“France has Lost all her Freedom” Reader Laments as France Rolls Out Compulsory COVID-19 Vaccine Policies

A distraught Health Impact News subscriber from France emailed me today regarding new COVID-19 mandatory vaccine policies that were just announced by the President of France, Emmanuel Macon. "The President has spoken and the vax is compulsory for people working in hospitals, medical center, with old people event at home, etc. The sanitory pass is everywhere even in hospital and above a group of 50 people. He said that everybody will probably have to be vax. France has lost all her freedom and is worse than China. He also attacks and reforms the pension and unemployement. Please help us, French People, the world must know what is happening!"

After 9 Years Including 21 Days in Solitary Confinement Canada Drops Charges Against Parents Charged with Failure to Vaccinate Child Who Died

After 9 years of legal battles against the government of Canada, David Stephan announced on his Facebook Page this weekend that all charges had been dropped against him and his wife over the death of one of their children, where he and his wife were singled out by the Canadian government to be made an example of what happens when one dares to take on Big Pharma. A champion of Health Freedom for years, when the young son of David and Collet Stephan died in what is now known as gross negligence by the medical system, the authorities tried to make an example of the Stephans for their way of life that included trusting God and generally not using pharmaceutical products when natural remedies were available. They were charged with "failure to vaccinate" their child and blamed for his death, in the hopes of setting Canadian policy that failure to use Big Pharma sanctioned products by parents was the same thing as withholding the basic necessities of life from children, such as food, water, and air. When their case against the Stephans did not go as they planned and massive corruption was uncovered, they turned to the corporate media in Canada to control the narrative, and for a while it worked, as millions of people, not only in Canada but around the world, vilified this couple and branded them as criminals for allegedly withholding proper medical treatment that they thought would have saved their child. So effective was this negative media campaign against the Stephans, that the father, David, had to spend 21 days in solitary confinement in jail, as the other inmates considered him a child murderer and tried to kill him. Health Impact News got involved in this story in 2016, and it was one of our most-read stories that year. So what is David's message to the rest of us after having to endure 9 years of fighting the corrupt Canadian government, Big Pharma, and the corporate media that worked so hard to destroy his family? He admits that we are currently in the "eye of the storm" regarding medical tyranny and the whole COVID Plandemic, with the worst yet to come, but he tells us: "Do not fear! Perfect love casts out fear."

Is the Government Coming to Your Door this Week to Pressure You to take the COVID Shots? Here is What You Need to Know

As we reported last week, the Biden Administration announced a new campaign to target Americans who have not yet taken any of the of the experimental, non-FDA approved COVID-19 shots. This campaign includes "going door to door." Since this announcement last week, there has been a lot of information published as to just what this means, in both the alternative media, as well as the corporate media. As can be expected, the issue has been politicized, so what this actually means when you read things in the corporate media will depend on if that media outlet's reporting tends towards the left, or towards the right. But at the end of the day, whatever comes out of the mouths of the cronies in Washington D.C. actually has very little to do with what will affect people at the local level. So what is happening at the local level, and what should you do if someone comes to your door wanting to talk to you about COVID-19 shots? I will give you some practical advice in this article. This advice is based on my years of experience in my working with attorneys all across the U.S. regarding the over-reach of local government agencies such as Child Protective Services who routinely come to people's homes with the express purpose of looking for a reason to medically kidnap their children. Most of those legal issues apply to this situation as well, regarding government agents coming to your home to discuss COVID-19 "vaccines."

Comply with COVID-19 “Vaccination” Demands and You Could End up DEAD Like These People

The public pressure for people to get the COVID-19 injections is in full swing right now, as those who wanted these shots and have already taken them voluntarily are quickly dwindling down. The first court case challenging employers who are mandating these shots as a condition for employment in Texas went the way of Big Pharma and government, as the judge ruled that people still have a choice - they can choose to refuse the shots and look for employment elsewhere. In addition to employers, many schools now are also moving towards mandatory COVID-19 injections as a condition for enrollment. The question everyone needs to ask themselves these days when faced with these mandates is how much do you value your job or school? Enough to potentially give up your life or become permanently disabled? Sadly, there are many who have taken that risk, and lost. They are now dead, and the debate is over. Once they bury or burn your body, there is no turning back. As we reported on Friday, the CDC now admits that over 9000 people have died following these COVID-19 injections since they were unleashed on the public last December. Those are more deaths recorded following the COVID-19 shots in the past 7 months than deaths recorded in the CDC VAERS system for the past 31 years following vaccination, when the VAERS system was implemented in 1990, shortly after the U.S. government gave legal immunity for pharmaceutical companies producing vaccines for injuries and deaths caused by those vaccines. And yet when these people die after receiving a COVID-19 injection, the corporate media will very seldom report their "vaccination status" when mentioning their deaths or in their obituaries. They will blame anything they can drum up as an excuse, even if the victims were young and previously healthy with very little chance of dying from these other causes they list. We primarily find out about their "vaccination status" through their social media accounts where they admit, and often brag, about getting the shots. We bring you four more stories of those who gave in to social pressure to get the shots, but did not live long enough to regret their decisions. Those regrets will have to live on with their families and loved ones who will never see them again in this life.

One in Christ: Abolishing Discrimination and Class Warfare in the Messianic New World Order

The world is very quickly advancing to the final stages of the "The Great Reset," and implementing a "New World Order," and as I have explained in past articles on this topic, there are two competing ideas as to what this New World Order will look like, and who will implement it. One is a Luciferian World Order ruled by Satan, and the other one is a Messianic World Order ruled by Jesus Christ. What is apparently not very obvious to most people today, is that the path to both versions of this New World Order look very similar. Both paths see a reduction of the world's population, for example. One of the truths that is perverted by the Luciferian world system, is the concept of "race" and "equality." "Critical race theory" (CRT), for example, is being put forward in our educational systems as a way to deal with inequalities within races. And while there might be some truth in this teaching somewhere, its overall purpose is to continue promoting class warfare, and dividing classes of people to oppose each other and achieve the Satanic version of a New World Order. True equality of classes is only found in the Messianic New World Order, led by Jesus Christ who only saw two classes of people: those who know God and those who do not. This truth of the equality of the human race independent of ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, or any other way of classifying human beings, is so basic and so clearly taught in the Bible, that most people just completely miss it and are easily deceived by the prevailing teachings of the day regarding class warfare. And this is true on BOTH the Left and the Right political sides. But if you can understand this basic truth, you will be able to see through many of the lies being mixed with truths and half-truths today, and it will greatly affect your view of the future. It will mean the difference between viewing the future with fear, giving up hope and thinking there is nothing standing in the way to stop the Satanic Globalists' implementation of their New World Order, to looking at the future with expectation and hope, waiting patiently for the day when Jesus fulfills prophecy and brings about true equality and justice for the human race.

WARNING: Telecoms Bribing Private Homes to Install 5G Antennas in Their Neighborhoods

The federal government has ensured that 5G can come to your neighborhood whether you like it or not. A recent rule change allows the telecoms industry to turn consenting private residences into cell towers, endangering the health of the neighborhood. The only way to fight back is to talk to neighbors who may be considering adding an antenna to their house to inform them of the facts that industry is conveniently leaving out. The federal government has ensured that 5G can come to your neighborhood whether you like it or not. A recent rule change allows the telecoms industry to turn consenting private residences into cell towers, endangering the health of the neighborhood. The only way to fight back is to talk to neighbors who may be considering adding an antenna to their house to inform them of the facts that industry is conveniently leaving out. Engage with neighbors considering telecoms offer of satellite installation and asking questions: are they aware that insurance against health effects from EMF radiation doesn’t exist? If a neighbor, or neighbors’ children, get sick from the radiation emanating from the antenna on their house, can they afford a legal defense? Are they aware of the myriad health dangers associated with EMF radiation? Are they on the hook for the electricity taken up by the antenna? Perhaps proactive action to discuss the issue with neighbors before the industry makes the offer can inoculate neighborhoods from industry propaganda. Friendly but frank conversations about this issue may be the only way to prevent your neighborhood from being blanketed with EMF.

CDC Adds Over 2000 Deaths Associated with COVID-19 Shots in One Week – 917 Unborn Baby Deaths

The U.S. CDC released more data today in their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines, and they added more than 2000 deaths following COVID-19 shots over what they reported last week. Last week they were reporting 6,985 deaths, and this week that number jumped up to 9,048. This is by far the largest increase of recorded deaths in one week since they started reporting deaths following COVID-19 shots. Besides the 9,048 deaths, there are 7,463 permanent disabilities, 56,971 Emergency Room visits, 26,818 Hospitalizations, and 7,822 Life Threatening injuries following the COVID-19 injections. And yet, none of this government data will be reported in any corporate media news broadcast, and those who try to post it on the Big Tech social media sites will be flagged for "fake news" by the "fact checkers." These are not even the true numbers, as the CDC selectively chooses what to release to the public each week, and of course many deaths and injuries go unreported because the public is conditioned to believe that none of these deaths and injuries have anything to do with the COVID-19 shots. To put this into perspective, there are now 30% more deaths recorded in 7 months since the launch of the COVID-19 shots in December of 2020, than during the entire 31-year history of VAERS recording deaths following vaccines since it started in 1990. 1990 to November 2020: 6,145 deaths following ALL VACCINES. December 2020 to July 2, 2021: 9,048 deaths from COVID-19 shots only.

The False Gods of Genetics and “Gene Therapy”

One of the topics we have exposed over the years here at Health Impact News is the false science of "genetics" research and the promise of new drugs based on such research. This is simply a continuation of the field of "eugenics" made popular in the late 1920s and early 1930s here in the U.S., exported to Germany prior to WWII, and then brought back to the U.S. and repackaged. What the study of genetics has done for the past several decades is bring in billions of dollars for research and focus research away from the real problems in health, the #1 problem being the toxic drugs and vaccines that have decimated the health of Americans and others around the world, with the promise of discovering "new drugs" to solve all of society's woes. But what it really consists of is a cash cow for the Globalists to come up with new methods of classifying and controlling people. Reporter Jon Rappoport published a good summary of this pseudo science today.

The WEF’s Partnership Against Cybercrime Wants to Eliminate Online Anonymity, Destroying Privacy

Of particular interest is the call by both FS-ISAC and the WEF Partnership against Cybercrime to specifically target cryptocurrencies, particularly those that favor transactional anonymity, as well as the infrastructure on which those cryptocurrencies run. Though framed as a way to combat “cybercrime”, it is obvious that cryptocurrencies are to be unwanted competitors for the soon-to-be-launched central bank digital currencies. In addition, as this report will show, there is a related push by WEF partners to “tackle cybercrime” that seeks to end privacy and the potential for anonymity on the internet in general, by linking government-issued IDs to internet access. Such a policy would allow governments to surveil every piece of online content accessed as well as every post or comment authored by each citizen, supposedly to ensure that no citizen can engage in “criminal” activity online. A major theme in these efforts has not only been an emphasis on global cooperation, but also a merging of private banks and/or corporations with the State, specifically intelligence and law enforcement agencies. In addition, many of the banks, institutions and individuals involved in the creation of these reports and simulations are either actively involved in WEF-related efforts to usher in a new global economic model of “stakeholder capitalism” or are seeking to imminently introduce, or are actively developing, central bank-backed digital currencies, or CBDCs. Of particular interest is the call by both FS-ISAC and the WEF Partnership against Cybercrime to specifically target cryptocurrencies, particularly those that favor transactional anonymity, as well as the infrastructure on which those cryptocurrencies run. Though framed as a way to combat “cybercrime”, it is obvious that cryptocurrencies are to be unwanted competitors for the soon-to-be-launched central bank digital currencies.  In addition, as this report will show, there is a related push by WEF partners to “tackle cybercrime” that seeks to end privacy and the potential for anonymity on the internet in general, by linking government-issued IDs to internet access. Such a policy would allow governments to surveil every piece of online content accessed as well as every post or comment authored by each citizen, supposedly to ensure that no citizen can engage in “criminal” activity online. 

17,503 DEAD, 1.7 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots

The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.” A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries. The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. So as high as these numbers are, they do NOT reflect all of Europe. The actual number in Europe who are reported dead or injured due to COVID-19 shots would be much higher than what we are reporting here. The EudraVigilance database reports that through July 3, 2021 there are 17,503 deaths and 1,687,527 injuries reported following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots. From the total of injuries recorded, half of them (837,588 ) are serious, life-threatening injuries.