Frontline Doctor Stella: “I should let people die because I’m scared of Anthony Fauci? I should let people die because I’m scared of the WHO? I’m not scared of any of them. I’m not going to let people die.”

Dr. Stella Immanuel, one of the Frontline Doctors that appeared in Washington D.C. last week where their press conference, and Dr. Immanuel's testimony that "Nobody needs to die from COVID" with her example of treating 350 patients with COVID and ZERO fatalities, went viral with over 20 million views, before Big Tech censored the doctors and scrubbed all of their videos from the Internet, was interviewed in her home city, Houston, on Saturday by You can watch the final edited version where local Houston media obviously felt compelled to give Dr. Anthony Fauci and the WHO's opinion on that matter. But has done everyone a favor by also publishing the entire interview with no edits as well. In line with the "Fair Use" doctrine and given how quickly these videos disappear, Health Impact News has also grabbed a copy and published it on our Bitchute channel. It is clear from the reporter's questions and comments that he is trying to trap Dr. Immanuel, but she quickly and forcefully responded to every question and criticism that was put to her, and put the tyrannical medical authorities and the complicit corporate media on the defense instead. "Ask Dr. Anthony Fauci, when was the last time he saw a patient? When is the last time he put a stethoscope on a patient? And I’m willing to ask him that. I’m still waiting for him to come and give me a pee sample to find out if whether he’s on hydroxychloroquine to treat himself. Let TMB (Texas Medical Board) come after me. I should let people die because I’m scared of TMB? Or I should let people die because I’m scared of Anthony Fauci? I should let people die because I’m scared of the WHO? I’m not scared of any of them. I’m not going to let people die! And if they come after me, it’s going to be on! I’m not going to let people die."

As Unemployment Benefits End Today Trump Administration Gives Another $2.1 BILLION from Taxpayer Funds to Big Pharma for COVID Vaccines

On the day unemployment benefits for Americans are ending (July 31, 2020), it was announced that the Trump administration has just given another $2.1 BILLION to Big Pharma for COVID vaccines, and this time the two recipients of this massive amount of U.S. taxpayer funds are companies outside the U.S., France based Sanofi, and UK based GSK. This now brings the total amount of taxpayer funds given to Big Pharma for future COVID vaccines to around $7 BILLION. No other country even comes close to this number for vaccine development, and the amount is only eclipsed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has given more than $18 BILLION to the World Health Organization for COVID vaccines. President Trump has said from the beginning of the "Warp Speed" COVID vaccine program that the U.S. military would be utilized to distribute the vaccines. This week, Politico ran a story titled: Vaccine distribution will be ‘joint venture’ between CDC and Pentagon.

FAIL: The Exact Same COVID Test will Produce Different Results Depending on the Laboratory

In previous articles, I’ve detailed several key reasons why the PCR test is worthless and deceptive. Here I discuss yet another reason: the uniformity of the test has never been properly validated. Different labs come up with different results. In essence, the pipeline of information from actually reliable sources, to the government, and then to the public, is narrowed, and guarded against unwelcome intrusions of TRUTH. In the case of the PCR test, that’s what is happening.

America is Led by Murderers – What Can Citizens Do?

There is overwhelming evidence that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, is guilty of mass murder. Earning huge profits from the pharmaceutical industry, he has been the main leader in the United States controlling the Coronavirus response, which has included squelching public information about hydroxychloroquine, a safe FDA-approved drug which has been in the market for decades, and which thousands of doctors are now saying has a 100% cure rate for patients diagnosed with COVID-19. This action alone has led to tens of thousands of needless deaths, as well as billions of taxpayer dollars spent on "new" cures for COVID-19, such as the very profitable Remdesivir, and the upcoming COVID vaccines. He seems to wield more power and influence than even the President of the United States. So is there no way to stop him or bring him to justice?

Newsweek: “Tens of Thousands of Patients with COVID-19 are Dying Unnecessarily” – by Dr. Harvey A. Risch

While not a "news" story, but an "opinion" piece, it is still rare to see a corporate media outlet like Newsweek publish the truth about hydroxychloroquine. Since this was written the week before the Frontline Doctors descended upon Washington D.C. to educate the public on how they were curing ALL of their COVID patients with hydroxychloroquine, we are republishing the entire editorial by Dr. Harvey A. Risch before it disappears. The Key to Defeating COVID-19 Already Exists. We Need to Start Using It - by Harvey A. Risch, MD, PhD , Professor of Epidemiology, Yale School of Public Health, As professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, I have authored over 300 peer-reviewed publications and currently hold senior positions on the editorial boards of several leading journals. I am usually accustomed to advocating for positions within the mainstream of medicine, so have been flummoxed to find that, in the midst of a crisis, I am fighting for a treatment that the data fully support but which, for reasons having nothing to do with a correct understanding of the science, has been pushed to the sidelines. As a result, tens of thousands of patients with COVID-19 are dying unnecessarily. Fortunately, the situation can be reversed easily and quickly.

CENSORSHIP: CDC Takes Over Frontline Doctors’ Website and Replaces Content with Their Own Data

As we have been reporting this week, a group of doctors who have been on the front lines treating COVID patients, successfully, descended upon Washington D.C. this week to conduct press conferences and a 2-day "White Coat Summit" to share their experiences in treating, and curing, their COVID patients. They claim that they represent "thousands" of doctors who have been censored. Their first press conference was sparsely attended by the Washington D.C. media, and the only media company that filmed it and shared it online, Breitbart News, was immediately censored, and the video was quickly deleted from Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. But the video of that press conference has been preserved, and has now been viewed by over 20 million people. The next day, the Frontline Doctors' website, which used to be at, was removed by the company that was hosting it. Two days ago, the same day as the first press conference, someone bought the domain, which now displays the CDC's official website about COVID-19. The reason why the U.S. Government and their "health" agencies, as well as Big Tech, are censoring this information is very simple: cures to diseases are not profitable. Millions of Americans are out of work, tens of thousands of small businesses have closed, and the largest transfer of wealth in the history of the United States has occurred during the past few months, allocating close to 2 TRILLION dollars to Big Pharma, most of it for COVID vaccines. And all of this is a CRIMINAL ACT against the American people, if what these Frontline Doctors say is true, which is that there is a simple cure for COVID, and that "nobody has to die" from it. When you understand what is truly happening in America and around the world today, then it is very easy to understand why Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the U.S. Government, all of whom will profit from COVID vaccines and interventions, while at the same time putting into place massive surveillance systems to take away our freedoms, would want to silence this group of doctors who simply want to stop their patients from dying due to the COVID fear. Let's start calling this what it really is. This is MASS MURDER, with crimes against humanity being committed which should be prosecuted as TREASON.

Frontline Doctors on Censorship: We’re Coming After You Big Tech – We will Not be Silenced!

Less than 24 hours after the Frontline Doctors first press conference in Washington D.C. was censored and removed from Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, and after having their own website knocked offline in an attempt to silence them, the doctors were back in front of the steps of the Supreme Court building today (Tuesday, July 28, 2020) for their second press conference, at great risk to their lives, their families, and their jobs, as they remained determined to bring the truth directly to the American people that a cure for COVID exists, and that the public does not need to cower in fear anymore. While the corporate media continues to blacklist the group of doctors and refuses to cover their press conferences, some hecklers showed up to try and drown out the speakers. The fact that these doctors are seeing a 100% cure rate for COVID patients is a message Big Pharma, Big Tech, and their political leaders do not want the public to hear. Because it would mean that their drugs and their coming vaccines are worthless and unnecessary. They do not want healthy Americans. They want sick Americans cowering in fear so they can control us for their own purposes. Dr. Richard Erso was one of the doctors who spoke today and he said: "We cannot let our patients die without treatment. And that's the major thing that's happened. We've been told to hide in our houses, wear a mask, and wait for a vaccine. That's not a strategy. We have a strategy. Hydroxychloroquine works. Withholding it from patients is shameful."

“Nobody Needs to Die” – Frontline Doctors Storm D.C. Claiming “Thousands of Doctors” are Being Silenced on Facts and Treatments for COVID

America's Frontline Doctors stormed into Washington D.C. today to host their first annual White Coat Summit on Capitol Hill to combat the misinformation and propaganda on COVID being fed to the American people through the corporate media, while successful treatments against COVID are being censored by Big Tech. They held a brief press conference first that was sparsely attended, and where impassioned doctors, all of whom deal directly with COVID patients, claimed that the American people were being deceived, and that "nobody needs to die" from COVID, because all them are successfully treating COVID patients with effective cures that are being censored for political reasons. One of the speakers at the press conference today was Dr. Emmanuel from Houston, Texas. She stated that she studied medicine in Nigeria where she used Hydroxychloroquine for malaria patients, and is therefore very experienced with this medication, and that she has now treated over 350 COVID patients in Texas with Hydroxychloroquine, and none of them have died. "I'm here because I have personally treated over 350 patients with COVID. Patients that have diabetes, patients that have high blood pressure, patients that have asthma, all people. My oldest patient is 92. The result has been the same. I put them on Hydroxychloroquine, I put them on zinc, I put them on Zithromax, and they are all well. For the past few months I have taken care of over 350 patients with not one lost one. Not a diabetic, not somebody with high blood pressure, not somebody with asthma, not an old person. We've not lost one patient! And, on top of that, I've put myself, my staff, and many doctors that I know, on Hydroxychloroquine, for prevention. None of us have gotten sick. I came here to Washington D.C. to tell America, nobody needs to die! I'm upset! Why am I upset? Because I see people who cannot breathe. I see parents walk in, I see diabetics sitting in my office, knowing (thinking) that this is a death sentence! And they can't breathe! And I help them, and I tell them it's going to be OK. You're going to live. And we treat them, and they live. None have died!" When are you going to wake up, America, and realize that you are fearing the wrong thing! You do not need to fear COVID, you need to fear our political medical leaders who are complicit with MURDER!!

CENSORSHIP: Is Big Tech Planning to Delete All Accounts Questioning Vaccines Before The COVID Vaccine Release?

As material from dystopian novels such as 1984 begins to become a reality, we are witnessing the accelerated rollout of an agenda, which is leading towards a predetermined future. In this interview Spiro is joined by Richie Allen, a journalist, producer and the host of the Richie Allen Radio Show. In this interview, Richie Allen shares information regarding contacts who he has been in touch with currently working for Google. According to the unnamed source or sources, Google, Facebook and Twitter are coordinating with each other to carry out a multi-platform purge of accounts that question vaccine safety. The potential purge is said to coincide with the rollout of the new, experimental COVID-19 vaccine.

Corporate Media and Big Tech Trying to Stop Judy Mikovits Interview Exposing Dr. Fauci from Airing this Weekend

The national corporate media giants like CNN, along with Big Tech, are trying hard to censor a video produced by America this Week with Eric Bolling and distributed to local media sources via the Sinclair Broadcast Group. The video is an interview with whistle-blower Dr. Judy Mikovits and her attorney, Larry Klaman, where Dr. Mikovits is claiming that Dr. Fauci was manufacturing coronaviruses in monkey cell lines at Ft. Detrick in the U.S., a biosafety level 4 facility, and shipping them to Wuhan, China. CNN may have unwittingly drawn more attention to the show than it would have otherwise received by publishing an article condemning the host, Eric Bolling, who used to work for Fox News, and also slandering both Larry Klaman and Dr. Mikovits in an effort to discredit them. The text used by CNN was picked up by almost every other national corporate media organization by Friday, July 24, 2020. One of the sources who also condemned the interview is an organization called "Media Matters" who also embedded the video of the interview, which has now been deleted from Facebook, as well as local affiliate WJLA ABC 7, where the video was originally published. We have embedded the video below. (If it disappears, let us know.)