WHO (Accidentally) Confirms Covid is No More Dangerous Than Flu

The World Health Organization has finally confirmed what we (and many experts and studies) have been saying for months – the coronavirus is no more deadly or dangerous than seasonal flu. The WHO’s top brass made this announcement during a special session of the WHO’s 34-member executive board on Monday October 5th, it’s just nobody seemed to really understand it. In fact, they didn’t seem to completely understand it themselves. At the session, Dr Michael Ryan, the WHO’s Head of Emergencies revealed that they believe roughly 10% of the world has been infected with Sars-Cov-2. This is their “best estimate”, and a huge increase over the number of officially recognised cases (around 35 million). Dr. Margaret Harris, a WHO spokeswoman, later confirmed the figure, stating it was based on the average results of all the broad seroprevalence studies done around the world. As much as the WHO were attempting to spin this as a bad thing – Dr Ryan even said it means “the vast majority of the world remains at risk.” – it’s actually good news. And confirms, once more, that the virus is nothing like as deadly as everyone predicted. The global population is roughly 7.8 billion people, if 10% have been infected that is 780 million cases. The global death toll currently attributed to Sars-Cov-2 infections is 1,061,539. That’s an infection fatality rate of roughly or 0.14%. Right in line with seasonal flu and the predictions of many experts from all around the world. 0.14% is over 24 times LOWER than the WHO’s “provisional figure” of 3.4% back in March. This figure was used in the models which were used to justify lockdowns and other draconian policies. In fact, given the over-reporting of alleged Covid deaths, the IFR is likely even lower than 0.14%, and could show Covid to be much less dangerous than flu.

Facebook Purge of Alternative Health Sites Coming – Censors Story on Doctor Curing 1700 Patients with HCQ: “Could Cause Physical Harm – Make Some People Feel Unsafe on Facebook”

As we get closer to the November elections, Big Tech social media companies appear to be getting ready to purge all accounts that dare to question Big Pharma and their COVID narrative. While articles published by Health Impact News are regularly censored because their own biased "Fact-checkers" police Facebook ready to squash any dissenters who dare to publish the truth, in recent days we have been warned more sternly that our page will soon be "unpublished" if we continue to publish what they deem "fake news." Our latest "crime" was the article we published yesterday with the interview of Dr. Brian Tyson, who claims he has cured over 1700 patients with hydroxychloroquine. Our post about the article was removed, and comments from our readers stated that when they tried to share the article on Facebook via their own pages, they were banned for 30 days. "I just got blocked from FB for 30 days for sharing this article." - Walter. The reason Facebook gave for censoring the article was: "We have these standards because misinformation that could cause physical harm can make some people feel unsafe on Facebook." Yes, you read that correctly. A positive article about a medical doctor curing 1700 patients of COVID "could cause physical harm," and "make people feel unsafe." Nobody should be relying on these largely Pharma-funded Social Media giants to get reliable information anymore. Very soon they will be completely removing any independent voice that dares to publish the truth. Big Pharma wants you to only get the news they approve of, and to only get your news from their sources will lead to your DEATH. This is the New America. Truth is condemned, and lies are promoted to literally kill people. And it happens in BOTH political parties. It didn't happen overnight. Some of us have been warning the public for years about the tyranny of Big Pharma, especially in regards to vaccines. But COVID has now taken it to a whole new level, as the Globalists make their move to take over and "reset" the world economy, and implement their New World Order.

California Medical Doctor Cures Over 1700 Patients with COVID Using Hydroxychloroquine

Doctors on the "front lines" treating COVID patients continue to try and speak out regarding the fact that there is a 100% cure rate for COVID by using hydroxychloroquine. Dr. Brian Tyson from Southern California is one of the latest doctors to grant an interview talking about his experience in treating over 1700 COVID patients using hydroxychloroquine. None of his patients have died, and only one had to be admitted to the hospital. This continues to be the biggest scandal of the COVID plandemic, and perhaps the largest scandal in medical history, where so many people are dying needlessly based on a positive COVID test and fear, as this information is censored in the corporate media as well as Big Tech social media platforms. Even President Trump, who originally promoted hydroxychloroquine and allegedly was taking it himself, has now turned his back on the Front Line doctors who continue to successfully use hydroxychloroquine.

Operation Warp Speed is Using a CIA-Linked Contractor to Keep Covid-19 Vaccine Contracts Secret

Last Tuesday, while most Americans were distracted by the first US presidential debate, NPR quietly reported that the US government’s Operation Warp Speed, a public-private partnership launched by the Trump administration to rapidly develop and distribute a Covid-19 vaccine, had taken the unusual step of awarding contracts to vaccine companies, not directly, but through a secretive defense contractor. Though NPR named the defense contractor—South Carolina–based Advanced Technology International—they declined to explore the company’s deep ties to the CIA, Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Defense and how ATI is helping to lead those agencies’ efforts to militarize health care and create a surveillance panopticon that not only monitors the world around us but our physiology as well. The “secret” vaccine contracts awarded through ATI as part of Warp Speed total approximately $6 billion, accounting for the majority of Operation Warp Speed’s $10 billion budget. Both Paul Mango, Health and Human Services’ deputy chief of staff for policy, and Robert Kadlec, HHS assistant secretary for preparedness and response (ASPR), personally signed off on the contracts. Operation Warp Speed, which officially involves the combined efforts of HHS and the military to deliver over 300 million Covid-19 vaccines to Americans by next January, is a highly secretive program dominated by military personnel, most of whom have no experience in health care or vaccine production. The Trump administration has often compared Warp Speed to the Manhattan Project, which produced the atomic bomb. NPR noted that the decision to use a nongovernment intermediary like ATI to issue the coronavirus vaccine contracts, as opposed to the government itself directly awarding those contracts, allows Operation Warp Speed to: “bypass the regulatory oversight and transparency of traditional federal contracting mechanisms.” This means that, among other things, the vaccine contracts awarded under Operation Warp Speed are unlikely to be publicly released in the near future, if ever.

Is Trump the Most Pro-Pharma President in History? QAnons Continue to Lose Credibility

It is important to remember that President Trump did not come through the political ranks like most presidents before him. He was chosen from the Wall Street Billionaires club. Since the COVID plandemic started earlier this year, over $7 TRILLION of federal funds has been allocated to fight "the virus." Most of that is for the multiple vaccines being developed under Operation Warp Speed, which was basically given a blank check to spend as much money as needed to develop COVID vaccines. It is safe to conclude that more funds have rolled into the bank accounts of Big Pharma this year, 2020, than probably the rest of the years of the history of the U.S. put together. Not all of the COVID funding went to Big Pharma of course. The military has received its fair share for its role in distributing the new vaccines, and what exactly that role is going to be is yet to be seen. Many other Wall Street corporations got richer over COVID as well, as businesses were chosen based arbitrarily on which ones were "essential" and which ones were not, and the entire business landscape in the U.S. changed almost literally overnight. Last week it was announced that President Trump tested positive for COVID along with "mild symptoms." He was admitted to Walter Reed hospital. The same day his condition was announced to the public, it was also immediately announced that the President was being administered a new experimental COVID drug, Regeneron’s REGN-COV2. Regeneron's co-founders then made the media rounds after the "free" publicity they received from the President for using their product. It was also announced that Trump was receiving the full doses of remdesivir, another experimental COVID drug, but one that has already received fast-track approval by the FDA. It has been widely distributed to hospitals, but sales had been slumping recently. Whatever you want to believe about the President's diagnosis with COVID, one thing is very clear: two pharmaceutical companies with experimental COVID drugs saw their sales and stock value soar. While all of this was being reported in the corporate media, some in the alternative media, and those among the QAnon publishers, were pushing a completely different narrative. In what was widely reported and accepted as "fact," we were told that President Trump was not at Walter Reed hospital at all, but on an aircraft carrier safe and sound, as several "assassination teams" had allegedly been deployed to take him out before the elections. So how did that turn out? Trump walked out of Walter Reed Hospital on national TV, took off his mask, and announced that his recovery was as "miracles coming down from God." It kind of reminds me of a prophecy in the book of Revelations in the Bible: "One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was astonished and followed the beast." (Revelation 13:3)

Nano Technology being used in Vaccines – The Transhuman Agenda is in High Gear with COVID

The nanotech agenda – involving the placement of tiny sensors, devices and machines measured in nanometers inside the human body – is receiving a boost from the current fake pandemic which I have labeled Operation Coronavirus. My earlier article Hydrogel Biosensor: Implantable Nanotech to be Used in COVID Vaccines? discussed the possibility that the coming COVID vaccines may incorporate nanotechnology funded by DARPA called hydrogel, a biosensor which would monitor your body as well as send and receive information to the 5G Smart Grid. However there is much, much more to the story. The NWO conspirators have not only been planning this scamdemic for decades, but also have been planning the nanotech agenda for a long time too; now, with the advent of COVID, the two agendas are merging, with sinister implications for humanity. This article will take a closer look at the nanotech agenda and the current state of nanotechnology inside existing products such as vaccines. The agenda is already far more advanced than many people realize.

Neurologist: COVID-19 Masks Are a Crime Against Humanity and Child Abuse

Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson MD, PhD is a Consultant Neurologist and Neurophysiologist with a PhD in Pharmacology, with special interest in neurotoxicology, environmental medicine, neuroregeneration and neuroplasticity. This is what she has to say about masks and their effects on our brains: “The rebreathing of our exhaled air will without a doubt create oxygen deficiency and a flooding of carbon dioxide. We know that the human brain is very sensitive to oxygen depravation. There are nerve cells for example in the hippocampus, that can’t be longer than 3 minutes without oxygen – they cannot survive. The acute warning symptoms are headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, issues in concentration, slowing down of the reaction time – reactions of the cognitive system. However, when you have chronic oxygen depravation, all of those symptoms disappear, because you get used to it. But your efficiency will remain impaired and the undersupply of oxygen in your brain continues to progress. We know that neurodegenerative diseases take years to decades to develop. For children and adolescents, masks are an absolute no-no. Children and adolescents have an extremely active and adaptive immune system and they need a constant interaction with the microbiome of the Earth. Their brain is also incredibly active, as it is has so much to learn. The child’s brain, or the youth’s brain is thirsting for oxygen. The more metabolically active the organ is, the more oxygen it requires.  In children and adolescents every organ is metabolically active. To deprive a child’s or an adolescent’s brain from oxygen, or to restrict it in any way, is not only dangerous to their health, it is absolutely criminal. Oxygen deficiency inhibits the development of the brain, and the damage that has taken place as a result CANNOT be reversed."

Michigan Governor Stripped of Power to Enforce Mandates – Why are the People of Michigan Still Obeying Her?

Last week the Michigan Supreme Court struck down Governor Whitmer's "legal" basis for practicing tyranny on the citizens of Michigan in the name of a "pandemic." Justice Stephen J. Markman, on behalf of the majority in a 4-3 majority that fell along party lines, wrote: “We conclude that the Governor lacked the authority to declare a ‘state of emergency’ or a ‘state of disaster’ under the EMA after April 30, 2020, on the basis of the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, we conclude that the EPGA is in violation of the Constitution of our state because it purports to delegate to the executive branch the legislative powers of state government– including its plenary police powers– and to allow the exercise of such powers indefinitely. As a consequence, the EPGA cannot continue to provide a basis for the Governor to exercise emergency powers.” Whitmer had extended the "emergency orders" which had been in place since April, until near the end of October, and probably had every intention of extending them indefinitely. A few days later, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced that she would no longer enforce the Governor's edicts. And while Nessel stated that her decision, as the highest law enforcement official in the State of Michigan, was not binding on other law enforcement agencies, several sheriffs throughout Michigan had already stated they would not enforce her edicts before the Supreme Court even ruled on them. And The Detroit News reported that the Michigan Chiefs of Police Association was going to follow the Attorney General's lead. "If the attorney general says it’s over, then it’s over," said Bob Stevenson, executive director of the association. But Governor Whitmer has decided she is still in charge and apparently above the law, as yesterday she issued new mask mandates and other mandates on public gatherings in a desperate attempt to remain in control of the public as their Tyrant in Chief. So the only thing now forcing people to obey the edicts of Whitmer, is the will of the people themselves. To you U.S. Citizens living in Michigan, what are you going to do now? You now have the law on your side, and your Governor does not. Will you continue to obey her as slaves, or stand up and exercise your freedoms? The entire country is watching you now. Time to take off your masks, open up your businesses, congregate, and act as free people!

World’s Top Epidemiologists Oppose Madman Fauci and Call for End to Lockdowns

Three of the world's top epidemiologists are going public to contradict Dr. Fauci and other doctor politicians who are calling for renewed lock-downs over the Coronavirus. They are: Dr. Martin Kulldorff - Harvard Medical School Professor,  Dr. Sunetra Gupta - Oxford University Epidemiology Professor,  and Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya - Stanford Epidemiology Professor. They were interviewed Monday night by Laura Ingraham on Fox News. They claim that the consensus in the scientific community is NOT in favor of locking down entire populations, but only those at most risk, and they are calling for the end of lock-downs for the vast majority of the population who are not at risk for COVID.  And they are not alone. They published the "Great Barrington" declaration this week which has already been signed by over 1000 medical and public health scientists within the first few hours of being published.

Trump to do Full 5-Day Course of Remdesivir – Betrayal of Hydroxychloroquine Doctors?

Yesterday I speculated as to why President Trump may be receiving treatment for COVID as it was announced immediately after his alleged positive COVID test that he was going to be given a new experimental COVID drug that has not even been fast-tracked for approval yet. The stock of the company producing the drug rose on Friday as a result of the announcement. Today (October 4, 2020) it was announced that Trump had received his second dose of remdesivir, another experimental COVID drug, but one that has already received fast-track approval by the FDA, and has been widely distributed to hospitals. His doctors reported that President Trump would receive the full 5 doses. Interestingly, FiercePharma, the main pharmaceutical marketing trade publication, announced on Friday, October 2nd, the same day Trump was admitted to Walter Reed, that sales of Gilead's remdesivir were beginning to slump, and that the company was taking over distribution of the drug now as a result of the slow-down in sales. The cost for the 5-dose treatment of remdesivir is $3,120.00, and sales are expected to exceed $3.5 billion in revenue. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), a drug with no patents due to being in the marketplace with a perfect safety record for over 35 years and with a cost of about $20 per dose, was condemned by U.S. public health officials like Dr. Fauci as supposedly being ineffective in treating COVID. Gilead's remdesivir was given fast-track approval instead, and demand initially sky rocketed. But now, apparently the supply of remdesivir exceeds demand. That should change now that President Trump is using it, after initially taking HCQ as a preventive measure. As we have previously reported numerous times here at Health Impact News, Frontline Doctors and thousands of doctors around the world have successfully treated COVID patients with HCQ and many report a 100% success rate. I wonder how all of these doctors feel now, since most of them felt like President Trump was on their side since he had previously recommended HCQ? The demonization of HCQ in favor of Gilead's remdesivir has led to tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths, according to many doctors, making Dr. Fauci, FDA Commissioner Dr. Hahn, and others, complicit in mass murder. Are these Big Pharma mass murderers now forcing President Trump to promote their drugs to ensure his success in the elections?