Brazilian President on Pfizer Vaccine: “I won’t get vaccinated.” Cites Fact that Pfizer has No Liability for Side Effects

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is refusing a COVID-19 vaccine, citing liability concerns for his skepticism of the experimental shots prepared by monolithic pharmaceutical corporations for profit. He made the point in colorful terms, singling out the Big Pharma giant, Pfizer, as a vaccine maker that is benefiting from liability waivers. “In the Pfizer contract it’s very clear: ‘we’re not responsible for any side effects.’ If you turn into a crocodile, it’s your problem,” Bolsonaro said on Thursday. “If you become superhuman, if a woman starts to grow a beard or if a man starts to speak with an effeminate voice, they will not have anything to do with it,” he added, calling out the vaccine manufacturers. Bolsonaro has vowed to make COVID-19 vaccines free for the people Brazil, but he refuses to make them compulsory and does not plan to ever take one, which has enraged technocrats urging blind compliance. “It will be available for everyone that wants it. But me, I won’t get vaccinated,” Bolsonaro said. “Some people say I’m giving a bad example. But to the imbeciles, to the idiots that say this, I tell them I’ve already caught the virus, I have the antibodies, so why get vaccinated?” the Brazilian president remarked.

Moderna Experimental mRNA Vaccine Issued Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA Illegally

After an FDA Advisory Committee voted 20 to 0 with one abstention to issue Moderna emergency use authorization (EUA) for their mRNA experimental COVID vaccine, the FDA took their advice today and issued the EUA. As is the case with the Pfizer mRNA experimental vaccine which received an EUA last week, it is important to understand that this vaccine is NOT approved by the FDA. It is only authorized to be used in emergency situations, and the Health Bureaucrats who make these decisions for everyone have already planned to make COVID an "emergency pandemic" that apparently will last for more than a year, if not longer. The Advisory Committee that met on Thursday, much like the same Advisory Committee that met last week to give the go-ahead to the Pfizer experimental mRNA COVID vaccine, is entirely comprised of pharmaceutical industry insiders, such as Paul Offit of The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia who himself is a patent holder of a vaccine in the CDC Childhood Vaccine schedule, and Paula Annunziato, a top executive for Merck pharmaceutical company, a major producer of vaccines. The sole abstention came from Michael Kurilla, who works for the National Institute of Health. He stated: “I abstained because I am uncomfortable with the language. In the midst of a pandemic and with limited vaccine supply available, a blanket statement for individuals 18 and older is just too broad. I’m not convinced that for all of those age groups that the benefits do outweigh the risks. I want to see it more targeted toward people at high risk of serious and life-threatening COVID-19 disease.” The other concern that was allegedly discussed was the fact that three of the trial participants contracted Bell’s palsy, which causes paralysis in the face. The trial group also saw 13 deaths, 6 in the vaccine group, and 7 in the placebo group. There were only 6 deaths total in the Pfizer trials. Nevertheless, the only thing they were voting on for emergency use authorization, was whether or not the potential benefits of the vaccine out-weighed the risks, and not whether or not people were going to be injured and killed by the vaccine, as that just seems to be an acceptable side effect.

Why does the WHO Now Admit that the PCR COVID Tests are Not Accurate? So They Can Claim the Vaccine is Working?

The World Health Organization released a guidance memo on December 14th, warning that high cycle thresholds on PCR tests will result in false positives. While this information is accurate, it has also been available for months, so we must ask: why are they reporting it now? Is it to make it appear the vaccine works?

Vaccine Whistleblower Brandy Vaughan Found Dead Inside Her Own Home as Police Open Investigation

Vaccine whistleblower Brandy Vaughan, a former sales executive for the pharmaceutical company Merck and the founder of, a website dedicated to educating people on the risks associated with vaccines, was found dead in her home beside her nine-year-old son on December 8. On Monday, the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office announced an investigation into the circumstances surrounding her death. Vaughan is reported to have died of “gallbladder complications,” although the source of the report has not been cited, nor has it shared the specific cause of the complications (such as a gallbladder rupture). Soon after learning of her death, a friend of Vaughn’s, Erin Elizabeth, shared screenshots of a Facebook post Vaughan had written in December of 2019, in which she assured readers that she was not suicidal and did not take any drugs that would cause her to die suddenly. “The post I wish I didn’t have to write…. But given certain tragedies over the last couple of years, I feel it’s absolutely necessary to post these ten facts… please screenshot this for the record,” wrote Vaughan. “I have a huge mission in this life. Even when they make it very difficult and scary, I would NEVER take my own life. Period,” she continued. Referring to her son, Vaughan wrote, “Bastien means everything to me and I would NEVER leave him. Period. She added that she hadn’t taken pharmaceuticals for ten years. “In other words, I’m not on anything that could kill me unexpectedly or suddenly,” she wrote. “If something were to happen to me, it’s foul play and you know exactly who and why — given my work and mission in this life,” she continued.

Tennessee Nurse Manager Passes Out on Camera After Receiving Pfizer COVID Vaccine

Shortly after publishing our lead story today about how healthcare workers in the U.S. are suffering serious side effects from the illegal Pfizer COVID vaccine, a video from a news report in Chattanooga, Tennessee at Channel 9 has surfaced. Nurse Manager Tiffany Dover from CHI Memorial Hospital passed out live on air while giving a press conference about the vaccine. Since these kinds of videos have a way of disappearing from the Internet rather quickly, we put a copy up on our Bitchute Channel under the Fair Use Act. The doctors from the hospital were quick to inform the public that her passing out was in no way related to the ingredients in the illegal Pfizer experimental vaccine. Tiffany Dover recovered later and also assured everyone her passing out had nothing to do with the vaccine. What else would you expect them to say? And how could they possibly know this without even examining her or running any tests first?

When the Elderly and Frail Die After Receiving the COVID Vaccine

The doctors quoted in this CNN article are obviously worried about people dying as a result of the vaccine. They know it’s going to happen. They’re thinking out loud about what they can do to stem the tide of public outrage—particularly from the families of those who die. The best idea they can come up with is: “these people die anyway.” I remind readers that, for months, I’ve been reporting on the huge percentage of all so-called COVID deaths that have been occurring among the elderly in nursing homes, in long-term care facilities, in hospitals, in their homes. These people were already suffering from multiple long-term serious health conditions. On top of that, they had been treated for years with an array of toxic medical drugs. And then, they’re absolutely terrified when they receive a diagnosis of COVID. Then they’re isolated, cut off from family and friends. And they give up and die. NO VIRUS IS REQUIRED TO EXPLAIN THESE DEATHS. This is forced premature killing of old people. It’s murder by COVID diagnosis and isolation. And now, these people will receive an experimental RNA vaccine, whose effects include auto-immune reactions; the body basically attacks itself. More killing. And doctors advising the CDC are telling us not to be alarmed. The deaths are just routine. Lots and lots of doctors who know what’s going on are thinking, “What if all this comes back on ME?” Well, it IS coming back on you, Doctors. You’re killers in white coats who are supposed to be saving lives.

Healthcare Workers in the U.S. Suffer Serious Reactions from Illegal Pfizer Experimental Vaccine – Others Fake Vaccination on TV

The first illegal Pfizer experimental vaccines were rolled out this week. I have seen no evidence so far of the military being involved in their distribution, as has been planned under Operation Warp Speed. This is probably because the first Pfizer vaccines were reported to have been administered this week in medical institutions, where they can control the narrative and where the military is not needed. Healthcare workers and people in nursing homes or assisted living centers were reportedly the first ones to receive the vaccine this week. But reports of two healthcare workers suffering adverse reactions in Alaska did make its way into the media yesterday. One of them went into anaphylactic shock, something the FDA has warned about.

Big Brother in Disguise: The Rise of a New, Technological World Order

Look around you. Everywhere you turn, people are so addicted to their internet-connected screen devices—smart phones, tablets, computers, televisions—that they can go for hours at a time submerged in a virtual world where human interaction is filtered through the medium of technology. This is not freedom. This is not even progress. This is technological tyranny and iron-fisted control delivered by way of the surveillance state, corporate giants such as Google and Facebook, and government spy agencies such as the National Security Agency. So consumed are we with availing ourselves of all the latest technologies that we have spared barely a thought for the ramifications of our heedless, headlong stumble towards a world in which our abject reliance on internet-connected gadgets and gizmos is grooming us for a future in which freedom is an illusion. Yet it’s not just freedom that hangs in the balance. Humanity itself is on the line. If ever Americans find themselves in bondage to technological tyrants, we will have only ourselves to blame for having forged the chains through our own lassitude, laziness and abject reliance on internet-connected gadgets and gizmos that render us wholly irrelevant. Orwell’s masterpiece, 1984, portrays a global society of total control in which people are not allowed to have thoughts that in any way disagree with the corporate state. There is no personal freedom, and advanced technology has become the driving force behind a surveillance-driven society. Snitches and cameras are everywhere. And people are subject to the Thought Police, who deal with anyone guilty of thought crimes. The government, or “Party,” is headed by Big Brother, who appears on posters everywhere with the words: “Big Brother is watching you.” Make no mistake: the Internet of Things and its twin, the Internet of Senses, is just Big Brother in disguise.

WARNING! “Dark Winter” Begins! Next Phase is “Digital Pandemic” as Cyber Wars Start

Millions of people around the world got a very small taste of what can happen when technology fails on Monday this week when most of the Google network went down, and people could not access their Gmail email accounts, YouTube videos, and many other Google services. For those who rely upon Google for home devices, it was a sobering wake-up call. These events happened in the midst of several reported cyber hacks among other technology companies, including the Pentagon servers yesterday, Tuesday, December 15th, where the Pentagon imposed an emergency shutdown of its Secret Internet Protocol Router Network, which handles classified information up to the secret level. These inconveniences suffered this week with Google going down are NOTHING compared to what is probably coming down the road, and which could be imminent. Imagine what life will be like with no Internet at all for an extended period of time, and where electrical service could become very unstable and also be down for an extended period of time. For those who have been paying attention, the Globalists have actually been warning us that this is coming for sometime now. On July 8, 2020, the World Economic Forum met and discussed a "Digital Pandemic" which they claimed would be far more disastrous than the COVID pandemic. Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, stated: "We all know, but still pay insufficient attention, to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack could bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyberattack." War, particularly cyber war, seems to have already been started, and everyone should absolutely prepare for the chaos that seems to be on our very doorstep, with the predictions of the World Economic Forum very likely coming true, since almost everything they originally predicted and planned for regarding COVID has come true.

Cornell University Makes Flu Vaccination Mandatory – but Only for White Students

Comments by Brian Shilhavy - Editor of Health Impact News: "This news report is another example of how vaccines are not about 'health' or 'disease prevention,' but part of the eugenics movement for social engineering and population control." Because of “historical injustices and current events,” Cornell University will grant an exemption from the requirement for all students to get a flu vaccination for “people of color.” Most of us are far too logical to follow the reasoning of this exemption. Apparently, because of “systemic racism and health inequities” in the United States, “individuals from some marginalized communities may have concerns about needing to agree to such requirements.”