Google Whistleblower: “Fake News” based on Politics, Not Truth – Google is Guilty of Treason and Selling Data to China

Spiro Skouras interviews Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies who also worked with Google-owned YouTube. Zach realized that Google was trying to overthrow the U.S. government and was selling data to China, and therefore delivered hundreds of pages of internal documents from Google to the Department of Justice. Google tried to suppress him, and he feared for his life, so he created what is sometimes referred to as a "kill switch" letting Google and everyone else who are accomplices with them know that if anything happened to him and he died, that these hundreds of pages of incriminating documents would be dumped into the public domain. Vorhies says: "Google is the biggest threat to America today." This is a MUST SEE video interview.

NEW Study: Hydroxychloroquine Treatment of COVID had a 79% Lower Mortality Rate than Countries that Banned it

Cardiologist Dr. Ramin Osoui was on the Laura Ingraham show on Fox this week as they discussed a newly published study that shows hydroxychloroquine treatment of coronavirus in countries that used the drug early on had a 79% lower mortality rate than countries that banned the use of HCQ. Wow! Dr. Osoui stated: "It’s really devastating to Dr. Fauci, Dr. Hahn, Dr. Redfield and their performance. I think not only should they be embarrassed but I think they really need to be held to account… Physicians have a fiduciary responsibility to act in the best interests of their patients." So once again, let's call these politicians who call themselves "doctors," Fauci (NIH), Hahn (FDA), and Redfield (CDC), MASS MURDERERS who should be tried and convicted as such! Unfortunately, being that this aired on the corporate media outlet Fox News, they had to spin the story by blaming "the left," further fueling partisan fighting over an issue that should be bipartisan.  But Laura Ingraham and her producers did a fantastic job of playing a clip of a CNN segment where they also interviewed a cardiologist who was claiming that HCQ is dangerous and should not be used, and then having Dr. Osoui explain to the public how the CNN doctor was lying to deceive the American public. The doctor's name is Jonathan Reiner, and now he too should be tried for MASS MURDER!

Are the COVID Tests a Way to Surreptitiously Infect or Implant People?

Now that the public is starting to wake up to the fact that people leading the COVID response are MASS MURDERERS responsible for millions of deaths due to censoring life-saving information from thousands of doctors who are treating COVID patients with a 100% success rate, it is time to start questioning EVERYTHING they are asking the public to comply with. What are their true motives, since they obviously do NOT value human life? Makia Freeman from The Freedom Articles published a very interesting article this past week, raising serious questions about the PCR tests, which we have already reported are not reliable, and why the cotton swabs have to be so long? Makia writes: "We need to ask ourselves whether these COVID tests are in fact a clever way to gain secret access to the inside of our bodies, especially our brains. The nasal swabs being used (called nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal) are incredibly long (around 6 inches or 15 cm) which means they reach to the very back of our throats. Is there any medical reason why the swabs must be this length? In human anatomy, the cribriform plate is a midline bone important as part both of the cranium and of the nose which transmits the olfactory nerves that carry the sense of smell. It is a very delicate and fragile part of the body. Why on earth do the COVID tests contain a swab (a padded stick) which can poke and prod this delicate bone? Could it be because the cribriform plate allows access to the brain? Could these COVID tests be used to surreptitiously infect people (with some disease-causing agent), deliver the vaccine (which they claim they are still developing) or even implant people (with nanotechnology such as microchips)?" I asked a retired medical doctor who is known to Health Impact News about what Makia was saying here regarding the need for long cotton swabs penetrating so far into the body, and this doctor replied: "There is no valid reason for swabbing the naso-pharynx so deeply that it causes pain and injury to the extreme back and roof  of the nose. Whatever microorganisms are there are distributed throughout the entire nose and throat. They are supposedly easily communicated by a sneeze, hence the 'need' for masks.. You don't have to go digging for them. You could even blow your nose into a tissue and that would be a sufficient sample to culture." There is something highly suspicious about these COVID tests.

New Report Compares Turkey COVID Treatment with HCQ vs. USA Without HCQ: Fauci Should Be in Prison!

A new report was released by Sky News on Turkey’s COVID-19 Coronavirus early hydroxychloroquine treatment strategy and the results are clear. The early treatment program in Turkey relies on hydroxychloroquine as the first step in the therapeutic process. reported: Sky News’ story about “Turkey’s COVID Detectives” by special correspondent Alex Crawford is remarkable. It not only covers the track and trace teams in action in Turkey, but also the therapeutic approach, which relies on hydroxychloroquine as a first step to treat symptomatic patients. The Turkish approach is at odds with most countries, such as the UK, where symptomatic patients are asked to stay home, wait, until the symptoms essentially become unbearable, and then serious complications and hospitalization become very likely. Such reporting about early treatment is typically absent from mainstream media coverage, so this coverage needs to be celebrated. The pictures are also remarkable. “As soon as a patient has symptoms, they are treated with hydroxychloroquine tablets and/or favipiravir at home. Follow-up calls quickly spot if the symptoms worsen, and then they will be admitted to hospital.” “Once at the hospital, Dr Yiyit says the treatment is increased and combined with high-flow oxygen treatment, anti-coagulants, steroids, vitamins and more high-dose favipiravir or hydroxychloroquine…” “Most of patients recover in five days,” Dr Yiyit insists.” Clearly the country is being misled by Dr. Fauci....

The Criminal Police State is Rapidly Taking Over America – Does the General Public even Understand This?

As we watch life in the U.S. change completely to something nobody in this country has ever seen before, I can't help but wonder how many people among the general public, most of whom believe they are watching "real" news with "real" information from the corporate networks, even have a basic understanding of the Constitution of the United States, or what life is like in a tyrannical Police State? We have a copy of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights here on our website, and if you have never read it, or have read it so long ago that you don't remember what it says, now might be a good time to familiarize yourself with it. This rule of law that has guided the United States throughout its 200+ year history, is currently being ripped to pieces and ignored, all in the name of "COVID," which we now know is a Plandemic being used by the Globalists to establish their New World Order. Consider the following commands inflicted on the American public which are UNCONSTITUTIONAL and illegal because none of them are based on any current laws: Requiring everyone to wear a face mask. Social distancing. Quarantining HEALTHY people. Being forced to have your temperature taken. Tracking people's movements and personal dealings. Shutting down businesses and putting people out of work. Refusing the public to obtain FDA approved medicines and requiring them to use fast-tracked new ones instead. Preventing children from going to school. Forbidding churches and other religious institutions from worshiping and singing. The only reason these commands have been obeyed, is because people chose to obey them, even though they have ZERO legal basis. What is coming next? Following the path we are on, this is what you can expect next: Random search and seizures in people's homes by armed government thugs. Forced medical procedures, including vaccines, and confiscation of any alternative treatments that actually work. Children being removed from their homes and taken away from their parents if they, or their parents, test positive for COVID, or refuse to be tested, or refuse the COVID vaccine, etc. Random killing by armed government thugs without a trial to those deemed "dangerous" to society. Social credit scores and a cashless society where the government decides which foods you are allowed to buy, how much toilet paper you are allowed to buy, where you are allowed to live, whether or not you are allowed to travel outside your location, what kind of car you are allowed to drive, etc. If you think this is an exaggeration, then you are still asleep, because we are already well down this path, and the masses have offered little to no resistance. The criminals and mass murderers have taken over the country, and it would seem most of the American public still does not grasp this yet, even as millions take to the streets to protest in Europe.

Natural Cures for COVID being Censored as BILLIONS of Dollars are Spent on Vaccines and Drugs

In the media coverage surrounding COVID-19, why are we hearing nothing about what each individual can do FOR THEMSELVES nutritionally in an effort to build their immune competency to resist and overcome infection? Why is the narrative all about how the pharmaceutical industry is going to “SAVE” us? Could it have something to do with the fact that the pharma-controlled media wants to convince us that we must spend billions of dollars and wait for big pharma to come to the rescue with new, expensive, proprietary and patented anti-viral drugs and a magical vaccine to rescue us from COVID-19 therefore “allowing” us to return to normal life? I’m not even saying that it’s only nutritional options and natural alternatives that are being shunned. Even inexpensive, easy to access drugs like Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin with zinc are being played down, despite studies from around the world showing it’s efficacy.  And, with a history of use for over 60 years in millions of people, it has proven to have an excellent safety record as compared to many other pharmaceutical drugs. A course of treatment is under $30 compared to Remdesivir, which costs more than $3,000. You can be sure that the antiviral drugs being developed for COVID-19 will probably exceed that cost. Let’s be honest; inexpensive, safe drugs or natural alternatives like herbal or nutritional compounds won’t provide pharma with the big payday they are banking on from COVID-19.

More Doctors Speak Out on Censorship and Mass Murderer Anthony Fauci’s False Information Regarding Hydroxychloroquine

As mass murder Dr. Anthony Fauci continues to appear in the corporate media to attack the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), which thousands of doctors have now said can completely cure COVID, more doctors are coming forward to expose his lies. Fauci publicly attacked a recent positive study about HCQ published by the Henry Ford Health System, prompting two of the leading doctors of the study, doctors Adnan Munkarah and Steven Kalkanis, to publish an "Open Letter" refuting the lies of the mass murderer, Anthony Fauci. Dr. Munkarah works as the chief clinical officer of the Henry Ford Health System, and Dr. Kalkanis works as the chief academic officer. Fauci's main complaint about their study is that it was not a "double-blind, randomized clinical trial," which is considered the "Gold Standard." This is an interesting criticism, since almost all of the current new medical products being fast-tracked by the FDA to treat COVID, are also not "double-blind, randomized clinical trials." This is especially true for the COVID vaccine drug trials, which do not even use a true placebo, but instead usually use another vaccine known for serious side effects, to make the new COVID vaccine appear to be more safe. Another doctor who has spoken out in an article published today (August 4, 2020) is French Dr. Pascal Sacré. The title of his article is: COVID-19: We have a Treatment: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). We do Not Need a Vaccine! Texas doctors Dr. Kevin R. Wheelan, chief of cardiology at Baylor Heart and Vascular Hospital in Dallas and Dr. Peter McCullough, a clinical cardiologist and professor at the Texas A&M School of Medicine, have also made public comments and sent a letter to the FDA a few days ago. This is just a sampling of the doctors who are coming forward and speaking out, but don't expect the national corporate media to give them any coverage, and don't expect to find out anything about these doctors if you do a Google Search, as Google and the rest of Big Tech are accomplices to mass murder along with the big corporate media outlets, such as CNN, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, and also Fox News. Because English is now the common language among the educated around the world, hundreds of thousands of readers from India and Africa have also been coming to Health Impact News to learn the truth about HCQ during the past few days. The question now is will Americans wake up in time to free themselves of this medical tyranny, or just mostly continue to willingly comply with their own destruction?

Mass Murderer Dr. Deborah Birx Continues the False Hydroxychloroquine Scam that has Caused MILLIONS of Deaths

Having failed to censor the Frontline Doctors' press conferences and Summit in Washington D.C. last week, where doctors went directly to the American people to explain that they were healing 100% of their patients diagnosed with COVID with hydroxychloroquine, a safe drug that has been approved by the FDA and has been in the marketplace for over 60 years, the Trump Administration sent Dr. Deborah Birx to appear on Fox News to continue promoting the scam, and encouraging people instead to use the new drug, Remdesivir, instead of hydroxychloroquine. Appearing from the White House, and with the Fox News broadcasters giving her free reign without any challenging questions about the thousands of studies already conducted on hydroxychloroquine over the years, as Birx continues to claim "science" did not support the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine according to their own studies. The Fox News reporters, obviously working from a script and not doing any "investigative reporting" what-so-ever, did not even address the fact that the studies "proving" hydroxychloroquine did not work against COVID were completely fabricated, and withdrawn from two of the most prestigious medical journals currently in print. Deborah Birx, you are GUILTY of MASS MURDER! Birx has been part of the Bill Gates organization for decades, and the blood that has stained the hands of these criminals is crying out for justice.

Hydroxychloroquine Scandal Spurs Hundreds of Thousands to Protest in Europe, While Americans Mostly Just Comply

Berlin, Germany, used to be the most famous city in the world representing tyrannical rule, as for decades after World War II the city was divided between "west" and "east" with a wall and guards preventing people from going from one side of the city to the other. During this "Cold War" period between Russia and the U.S., Americans were taught that the "west" side of Berlin stood for "freedom," while the "east" side represented tyrannical communist rule. This past weekend, (first weekend of August 2020), citizens of what was once Nazi Germany led the world by turning out in the tens of thousands to protest against the tyranny of the COVID response by government, and the citizens united to proclaim they wanted "freedom," and that they did not believe the Government's version of COVID that has led to these massive loss of freedoms around the world. And they were not alone. Demonstrations happened all over Europe, with some estimates that the total number this past weekend was around 1 million in number. In Berlin alone, estimates ranged from 15,000 to 20,000 who turned out to demand their freedoms back. Some commentators in the Alternative Media are claiming that the Frontline Doctors press conferences from the week before, which were censored by the corporate media and Big Tech, but spread like wildfire anyway in spite of the attempts at censorship, were largely responsible for these turnouts. Comments recorded in the media in Europe from some of the protesters seem to confirm this, as the comments echoed the same message that was communicated during the Frontline Doctors Summit in Washington D.C. last week, that there were thousands of doctors who disagreed with the Government "health authorities" and that their voices are being suppressed for evil purposes. Knowing that there has been a 100% successful cure available for COVID since the beginning of the Plandemic is apparently waking up some people, at least in Europe, as a common chant in Germany was "Masks make us slaves."

Terrorists Used to be the Masked Ones – Today They do Talk Shows on TV Unmasked While Citizens are Masked

So who are the real terrorists today? They are those that seek to gain total power and control over all of us, and they are called the State. Politically speaking, the use of terrorism is a mighty weapon because it instills much fear into the hearts of man, and fear can drive the masses into panic and hiding, leaving the door open to tyranny. The ruling class fully understands this concept, and uses it as a psychological tool to control the people, and by doing so the terroristic state claims to be our protector and savior instead of our aggressor. Only a system controlled by psychopaths would use such a strategy. Do not mistake anything about what is going on today, and do not underestimate the sinister aspect of this long planned and purposely-manufactured false pandemic. This is an act of terror that has been created for the purpose of spreading fear in order to gain more power and complete control over the world population. This is not only state sponsored terrorism, but is an active terroristic plot being accomplished by the state itself. The difference this time is that it is not cloaked in mystery or secrecy, there is no threat of bombs, and no group is claiming responsibility for this attack on humanity. It is terror by stealth alone, as this new claimed killer of the innocent is said to be a virus that has never even been properly or scientifically isolated or identified. No shot had to be fired in order to panic the masses, and all that was needed was a lie that could be easily sold to a population of pathetic brainwashed sheep awaiting their own slaughter.