Whistleblower Reveals Many Pregnancy Complications following Experimental COVID Injections – “Vaccine Leaving a Trail of Devastated Mothers”

When the Pfizer experimental COVID "vaccines" were given emergency use authorization (EUA) in the U.S. in December, 2020, Health Impact News reported that while the U.K.'s EUA for the Pfizer shot had warnings for pregnant women, nursing women, and women planning on becoming pregnant, to NOT get the shot, the U.S. FDA's guidelines for the same Pfizer shot failed to include any such warnings. We also reported previously of at least one case where a pregnant doctor received the experimental COVID shots, and then reported that she had a miscarriage three days later. According to a pro-life group out of New Mexico, a whistleblower who sits on a COVID-19 task force is claiming that many pregnancy complications, including preterm birth, miscarriage, and spontaneous abortions following COVID vaccines are being concealed from the public.

Texas Sends out National Guard to Inject Home-bound Seniors with Experimental COVID Vaccines

Texas Governor Greg Abbott made headlines today by ending a state-wide face mask mandate, and allowing businesses to fully reopen. But it was an announcement he made at the end of last week that is raising some eyebrows among those waking up to the fact that many seniors are dying soon after being injected with the experimental COVID vaccines. The Governor announced that the State was deploying 1100 National Guard troops to go door to door to vaccinate seniors who are home-bound this week. Abbott said the state hopes to vaccinate at least half of all Texas seniors by the week’s end.

12 Residents Die After First COVID Vaccine in Wales Nursing and Dementia Care Centre

In a tragic story that has been repeated multiple times here at Health Impact News, a nursing home for people with dementia has seen 12 of their residents die shortly after they received one of the experimental COVID vaccines, while 36 residents and 54 staff are now testing positive for COVID. And as in all previous stories we have published like this, the experimental vaccines are not even being considered as a cause. The home had reportedly suffered a COVID outbreak last year that they handled well. So how do they explain this current outbreak that occurred just after injecting the residents with the first dose of one of the experimental COVID shots, which has resulted in so many deaths? "She believes the new variant of Covid-19 is likely to have been responsible for the outbreak in recent weeks, which has led to a total of 36 residents at the home testing positive along with 54 staff. The home has not yet received confirmation that the positive Covid tests were for the new variant of the virus. However, Mrs Jones believes the way the home was able to successfully contend with a small Covid outbreak last year is a clear indicator that something has been different this time around." As we have repeatedly seen in these stories, so strong is the belief in vaccines that they are never considered to be the cause of death, even when given in close proximity to the deaths. Instead, in this case they are blaming it on the "new variant" even in the absence of any testing or data to back up such a belief. It seems strange that someone like Mrs Jones, who obviously cared deeply for her residents and appears to be going through emotional trauma, would not at least question the possibility of the vaccines having some blame. There is no doubt a lot of pressure now to censor this kind of information as the pharmaceutical industry ramps up to produce more COVID experimental vaccines that need to be used up in a certain amount of time. I myself have received death threats from people emailing me as Editor of Health Impact News. And some family members of the people who died following these experimental injections have also emailed me and threatened to sue me if I do not take down their stories. But these stories are not coming down. At least not by me.

Tanzanian President Says Citizens Will Not Be Guinea Pigs in COVID Vaccine Trials – Skeptical About Safety of Current COVID-19 Vaccines

On Feb 2, 2021, Tanzania’s health minister, Dorothy Gwajima, announced that her country has no plans in place to recommend widespread use of COVID-19 vaccines in the African country. The announcement came a few days after Tanzania’s President John Magufuli expressed concern about the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines developed and manufactured in Western countries. President Magufuli said that the health ministry will only accept COVID-19 vaccines after Tanzania’s experts have examined and certified them. Health Minister Dorothy Gwajima explained, “We are not yet satisfied that those vaccines have been clinically proven safe”. President Magufuli reiterated that he will not allow Tanzanians to be used as guinea pigs in COVID-19 vaccine trials conducted by vaccine manufacturers. He warned that COVID-19 vaccines could be harmful and has been urging Tanzanians to stop living in fear and adopt common sense disease control measures and lead a healthy lifestyle. Health Minister Gwajima said: "We must improve our personal hygiene, wash hands with running water and soap, use handkerchiefs, herbal steam, exercise, eat nutritious food, drink plenty of water, and [use] natural remedies that our nation is endowed with."

Death Rates Skyrocket in Israel Following Pfizer Experimental COVID “Vaccines”

We have previously reported how Israel rapidly vaccinated the highest percentage of their population with experimental COVID vaccines after the Israeli government struck a bargain with Pfizer to secure millions of doses of their mRNA COVID vaccines. Vera Sharav wrote: "It is astonishing that the government of Israel entrusted the health of the people to Pfizer; by entering into a secret contract that enrolled the Israeli population to become research subjects, without their knowledge or consent." To date, Israel has vaccinated over 53% of their population, twice the percentage of the next closest nation, Britain, with 26.9%. The "official news" published by the corporate media claiming that the vaccines have been effective in reducing rates of COVID in Israel has been scrutinized and examined by Aix-Marseille University Faculty of Medicine Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases Unit's Dr. Hervé Seligmann and engineer Haim Yativ, who published their results on a discussion forum website called "Nakim." The information quickly went viral, and has now been translated into several languages and addressed on various news sites around the world. According to Dr. Hervé Seligmann and Haim Yativ's analysis of the data, Pfizer's shot causes "mortality hundreds of times greater in young people compared to mortality from coronavirus without the vaccine, and dozens of times more in the elderly, when the documented mortality from coronavirus is in the vicinity of the vaccine dose, thus adding greater mortality from heart attack, stroke, etc." Haim Yativ and Dr. Seligmann declare that for them, "This is a new Holocaust." I think it is safe to conclude that what is happening in Israel right now with the massive roll out of the experimental Pfizer COVID mRNA vaccine is a test of what the Globalists desire to roll out in other countries around the world, so everyone should be watching carefully what Israel is doing right now to see what is probably coming to the U.S. and other countries around the world. Israel has now started a "Green Pass" program that requires people to show proof of COVID vaccination to gain entrance to "registered" places of business.

Annual Flu Deaths Scam Unwittingly Exposed and Replaced by the COVID Deaths Scam

During the past 10 years that Health Impact News has been publishing the truth about vaccines and exposing the corruption and lies in the pharmaceutical industry and their marketing branch, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), regarding the annual flu statistics, we have usually run stories around this time of year explaining to people that the number of people dying from the flu according to the CDC is false, and that the CDC themselves have always admitted that they do not know the exact number of people who die from the flu each year, but instead base their data on "estimates." For years this was published very clearly on the CDC website for all to see, at least for those who bother to "fact check" the CDC's claims regarding annual flu deaths. So now we come to the 2020-21 flu season, where we are being told the flu has "vanished." Hardly anyone is getting the flu. Nobody is dying from the flu. And if you still get your news only from the pharma-owned corporate media, you are being told that the lockdowns, social distancing, handwashing, and of course masks, have worked to eliminate all those horrible flu cases and deaths. To believe this, of course, one has to overlook that these measures did nothing to slow down COVID deaths, as according to CDC statistics we have seen more COVID deaths in January and February than all the rest of the months since the "pandemic" started combined. The "logic" of this is so absurd, that they even hired an editorialist at the New York Times to explain to people that they should not try to figure this out, because "Critical thinking, as we're taught to do it, isn’t helping in the fight against misinformation." Of course for those of us who have followed this issue for more than a decade now, we know that the flu deaths have not gone anywhere, because they were never there to begin with. What we actually had, based on the Department of Justice quarterly reports on settlements paid out from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, is many people being injured and killed by the flu shots. You can see this for yourself by reading their quarterly reports for the past several years at VaccineImpact.com. More people were injured and killed by the annual flu shot than all the other FDA approved vaccines combined. The CDC simply stopped estimating and inflating the flu deaths, and concentrated on COVID deaths instead, to support the TRILLIONS spent to fast-track experimental COVID vaccines which Big Pharma is now rushing to manufacture and distribute. So has this "Great Reset" simply replaced one scam for another one?

FDA Issues Emergency Use Authorization for Another Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine

The FDA today issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) for Janssen Biotech's adenovirus experimental COVID-19 vaccine. Janssen Biotech, Inc., is a subsidiary of the Johnson and Johnson multi-national corporation, which has paid out BILLIONS in criminal settlements, which is ongoing due to the opioid crisis. The Johnson and Johnson experimental COVID vaccine is not an mRNA vaccine, it is an "adenovirus" vaccine, but like mRNA vaccines, there are currently no approved adenovirus vaccines in the market, although the military has used experimental adenovirus vaccines that are not FDA approved. So by getting the FDA to issue an EUA, Johnson and Johnson can now test their experimental vaccine on the public as part of their Phase 3 trials. The vaccine is being produced in Belgium, by the same company that in the past produced the anthrax vaccine that destroyed the lives of so many military personnel.

CDC Reports 1,095 Deaths Following Experimental COVID Vaccines While UK Government Reports 294 Deaths

The CDC has done another data dump today into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. The data goes through February 18, 2021, with 19,907 recorded adverse events, including 1,095 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID mRNA shots by Pfizer and Moderna. Besides the recorded 1,095 deaths, there were 4,151 visits to Emergency Room doctors, 403 permanent disabilities, and 2,298 hospitalizations. However, there is nothing to worry about, because "CDC and FDA physicians review each case report of death as soon as notified and CDC requests medical records to further assess reports. A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths." The UK Government also has a reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. The UK Government also has a reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. Their latest report goes through February 25, 2021. They supply three reports: one from experimental Pfizer COVID vaccine, one from the experimental AstraZeneca COVID vaccine, and one where the "vaccine brand is unspecified." Their latest report goes through February 25, 2021. They supply three reports: one from experimental Pfizer COVID vaccine, one from the experimental AstraZeneca COVID vaccine, and one where the "vaccine brand is unspecified." These reports from the UK show 2,414 Blood disorders, 1,989 Cardiac disorders, 1,245 Ear disorders, 2,263 Eye disorders, 21,340 Gastrointestinal disorders, 65,965 General disorders, and 294 deaths. Nothing to worry about here either, as the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency concludes: "The overall safety experience with both vaccines is so far as expected from the clinical trials. Based on current experience, the expected benefits of both COVID-19 vaccines in preventing COVID-19 and its serious complications far outweigh any known side effects." Don't you feel better now that the vaccines have finally arrived to save the world?

28-Year-Old PhD Physical Therapist DEAD 2 Days After Being Injected with COVID Experimental mRNA Vaccine

I don't know if you readers of Health Impact News are getting tired of reading about all these sudden deaths of otherwise healthy people, many of them in the prime of their life, just after receiving one of the experimental COVID "vaccines," but I know I am sure getting sick of constantly publishing these stories!! These are MURDERS! Let's call them what they truly are. All of these experimental COVID "vaccines" which have been given fast-track emergency use authorization are ILLEGAL! COVID-19 is biggest medical scandal of our lifetime! Nobody has to die from COVID-19 because THOUSANDS of doctors across the globe have documented how COVID patients can be 100% cured with either older drugs such as hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin, or prevented in the first place with proper nutrition and vitamin supplementation such as Vitamin C and Vitamin D. The new COVID-19 vaccines are a financial windfall for the pharmaceutical industry, but they are unneeded and they are killing and maiming people, and are clearly a far more serious threat to life and death than any "virus." The COVID Blog has just highlighted the death of 28-year-old Haley Link Brinkmeyer, who just finished her PhD and got married in 2018 and is now DEAD two days after receiving one of the mRNA experimental COVID injections.

700+ Children Remain in Detention at US Border, 200 for over 48 hours, Amid Spike in Unaccompanied Crossings

Unaccompanied minors coming across the Mexico - U.S. border has been a problem under many presidents' terms. In 2016 we published an article about Sen. Rob Portman's six-month investigation looking at 125,000 unaccompanied minors who had crossed the U.S. borders into the United States since 2011, reportedly fleeing violence and unrest in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. Quote: "Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) recently published a six-month investigation looking at 125,000 unaccompanied minors who have crossed the U.S. borders into the United States since 2011, reportedly fleeing violence and unrest in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. This U.S. Senate report concluded that the Office of Refugee Resettlement, an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), has failed to protect these children from human trafficking, leaving them vulnerable to abuses at the hands of government-approved caretakers. U.S. law requires HHS to ensure that unaccompanied alien children (UAC) are protected from human trafficking and other forms of abuse. However, this is not happening." This report was conducted under then president Obama. It looks like Biden is continuing that same policy, as UACs are being sent to the border, where more than likely they will end up in the corrupt foster care system and being trafficked.