Will American Christians Help Usher in the New World Order, or Resist It?

To answer the question posed in the title of this article: Will American Christians help usher in the New World Order, or resist it? - the most obvious answer based on recent history, is that there is no reason to believe that the Christian Church in America will resist it, but probably help usher it in. I addressed some of the reasons why in a past article: "Another COVID Small Business Casualty: The American Christian Church." Very few churches defied the lock down orders that were put in place earlier this year over the Coronavirus Plandemic. There were a few exceptions, and one of them in Mississippi paid the price, as an arsonist burned it to the ground as a warning to those who dare to defy the government's orders. In a few cases, pastors were arrested when they tried to keep their churches open. With the country opening back up again in most states, the CDC has issued guidelines for churches and other faith-based organizations, which includes reporting church members who are sick to the local health authorities. A woman who reports that she participated in a recent "White House prayer call for faith leaders" states that Dr. Deborah Birx participated in the call to instruct these "faith leaders" how to conduct business in their places of worship, which allegedly included no singing, shorter sermons, staying home if possible, and encouraging the elderly and immune-compromised to get the COVID vaccine when it comes out. Hearing her response to this in a Facebook Live recording this week, which is now going viral, gives one hope that maybe some Christians are beginning to wake up. She stated that while Dr. Birx was talking, she became outraged, but everyone on the call was muted except for Dr. Birx. Listen to her reaction to Dr. Birx and the CDC guidelines for churches.

COVID Vaccine Will Only be Good for a Short Time – Multiple Shots Will be Needed

Pharmaceutical companies racing to fast-track a COVID vaccine are already warning the public that any vaccine that comes into the market will probably only offer temporary "protection," laying the ground work for a COVID vaccine that will probably be similar to the annual flu vaccine, where a new shot is needed every year. The flu vaccine is already the most dangerous vaccine in the market, comprising the bulk of settlements for injuries and deaths in the U.S. Vaccine Court. FiercePharma, the marketing trade publication for the vaccine industry, quoted AstraZeneca CEO Pascal Soriot from an interview he gave on a Belgian radio station: “We think that it will protect for about a year.” FiercePharma also reports that AstraZeneca expects to have their vaccine ready by October this year. Soriot said that “if all goes well, we will have the results of the clinical trials in August/September,” as quoted by Reuters. “We are manufacturing in parallel,” he added. “We will be ready to deliver from October if all goes well.” Soriot is not the only one saying that multiple shots will be needed for COVID treatment. Dr. Fauci has said the same thing, as Marco Cáceres reports in this article from The Vaccine Reaction.

Virginia Has Provided the Nation with the Template for Mandatory Vaccines: Democracy Sacrificed for Medical Tyranny

Virginia has now provided the nation with a blueprint on how to mandate a COVID vaccine, or any vaccine for that matter, even if the public is 100% against it. Hand over the decision to unelected medical authorities, and let them make the decision, even if it is not supported by the electorate, for the sake of the "greater good." These unelected medical authorities exist in pretty much every community across the United States as members of the local "Board of Health." These "Board of Health" medical authorities have been granted almost unlimited power to dictate medical intervention against the will of the public, and even against the will of elected officials. These tyrannical medical authorities along with their cronies in politics (in Virginia, Governor Ralph Northam, himself a medical doctor, appointed the members of the Board of Health) continue the false narrative that they know what is best for the community, and that opposition to vaccines comes from uninformed parents, completely ignoring the fact that many of these parents are themselves medical doctors, scientists, attorneys and other professionals in the community. If these medical tyrants even acknowledge the fact that these parents represent children damaged or killed by vaccines, their response is similar to what Virginia legislator Dawn Adams, a PhD nurse practitioner, stated publicly: "We have to do the best job we have for the most people [and this] sometimes results in unintended consequences, and that is a tragedy and [an] across-the-board reality in medical care." So what do you say Americans? Are you going to comply with medical tyranny and potentially sacrifice the health, and maybe even the death, of your children on a fast-tracked COVID vaccine for "the greater good"?

Biggest Bailout of Wall Street in U.S. History was Planned Months before the Plandemic Virus Crisis – “Big” Pharma now HUGE Pharma

We have been reporting here at Health Impact News that the worldwide reaction to the Coronavirus has been a very well-planned event that has allowed life as we knew it to change almost overnight, as the New World Order plan is no longer a conspiracy, but something that has been published now for everyone to see. The transfer of wealth from the middle class and small businesses to Wall Street has also been very swift, as three stimulus packages have already been implemented, with the vast majority of new money being produced by the Federal Reserve and the Central Bankers primarily benefiting the pharmaceutical industry, which has a blank check at this point to develop COVID vaccines at "Warp Speed." Project "Warp Speed" is led by General Gustave Perna, and Dr. Moncef Slaoui, the former chairman of GlaxoSmithKline’s vaccines division, who has worked closely with Bill Gates and other Big Pharma leaders, including Google which is also now a pharmaceutical company. And now it is being reported that a Phase Four stimulus package is in the works, where President Trump wants another $2 TRILLION in bailouts (Democrat Nancy Peolsi wants $3 TRILLION) “with the bulk of that focused on bringing home our manufacturing base, starting with pharmaceuticals and medical supplies and equipment.” In an article published by Pam Martens and Russ Martens at "Wall Street on Parade," we learn that not only was the reaction to a "new" virus pre-planned before it happened, so were the economic stimulus packages that have destroyed America's economy, and in fact the world economy, by former central bankers now on the payroll at an investment firm called BlackRock.

Fact-Checking the Facebook “Fact-Checkers”

On May 27, 2020, the paper “Analysis of Health Outcomes of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children: Developmental Delays, Asthma, Ear Infections and Gastrointestinal Disorders”  that I coauthored with Neil Z. Miller was published in the journal SAGE Open Medicine. By June 2, 2020, Facebook “fact-checkers” declared the paper “unsupported” and flagged Children’s Health Defense’s references to the study on the social media platform. Instead of following the link to the peer-reviewed study, Facebook now directed the reader to a critique completed by Healthfeedback.org, an organization that is a part of the World Health Organization’s Vaccine Safety Net with ties to the Gates Foundation. To view the original paper, one would have to bypass the “fact-check” to be directed to the SAGE Open Medicine website. Facebook’s censorship of the paper I coauthored with Neil Miller is pedestrian. Looking beyond the veneer of the write-up of the “fact-checkers,” one sees an attempt to deceive, not educate the reader.  

Google Search is the Greatest Mind Control Brainwashing Tool in the History of Mankind

Operation Mockingbird and other sources have conclusively shown over the years that television media has been the primary way the CIA and other secret intelligence agencies have utilized to shape current cultural thought of the masses. Corporate news organizations and the Hollywood entertainment industries have been doing this for decades, and it is a well-known fact. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the Internet became more popular as more and more of the world's information, news, and data became digitized. Technology began to be developed to search through the massive volumes of data that were being digitized and put on the Internet, and soon the Internet became known as "The Great Equalizer" to combat the propaganda of the corporate giants controlling information flowing through radio and TV. Larry Page and Sergey Brin were students at Stanford University in California during this time, and they developed software code that allowed one to return Internet searches very quickly. Investors were investing heavily into tech companies during that time, and Page and Brin took advantage of that to secure large investors for their new Internet search company, Google. Google was presented to the public as an ethical, altruistic company in their early days. We trusted them as the "great equalizer" to quickly find information to combat the corporate propaganda we knew was being filtered through the "mainstream" corporate propaganda media. They quickly dominated the world in terms of search engine searches, so much so that their name became a verb synonymous with finding unbiased information: "Go Google it." Today, most of the world's online digital data is housed in the vast clouds of Google servers. But what if the controller of data was no longer simply offering up search results based on matching information, but was controlling that information to display search results that they wanted you to see, while suppressing other information they did not want you to see? If that were to happen, we would have a company much more powerful in terms of its ability to manipulate data as propaganda and steer people's thoughts and attitudes far more pervasively than anything the old corporate TV media could ever do. And that is exactly what is happening today, as Google's values are clearly on display by the information they censor, and by displaying what they want you to see, and they have been complicit in spreading the misinformation about the Plandemic, as it is obvious to see that their goals and values align with Big Pharma and the New World Order.

New WHO Guidelines for Face Masks Admit No Known Medical Benefits – Psychological Brain Washing

The World Health Organization released new guidelines for using masks this past week. The document is called: Advice on the use of masks in the context of COVID-19. Some highlights: "The widespread use of masks by healthy people in the community setting is not yet supported by high quality or direct scientific evidence and there are potential benefits and harms to consider...the use of a mask alone is insufficient to provide an adequate level of protection." But you should still keep wearing one for these non-medical reasons: Reduced potential stigmatization of individuals wearing masks to prevent infecting others (source control) or of people caring for COVID-19 patients in non-clinical settings. Making people feel they can play a role in contributing to stopping spread of the virus. Reminding people to be compliant with other measures. The production of non-medical masks may offer a source of income for those able to manufacture masks within their communities. Fabric masks can also be a form of cultural expression, encouraging public acceptance of protection measures in general. So there you go. It is all a big "social experiment" to see if they can get you to voluntarily comply, and has nothing to do with health. They actually admit this now, and do not even deny it. But wait, it gets even better! Doctors now encourage people to wear a mask when having sex! (You can't make this stuff up!!)

As COVID Vaccines Head into Phase 3 Trials Big Pharma Prepares for Increase in Flu Vaccines for Fall

An article published in FiercePharma, a pharmaceutical marketing trade publication, is reporting that the National Institute of Health is preparing to test experimental COVID vaccines entering into phase 3 of development on over 90,000 people this summer. The three drug companies entering phase 3 trials are Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson. Given the recent bad publicity Moderna received from the small sample size tested so far, one has to wonder if the drug companies will be transparent in releasing the results of these trials, both negative and any positive outcomes. Given the fact that the U.S. taxpayers are picking up the tab on these trials, the companies have a legal and moral obligation to be transparent in the results of these trials. Meanwhile, flu vaccine manufacturers are already preparing for this fall's flu season and planning on manufacturing more flu vaccines than they did last year. According to FiercePharma, the manufacturers are looking at "creative ways" of injecting more people, by setting up mobile clinics in parking lots, parks or community centers. I would not be surprised to see them giving them out in churches and other religious institutions as well. In another article published this week by Beth Snyder Bulik in FiercePharma, it is revealed that Big Pharma invests heavily in tracking social media conversations about COVID treatments and other drugs, and also in advertising and using "influencers" to get their message out. There can be no doubt now that Big Tech social media companies work with Big Pharma while suppressing any other natural treatments that would compete with them.

How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health

The Corbett Report has produced a series of videos documenting the career of Bill Gates, and how he came to monopolize world health. The documentary has been viewed by millions already. Transcripts for each video can be found The Corbett Report website. Alternate copies of the videos can also be found at The Corbett Report, in case the YouTube versions disappear. Part One: How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health. Part Two: Bill Gates’ Plan to Vaccinate the World. Part Three: Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid. Part Four: Meet Bill Gates.

How Can the Whole World be Lying? Response to my Mom and Anyone who Cannot Fathom a Houdini Magic Trick Carried out on a Global Scale

“How can the whole world be lying,” my mother innocently asked me when I told her that Covid-19 is the largest human experiment in history and that the mainstream media isn’t giving us the full picture. There was a silent pause followed by “But what about Dr. Fauci?” The following below is dedicated to my mom and anyone who cannot fathom a Houdini magic trick carried out on a global scale, “drifters” who cannot deal with negativity and grasp onto wisps of information without context or substance, and/or those gripped and immobilized by fear. This is also dedicated to those who feel that something is off but were too busy buying toilet paper or washing their hands. My hope is that you are looking for answers based on some inkling that there’s something nefarious happening behind the scenes that violate your civil liberties. While the possibility of an arguably orchestrated “artificial” event is a huge (red) pill to swallow, I request you suspend your beliefs and take a journey with me through time. Never before in history has an outbreak brought a global economy to a screeching halt. The Coronavirus Chronicles aims at helping readers navigate Covid-19, an “infodemic” of epic proportions, defined as an excessive amount of information making it difficult to suss out the truth.