The Path of Resistance is a Lonely One – Whom do you Fear?

In the opening chapter of the second book of the Bible, the book of Exodus, we have a record of the actions of two women who changed the course of human history, by defying their King's orders. "The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do." (Exodus 1:17) The result of the midwives' resistance and refusal to obey the King's edict, was that one of the baby boys who was spared was named "Moses" and went on to become a prophet of God and the leader of the Hebrews, delivering them from their bondage and slavery, and the one who met with God on Mt. Sinai where the Ten Commandments and related laws were given for a new society. Two African women, Shiphrah and Puah, feared God more than they feared their king. And the course of human history was forever changed. To resist tyranny and go against the crowd is not easy. But for the one who fears God more than man, that's what we are called to do, even if it means giving up everything here on earth that we cherish and value, including our own family members who may choose to go their own way in a different direction. Take special note of these word spoken by Jesus: "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law— a man's enemies will be the members of his own household. Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." (Matthew 10:34-39)

FDA Shows Their Depth of Corruption by Approving Remdesivir for COVID with No Solid Proof the Drug Works

It was announced today that the FDA has now fully approved remdesivir (now called "VEKLURY" which already has a registered trademark, something that takes years to obtain generally) as a treatment for COVID. The path of getting remdesivir approved for use is one littered with corruption, and a process that has probably caused millions of deaths worldwide. (See our previous coverage.) One of the interesting side shows to watch during COVID is Big Pharma fighting each other as they compete for a bigger slice of the pie in COVID Government funding which is currently around 6-7 TRILLION dollars. We saw this earlier during the plandemic as many companies rushed to get COVID tests into the market. There are currently over 100 COVID tests that have been fast-tracked by the FDA, and these companies have attacked each other regarding the validity of their tests to the point where the CEO of one Big Pharma firm stated about one of his competitor's tests: “Not Worth Anything – Two of us could do it Overnight in the Garage.” So with remdesivir being the first COVID treatment receiving full approval by the FDA today, as opposed to merely "fast track" approval for emergency use, others in the Pharmaceutical Industry who are also rushing to get COVID drugs to market were quick to point out the lack of science backing up any evidence of effectiveness of remdesivir. Remdesivir, of course, was one of two experimental drugs that President Trump allegedly took that led to his "miraculous" cure from COVID, causing its stock to soar just when sales had slowed down.

Doctors vs. Doctors: Who’s Telling the Truth?

There's a civil war raging across the U.S. today, pitting medical doctors against other medical doctors. And it's not because they are on opposite sides of the political spectrum. It's because they are on opposite sides of the truth. This is not a new war, of course, as those of us in the Alternative Health media have covered these medical topics for many years now. The Wall Street Billionaires, many of them part of the Pharmaceutical Industry, control the corporate media giants to put forth a unified message they want the public to believe, that benefits the goals and purposes of Wall Street, not the general public. They fund most all of the top medical schools, and hire those with medical degrees from these schools and then parade them in front of the cameras to read the script that they write to determine public health policy. Doctors who actually care about the health of their patients and follow the truth no matter where it leads, and are on the front lines every day treating their patients, are quickly silenced, or labeled as "quacks" and censored. This is purely a business issue for the medical industry, and in recent years they are not even hiding the fact that a medical system that actually cures people is bad for business. See: "Investment Report Reveals Medical Cures not Profitable for Big Pharma – Sick People Needed to Sustain Drug Sales." The current COVID situation is now an all-out war between the Wall Street Big Pharma funded political doctors and their control over the corporate media, and the doctors on the front lines who are actually treating real patients. Many of these REAL doctors are now, sadly, having to take time away from what they do best, which is treat their patients, and form groups to try and get the truth out about what they have actually learned about COVID in a clinical setting, as opposed to government-funded political "doctors" who make the rounds on TV and try to get studies published. These practicing physicians are now forming their own groups to try and fight censorship as their numbers swell across the globe.

South Korean’s Medical Association Urges Government to Suspend Flu Shot Program After 25 People Die

One of the interesting side effects of the COVID Plandemic, and the rush to bring to market a new, untested COVID vaccine, is that many people around the world have become more skeptical of vaccines, and for good reason. However, the problems associated with vaccines have been around for decades, and as we have documented frequently here at Health Impact News on our website, the annual flu vaccine is, by far, the most dangerous vaccine in the world, causing more injuries and deaths than all other vaccines put together. This is not a conspiracy theory, but a fact based on the sheer volume of settlements that the U.S. Government makes every year in the Vaccine Court for injuries and deaths due to the flu shot. We publish these reports every quarter, and past reports can be found here, where you can view the data yourselves. Every year people are harmed and killed by the flu shot, but this information is censored in the U.S. So it is highly unlikely that the death of 24 people in South Korea just after receiving the flu shot would have even made the news at all in the years pre-COVID. Because this pretty much happens every year when the flu season starts and mass vaccination of the public for influenza begins. With literally hundreds of millions of doses of the flu vaccine being manufactured every year, a few hundred, or even a few thousand deaths, is generally not noticeable as doctors are not trained to look for vaccine injuries, and the vaccine will never be blamed. But with the attention of the public on the upcoming COVID vaccine and a newfound interest in actually looking into the politics and science of vaccines, all of a sudden people are starting to sit up and take notice.

Was the Recent YouTube Purging Related to Child Trafficking? Corporate Media Suddenly Wants to Discredit QAnon Movement

The corporate-funded "mainstream" media works hard every day attempting to control the narrative of what they want Americans and people around the world to believe are the most serious issues facing us today, which according to the Wall Street-funded media is the Coronavirus "pandemic" and the U.S. Presidential elections. Any attempts outside of their control to publish truth about other issues are being censored and squashed, primarily through their accomplices in Big Tech and the major social media networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google's YouTube. Interestingly, in recent days the corporate media has focused hard on trying to discredit the QAnon movement, which has pretty much been a part of the American scene for the past 4 years, just shortly after Donald Trump was elected as President of the United States. Not only are they apparently feeding the major news networks propaganda to spread about what they want the public to believe about QAnon, it seems that the recent purge of hundreds of popular YouTube channels representing millions of viewers also had one common theme: they were exposing child trafficking, the main topic of the QAnon movement. So after ignoring the QAnon movement for the most part during the past 4 years, what has changed now? Whatever it is, it must be serious.

Frontline Doctors Return to Washington D.C. to Dispel COVID Myths and to Offer Truth and Hope

America's Frontline Doctors returned to Washington D.C. this week for their second White Coat Summit. Their Press Conference on the steps of the Supreme Court back in July quickly went viral, and was promptly deleted and censored by Big Tech platforms such as Facebook and Google's Youtube. Health Impact News grabbed a copy before they were deleted, and published it on our Bitchute channel, where it currently has over 190,000 views. They were back in even greater numbers this week, again giving an initial Press Conference in front of the Supreme Court. Dr. Simone Gold, the founder of Frontline Doctors, gave the opening address: "Hello everybody. I am Dr. Simone Gold. I'm a board certified emergency physician and the founder of America's Frontline Doctors. I'm also a Stanford University educated attorney. And we've come back with some of my group for the second White Coats Summit. We're here to speak to America just like we did on July 27th. At that time we brought the American people truth and hope and optimism. And we're here to give you more truth and more reasons to be optimistic and to not live in fear. There continues to be a great deal of disinformation and outright censorship. Since our Summit, the censorship unfortunately has gotten worse. Because of that, we've established a website: America's Frontline Doctors, where you can find the truth, where the truth is not censored. Today, we're going to bring you information about masks, about lockdowns, about most importantly, early treatment. Reasons to be optimistic. We're going to dispel the myths. I want to start with masks. And I start with this because there is a legal crisis, a Constitutional crisis, that we're not recognizing. And it is, to some extent, personified by the forced, mandated wearing of masks. Let's not tip toe around the great big elephant in the room. The facts are actually not in dispute. Masks are completely irrelevant in blocking the SARS-COV2 virus."

German Microbiologist and Medical Professor Issues Serious Warnings about a COVID Vaccine

America, we need to have a conversation. It is a very serious and dire conversation that has been intentionally ignored and swept under the rug for far too long.  It concerns a dialogue that our entire mainstream media, in its conventional blindness, refuses to acknowledge.  Yet its consequences are potentially severe and perhaps deadly. It may not eventually have an impact upon you personally nor your health, but it will surely have a profound adverse effect upon someone you know or perhaps even a loved one.  Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi is no nickel-dime physician. He has practiced medicine for five decades, was a post-doctoral researcher at one of the world’s most prestigious research institutes, the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics, and later held the Microbiology Chair at the University of Mainz in Germany for a dozen years. He has impeccable credentials that in our opinion outweigh many of our so-called medical experts preaching from their official soapboxes. Dr. Bhakdi is not anti-vaccine, however he is deeply worried about the new technologies for a Covid-19 vaccine being rushed to market. One of the greatest fears being heard over the internet is that these new gene-based vaccines will recombine with our body’s DNA and cause untold health problems. But this worries Bhakdi less than other far greater risks with life-long debilitating consequences. Each of us should be deeply concerned about the above potential adverse effects from a Covid-19 vaccine. Vaccination policy is supposed to be based upon concise benefit-risk analyses. Sadly, this has never been a firm policy implemented in the US and it has been a factor largely denied by the majority of the medical community. Every vaccination is a game of Russian roulette. The real denialists are those in the mainstream media who are too lazy, biased or lack a moral conscience to perform proper due diligence and mine the scientific literature for answers. Do yourself a favor. Simply don’t listen to them. And when Gates, Fauci, Trump, Biden or any state governor begin talking about the “awesome” promises of a Covid-19 vaccine or its mandate, turn off your television or computer screen. These people are only the profiteers protecting the vaccine makers and in the event of vaccine injuries we are just collateral damage in the "War Against Corona."

Doctors for Truth: Tens of Thousands Medical Professionals Suing and Calling for End to COVID Tyranny

Tens of thousands, and perhaps now even hundreds of thousands of doctors, nurses, and many other medical professionals worldwide are taking action to combat the misinformation being propagated by governments and government-controlled media that continue to publish false propaganda regarding COVID. The vast majority of medical professionals worldwide now seem to agree that the COVID "pandemic" and the government actions still being implemented in response to COVID are causing much more harm than COVID itself. Almost all of these doctors and medical professionals now seem to agree that COVID is no worse than a typical flu season, and the main test being used to supposedly test for COVID, the PCR Test, is not reliable. The main question left, and indeed perhaps the question from which the answer may very well determine the future fate of our planet, is will enough people in the general public stop believing the lies their government and the corporate media continue to broadcast, using bureaucratic "doctors" who are only "doctors" in name and are instead politicians who hang letters before and after their names (Dr. - MD) to try and give them credibility, but never actually examine real patients nor practice medicine, and instead look elsewhere to find out the truth, particularly from the REAL doctors and medical professionals who have all now figured out that COVID is nothing worth shutting down society over and implementing a New World Order? These doctors and medical professionals are fighting censorship and ridicule from the ruling classes, the corporate media, and the Big Tech Social Media giants. COVID is, first and foremost, an INFORMATION WAR, and unless Americans can learn how to turn off their cable news programs with their BILLIONS in funding, mainly from Big Pharma, and take the time to research the issues for themselves, the Globalists will unleash their vaccines and other untested products while also causing social unrest in their effort to implement their New World Order.

Holocaust Survivor: I Saved my Own Life by being “Oppositional Defiant” – Americans are not Rebelling Against Things that are Wrong!

Vera Sharav was recently interviewed by Attorney Leah Wilson, the Executive Director of Stand for Health Freedom. Vera Sharav is the Founder and President of Alliance for Human Research Protection, and is a frequent guest contributor on Health Impact News. Vera was 3 years old when her family was taken out of their home in Romania and herded into a Nazi Concentration Camp. Her father died soon afterwards of typhus. She lived in this camp for more than two years, when plans were put in place to close the camp and annihilate everyone. She reports how a deal was made to allow the orphans to leave the camp if they had someone to sign for them. So her mother sent her out of the camp as an "orphan" to stay with other families. Vera claims this "saved her life." But it came at a cost: "I can't stress how awful it is for a child to be separated from their parents. It's really, really devastating." As a wandering child, she learned how to select adults whom she could trust. She did not trust being with her peers (other orphan children). She was supposed to board a boat with other orphan children, to be taken to Israel.  But she refused. She did not want to be separated from the family she was with and became attached to. She became a "problem" by crying and putting up a fight to not go on the orphan boat. So she ended up going on one of the other two boats with the family she was with. Vera states that if it had been today, she would have been labeled as ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, etc. She was six years old at the time. But during the night, a submarine sunk the boat with the orphans, the boat she was supposed to be on. "I knew that I saved my own life by being (labeled as) 'Oppositional Defiant Disorder.' That's a lesson that right now is very needed. Adults now are not rebelling against things that are wrong. People are being pushed around, being denied normal interaction, and they're just following it like sheep. There's something very wrong. Part of what's wrong is the idea of just following authority without considering, 'What if they're wrong? What if it's not in my best interest? Why?' This is very dangerous that we have so many people, good people, people who think that they are doing the right thing."

Testimony of German Attorney: Those Responsible for “Corona Scandal” Must be Criminally Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity

Hello. I am Reiner Fuellmich and I have been admitted to the Bar in Germany and in California for 26 years. I have been practicing law primarily as a trial lawyer against fraudulent corporations such as Deutsche Bank, formerly one of the world’s largest and most respected banks, today one of the most toxic criminal organizations in the world; VW, one of the world’s largest and most respected car manufacturers, today notorious for its giant diesel fraud; and Kuehne and Nagel, the world’s largest shipping company. We’re suing them in a multi-million-dollar bribery case.  I’m also one of four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee. Since July 10, 2020, this Committee has been listening to a large number of international scientists’ and experts’ testimony to find answers to questions about the corona crisis, which more and more people worldwide are asking. All the above-mentioned cases of corruption and fraud committed by the German corporations pale in comparison in view of the extent of the damage that the corona crisis has caused and continues to cause.  This corona crisis, according to all we know today, must be renamed a “Corona Scandal” and those responsible for it must be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil damages. On a political level, everything must be done to make sure that no one will ever again be in a position of such power as to be able to defraud humanity or to attempt to manipulate us with their corrupt agendas. And for this reason I will now explain to you how and where an international network of lawyers will argue this biggest tort case ever, the corona fraud scandal, which has meanwhile unfolded into probably the greatest crime against humanity ever committed.