Thousands of Fetal Deaths and Injuries Now Reported Following COVID-19 Injections of Pregnant Women

There have now been 1,614 recorded fetal deaths following COVID-19 injections of pregnant women in VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) as of 9/10/2021. Everyone acknowledges and agrees that VAERS is vastly under-reported, but now we have an expert analysis on just how under-reported adverse events are from Dr. Jessica Rose. Her conservative estimate based on a careful analysis of the data is that the events recorded in VAERS need to be multiplied by X41. That would mean that a conservative estimate of the true numbers of fetal deaths would be 66,174 when their mothers are injected with a COVID-19 shot. Besides the fetal deaths, we also know there are 96 recorded cases where a breast-fed child was injured after the nursing mother took a COVID-19 shot. Again, if we multiply that number by X41, a conservative estimate would be about 3,936 adverse events in infants being breastfed when their mothers are injected. Two of those resulted in the breastfed infant dying after the nursing mother was injected.

REVOLUTION! Protesters Led by Construction Workers in Melbourne Shut Down Major Freeways Over COVID Tyranny and Mandatory Vaccines

It appears that we have a bona fide revolution unfolding in the city of Melbourne, Australia! Australia currently leads the world in medical tyranny as they have descended into a total medical police state in the past several weeks, with authorities desperately trying to keep the COVID narrative alive by trying to track every single movement of their citizens, force them to stay in their homes unless the government gives them permission to leave and go outside, and mandatory COVID-19 shots are being implemented for everyone to participate in society. Led by construction workers but also joined by other trade unions, people took to the streets of Melbourne en masse Tuesday, shutting down the busiest freeway in all of Australia for a while. The protesters say this will go on every day now, until the government meets their demands.

Government HHS Nurse Blows the Whistle on COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries and Deaths that are NOT being Reported

Last week we reported how James O’Keefe of Project Veritas stated that they have received “thousands” of emails (“hundreds a day”) from people wanting to share their stories with Project Veritas as COVID-19 vaccine whistleblowers, and that they are even willing to wear a hidden mic to tell their stories. As promised, Project Veritas released the first video today of what they say will be a series of videos from undercover whistleblowers exposing what the truth is about COVID-19 vaccines. Jodi O’Malley is a registered nurse who works for the federal government in HHS (Health and Human Services) at Phoenix Indian Medical Center, the Indian Health Service Division of HHS. She decided to contact Project Veritas when one of her co-workers was coerced into getting a COVID-19 injection as a requirement for employment at Phoenix Indian Medical Center, and died a short time later. O’Malley is seen in the video conversing with other nurses about the fact that these injuries and deaths following COVID-19 shots are not being reported to VAERS. One nurse, Deanna Paris, when discussing why doctors are not reporting these adverse events to VAERS states: "I think they want people to die." O’Malley states: "This is evil at the highest level." These are federal employees working for HHS saying this. When James O’Keefe asks O'Malley if she expects them to retaliate against her for going public, she replies: “Yeah. I’m a federal employee. What other federal employees do you see coming out?” He then asks her if she is afraid, and she replies: “It’s my career, you know? It’s how I help people. But am I afraid? I wouldn’t necessarily say I am afraid because my faith lies in God and not man. So, I have two older kids that are on their own, and I have a twelve-year-old at home that I care for on my own, but you know, what kind of person would I be if I knew all of this -- this is evil. This is evil at the highest level. You have the FDA, you have the CDC, that are both supposed to be protecting us, but they are under the government, and everything that we’ve done so far is unscientific.”

STUDY: Government’s Own Data Reveals that at Least 150,000 Probably DEAD in U.S. Following COVID-19 Vaccines

This past weekend we published a report from the FDA's Vaccine Advisory Committee meeting on Pfizer COVID-19 booster shots held on Friday, September 17, 2021, where dissenting doctors and researchers were able to present material showing how dangerous the COVID-19 vaccines are, going against the current corporate media narrative that has worked hard to suppress this data. One of the presenters in that open session was Steve Kirsch, the Executive Director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, who stated that "expert analysis" revealed that over 150,000 people have died in the U.S. following a COVID-19 injection. Well it appears that the "expert analysis" he was referring to was from Dr. Jessica Rose, who was also present at this committee meeting. Dr. Jessica Rose has a BSc in Applied Mathematics and completed her MSc in Immunology at Memorial University of Newfoundland in Canada. She completed her PhD in Computational Biology at Bar Ilan University and then did her first Post Doctorate at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Molecular Biology. I have retrieved the report she compiled, and I am reproducing it in this article. The Abstract states: "Analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database can be used to estimate the number of  excess deaths caused by the COVID vaccines. A simple analysis shows that it is likely that over 150,000 Americans have been killed by the current COVID vaccines as of Aug 28, 2021." If you are thinking that this is a simple analysis by using published comments from the past about what the percentages are for under-reporting vaccine adverse reactions, you would be making a false assumption. This is maybe the most brilliant analysis of the VAERS data I have seen so far. What Dr. Rose did was take an independent analysis of a single VAERS event, one that the FDA and CDC admitted was an adverse reaction based on trials before the shots were even authorized, anaphylaxis, and then looked at independent studies reporting the rate of anaphylaxis to determine the true percentage, compared to what is actually being reported in VAERS. What she found was that anaphylaxis was being under-reported in VAERS by 41X. Taking that variable and then applying it to other events, such as death, she arrived at the 150,000 death figure. If this is a truer estimate of how many people are dying in the U.S. following COVID-19 shots, that means millions are dying worldwide due to these shots over the last 9 months. Besides the plethora of anecdotal stories that we and others are reporting of formerly healthy people dying shortly after receiving a shot, one area where these massive amounts of deaths may show is in the labor force. Since so many employers are mandating these shots as a condition for employment, we would expect there to be massive labor shortages around the world as a result of these deaths. And in fact, that is exactly what we are seeing, and the forecast for the immediate future is that these labor shortages are just going to get worse as now the U.S. has mandated that all federal employees and employees of companies employing more than 100 people must mandate a COVID-19 shot as a condition for employment, which means they will now reduce the labor force among the unvaccinated, just after the vaccinated have had massive casualties already negatively impacting the labor pool. This is a global disaster that is probably unparalleled in human history!

Massive Police Brutality Recorded in Australia During Rally for Freedom as Thousands Take to the Streets

A "World Wide Rally for Freedom" was heavily promoted in Australia the past couple of weeks for yesterday, September 18, 2021. The police state in Australia has become so bad that they are now tracking their citizens' cell phone usage and social media posts, trying to arrest would-be protesters and lock them in their homes even before rallies are started. Police were armed with pepper spray, and from some of the video clips I have seen they were all too willing to use it whenever they could. As could be expected, there was some push back. Here is a short video report I have put together. I was going to use the word "violent" to describe what happened in Australia yesterday between the citizens and the police, but honestly, we have not see real "violence" yet at these protests, although it is getting closer. The REAL violence is happening in the vaccine clinics where mass murder is still happening, as the vaccines are killing and crippling people. This is not happening at the protests, yet.

Fully Vaccinated Account for 74% of Covid-19 Deaths in the UK Summer Wave According to Latest Public Health England Report

The latest Public Health England technical briefing on Covid-19 variants of concern has been published and it reveals that up to the 12th September 2021, 74% of all alleged Covid-19 deaths since August 2nd 2021 have been among the vaccinated population, confirming the UK is currently experiencing a pandemic of the vaccinated.

BOMBSHELL: FDA Allows Whistleblower Testimony that COVID-19 Vaccines Are Killing and Harming People!

The FDA held a Vaccine Advisory Committee meeting yesterday (September 17, 2021) to discuss authorizing a third Pfizer COVID-19 "booster shot." There were signs heading into the meeting this week that there could be some fireworks at this hearing, as two top vaccine research scientists at the FDA, Dr. Marion Gruber and Dr. Phillip Kause, the Director and Deputy Director of the Office of Vaccines Research, recently resigned. This followed a report published in The Lancet from 18 officials at the FDA opposing the Biden Administration's plan to start distributing Pfizer "booster shots" later this month (September, 2021) before the FDA had even approved them. To say that there were fireworks at the Vaccine Advisory Committee meeting yesterday might be a gross understatement. The 18 member committee voted 16 to 2 AGAINST approving the booster shots, although later they did give their endorsement on approving them for people 65 and older. During the "open session" part of the meeting, dissenting doctors questioning the Pfizer shots were given a chance to address the public with their concerns, and they presented to the public REAL data about the shots that up until now has been heavily censored.

“Thousands” of COVID-19 Vaccine Whistleblowers Contacting Project Veritas Wanting to Tell Their Stories

The U.S. Government and the corporate media's narrative regarding the COVID-19 vaccines is quickly falling apart. Truth is kind of like REAL cream in non-homogenized fresh milk: it rises to the top. We reported earlier this week how a local TV station in Detroit asked viewers on their Facebook Page to send them stories of loved ones who had refused the COVID-19 vaccines and had now died, but instead tens of thousands of comments came in about COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths (219K at the time of publication of this article). James O'Keefe of Project Veritas has just released a video stating that they have received "thousands" of emails ("hundreds a day") from people wanting to share their stories with Project Veritas as COVID-19 vaccine whistleblowers, and that they are even willing to wear a hidden mic to tell their stories. He reports that they have one such story that they are going to publish this coming Monday.

NCAA Student Golfer Has Heart Disease after COVID Shot – Offered Bribe to Silence Story

John Stokes is a Division 1 NCAA student golfer in Tennessee. He recently received the Pfizer COVID-19 shots as mandated by the NCAA. Now he has heart disease (myocarditis), and will not be able to compete in his senior year. He shot a video from his hospital bed that soon went viral, where he revealed that other student athletes were reporting the same thing, some even requiring heart surgery. He is trying to warn others, because he does not feel that he was informed of the risks prior to taking the shots. Because he has been vocal in social media relating his condition to the COVID shots, local news has also covered the story. In his most recent video shared on social media, he encourages other athletes to report their COVID vaccine side effects, and he also states that someone has offered to buy the rights to his story in order to keep it quiet.

The Illusion of Getting Rich While Producing Nothing

By incentivizing speculation and corruption, reducing the rewards for productive work and sucking wages dry with inflation, America has greased the skids to collapse. Of all the mass delusions running rampant in the culture, none is more spectacularly delusional than the conviction that we can all get fabulously rich from speculation while producing nothing. The key characteristic of speculation is that it produces nothing: it doesn't generate any new goods or services, boost productivity or increase the functionality of real-world essentials. Like all mass delusions, the greater the disconnect from reality, the greater the appeal. Mass delusions gain their escape velocity by leaving any ties to real-world limitations behind, and by igniting the most powerful booster to human euphoric confidence known, greed. Lost in the mania of easy wealth from speculative trading is the absence of any value creation in the rotation-churn of moving bets from one table to the latest hot game: in flipping houses sight unseen, no functionality was added to the house. In transferring bets on one cryptocurrency to another or from one meme stock to another, no value to the economy or society was created. In the mass delusion that near-infinite wealth can be generated without producing anything, creating value has no value: the delusion is that I can get rich producing nothing but speculative gains, and then I can buy all the stuff somebody else is making. The fantasy powering the speculative frenzy is once I get rich, I'll stop working and live off my wealth. It's interesting, isn't it, how everyone can get rich via unproductive speculation, quit their jobs and then live off the productive work of somebody else who failed to get rich off speculation.