Michigan Doctor Raided by FBI and Arrested for Treating COVID19 Patients with Vitamin C

As we have previously reported here at Health Impact News, doctors all across the world have seen great success in treating COVID-19 patients with high-dose intravenous Vitamin C therapy. When we first reported on doctors doing this in China just after the Wuhan outbreak, Facebook tagged us as "Fake News" and took away our ability to advertise and boost any of our articles. Since that time, we have reported on how many doctors and hospitals here in the U.S. have also successfully used the treatment. Now, a doctor in Michigan has actually had his clinic raided by the FBI and arrested being accused of "committing health care fraud and conspiracy to commit health care fraud" because he treated his patients with Vitamin C.

Crisis in America: Hospitals Across the Country Begin to Close due to Lack of Patients – Nurses and Doctors being Laid Off

The so-called Coronavirus pandemic "crisis" is very quickly taking a back seat to more serious crises in the U.S. right now, and perhaps none more critical than the closure of hospitals and emergency rooms, along with doctors and nurses being laid off, which is happening all across the country. During the early stages of the Coronavirus outbreak, the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media flooded the airways with images of over-crowded hospitals, supposed corpses being carried out in body bags, and other gruesome details that brought fear to the public. Soon, however, citizens around the country began going to these hospitals to see first hand these horrible images, and they began to film and share on social media what they were seeing: hospitals and emergency rooms either empty or less crowded than usual. Fast forward to today, at the end of April, and now not even the corporate media can deny that hospitals are suffering due to a lack of patients, as most states have shut down "non-essential" medical services to concentrate on treating COVID-19 patients. Add to that the federal stimulus funds being directed to COVID-19 treatments, hospitals are obviously going to concentrate on COVID-19 treatments first, and as we have previously reported, many medical personnel are now coming forward to expose how pretty much every patient coming through the doors of hospitals are assumed to be COVID-19 patients whether they are tested or not. As a result, whether intended or not, many hospitals are suffering financially, facing closure, and beginning to lay off their medical staffs, because other than perhaps New York City, there just are not enough COVID-19 patients to keep everyone employed. Therefore, if you are suffering from something other than COVID-19 that needs emergency room or hospital services, such as cancer, hypertension, or any other non-respiratory illness, you risk not being able to get treatment. So what can you do? You have to pretty much lie and tell the doctors or nurses that you suspect you might be infected with COVID-19. That gives you a free ticket, all expenses paid, access to hospital services. Welcome to the new government-run healthcare system. What President Obama tried to do for 8 years with his "Obamacare" to have government take over healthcare, and was only partially successful, has now happened almost overnight because of the fear driven by the Coronavirus "pandemic."

FBI Targeting “Anti-Vaxxers” for Causing COVID Pandemic Allegedly Backed by Russia

Since a 1986 law was passed prohibiting citizens of the United States from suing pharmaceutical companies for damages caused by vaccines, the U.S. Government, through its special "Vaccine Court," has quietly paid out BILLIONS of dollars in damages to families who have suffered injuries and death due to vaccines. Here at Health Impact News we publish the required quarterly reports provided by the Department of Justice on these settlements, and we are, as far as I know, the only ones who publish these reports. This law was passed due to the fact that too many lawsuits were being filed against pharmaceutical companies for vaccine injuries and deaths, and so the industry approached the U.S. Congress and threatened to stop making vaccines if they were not given legal immunity from these lawsuits. Congress obliged, and President Ronald Reagan signed into law the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Today, if you or any of your children are injured or killed by vaccines, you must sue the U.S. Government and go up against their top attorneys to try and get compensation. I do not believe I am exaggerating when I say there are millions of families across this nation with vaccine-damaged children. These parents were formerly pro-vaccine, and after watching their children suffer from the effects of vaccines, they are now ridiculed and ostracized by the corporate media as "anti-vaxxers." With so many families suffering from the devastating effects of vaccines, you can imagine that the parents cross over into all sectors of our society, and can be found among medical doctors, attorneys, politicians, scientists and every other sector in our society. We have published scores of articles by many of them, particularly doctors and scientists who don't follow the Big Pharma and corporate media narrative on vaccines, and as such are usually labeled "quacks." They all share a common bond, as they are labeled "anti-vaxxers" and are blamed for everything from bringing back childhood diseases, to causing "epidemics" like measles outbreaks. And now, they are being blamed for causing the COVID-19 pandemic, which allegedly was backed by Russia, according to an organization that allegedly works with the FBI. Is this the last step in their goal of mandating vaccines for every single adult and child who lives on Planet Earth?

Teenage Girl Who Had Her Life Destroyed by HPV Vaccine Writes to School Head who Takes Her Side – Stands for Right to Refuse Vaccine

We would like to thank Chloe and Lisa for granting us permission to publish their story. This account should help people remember that every major improvement in the human condition began with a single voice. Hopefully, it will be circulated widely to encourage all those who believe their voice will not be heard. A teenaged girl from Hertfordshire in the United Kingdom sent the following letter to the headmaster of her school after seeing a huge poster promoting the use of HPV vaccines in her school. Chloe had been suffering a multitude of new medical conditions after taking the full series of HPV vaccines, nearly three years. She viewed the poster, not only as a personal insult, but one that could put her classmates at risk of having an experience similar to hers. Think about it: How many times have you been confronted with an issue that seemed too big for you to tackle? How many times have you said to yourself, “I am only one person, what can I do?” How many times have you remained silent when you felt compelled to speak? Much to her credit, Chloe did not stand idly by. She took action. By doing so, Chloe proved to the world that one single voice can make a huge difference. Not only did her headmaster listen, he responded with compassion and concern for Chloe as well as her fellow students. Chloe’s headmaster response shows that when openly communicated with, there are people who listen and respond appropriately. The headmaster took down the poster, and even assured students that if they did not want the vaccine, they would not be forced to get it at school, even if their parents consented. This story proves the only voice not heard is the one that is silent.

Front Line Medical Workers Speak Out on COVID19 Treatments: “Patients are Left to Rot and Die – This is Murder”

Medical personnel working on the front lines of the COVID-19 response are increasingly speaking out about what they are seeing and experiencing, which they claim is a completely different narrative from what the corporate-sponsored media is portraying. Many of them fear to reveal their identity or location, because there are claims that those who speak out are losing their jobs. This presents a dilemma for truth seekers, as in those situations one has to take what is being said at face-value, and make a judgment call as to whether or not what is being claimed is true or not, without being able to directly verify the reports. There are, however, some doctors who have identified themselves, and we have covered some of these doctors, and will review their claims again at the end of this article. They have reportedly received ridicule and attacks as a result of going public with their information. To add to the problem of trying to access and understand this information, social media tech giants Facebook and Google (via YouTube) have publicly stated that they are actively removing content that they deem "fake news" and that generally does not fit the narrative that the corporate media wants to spin. This past weekend, a woman who is identified as "Sara P." and claims to be a "licensed and certified" nurse, posted a video on Facebook where she claims that she is speaking out for a friend of hers who is a nurse that traveled to New York to work on the front lines of COVID-19 treatment, and was appalled by what she saw, and therefore wanted to expose what she was seeing to the rest of the country, but she feared identifying herself or the place where she was working. She encouraged everyone to share the video so that it would go "viral." Her Facebook account has since been apparently deleted, but there are still copies of her video on YouTube. We present one of those here. Another video that recently was published on YouTube is from a respiratory therapist. This man recorded his testimony while wearing a mask, and did not reveal his identity or location. He too talks about the problem with ventilators. However, the hospital where he works apparently saw his video and pressured him to take it down. Some copies remain online, and the copy we are publishing below has received over 173,000 views since April 19th.

Harvard Law Professor Calls for Ban on Homeschooling While Everyone is Forced to do it

Harvard Family Law Professor Elizabeth Bartholet is at it again. At a time when schools all across the nation are closed, with many parents of school-aged children also out of work and families confined to their homes during a nationwide lock down that is undoubtedly causing much stress, and forcing families to homeschool even if they have never done it before, Elizabeth Bartholet has come out publicly and called for a ban on homeschooling. Her comments were published in the Arizona Law Review. Bartholet believes children are best educated in schools, where teachers are "mandated reporters" and can report suspected child abuse to local Child Protective Services (CPS). Bartholet's disdain for religious teaching, especially conservative Christian teaching, is also very obvious. Ironically, these same "conservative Christian" groups that she attacks have actually invited her to some of their conferences in the past. She was one of the main speakers at the 2014 Together for Adoption Conference in Greenville, South Carolina, for example. The theme of the 2014 conference was "Urgency & Complexity: Biblical & Ethical Approaches to the Orphan Crisis," and it was sponsored by such well-known groups as Focus on the Family and Lifeline Children's Services. This highlights a problem that I believe I have been the only one to address so far: the double standard Christian churches and organizations have when they object to someone like Bartholet's views on homeschooling and her dim views of conservative Christians, but her views are fair game if it involves Christians taking other people's children through adoption or foster care, all in the name of "Orphan Care," where they conveniently redefine the meaning of "orphan" to justify their own child trafficking. I get scathing responses from Christians every time I bring up this topic, but the fact remains that while teachers in public schools are one of the primary means of removing children from their parents into the custody of the State through CPS and then put into foster care, foster care could not survive today without the Christian Churches and organizations that make up the bulk of the agencies overseeing foster care. It is not surprising that Bartholet's views on banning homeschooling were published in the Arizona Law Review, as Arizona has one of the worst records of medical kidnapping and abusing parental rights of any other state in the U.S., and they have been caught licensing pedophiles as foster parents as part of the nation-wide epidemic of child sex trafficking.

California ER Physicians: Sheltering in Place Does More Harm than Good – Lowers Our Immune System

Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi of Accelerated Urgent Care in Kern County, California refuse to wear masks outside. They say the longer people stay inside, the more their immune system drops. Local NBC News affiliate KGET in Bakersfield interviewed the two doctors this week (April 2020), and the video of the interview was posted on their Facebook Page where it has already been viewed by almost 3 million people at the time of this publication. Will Facebook remove it, since these doctors disagree with other health authorities? We are publishing the YouTube version in this article, although Google is also censoring views like this on YouTube, so it will be interesting to see if they censor something a corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media source has published at the local affiliate in Bakersfield, California. The doctors are reportedly the owners of the largest testing site in Kern County, Califorina. They've tested over 5000 people already for COVID-19. "We both have had extensive classes in microbiology and biochemistry and immunology. We've studied this for each of us 20 years. And we take everything that we're seeing today, and put that against that back drop and say: Does this make sense? Are we following the science? We keep hearing 'following the science.' What is the science essentially? It's the study of the natural world for experiment through observation. So that's what we're doing. We're studying the disease around us, or making observations. Typically you quarantine the sick. We've never seen where we quarantine the healthy, where you take those without disease, and without symptoms, and lock them in (their) home. If you have no symptoms, you should be able to return to work. As I shelter in place, my immune system drops. You keep me there for months, it drops more. The secondary effects, the child abuse, alcoholism, loss of revenue - all of these are, in our opinion, significantly more detrimental thing to society than a virus that has proven similar in nature to the seasonal flu that we have every year."

Roche CEO: COVID19 Tests “Not Worth Anything – Two of us could do it Overnight in the Garage”

Since the Coronavirus outbreak has started, one of the most controversial topics has surrounded testing. How does one know if they have the COVID-19 virus? And if someone is sick, or someone dies, is testing "positive" for COVID-19 proof that the person died from it? But one aspect that is seldom talked about is the accuracy of the tests themselves. When one watches the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media news, they all seem to just assume that these tests are always accurate, and therefore the numbers they publish in terms of those affected or those who die are assumed to be accurate. This week (April 2020), the CEO of the drug company Roche, Severin Schwan, was quoted in a Reuters' news article as saying that new antibody tests for COVID-19 were "a disaster." Fierce Biotech, one of the trade publications for the pharmaceutical industry, published an article on Schwan's comments. The current state of antibody testing for COVID-19 is “a disaster,” said Roche CEO Severin Schwan, as a large number of potentially inaccurate tests enter the market fueled by sky-high demand. Many countries are seeking serology tests to better understand whether people are developing a possible immunity to the novel coronavirus. But reports detailing high rates of false-positive and false-negative results are delaying widespread screening. “These tests are not worth anything, or have very little use,” Schwan said during an early Wednesday conference call regarding the company’s first-quarter earnings, according to Reuters. “Some of these companies, I tell you, this is ethically very questionable to get out with this stuff,” he said, adding that Roche analyzed several products currently on the market and found them to be unreliable. “Every kind of amateur could produce an antibody test,” he said. “The two of us could do it overnight in the garage.” Roche is currently developing its own antibody test, set to launch in early May. Once again, the infighting among pharmaceutical companies to cash in on massive funding for coronavirus products, gives us a glimpse into what is actually happening, if one is willing to turn off their TV long enough to search other sources of information. There is massive money being spent on COVID-19 testing, and these "antibody" tests are the next new round of products Big Pharma wants to cash in on. Antibody testing allows one to theoretically see who may have had the Coronavirus but have now recovered from illness caused by COVID-19, where a person's own immune system has developed antibodies to fight against it. Such knowledge is key to developing new drugs, including vaccines. But it is also a double-edged sword for the pharmaceutical industry, because if many people test positive for antibodies with no apparent illness or actual COVID-19 virus present, then it could drastically reduce the death rates that have been reported, and also lower the cost-to-risk ratio for pharmaceutical companies to develop these products if the general public is developing antibodies without the help of pharmaceutical products. That is exactly what is apparently happening in New York, where the public has been told that the death rate from COVID-19 in New York has been around 7.4%. But Governor Cuomo has just released results from the State's first round of antibody testing, and he is reporting that based on these results, the actual death rate is much lower, less than 1%.

Big Pharma: COVID19 Vaccine by this Fall Not Happening – Mandatory Flu Shots Instead?

With BILLIONS of dollars in revenue at stake for pharmaceutical companies to develop products to "cure" the COVID-19 virus, we are seeing plenty of infighting among drug companies as they rush to get products to market. This infighting among pharmaceutical companies gives the public an insight into what is really going on, if one turns off their TV long enough to search other news sources. As public health officials and politicians tout the benefits of a COVID-19 vaccine that many are saying could be ready as early as the Fall of 2020, experts within the pharmaceutical industry are saying that there is no possible way for this to happen, and that since it would be an entirely new class of vaccines, it could take up to 5 years or longer. In spite of this, many politicians, including some state governors, are stating that they will not completely re-open their states until a vaccine is developed, with the implication that the vaccine will be required to "return to normal" activities. In yesterday's White House Coronavirus Task Force press conference (April 22, 2020), there was a noticeable switch from promoting a yet-to-be-developed COVID-19 vaccine to instead promoting the flu vaccine for this coming Fall, perhaps signifying that the leading health authorities are coming to grips with the fact that there will be no COVID-19 vaccine anytime soon, as they called upon the public to keep complying with public health measures this Fall once we reach flu season, such as continuing to practice personal hygiene and social distancing, but to now add to that "getting your flu shot."

TAIWAN: No Lockdowns, No Closed Businesses, Non-WHO Member, and Relatively Unaffected by COVID-19

Johns Hopkins University had predicted that Taiwan would have the second most COVID-19 cases in the world, due to its close proximity to Mainland China. But astonishingly, in spite of being only 80 miles from the coast of China with over 400,000 of its 24 million citizens working in China, as of mid-April, the country only had 400 cases of COVID-19, and only 6 deaths. And the vast majority of their 400 cases came into the country from abroad. All of this has happened without shutting down the country with lock downs, and with almost all of its businesses continuing to operate. Is Taiwan doing something else the rest of the world is largely missing? This question will no doubt be asked for months or even years into the future, but it is a question well worth asking, given the devastating effects to the economy that have resulted from more restrictive measures such as the United States took. The first thing to note is that while President Trump is now looking seriously at pulling out of the World Health Organization, Taiwan was never part of it. They were not allowed to join due to the WHO's pro-China stance. According to the Taipei Times, Taiwan's CDC tried to warn China and WHO on December 31, 2019 about possible human-to-human transmission of the new coronavirus, while China was still denying that such transmission was possible. That same day, Taiwan started policies to monitor travel from China to reduce the chance of having the coronvirus come into their country. They were one of the first countries to restrict travel from China at their borders.