Greek Hospital Administrator Faces Criminal Prosecution for Reporting Nurse’s Paralysis after Second mRNA Shot

A Greek nurse is now paralyzed after receiving a second dose of mRNA. The 40-year-old nurse is a mother of two and has been a nurse for 17 years. The nurse, whose name has not been disclosed, developed a fever, followed by excruciating pain throughout her body immediately after the second shot. She was rushed to the hospital when she was unable to move or feel her lower extremities. Michalis Giannakos, President of the Panhellenic Federation of Public Hospital Workers (POEDIN), told Open TV in the East Attica region that X-rays came back clean. The nurse is now undergoing neurological assessments. Giannakos said the nurse “was in perfect health” prior to receiving the second mRNA shot. It is believed that the nurse developed Guillain-Barré syndrome. The neurological disease causes the immune system to attack nerves throughout the body. Giannakos said the nurse is now wheelchair bound. The Prosecution of the Court of First Instance is considering pressing criminal charges against Giannakos. Greek media outlet Ethnos is reporting that a prosecutor is investigating if Giannakos committed the crime of “spreading fake news.” His crime is expressing an mRNA adverse effect with “too much certainty.”

Whistleblower: 8 of 31 Residents Dead in German Nursing Home After They Were Forcibly Injected with Pfizer Experimental mRNA COVID Shots Against Their Will

German Attorney Reiner Fuellmich, who has previously stated that those responsible for the “Corona Scandal” must be criminally prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity, and has also filed a lawsuit against the Facebook “FactCheckers,” recently published an interview with a whistleblower who works inside a nursing home in Berlin. The interview is in German, but there is an English translation of it that we will include here. The whistleblower's voice is altered to prevent their identity from being recognizable. The whistleblower describes how German soldiers accompanied nurses to administer the vaccines, and that there was no informed consent, and some who resisted were vaccinated anyway. The whistleblower then gives first hand knowledge of how the health of the residents rapidly declined soon after vaccination, resulting in 8 of the 31 residents dying within a few weeks. While these residents reportedly suffered from dementia, they were allegedly all in good physical health prior to the injections. They had also tested negative for COVID, but began to test positive after the injections. According to the whistleblower's first hand knowledge and observation, the deaths of these seniors were "inhumane." "Normally, the person dying would eventually accept their approaching death and – perhaps after seeing a loved one for the last time – go in peace. Dying as after vaccination, however, was different, he said.  The old people he had seen dying had breathed heavily, trembled strongly, and seemed as if inwardly they had passed away already. It seemed to him like a lonely, futile struggle against death, as if the people knew that their time had not yet come, and therefore they had not yet been able to let go."

The CIA and The Corporate Media Cannot be Distinguished: The Censorship of the Alternative Media

“The CIA and the media are part of the same criminal conspiracy,” wrote Douglas Valentine in his important book, The CIA As Organized Crime. This is true.  The corporate mainstream media are stenographers for the national security state’s ongoing psychological operations aimed at the American people, just as they have done the same for an international audience. We have long been subjected to this “information warfare,” whose purpose is to win the hearts and minds of the American people and pacify them into victims of their own complicity. Another way of putting this is to say for all practical purposes when it comes to matters that bear on important foreign and domestic matters, the CIA and the corporate mainstream media cannot be distinguished. With the rise of alternate media and a wide array of dissenting voices on the internet, the establishment felt threatened and went on the defensive. It, therefore, should come as no surprise that those same elite corporate media are now leading the charge for increased censorship and the denial of free speech to those they deem dangerous, whether that involves wars, rigged elections, foreign coups, COVID-19, vaccinations, or the lies of the corporate media themselves.

Moderna Experimental mRNA Vaccine Trials being Extended to Children and 6-Month-Old Babies in Texas

There are 100, 12 to 17-year-olds participating in the Moderna adolescent trial through Houston Fights COVID. There are more trials coming, and the groups are now seeking participants as young as six months old. "In about 30 days, we're going to start another trial that is six months to 17 years old, but that's about 30 days away," said Elizabeth Hoff, the executive director at DM Clinical. While that trial is 30 days away, Hoff is encouraging people to sign up now. She's expecting a lot of interest in trials for children. Participants can receive compensation. In addition to the trials going on, even more research is expected in the years to come.

Those Who Persevere Will Receive What is Promised – Those Who Shrink Back Will be Destroyed

Remember those earlier days after you had received the light, when you stood your ground in a great contest in the face of suffering. Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution; at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated. You sympathized with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions. So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For in just a very little while, "He who is coming will come and will not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him." But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved. (Hebrews 10:32-39)

28-Year-old Wisconsin Healthcare Worker has Aneurysm – Brain Dead Five Days After Second Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injection

The COVID Blog is reporting that 28-year-old Sara Stickles from Beloit, Wisconsin, a healthcare worker at SwedishAmerican Hospital, has suffered a brain aneurysm and is now brain dead just 5 days after receiving the second experimental mRNA COVID injection from Pfizer. Sadly, this is another instance reported where a young healthcare worker in the prime of their life and with no previous existing health conditions has died after being injected with one of the experimental mRNA COVID injections. She leaves behind a young son, siblings, friends and family members who have expressed shock on Facebook at her sudden death. Her sister Jamie Lynn Cruz announced on Facebook, February 11, 2021, that the family was saying their goodbyes because there was no hope for her recovery. Sara's twin sister, Kara Stickles, has shared on her Facebook page that mentioning Sara had the Pfizer COVID mRNA injection was being censored and deleted in social media. "This beautiful, healthy 28-year-old mother received an experimental, non-FDA-approved 'medical procedure,' and now her family is raising money for her funeral. Social media accounts are getting deleted if they talk about adverse events of certain experimental products. Question: Are government officials protecting Americans from a (treatable) virus with a nearly 100% survival rate, or is there another reason the powers that be are pushing this 'emergency use authorization' product?"

“Do Not Resuscitate” Notices Given to Covid Patients with Learning Disabilities in UK

People with learning disabilities have been given do not resuscitate orders during the second wave of the pandemic, in spite of widespread condemnation of the practice last year and an urgent investigation by the care watchdog. Mencap said it had received reports in January from people with learning disabilities that they had been told they would not be resuscitated if they were taken ill with Covid-19. The Care Quality Commission said in December that inappropriate Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) notices had caused potentially avoidable deaths last year. DNACPRs are usually made for people who are too frail to benefit from CPR, but Mencap said some seem to have been issued for people simply because they had a learning disability. The CQC is due to publish a report on the practice within weeks.

CDC WITHOLDING INFORMATION! 1,170 DEAD Following COVID Injections: Almost Twice as Many Deaths as Found in VAERS

Yesterday we reported that the CDC had done another data dump into the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) database, showing that through February 4, 2021, there were 12,697 recorded adverse events, including 653 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID mRNA shots by Pfizer and Moderna. After publishing this article, a Health Impact News subscriber sent me a link to a page on the CDC website where they are reporting that as of February 11, 2021, VAERS received 1,170 reports of death among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. For the past few weeks, the CDC has been slowly updating the VAERS database with data dumps on Friday, just before the weekend and the beginning of the slow news cycle that usually picks up again on Mondays. On Friday, January 29th, their VAERS data reported 329 deaths from people receiving one of the experimental COVID mRNA injections. The following Friday, February 5, 2021, their VAERS data reported 501 deaths. An increase of 172 deaths. Yesterday, February 12, 2021, the CDC VAERS data reported 653 deaths. An increase of 152 deaths. That still leaves 517 deaths unaccounted for in the VAERS database related to the COVID injections. Why is the CDC withholding this information?

CDC: 653 Deaths Now Recorded Following Experimental mRNA COVID Injections with 12,697 Reported Injuries

The CDC has done another data dump today into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. The data goes through February 4, 2021, with 12,697 recorded adverse events, including 653 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID mRNA shots by Pfizer and Moderna. Besides the recorded 653 deaths, there were 2792 visits to Emergency Room doctors, 208 permanent disabilities, and 1382 hospitalizations.

Big Tech and Big Pharma Team Up to Create Digital “Health Passports” for Global Travel

COVID-19 test results are already required for entry at some airports and at international borders, and it's likely that confirmation of getting a COVID-19 vaccine will soon follow. But most patients who have been vaccinated against the virus only get a small piece of paper as proof. Those papers are easy to lose and highly vulnerable to fraud and counterfeiting, industry stakeholders say. So public and private organizations have turned to the idea of developing digital health passports to help restart global travel. The organizations involved include health technology company Lumedic, IBM, Airport Council International, Commons Project Foundation, COVID-19 Credentials Initiative, Evernym, Hyperledger, International Chamber of Commerce, Mastercard and the ID2020 Alliance, a global partnership that focuses on digital identities. There are various efforts are currently underway to develop digital health credentials systems—both vaccination and test certificates. The CommonPass mobile app, created by the Commons Project Foundation and the World Economic Forum is being used by United Airlines and other airlines on some international flights. The World Health Organization is also working on a digital vaccine certificate for international travel, and Health Pass by Clear is in use at Los Angeles International Airport.