Norway Stops Experimental AstraZeneca COVID Shots: “Higher Risk Associated with AstraZeneca Vaccine than from COVID-19 Disease”

Norway became the second country today to halt injections of the experimental AstraZeneca COVID shots, joining Denmark. A statement issued by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health stated what many of us in the Alternative Media have been stating for months now: The COVID "vaccine" is more dangerous than COVID itself, especially for young people. The world owes gratitude to Norwegian Medical Professor Pål Andre Holme. Norwegian physician and professor of medicine at Oslo University Hospital, Pål Andre Holme, is the courageous doctor who told the world last month that the AstraZeneca COVID shots were causing fatal blood clots, and that young people were dying needlessly. His work and his willingness to call out Big Pharma is what has probably led to Norway and Denmark halting these experimental injections, stating that the injections pose a greater risk for young people than the COVID virus, and his work I am sure paved the way for researchers to look at similar results with the Johnson and Johnson experimental injections.

21-Year-Old University of Cincinnati Student DEAD 24 Hours after Johnson & Johnson COVID Injection

The experimental Johnson and Johnson COVID shot has been halted by the FDA and CDC here in the United States, reportedly because "rare" blood clots were seen in six women following injections, resulting in one death. However, reports coming in now show the problem is probably much more widespread than what the FDA and CDC are reporting. As we reported yesterday, WLOX out of St. Martin, Mississippi, reported on a “young and healthy” father of 7 in Mississippi who suffered a stroke and is paralyzed and in the hospital in critical condition following an injection of the Johnson and Johnson experimental COVID shot. Today, The COVID Blog is reporting the death of a young 21-year-old University of Cincinnati pre-med student who has died within 24 hours of receiving the Johnson and Johnson COVID injection.

Healthy 43-Year-Old Father of 7 Suffers Stroke and is Paralyzed after Johnson and Johnson COVID Shot

A "young and healthy" father of 7 in Mississippi has suffered a stroke and is paralyzed and in the hospital in critical condition following an injection of the Johnson and Johnson experimental COVID shot. His family is devastated, and is just praying that he can learn how to talk again. They are grateful that the FDA has halted the use of this experimental COVID injection. Local news WLOX out of St. Martin reports on this story.

The End of the Experimental Adenovirus COVID Shots? Denmark Permanently Halts AstraZeneca COVID Shots

Earlier today Denmark became the first country to permanently ban the AstraZeneca experimental COVID adenovirus injections that have been linked to fatal blood clots. In another announcement out of Europe earlier today, the European Union (EU) Commission announced that they had decided not to renew Covid-19 vaccine contracts next year with both AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, the two pharmaceutical companies currently supplying COVID adenovirus "viral vector" vaccines. Could this be primarily a decision based on financial profits and behind-the-scene politics among the worlds' largest pharmaceutical companies vying for position in the new, lucrative COVID "vaccine" market? It would appear that the push is now going to be for the mRNA type of COVID injections.

20-Year-Old Scottish Man DEAD 12 Hours After being Injected with the Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Jab

Sadly, as worldwide mass COVID vaccination efforts now move beyond assisted living centers, healthcare workers, and educators, more of the general populations around the world are now starting to get the experimental COVID injections, and unfortunately we are beginning to see many reports of deaths among young people in their 20s and 30s, an age group with almost ZERO chance of dying from the COVID-19 virus. The Daily Mail is reporting today that a 20-year-old young Scottish man has died within 12 hours of receiving the experimental Pfizer COVID mRNA injection, leaving his parents devastated. Nobody under the age of 30 should be dying from these injections, because nobody under the age of 30 should be taking them since there is almost NO RISK of dying from COVID in that age group! And even in age groups more prone to suffer serious side effects from COVID, there are already existing treatments that do NOT kill the patient that have been used successfully by THOUSANDS of doctors around the world on COVID patients, including the older drugs Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquine, making these dangerous, experimental injections unnecessary.

CDC: 3,005 Recorded Deaths in VAERS Following COVID-19 Experimental “Vaccines” – More than Total Vaccine Deaths for Past 13+ Years

The CDC announced today that deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines, following experimental COVID injections, have now surpassed 3000 deaths since December of 2020, when the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID shots were given emergency use authorization (EUA) by the FDA. They report that 3,005 people have now died following COVID-19 experimental "vaccines." (Note: not all of these deaths they are reporting have been entered into the VAERS database yet. Additional data is entered into VAERS every Friday.) The CDC wants the public to think that this is an insignificant number, since over 189 million doses of COVID-19 emergency use injections have now been administered to the public. But to put this into perspective, these 3,005 deaths now exceed the total number of deaths following ALL vaccinations from August of 2007, through the end of November, 2020, just before the experimental COVID shots started. That is a time period of over 13 years, with 3,001 deaths following ALL vaccinations administered during that time frame.

FDA Suspends Experimental Johnson and Johnson COVID Shots Due to Severe Side Effects

The FDA announced today that it was recommending a pause in the use of the Johnson and Johnson experimental COVID vaccine "out of an abundance of caution" due to reports of fatal blood clots in the brain. Former President Donald Trump called the decision a "terrible disservice to people throughout the world" and demanded that the vaccine be put "back online quickly."

Military Unveils Next Stage of COVID Vaccines on 60 Minutes: Implantable Microchips

The Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is working on a COVID vaccine that will work on all variants and has developed an implantable microchip that it says will continuously monitor the human body for signs of the virus. Retired Colonel Matt Hepburn, an army infectious disease physician heading up DARPA’s response to the pandemic, appeared on 60 Minutes to demonstrate the technology. Holding up a vial of green tissue-like gel, which contains the chip, Hepburn proclaimed: “You put it underneath your skin and what that tells you is that there are chemical reactions going on inside the body, and that signal means you are going to have symptoms tomorrow.” “It’s like a ‘check engine’ light,” Hepburn added, noting that those with the chip “would get the signal, then self-administer a blood draw and test themselves on site.”

Healthy 27-Year-Old Chicago Doctor DEAD 3 Months Following COVID Shots Raising Long-term Safety Concerns

Thousands of deaths in the U.S. have now been recorded following injection of one of the experimental, non-FDA approved COVID shots since they were given Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) at the end of 2020 and early 2021. We have brought to the public personal stories of dozens of these deaths that have occurred shortly after receiving the injections. Now, for the first time that we have been aware of, a death more than 3 months past the second injection has occurred with a young 27-year-old doctor from Chicago, raising very serious concerns about the lack of long-term studies in any of these mRNA experimental injections. If this death had occurred among someone who was elderly and frail, and with co-morbidity conditions, it would be difficult to suspect the death was related to the injection in any way. However, when it occurs in an otherwise healthy 27-year-old doctor who was athletically active right up until the day before he died, then it would be foolish not to consider the very strong possibility that his death was related to the injections, especially since no long-term studies have been conducted on any of these current COVID-19 shots. The tragic story of Dr. Joshimar Henry from Chicago has been reported to me by a physician friend who lives in Illinois, and The COVID Blog has covered his story as well. We are now entering into the 3rd and 4th month for some people who are fully "vaccinated" against COVID-19, and so far there are no recorded benefits to the shots, only reports of deaths, injuries, and reports of fully vaccinated people still contracting COVID. This past weekend Anthony Fauci stated publicly that fully vaccinated individuals still cannot eat and drink with others indoors, because "cases are still high." And today, the Epoch Times is reporting that a new study out of Israel found that a South African variant of the COVID-19 virus affects people vaccinated with the Pfizer shot more than unvaccinated people. This goes along with what we have previously reported that fully vaccinated people are contracting COVID-19 now in what the corporate media is calling "breakthrough cases." Last week, in Michigan alone, 246 "fully vaccinated" individuals caught COVID-19, and three of them died. So where are the benefits to these COVID-19 experimental injections? It appears there are none, only risks of injury and death, and Dr. Henry's death a full 3 months following the injections could spell doom for many fully vaccinated Americans, something that dissenting doctors and scientists have been saying all along could happen.

“Young Blood” – The Emerging Market for Products Made from the Blood of Children

Last year, we brought to the attention of our readers the growing market for "young blood," and products derived from the blood of children and young people, when Netflix launched their new show in August of 2020 called “Biohackers.” We also reported how the drug "adrenochrome," harvested from terrorized young children who produce blasts of adrenalin, including children murdered in Satanic Ritual Abuse, was beginning to get mainstream media coverage outside the U.S. back in 2020. While the corporate media in the U.S. would like to ignore and censor anything related to adrenochrome, "young blood" is a concept that they apparently want to bring mainstream and condition the public to accept. So it was no surprise that Newsweek ran a major article on "young blood" last week, which was mainly positive and tried to present drug research into making products from "young blood" as "scientific" and inevitable. There is even an official "scientific" name for this research now: "geroscience." Geroscience "seeks to understand molecular and cellular mechanisms that make aging a major risk factor and driver of common chronic conditions and diseases of older adulthood," according to the National Institutes of Health. The admitted "problem" with developing these drugs derived from the blood of children and young adults, is where to get it.