Former Pfizer Vice President Dr. Yeadon: COVID Variants NOT More Dangerous – Booster Shots Not Needed but Could be Used for Mass Murder

Like a fireman tasked with helping to get as many people as possible out of a burning building that is about to collapse, Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy and Respiratory, has been granting interviews to as many people in the Alternative Media as possible in recent days to sound the alarm on the evil intentions behind the new COVID-19 experimental injections that have now preceded thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of injuries worldwide. He was interviewed today by independent journalist Taylor Hudak and published by The Last American Vagabond. Dr. Yeadon vehemently warns against younger people getting the experimental COVID shots when they are almost at a ZERO risk of being harmed by COVID, but have a tremendous risk of being harmed by the new experimental "vaccines." He is especially concerned about the push to vaccinate young pregnant women and children: "Trying to persuade pregnant women in their 20s to be vaccinated: What kind of unethical monster does that?" He explains to Taylor Hudak that what "keeps him up at night" is thinking about all the vaccines that are now being rushed to be developed for these "variants," and the evil intentions behind them. "I am quite furious because I have this open question. What is in these bottles of 'variant vaccines'? My significant fear is, if somebody wanted to arrange a situation where mass depopulation could be accomplished, this would probably be a perfect way of doing it."

5,365 DEAD 238,949 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”

The European database of suspected drug reaction reports, EudraVigilance, is now tracking reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 "vaccines." Their report through March 27, 2021 lists 5,365 deaths and 238,949 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots: COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE MODERNA (CX-024414). COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE PFIZER-BIONTECH. COVID-19 VACCINE ASTRAZENECA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19). COVID-19 VACCINE JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S). This is public information funded by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and anyone can use the EudraVigilance system and verify this data. These are some serious numbers, and yet we do not know of a single news organization, either corporate media or alternative media, who has published anything on this besides Health Impact News. Please share this information far and wide, and feel free to copy and republish everything in this report.

CDC Reports 2,794 Total Deaths Following COVID Experimental “Vaccines” as Some Clinics Halt J&J Shots due to Side Effects

In what is becoming the most censored story probably in the history of the United States, the CDC has reported this week that 2,794 deaths have been reported to VAERS as of April 5, 2021, following injections of the three experimental, non-FDA approved, COVID-19 injections. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. To put this into some perspective, there were a total of 345 deaths recorded in VAERS following vaccines for all of 2020. From 2010 through the end of 2020, an entire decade spanning 11 years, there were a total of 2,588 deaths recorded following vaccines. So deaths following vaccines during the first three months of 2021 have now exceeded total deaths for the past 11 years. How is this not headline news? What does the CDC say about all these deaths following COVID-19 injections? "A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths."

War on Cash: The Next Phase

With so much news about an economic reopening, a border crisis, massive government spending and exploding deficits, it’s easy to overlook the ongoing war on cash. That’s a mistake because it has serious implications not only for your money, but for your privacy and personal freedom, as you’ll see today. Cash prevents central banks from imposing negative interest rates because if they did, people would withdraw their cash from the banking system. If they stuff their cash in a mattress, they don’t earn anything on it; that’s true. But at least they’re not losing anything on it. Once all money is digital, you won’t have the option of withdrawing your cash and avoiding negative rates. You will be trapped in a digital pen with no way out. If there is no cash, there is no anonymity. Governments will know your whereabouts and habits at all times simply by tracking your use of funds through the CBDC payment system. This can already be done, to some extent, by tracking credit card transactions, but the CBDC system will make state surveillance more pervasive. China is leading the way with CBDCs. And this kind of surveillance is the real driving force behind the Chinese CBDC. China already uses facial recognition software, mobile phone GPS tracking and the purchase of plane or train tickets to track their citizens. This surveillance can be used to detect anti-state activities and to arrest dissidents or anyone who doesn’t strictly follow government orders.

WEF Warns Of Cyber Attack Leading To Systemic Collapse Of The Global Financial System

A report published last year by the WEF-Carnegie Cyber Policy Initiative calls for the merging of Wall Street banks, their regulators and intelligence agencies as necessary to confront an allegedly imminent cyber attack that will collapse the existing financial system.

Midwin Charles: 47-Year-Old MSNBC Legal Analyst DEAD After Experimental mRNA COVID Shot

Brooklyn defense attorney and television commentator Midwin Charles is dead after what appears to be several days of suffering after receiving at least one experimental COVID shot. Ms. Charles posted the trendy “I’m vaccinated” announcement on Twitter on March 1. Her next tweet jokes about her “death causing peanut allergy” and that her insurance did not cover the EpiPen costs. She then retweeted a North Carolina professor talking about “black vax hesitancy.” She tweeted only nine times on Sunday, March 21. Keep in mind, her second dose of experimental mRNA would have been due around March 21-22. She tweeted four times on the 22nd, and 10 on the 23rd. She tweeted only once on March 24 and again once March 25. One tweet was deleted on March 26. There was no further activity until Tuesday, April 6 when the family announced she died, 37 days after the first announced experimental shot. This dramatic change in social media behavior suggests she was unable to tweet for over 12 days before passing away. A Google search for Midwin Charles right now brings up stories from The New York Post, New York Daily News, Newsweek, The Hill and a few others as the top results. None of said stories mention the experimental mRNA shot she received on March 1. Most of them say that the cause of death is "unknown."

Dentists, Optometrists, Podiatrists, Veterinarians Can Now Administer COVID-19 Vaccines in the U.S.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has announced that the agency is amending an emergency declaration under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) to authorize additional medical professionals to administer experimental COVID-19 vaccines being distributed under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). This announcement was made after President Biden stated that he intends to provide directives to all the states and territories to make all adults over the age of 18 eligible for the experimental COVID-19 vaccines by May 1, 2021. Acting HHS Secretary Norris Cochran said: "As President Biden said last night, the key to getting us back to our lives is increasing vaccinations, and in order to do that, we need more vaccinators. … As vaccine supply ramps up, we want to be sure communities have the help they need to get shots into arms for anyone in the U.S. who wants to be vaccinated against COVID-19." The expanded COVID-19 vaccine administration workforce includes the following health professionals, who are currently or previously active within the last five years (retired or non-practicing health providers): dentists, emergency medical technicians (EMT), midwives, nurses, optometrists, paramedics, pharmacists, pharmacy interns, pharmacy technicians, physicians, physician assistant, podiatrist, respiratory therapists and veterinarians.

Federal Government Offering Bribes to Medical Doctors to Give More Experimental COVID Injections – Offering Double Payment for COVID Shots

A Texas medical doctor has alerted Health Impact News that the federal government, through its Medicare/Medicaid program, is now offering Texas doctors DOUBLE the normal reimbursement per vaccine for every experimental COVID shot they give to their patients. The shots are "free" to the patients.

22-Year-Old Israeli Girl DEAD Following Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injection

The Times of Israel is reporting that a 22-year-old girl has died from myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle, two weeks after receiving her second dose of the experimental mRNA Pfizer injection. The family of Shirel Hilel is suing the hospital where she died, claiming she did not get proper treatment. According to the Times of Israel, there have been other cases of myocarditis among Israelis who received both vaccine shots, but all had been successfully treated, including patients in more serious condition than Hilel. Israel was also the first nation to enforce a COVID Vaccine Passport as a requirement to do certain things in Israel. Those refusing to get the experimental injections are appealing to the world to help their cause.

Confirmed: AstraZeneca Experimental COVID Injection Causes Fatal Blood Clots – Trials with Children Halted

Just days after Australia's deputy chief medical officer, Michael Kidd, acknowledged that there was likely a connection between rare blood clots and the COVID vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford, officials from the EMA, Europe's top pharmaceutical regulator, have finally acknowledged the link, even if the agency's official stance - that there's no evidence of a link, but no evidence to rule it out - remains unchanged. The EMA declared at the conclusion of a hasty "safety review" last month that the benefits of the AstraZeneca jab (which is expected to to be the workhorse of the global vaccination rollout as Covax, the WHO/Gates Foundation program to vaccination developing countries, expects to heavily rely on the jab) far outweighed any risks, while saying it couldn't definitively rule out the possibility that the blood clots and the vaccine might be connected. But researchers from Norway, Germany and elsewhere insisted they had found evidence of a connection. And after the UK acknowledged more than 2 dozen new cases of the rare clots - 9 of them fatal - it seems the dam has finally broken. WSJ reported Tuesday that the University of Oxford had decided to pause trials of the vaccine in the UK that involved children between the ages of 12 and 15.