If You Thought 2020 was a Bad Year, 2021 is Going to be FAR Worse!

Sure, I could have written my last article for Health Impact News for the year 2020 with a look back on how terrible the year was, but looking forward to better times in 2021. Undoubtedly, that would have been a more popular article. But then I would have had to lie to you. Because if one truly understands what has happened in 2020, then you should also understand that this Plandemic was just the prelude, and things are now about to get a lot worse. 2019 is history, and we will NEVER go back to the kind of life we had back then. The Globalists know this, and for those who reject being spoon-fed the propaganda that is called "news" in the pharma-owned corporate media, we know it too. Since there has been a threat hanging over us in the Alternative Health media of being censored once the new COVID vaccines started being distributed, I have already written what needs to be understood at the close of 2020, since I had no idea how much longer we would be allowed to continue publishing and have worked hard to get this information to our readers as quickly as possible. So here is the review.

Vaccine ID Passport Spurs Future Underground Black Market for Those Who Resist

Surely I jest. Or do I? Maybe I’ve watched one too many movies, or maybe I’ve spent over 15,000 hours researching their plans and agendas for us all? Will it get this far? Is this just a joke? New vaccine ID passports are all the rage! They have laid out their goal in print: there will be no more flying, leaving the country, concerts, movie theaters, or entry into offices or places of business, unless you get the jab. Don’t say we didn’t warn you a long time ago, while sporting our tinfoil hats. Tiny home builders and preppers got a bad rap, but now they will be looked upon as masters of the universe. Meanwhile, defy lockdowns, don’t work for companies pushing our future into communism, expose all corruption, round up people in your communities to get a game plan and rise up, recall governors, sue everyone you can if you have legit judges, stop with the useless masks because you are signaling to the world that you submit, and avoid the mRNA genetic extravaganza that may rock your DNA world in a direction you don’t care to go. Keep on keeping on. Fight like hell. Pray often.

Never Mind the Destruction of America’s Middle Class: The Top 10%’s Bubble Is About to Burst

When the top 10%'s bubble pops in 2021, the loss of illusions/delusions of security and wealth will be shattering to all those who believed artifice and illusory "wealth" were real. A great many people are living in bubbles that are about to pop. The largest bubble is the one inhabited by people who complacently believe in time travel, i.e. that the world of 2019 is about to replace the nightmare of 2020 and we can all go back to our carefree debt-funded consumption frenzy and illusions of ever-greater wealth forever and ever. The greater one's sense of security, the more durable the bubble. Those in America's top 10% who have reaped virtually all the gains in income and wealth of the past 20 years live in a bubble that they view as unbreakable: no matter what problems arise, their personal income and wealth is secured by the government, central bank, etc. The top 10% are supremely confident in the godlike powers of these agencies and solutions: the idea that these "solutions" become insoluble problems does not compute, just as a decline in asset valuations that doesn't rebound within three weeks thanks to Fed intervention is firmly outside the realm of possibility. All this needless complexity will be jettisoned once printing/borrowing trillions become the problem rather than the solution. The bottom 90% will demand not just a fairer distribution of income and wealth, they will also demand a system that actually functions for the greater social good rather than for insiders, parasites, leeches and technocrat processors who declare victory not from results but from their success in following approved processes / narratives. Once costs must be cut and results take precedence over process, much of the technocrat class will find itself replaced by automated software. Those that remain will be valued for getting results by whatever means are available, up to and including ignoring all compliance procedures and bureaucratic box-ticking. The top 10%--the rentier-technocrat class--will find the bottom 90% can no longer pay their rent, insurance, etc.--all the "services" that employ and enrich the top 10%. In other words, the losses as unproductive complexity unravels will finally fall on the top 10%, many of whom have been protected from exposure to market forces and risk.

British Woman Films Empty Hospital as Non-COVID Patients are Denied Treatment – Then She is Arrested

A woman in the UK was arrested by police after she filmed a video inside an almost completely empty hospital and posted it online. The clip shows the woman walking through virtually empty corridors and filming empty wards at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital. “This is a disgrace…it is so dead…all the people in our country desperately waiting for treatment, cancer treatment heart disease, honestly this is making me so angry,” she states as she films a row of empty waiting chairs. The woman expressed shock at how quiet the hospital was, saying she expected there to be “a few more people around, there’s absolutely nobody.” According to reports, a 46-year-old woman was subsequently arrested by police for filming the video and has been charged on suspicion of a public order offence.

Frontline Doctors Publish their Early Treatment Protocol for COVID that is Saving Many Lives – Vaccines Not Needed

Dr. George Fareed, Imperial Valley frontline doctor fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic locally, has been fielding phone calls from across the nation helping those afflicted but unable to get early treatment from their medical establishments. “I’m really busy, but I’m willing to help anyone,” Fareed said. The doctor reached out to The Desert Review suggesting publication of the Protocol he and Dr. Brian Tyson have refined for their local patients that has been so successful. Fareed also included in his material what Dr. Zelenko, a pioneer in repurposing medicines for the virus has developed as a prophylaxis, a preventative subscription. Also included in the material submitted, is a follow up to Dr. Fareed’s U.S. Senate hearing, “Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution” held November 19 in the Capitol.

U.S. Troops In S. Korea First To Receive Mass Experimental COVID Vaccination

U.S. troops in South Korea, along with civilian healthcare workers, started being injected with the experimental Moderna COVID vaccine today. As is the case among the general population currently, the vaccine is voluntary, since it is not FDA approved. USFK Commander General Robert Abrams, however, is reportedly pushing the troops to get it. I am happy to see the military, at least so far, making this experimental vaccine voluntary, because it has not always been that way in the past. It might take a lot of courage to stand up to a General or other Commanding Officer who is pushing everyone to get the vaccine, but this is your life at risk, for an experimental vaccine that is not even needed, and was authorized for emergency use by the FDA illegally. During the Gulf War, for example, troops were required to get the experimental anthrax vaccine which has not been approved by the FDA. Those who tried to opt out were not allowed to. When injuries and deaths starting occurring after vaccination, it was blamed as a mysterious "Gulf War Syndrome." So if you are in the military and are being pressured to take an experimental COVID vaccine, learn from history. 35,000 soldiers allegedly died from the experimental anthrax vaccine, which was more than all the troop fatalities combined during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars during combat.

The Authority to Heal

The subject of "authority" and health is one that affects every living person on the planet today, and everyone reading this article. Here in the 21st Century, various government agencies regulate "health" and operate under laws and regulations as to just who has the authority to practice healing. This would include the World Health Organization (WHO) internationally, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States. "Health" of course is generally defined today as "practicing medicine," and the authority given by government to "practice medicine" is tightly controlled through government licensing. Someone not licensed, or using unapproved products for healing, face arrest and imprisonment. A similar situation existed during the First Century. Jesus and his disciples did not follow the laws set forth by the government body of their day, and their system of healing was far superior. When common people outside the educated ruling class dared to oppose their authority and implement healing in Jesus name, they faced arrest and even execution in the First Century. The authority of Jesus is still in place today, as is his healthcare plan. Just as there was during the days and times of Jesus’ earthly life and immediately afterward, there is a competing health care system in place today that denies the authority of Jesus, and would feel threatened if enough people started being healed through Christ’s healthcare plan. To oppose the authority of today’s medical system and their approved cures is to risk punishment and even imprisonment. The current healthcare system is not a “healthcare” system at all, but a “medical” system designed to bring great profit to the pharmaceutical companies and others who profit from treating sick people. If enough people started exercising the authority of Jesus to see cures without having to pay for medical care, it would threaten their business, and opposition would be just as fierce as it was during the days of Jesus and the early disciples. But will that ever happen?

COVID Vaccinations of Seniors Begin Worldwide: 1 Man Dead and 4 Nursing Home Staff Hospitalized as Gov. Newsom Begins Vaccinating Nursing Home Residents in California

Reports of casualties worldwide among seniors and assisted living center staff from the experimental COVID vaccines started surfacing today. The Jerusalem Post reported that a 75-year-old man died from a heart attack two hours after receiving the Pfizer experimental vaccine, although as usual they want to assure the public that his death had nothing to do with the vaccine. In Germany, RT.com is reporting that eight nursing home workers in Stralsund accidently received five times the normal dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine, sending half of them to the hospital with Covid-19 symptoms. But the drug company says such mega-doses are perfectly safe anyway. In California, Governor Newsom's office announced today that the State was utilizing free Pfizer experimental COVID vaccines from CVS and Walgreens to inject residents in assisted living, residential care and other long-term care facilities. One has to wonder if these assisted living care residents understand that this COVID vaccine is NOT FDA approved, and that the FDA issued an emergency use authorization illegally, since effective therapeutics for COVID treatment are available and already approved by the FDA, and that they can legally refuse to take the experimental COVID vaccine?

Some Americans are Getting Fed Up and Resisting – But Where are the Rest of You?!

People across America are beginning to say "enough is enough" and are taking a stand to resist medical tyranny while the rest of the nation just willingly complies and watches the rapid destruction of lives, jobs, and personal liberties. Look at each of these stories and picture how different each one of these stories would be, if others had joined them. It does NOT have to be a majority of the population. I have stated for months that if 5% of the population starts resisting, it will get the ball rolling and others will join. If 10% of the population resists, we have a full blown revolution on our hands, and that is what it is going to take to end medical tyranny. So if you see a lone, brave soul take a stand for life and liberty, take off your mask and join them!!

Trump Proves He’s Been Part of the Swamp All Along – Do NOT Go to D.C. on Jan. 6th!

When I saw that Trump caved in and signed the $2.3 TRILLION bill robbing Americans at the expense of Wall Street Billionaires, I was preparing to write an article stating that his true motives have once and for all been revealed with this theft of America as well as the criminals he has chosen to pardon. But Matt Agorist of the FreeThoughtProject beat me to it. The only thing I will add here, is that if you still think Trump is going to save the Republic and you are planning on heading to Washington D.C. on January 6th to show your support of him, you could very well be putting your own life at risk and be taking a suicide trip. Washington D.C. is a cesspool of corruption and Satanic activity, and it could be pure suicidal for American patriots and militia groups to all be there at one time, giving the enemy the opportunity to take out as many of you at one time as they can. Why would you risk that? For Trump?? President Trump is still the President of the United States and the Commander in Chief of the nation's armed forces. If he wants to start arresting criminals for treason, he doesn't need my help or your help, at least not in Washington D.C., one of the most corrupt places on the planet. If Americans want to take their country back and drain the swamp, you better start planning on doing it now, without Trump's help. There is no telling what his handlers are going to tell him to do in the days ahead, and even if he himself does not have nefarious plans in store for citizens and militia groups who may go to Washington D.C. on January 6th, there probably are many others who do. Don't risk it!! Stay home and start planning now to take control of your local and State government criminals, where you will be fighting on your own territory where you can have better control of the situation. It is going to take massive defections from true and honorable Americans who are still left in the military and law enforcement if there is any hope at this point for saving America. Pray to God, and trust God, not Trump.