Barbara Loe Fisher’s 40-Year History Advocating for the Vaccine Injured and the Right to Informed Consent
Back in 1980, a young mother watched with horror as her infant son, who for 2.5 years was very healthy and at the top of all the growth and development charts for his age, began to deteriorate and start regressing just after his 4th DTP vaccine, which had caused convulsions just after being vaccinated, followed by life-long learning disabilities. Barbara Loe Fisher began the painful task of researching the actual science behind the vaccine market, rather than just blindly trusting what Big Pharma and government health authorities were saying about the safety and efficacy of vaccines, turning her own personal family tragedy into what today has become the oldest and most effective vaccine advocacy organization in the world, blessing hundreds of thousands if not millions of lives through her work, and the organization she went on to co-found, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC). I have put together a 30-minute clip of some of Barbara's more memorable appearances in the corporate media, dealing with hostile doctors, public health officials, and medical news broadcasters. We are living in unprecedented times, where non-FDA approved vaccines, which have great risk for harm to begin with even when they are approved by the FDA, are now being tested on the American public as well as on citizens of most countries around the world all in the name of a COVID-19 pandemic. Thousands of people have already died following these experimental injections, and hundreds of thousands have been injured. Big Pharma and the government "health authorities" want to vaccinate every person on the planet, as Globalists like Bill Gates have already stated this is their purpose. To do so, they will need to try to forcibly vaccinate those who choose not to get them. Here in the U.S., it is highly unlikely that there will be any national orders or legislation passed to make COVID injections mandatory. Those battles, as always, will be fought at the State level. And Big Pharma now has $TRILLIONS in their coffers to "entice" state legislators and Governors to pass restrictive laws forcing vaccines unto those who do not want them. The NVIC is a non-profit organization with a history of fighting this kind of legislation for decades now. There is no one I would want in my corner fighting this fight more than Barbara Loe Fisher and her team at the NVIC. But they need our help! They cannot win this battle alone. We all must do our part.