Are You Prepared to NOT Die This Winter? Time to Pay Attention to the “Preppers” if You Want to Survive

The online "prepper" community has probably produced more false prophets over the past couple of decades than any other online community. With every pending catastrophe facing society, their "Chicken Little the Sky is Falling" doomsday message always seems to fall short of predicting the collapse of society. I was a big part of this online prepper community starting back in 1997, as I began to prepare my family for what could have been one of those catastrophic events that seemed at the time to be possibly pending, Y2K, where the world's computers changed the year on their internal clocks from 1999 to 2000. Fortunately, and possibly due in a large degree to the Y2K fear, the IT community made mammoth changes to try and prevent this from happening, and those fears never materialized. I never apologized for being a "false prophet," however, because spending almost 3 years studying how fragile our supply chain was, and how dependent people were on the economic "system," forced me to make some major changes in my life and how I viewed the world's economic system. In 1998 I moved my family to my wife's home country, the Philippines, where we renovated her family's long abandoned farm house in a remote mountainside community where we began to live in preparation for the Y2K events to unfold. Y2K passed and the world survived, and I began to publish much of what I learned about sustainable, traditional food and herb production in the Philippines on the Internet, which soon grew into a business that I could support my family with, and bless many other people with as well. Today, if you are unfamiliar with the "prepper" mindset as we head into the winter of 2021-22, your life may be in imminent danger, and the "Chicken Little the Sky is Falling" doomsday prophets may finally be coming true. And if it is, many of you reading this today may end up dying, especially if you have not stored up food, have no reserve water plans in place, and have no alternative energy plan in place if you live in a cold climate where you would not survive more than a night or two without heat. I hope I am wrong, again. I really do! But it is never fruitless to make preparation plans for something that may never happen. It produced a new business and way of life for me, back in 2000. I have never regretted becoming a "prepper" and planning for the destruction of our modern, fragile, economic system. But if you are dependent on the "system" to always be there to protect you in times of national emergencies, your life may be hanging by a thread right now if that system collapses, and you have no plans in place for such an event.

And So it Begins: NYC Judge Rules Father Cannot Visit 3-Year-Old Daughter Unless Vaccinated

A judge in New York City has blocked a father’s right to see his three-year-old daughter unless he agrees to take the COVID-19 vaccine. Yes, really. In early September, Evan Schein, an attorney acting on behalf of the mother in the couple’s divorce case (the family has not been named), raised concerns about the father’s vaccination status, leading high profile judge Judge Matthew Cooper to suspend his visitation rights until he received the jab. According to Cooper, the father needs to submit to the shot because it has become a prerequisite “to participate meaningfully in everyday society.” “The dangers of voluntarily remaining unvaccinated during access with a child while the COVID-19 virus remains a threat to children’s health and safety cannot be understated,” said the judge. “Unfortunately, and to my mind, incomprehensibly, a sizable minority, seizing upon misinformation, conspiracy theories, and muddled notions of ‘individual liberty,’ have refused all entreaties to be vaccinated,” he added. However, Lloyd Rosen, the father’s attorney, warned that the ruling sets a terrible precedent. “My client is not a conspiracy theorist,” Rosen said. “He has concerns about the vaccine. He’s heard about side effects. He once had a bad reaction to a flu vaccine.” “This judge must feel that 80 million Americans who aren’t vaccinated are placing their children at imminent risk or harm and, therefore, the courts should intervene and remove those children from their parents,” he added. “This is an absurd position to take.”

America: Land of the Slaves and Home of the Cowards – The Entitlement Majority Call Themselves “Victims”

Francis Scott Key penned the words to the song "The Star-Spangled Banner" in the 1800s that would go on to become the "National Anthem" of the United States, and it ends with the words: "The land of the free, and the home of the brave." I am not sure these words have ever been a true description of life in the United States, but today, here in 2021, those words should read: "The land of the slaves, and the home of the cowards." I never thought I would live to see the day where most Americans would willingly choose slavery over freedom, and then when their choices did not work out the way they thought, rather than own up to their mistake in making the wrong choice, blame the "opposition" party in government instead, all the while raising their voices to claim "I'm a victim!" believing that somehow they are entitled to certain things from their slave masters. But that characterizes the United States of America today.

Chicago Mayor Gets Judge to Temporarily Silence Police Union Boss Catanzara from Telling Officers to Refuse Vaccine Mandate – Catanzara Responds by Announcing he is Running for Mayor of Chicago

The battle between Chicago Police and Mayor Lori Lightfoot continued today as the City of Chicago filed a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) against Chicago Police Union boss, John Catanzara, to silence him from speaking publicly and encouraging officers to not comply with the city's mandate to file their COVID-19 vaccination status online through a portal they have setup. However, in a temporary victory for the police, it was announced that the city would not be sending anyone home due to their failure to report their vaccination status, and that all police officers working this weekend would be paid. This averted a situation where Catanzara stated that less than 50% of the force would be on the streets this weekend if the department sent home the officers without pay for defying the Mayor. Catanzara stated that the judge would hear the whole motion on Monday, but a local CBS News report stated that this hearing is now pushed back until October 25th, reportedly because "there is no public safety emergency right now," which means the City has agreed to let the officers work with pay without yet declaring their vaccination status. So the City may have silenced Catanzara for now, but it appears that Round 1 goes to the Chicago Police, who get to still work with pay without having to declare their vaccination status, at least until October 25th.

27,247 Deaths 2,563,768 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database – Taiwan Records More Deaths from Vaccine than Virus

The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 27,247 fatalities, and 2,563,768 injuries, following COVID-19 injections. In Taiwan it is now reported that deaths from COVID-19 vaccination exceed deaths from the COVID-19 virus. We also include a video report showing graphic deaths and disabilities due to COVID-19 shots, including a 13-year-old boy who collapsed in a clinic due to a heart attack and died after efforts to revive him failed.

Massachusetts Set to Lose 50% of Their Correction Officers by Sunday due to Vaxx Mandate with Prison System “Pushed into Chaos”

Cheryl Fiandaca of WBZ CBS Boston reported today that more than 1,500 correctional officers in Massachusetts, about 50% of the state's "highly trained correction officers," are scheduled to be fired on Sunday, October 17th, for failing to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination status. Governor Charlie Baker has reportedly activated 250 National Guard troops to help staff potential shortages at the state prisons. Fiandaca interviewed Kevin Flanagan, the legislative liaison for the Massachusetts Correction Officers Federated Union, who stated: "With all due respect to the men and women of the National Guard, we have highly trained correction officers who have worked throughout the pandemic for 18 months and to now say 50 percent would be terminated it’s not right, it’s not fair." Absent from the CBS I-Team report is the issue of the National Guard, who are being called up in many states to replace workers being fired for not getting a mandated COVID-19 shot. The National Guard does not have to comply with COVID-19 vaccine mandates until June of 2022. A report earlier this year stated that fewer National Guard members were receiving COVID-19 shots than active duty members, with less than 40% vaccinated. This begs the question on how National Guard members, the majority of whom have not yet been vaccinated and have until next year to comply with mandates, can replace prison workers and in other states hospital workers who are being terminated simply because they are not vaccinated for COVID-19?

Chicago Set to Lose 50% or More of Police Force at Midnight Tonight as Police Union Calls Mayor’s Bluff on Reporting COVID-19 Vaccine Status

Chicago police officers union president John Catanzara is calling Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s bluff. The Chicago Mayor is trying to force all of Chicago's police officers to register at a portal supplied by the city that reveals whether or not they have proof of a COVID-19 vaccination. The officers have until midnight tonight (October 14, 2021) to register at the portal, or they will go into a "non-pay" status, which Catanzara claims is a new status that previously did not even exist. Catanzara put out a video on Tuesday this week, directing officers to "hold the line" and NOT go to the portal and give the city their personal information. He does not believe the Mayor or the City has a lawful right to this information, which clearly violates HIPAA and other privacy laws. He stated: "Do not fill out the portal information. You are under no obligation to do that, other than the city's demand. Once you do that, we can never get information back. We have no assurances from the city that that is secure. What that information is going to entail as far as going forward, who it can be shared with, etc. (nobody knows.) The simple fact that they keep putting out public statements, emails, and having bosses call you, means one thing: our members are holding the line. And officers from all ranks are not going into that portal. They clearly must have a very very low cooperation level, which is good. It's information they shouldn't be entitled to." Catanzara tells the officers to submit exemption forms today (Thursday) instead of going to the portal, and the union has supplied three exemption forms that are allowed by law in the State of Illinois for valid vaccine exemptions: medical, religious, and conscientious objection.

NBA Star Kyrie Irving Gives up over $100 Million to Refuse COVID Shot – Stands with Black Community in New York

NBA star Kyrie Irving is waging war with the NBA over mandatory COVID-19 shots, and at least from my perspective, he is overwhelmingly winning that war. Kyrie is a member of Brooklyn Nets, a New York City NBA franchise team. New York City mandates that everyone attending events such as professional basketball games must have proof of vaccination for COVID-19. When training camp for the NBA broke a couple of weeks ago for the new season, several players stated that they would not be getting the mandatory COVID-19 shots, with others expressing hesitancy at getting it stating that it should be a matter of one's own choice. But most of the other NBA stars have now come around and announced they are getting the shots. Brooklyn Nets coach Steve Nash said at a press conference yesterday that the team was preparing to play the season without Kyrie being able to play home games, since Kyrie was not apparently budging on his position, undoubtedly in the face of tremendous pressure from the Globalists to announce to the public that he was going to get the shot as a condition to be being able to play games in NYC that require him to have the shot. Kyrie stuck to his principles, and was willing to give up half of his salary and many millions of dollars, to stick to that principle and only be eligible to play road games outside of NYC. He called their bluff. As a result, today, Brooklyn general manager Sean Marks stated that the team would NOT allow Kyrie to play just half their games, games outside of New York, after all. The real reason the NBA and Nets are making this decision, is that they cannot afford the PR nightmare that would ensue for allowing an "anti-vaxxer" to tour to other NBA cities and become a beacon of light for those who refuse to bow to the Globalists and their eugenics agenda. As we have previously reported, less than 30% of Blacks living in New York have taken a COVID-19 shot, deciding instead to stand for freedom and against medical discrimination. Kyrie is obviously choosing to stand with the Black community in New York, rather than using his "privileged status" as an NBA multi-millionaire to take a stand against that Black community, and in favor of the NBA slave masters.

Airline Industry Issues Dire Warning Against Vaxx Mandates: “We have all the Control – Aircraft Will Stop Moving” with Major Effects on Economy

There have been widespread rumors this week that the thousands of flights canceled this past weekend by Southwest Airlines have been the result of massive amounts of people calling in sick to protest COVID-19 vaccine mandates for the airline industry. Neither management nor airline employees would admit to a protest movement like this, as it is illegal and considered a matter of "national safety." Pilot Joshua Yoder, who is the co-founder of the U.S. Freedom Flyers that recently produced a video that we published, appeared as a guest on Tucker Carlson's show on Fox this week. He stated: "We have all the control. And the control comes from a simple word. And that's 'no.' We just don't need to comply. I think you will see massive disruptions in the supply chain and in your travel, if we just stand up and say 'no.' If these companies fire us, and they fire 30% of the workforce, aircraft are going to stop moving. And it's going to affect you. It's going to affect your air travel, and it's going to affect the economy." Another commercial airline pilot, who was only identified as "David in Orange County," called into the American Journal show on this week. He addressed the issue of flying with pilots who have taken the COVID-19 shot, and their increased risks for blood clots.

911 System In Jeopardy As First Responders Reject Jab

The American Ambulance Association (AAA) warned House and Senate leaders the "nation's EMS system is facing a crippling workforce shortage, a long-term problem that has been building for more than a decade. It threatens to undermine our emergency 9-1-1 infrastructure and deserves urgent attention by Congress." "The magnitude has really blown up over the last few months," AAA President Shawn Baird told NBC News. "When you take a system that was already fragile and stretched it because you didn't have enough people entering the field, then you throw a public health emergency and all of the additional burdens that it put on our workforce, as well as the labor shortages across the entire economy, and it really has put us in a crisis mode," Baird said. What's making the EMS labor shortage worse is President Biden's vaccine mandates. First responders are quitting across the county because they don't want to get the jab and have realized they can transfer to other higher-paying jobs.