID “Vaccine”

Former world middleweight boxing champion and legend Marvin Hagler has reportedly died at the age of 66 yesterday. His wife, Kay G. Hagler, announced his death on the Marvelous Marvin Hagler FAN CLUB Facebook Page: "I am sorry to make a very sad announcement. Today unfortunately my beloved husband Marvelous Marvin passed away unexpectedly at his home here in New Hampshire. Our family requests that you respect our privacy during this difficult time. With love, Kay G. Hagler" Earlier in the day Saturday, fellow boxing legend Thomas “Hitman” Hearns, who fought in the ring against Hagler in the 1980s, asked fans to pray for Hagler via his Instagram account, because he was in the ICU following an experimental COVID shot. "A real true warrior Pray for the king and his family.. he’s in ICU fighting the after effects of the vaccine! He’ll be just fine but we could use the positive energy and Prayer for his Full Recovery !" TMZ reported that one of Hagler’s sons said his father was hospitalized Saturday “after experiencing trouble breathing and chest pains at home.” Similar to other high profile people who have died just after receiving a COVID experimental injection, such as Hank Aaron and Larry King, there appears to be a major effort by the pharma-controlled corporate media to withhold this information from the public. How long can the corporate media continue hiding these deaths that happen after the experimental COVID injections? Or the bigger question is, how long will the public continue watching, reading, and listening to the corporate media in the U.S., which is clearly funded and controlled by the CIA and the Wall Street Billionaires who are profiting so richly from the COVID vaccines?

Dr. Kendrick: What is an Anti-Vaxxer?

I am particularly interested in the whole concept of being ‘anti-‘ or a ‘denier’, or a sceptic. I think in great part this is due to constant attacks I have had to put up with because of my views of cholesterol and statins. I am often called a statin ‘denier’. I have also been referred to as a professional contrarian, a sceptic, a zealot and suchlike. However, I am not actually a cholesterol sceptic, nor a denier. I am not denying cholesterol exists. I just happen to believe it is not harmful – probably beneficial. To be accurate, it is the other side who attack cholesterol and who should be called cholesterol sceptics. I am really an anti-anti-cholesterol sceptic. This must make me twice as bad. I am not just anti. I am anti-anti. Now we have the deadliest insult of all. ‘Anti-vaxxer.’ Two relatively short words, but if you dare to touch them, they explode into maelstrom of poison that spreads far and wide, destroying anyone and everyone in range. Today, to mix my metaphors, there is probably no deeper abyss to be dropped into, than the abyss of being labelled an ‘anti-vaxxer.’ Of course, the term has no definition. It doesn’t even have any discernible boundaries. You can be wandering about quite innocently and suddenly find you have become an ‘anti-vaxxer.’ I mentioned that the phase III clinical trials on AstraZeneca’s COVID19 vaccine will not be completed until 2023. This, it seems, to some people on a medical website called makes me an anti-vaxxer. We have now reached the position where, to state an incontrovertible fact about a clinical trial, makes you an anti-vaxxer. Which means that there truly are no longer any places to go. If, that is, you want to discuss vaccines in any way. The only approved position to take, particularly if you are a doctor, is the following… "All vaccines are entirely safe. They have no adverse effects, and they are one hundred per cent effective in all cases. Anyone who questions vaccines in any way does not understand anything about science and they are putting millions of lives at risk. In fact, they should probably be treated as criminals." Goodbye age of enlightenment. So long scientific debate. Finally killed by COVID19. You will be missed. I hope some small groups may manage to keep the flame alive. Right now, it seems to have been stamped out.

ER Doctor and Advanced Trauma Life Support Professor: “I have never seen a patient sick with COVID-19. We are being deceived and manipulated.”

My name is Mark Trozzi. I am a medical doctor; I graduated in 1990 from The University of Western Ontario. I have been practicing Emergency Medicine for the past twenty-five years; and I have been on call in multiple emergency units since the onset of the so-called “pandemic”, including one ER designated specifically for COVID-19. I am an Advanced Trauma Life Support professor with the College of Surgeons of America, and I hold teaching positions at Sunnybrook Health Sciences in the Advanced Life Support Department, as well as with both Queen’s University and The University of Ottawa. What follows is my  observations and opinions; I am bound by my personal and religious convictions to speak openly and honestly. I have watched the suppression of doctors and scientists who performed serum antibody studies, whose findings showed that the virus was much more widespread, yet generally nonfatal, and asymptomatic or very mild in most cases; and that in many regions we had likely already achieved natural herd immunity by summer 2020. I have never seen a patient sick with COVID-19; I have seen some positive PCR tests in asymptomatic people, and watched people be imprisoned in their own homes and isolated from family and friends. My research into the PCR test has convinced me personally that it is misleading, manipulatable, and being used to drain endless taxpayer’s money and future debt, to dramatically enrich the very criminals running this scandal. Meanwhile our federal government is bringing in hundreds of thousands of doses of potentially dangerous experimental injections of modified viral genetic material, calling them “vaccines”, and having the military manage them. My career as an emergency physician always provided me an opportunity to practice my religious and ethical beliefs of honesty and kindness, while making a good living. Now maintaining the career I love, would require participating in the deception, violating my oath and spiritual beliefs, and in my opinion committing crimes against humanity as defined by the Nuremberg Code. I empathize with all my fellow doctors and nurses. We are all victims of the covid abuse.

CDC: 1,524 DEAD 31,079 Injured Following Experimental COVID mRNA “Vaccines”

The CDC added more data today into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. The data goes through March 5, 2021, with 31,079 recorded adverse events, including 1,524 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID mRNA shots by Pfizer and Moderna. The CDC also updated their Selected Adverse Events Reported after COVID-19 Vaccination page on March 9th this past week, and according to this report, VAERS has received 1,637 reports of death following COVID "vaccinations" - more than 100 deaths than are in the VAERS data dump released today. The CDC continues to state that not one of these recorded deaths following experimental COVID injections are related to the shots: "A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths." As we reported yesterday, many countries in Europe (and now also Thailand) have halted the vaccinating of people with the AstraZeneca experimental vaccine after reports of fatal blood clots following the injections. And while the AstraZeneca COVID shots are not yet authorized for emergency use in the U.S., some have commented that the side effects for the mRNA "vaccines" currently issued EUAs in the U.S. for Pfizer and Moderna have just as many, if not more, adverse side effects, questioning whether any of these new experimental and non-FDA-approved COVID vaccines should be continued. So we searched today's CDC data on adverse reactions to the two COVID "vaccines" being used in the U.S. for "pulmonary embolism," which is an "acute lung disease caused by a dislodged blood clot," and the reason why the AstraZeneca COVID shot is now being halted in about a dozen countries worldwide after two fatalities and others injured. The CDC is today reporting 120 cases of pulmonary embolisms, including 12 DEATHS following injections of the two experimental COVID mRNA injections currently in the U.S. Seven of the deaths followed the Moderna mRNA COVID shot, while five deaths followed the Pfizer mRNA COVID shot. This number is obviously far greater than the two deaths reported so far from pulmonary embolism following the AstraZeneca COVID shots being distributed around the world right now. Can we trust the CDC that NONE of these 1,637 recorded deaths are caused by the experimental COVID mRNA shots?

508 Dead 297,274 Reported Injuries following COVID19 Experimental Vaccines Reported in the U.K.

The UK Government’s reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency released their latest report today, March 11, 2021. The report covers data collected from December 9, 2020, through February 28, 2021, for the two experimental COVID vaccines currently in use in the U.K. from Pfizer and AstraZeneca. They report a total of 508 deaths and 297,274 injuries. The UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency concludes: "The overall safety experience with both vaccines is so far as expected from the clinical trials. Based on current experience, the expected benefits of both COVID-19 vaccines in preventing COVID-19 and its serious complications far outweigh any known side effects." However, 9 other European countries have halted the Oxford University/AstraZeneca experimental COVID shots due to concerns about fatal blood clots.

BREAKING: 9 European Nations Suspend Experimental AstraZeneca COVID Vaccines Due to Fatal Blood Clots

Earlier this week we reported that Austria had stopped injecting people with AstraZeneca's experimental COVID vaccines after two nurses developed blood clots, with one of them dying. Another death due to blood clots following injection of the AstraZeneca's COVID vaccine was reported in Denmark, prompting Denmark to also suspend vaccinating people with the current AstraZeneca COVID vaccine. Earlier today, Denmark's health minister Magnus Heunicke tweeted that the health authorities in Denmark were conducting a thorough investigation into the issue. Several other countries have now followed Austria and Denmark's precautionary actions, and also stopped the roll out of AstraZeneca's experimental COVID vaccines. Norway, Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Iceland and Italy have all reportedly stopped their plans to use the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Pakistanis Do Not Trust Western Vaccines – Why Should They? Experimental COVID “Vaccines” Unwelcome by Many in Pakistan

Ignorant, backwards, unscientific, religious fanatics: This is how the western corporate media presents Pakistanis who don't like vaccines produced in western countries. I have covered their resistance to vaccines for over a decade now, and I view them very differently. They are perhaps one of the most knowledgeable and intelligent people anywhere in the world when it comes to understanding the dangers of vaccines. Sadly, what they have learned about vaccines has come from experience, and not from watching talking head "experts" in the western media, mostly owned and controlled by Big Pharma. They don't care too much for Bill Gates and his "philanthropy" and "free" vaccines to supposedly make their lives better. They've been on to him for years, and his eugenicist population control plans, long before COVID fearmongering invaded the planet last year, and when all of a sudden multiple documentaries about Bill Gates and his vaccine empire started appearing everywhere. The anti-Big Pharma Pakistanis are perhaps the best example of "vaccine resistance" the world has seen during the past decade or so, as they fight against the odds by going up against the western military industrial complex and their weaponizing of vaccines, all in an effort to protect their families and children.