Million Dollar Bioweapon Shot Lotteries Enticing MILLIONS to get the Injections

In the US, the first winners of the "vaccination lotteries" being adopted by a growing number of states - including West Virginia (which is offering guns, trucks & "piles of cash), California and a handful of others - are taking home life-changing money, all because they decided to get vaccinated. And according to WSJ, the incentives that these programs create are already having a positive impact on the vaccination rate, which has finally eclipsed 50% of American adults. The program is also having some success in Hong Kong. In Ohio alone, 3.2MM people entered the drawing - all of whom hadn't been previously vaccinated despite being eligible for weeks or months. And Ohio's Gov. ike DeWine credited the lottery enticements for a recent spike in vaccinations in the Buckeye State. There's evidence from a study in Singapore showing financial incentives are effective at boosting vaccination rates.

Are These Cyber Attacks Live Drills for What is Coming Later this Summer?

By sheer cowinkydink, another ransomware attack has taken down operations of another major American industry. This time, the target is America’s largest meat processer, JBS. JBS acquired a fake, plant-based meat company for $500 million, and its CEO has been using Joe Biden’s “build back better” slogan and other World Economic Forum and United Nations jargon. It has moved into the faux-burger market in Europe. First, it was Texas energy, then the Colonial gas pipeline and now meat. All of this is happening as shortages are commonplace, caused by massive economic distortions from lockdowns, money printing crack up boom and “stimulus,” and putting people on permanent unemployment largesse. Is this a distraction to justify the rise in prices (aka inflation)? As another precursor to yet another drill going live — namely, the July 9, 2021, Cyber Polygon cyberattack “exercise” simulations — we learn that overnight downdector users reported AT&T service across the Baltimore–Washington metropolitan area experienced widespread outages. About the same time, Apple reported problems with the functioning of its Apple Card credit card and payment system that was affecting all users. The Cyber Polygon exercise will focus on simulating the downing of the global internet, as well as disruptions to power supplies and control grids. That’s right. In July, the summer month for peak heat in most of North America, there will be forced power outages.

Hong Kong: 12 DEAD Four Miscarriages in One Week Following COVID-19 Injections

The Standard, Hong Kong's biggest circulation English daily newspaper, is reporting that 12 people have died, and 4 women have had miscarriages following COVID-19 shots just in the past week. "For the past week between May 24 and 30, 12 more people died at public hospitals after receiving the Covid vaccines, along with four women who suffered from miscarriages, according to the Hospital Authority. The Hospital Authority said six of the 12 cases were hospitalized patients while the rest passed away in the emergency department. With the additional miscarriage cases, Hong Kong has now seen 23 miscarriage cases after vaccination. From February 26, when the city’s vaccination campaign started, until last Sunday, the city recorded 80 deaths following vaccinations."

Danish Authorities Shut Down Access to Bitchute Over “Dangerous” COVID-19 Information

Authorities in Denmark have shut down much of the country’s access to video platform Bitchute in the name of preventing the spread of “dangerous information” about COVID. Denmark’s National Police Cyber Crime Center (NC3) petitioned for a court order to block the site and ISPs followed suit by blocking access to users. “The National Police Cyber Crime Center (NC3) has blocked the homepage that your browser has tried to access contact as there is reason to assume that from the website commits a violation of criminal law, which has a background in or connection with the covid-19 epidemic in Denmark,” states a message users see when trying to access Bitchute.

Man Who Developed CDC Vaccine Tracking System, BBC Radio Personality – Among the DEAD Following COVID-19 Injections

Joel Kallman, the 54-year-old Oracle APEX software developer who designed the CDC vaccine tracking system, is dead two months after the first experimental mRNA shot. Jovita Moore, an Atlanta news anchor, developed two brain tumors 12 days after second experimental Pfizer mRNA injection. Lisa Shaw, a 44-year-old BBC Radio voice, died in the hospital after suffering blood clots after receiving the AstraZeneca shot. Lisa Stonehouse, a 52-year-old Canadian woman, developed blood clots in brain and was dead 12 days after the AstraZeneca shot. Lynnae Erick, a 50-year-old Canadian woman is dead seven days after the experimental Pfizer mRNA injection. Jennifer Gibson, a Canadian woman, developed Bell’s Palsy two weeks after the AstraZeneca shot. You probably did not see these stories in your local news, or if you did, they probably conveniently failed to mention they received a COVID-19 injection prior to their death, so we bring their stories to the public in our continuing coverage of death and destruction following the COVID-19 bioweapon injections.

It’s Time to Choose Sides: Do You Even Know What Side You Are On?

World events are speeding ahead at a record pace now, and it should be clear to just about everyone by now that we are witnessing a grand master plan to roll out a New World Order. There are very many signs now that we are facing an imminent collapse of our society's infrastructure, something few Americans are prepared to deal with. If some of these things being predicted, BOTH in the corporate media as well as in the alternative media, come to pass, we are going to see massive deaths and destruction at a level that will make 2020 and the COVID lockdowns seem like a vacation in comparison. It's time to choose sides, but sadly, the vast majority of the public is clueless as to what those sides are. There are rumblings among the Trump supporters that some states' election results are going to be overturned, and there is a lot of speculation now that the Office of the President of the United States may soon be turned back over to Donald Trump. If you are among the masses who currently believe that the choices now facing us are either a Biden administration, or some kind of insurrection to put Trump back in office, then you are simply following this grand master plan that has been in the works for a very long time now, and you are walking right into their trap. So what I am going to do first in this article is explain to you the principle of "order out of chaos," sometimes also referred to as the Hegelian principle. Then I will explain what your REAL choices are.

Canadian Doctor Removed from Hospital Duty after Speaking out about COVID “Vaccine” Side Effects

Last month we published an interview with Dr. Charles Hoffe, a medical doctor for 28 years in the small, rural town of Lytton in British Columbia, Canada. He tried to sound the alarm over the troubling side effects he was seeing in his community from the COVID-19 shots, which included one death. The results of his trying to warn the medical system about what he was seeing are that he was issued a gag order and basically told to shut up. He didn't. He did an interview explaining what was happening after the COVID-19 shots, and the damage they were causing, putting his own career on the line. LifeSite News is now reporting that Dr. Hoffe was relieved of his emergency room duties, which has resulted in him losing half of his income, because he dared to tell the truth.

Renowned Texas Professor and Doctor: COVID-19 Shots are “Bioweapons thrust upon the Public!”

Author John Leake recently interviewed Dr. Peter McCullough in Dallas. YouTube phenom Austen Fletcher, known online as "Fleccas Talks," has done a masterful job in post-production by summarizing the 1 hour and 45 minutes interview down to less than 17 minutes. Dr. McCullough is pro-vaccine, and in the beginning he did administer the COVID-19 shots to some of his patients. But now he states: "Based on the safety data now, I can no longer recommend it." If you have watched any of the previous interviews we have published with Dr. McCullough, you will see that this man appears to be an honest physician who truly wants to help his patients, and therefore has apparently not bought into the whole spirit behind the implementation of the New World Order by the Luciferians who have no regard for human life at all. Dr. McCullough was a leader among the physicians who developed early treatments for whatever COVID-19 is, using simple, older drugs with a long history of safety, and as a result he saved many lives. He was the lead author on a major published study on the use of these older drugs, and when he put up a YouTube video about the study to help people, he was shocked that it was removed. He knew then that something nefarious was happening worldwide. In this most recent interview, one can observe that he is doing his own research now, and he even quotes some people in the alternative media, which shows he is making the effort to get around censorship in the corporate media and Big Tech to learn the truth. This is the first time, to my knowledge, that he referred to the COVID-19 shots as "bioweapons." He also uses the term "Globalists": "This is what Globalists have been waiting for. They've been waiting for a way of marking people. That if you get the vaccine, you're marked in a database. And this can be used for trade, for commerce, for behavior modification - all different purposes." He also states: "Here, in the United States, we have 100 million people vaccinated (with the COVID-19 bioweapon shots so far). This is far and away the most lethal, toxic, biologic agent ever injected into a human body in American history." This man is obviously risking his career and life to bring this information to the public.

CDC: Death Toll Following Experimental COVID Injections Now at 4,863 – More than 23 Previous Years of Recorded Vaccine Deaths According to VAERS

The CDC released the latest death figures last week following the experimental COVID injections this week, and that death toll now stands at 4,863 people, adults and children, that have been recorded as dying after receiving one of the experimental COVID injections. To put this number in perspective, since the CDC continues to claim that these deaths do “not establish a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines,” these deaths now exceed the total number of deaths reported to VAERS following vaccination for the past 23 years! From 1/1/1998 through 11/30/2020 (the last month before COVID shots were given emergency use) there were 4,758 deaths recorded for a span of 23 years.

1 Million Hit the Streets in London to Fight for Freedom – While Millions of Americans Mask up and Go on Vacation for Memorial Day

A million people hit the streets in London yesterday to demand their freedom back. This is largely being censored or downplayed in the corporate media, but with 1 million people marching through the streets of London, actual photos and videos of the crowds are easy to find online. We include several here. Meanwhile, millions of Americans dutifully put on their masks and set out to take a vacation for the Memorial Day weekend.