Christmas 2021: 3010 Dead Babies 14,639 Cases of Heart Disease After 1 Year of Experimental COVID-19 Shots
After one year of testing a new class of "vaccines" on the American public and citizens around the world to fight a never-ending "pandemic" and "virus" that cannot even be isolated in a laboratory, the U.S. Government-owned Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), which most of the country, including doctors and medical professionals, do not even know exists, shows that the evidence is overwhelming: the COVID-19 experimental shots are killing and crippling an unprecedented amount of people, including unborn children in the womb. There are now 1,842,459 cases reported in the VAERS database since it's inception in 1990, which includes 29,859 total deaths reported. Of these 1,842,459 cases for the past 30+ years, over half of them, 983,758 cases, have been filed in the past year following the experimental COVID-19 shots. Of the 29,859 deaths recorded following vaccines for the past 30+ years, 20,622 of those deaths (nearly 70%) have been recorded in the past year following the experimental COVID-19 shots. This is the U.S. Government's own data, and it is censored in the pharma-funded corporate media, as well as on social media where "fact checkers" declare it to be false if you try to publish it. Merry Christmas America.