Dr. Brownstein: COVID-19 is Much Less Deadly than the Common Flu

I cannot understand why we are in a police state atmosphere right now. Over 99% of those that contract COVID-19 will recover from it. Folks, I am not minimizing this illness. COVID-19 is something to take seriously. It is highly contagious and spreads quickly. Yes, it causes respiratory failure and death in those most susceptible: the elderly and those with chronic health conditions including diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and lung disorders. We may not even have enough respirators for those who have a serious case. However, there is another side to this story that is not being told. Did you know that COVID-19 is much less deadly than the common flu?

PhD Researcher Judy Mikovits and Expert on Viruses Explains the Coronavirus and Reveals Information You are Not Likely to Hear in the Corporate Media

TV Santa Barbara has published a recent interview with host Bob Lovgren interviewing Dr. Judy Mikovits explaining what the coronavirus is, how it got here, how it can be treated, and other important information you are not likely to hear in the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media. We have featured Dr. Mikovits' work here at Health Impact News many times over the past few years. I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Mikovits a few years ago, just after a 4-year gag order on her had been lifted. Dr. Mikovits' bio is quite impressive, and would rival any of the talking head "experts" currently being featured in the corporate-sponsored media. Judy A. Mikovits, PhD, earned her BA from University of Virginia and PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from George Washington University. In just over twenty years she rose from an entry-level lab technician to become director of the lab of Antiviral Drug Mechanisms at the National Cancer Institute before leaving to direct the Cancer Biology program at EpiGenX Pharmaceuticals in Santa Barbara, California. There in 2006, she became attracted to the plight of patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism. In only five years she developed the first neuroimmune institute from a concept to a reality and is primarily responsible for demonstrating the relationship between immune based inflammation and these diseases. She has published over 50 scientific papers. Dr. Mikovits spoke the truth about the fraudulent use of government research money, the marketing of inaccurate retrovirus tests, Medicare fraud, the contaminated blood supply, and the harm that is associated with vaccines and their schedule of administration. Her research showed how retroviruses are linked to the plague of modern illnesses that are bankrupting the U.S. healthcare system. She was arrested without a warrant and held in jail for 5 days without the opportunity for bail as a fugitive from justice. Her career was destroyed. Please watch this presentation on the coronavirus. If this video becomes too popular, it will most likely disappear from the Internet.

Ozone Treatment: A Real Remedy for the Coronavirus Panic

As I write this, the world is in a state of panic over non-stop news reports and government lock downs across the globe over the spreading COVID-19 disease, caused by a “novel” strain of coronavirus (now termed SARS-CoV-2). Tragically, what the news reports fail to convey is that you have the means to protect yourself and your loved ones with a “novel” treatment one can do at home.

Alliance for Natural Health Special Report: COVID19 – Fearmongering Born out of Uncertainty

Coronavirus 2 or SARS-CoV-2, that causes COVID-19 or just plain old ‘coronavirus’ – call it what you like – has taken the world by storm. Humans in every corner of the globe are coming together to ostensibly minimise human tragedy, suffering and hardship linked to the severe acute respiratory syndrome caused by the new circulating virus. Unwittingly, some of these efforts might actually cause harms they’re intending to prevent. Governments, corporations, transportation companies, schools, the entertainment and sporting sectors – mostly everyone – have accepted that in the absence of a silver, pharmaceutical bullet against this novel viral infective agent, we must accept the cost of the economic impacts caused by our efforts in trying to contain and control transmission. One positive outcome of the outbreak is the sense of cooperation that has been enabled. Citizens, regardless of  geographic borders or background, can contribute, in the words of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), “to protect themselves, to protect others, whether in the home, the community, the healthcare system, the workplace or the transport system.” But have health authorities, governments and corporations got enough information and context to be making the decisions they are making, often on our behalf? What are we not being told that we should be told?

Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine to Skip Animal Testing – Test Directly on Humans

Dr. Rowen: This news should tell the entire story of the EVIL medical paradigm of today. For the sake of vaccination, THEY are skipping accepted medical ethics, and placing human scared volunteers at risk. At the same time, the system castigates those of us who do therapies (proven safe) outside the mainstream. And, while they report on the sensationalism of a vaccine, no mainstream outlet will give a safety-proven and likely effective therapy – oxidation – the time of day. Just today I was told that a seasoned and respected reporter for a major New York paper, who suddenly turned believer in oxidation therapy when a non-healing wound on her foot healed for about 10 USD topical oxidation treatment, was refused her story on ozone therapy for coronavirus by every news outlet. They called it “fringe” science. Yet look at what Pharma’s “real” science has brought us in the past generation – superbugs resistant to all antibiotics, millions addicted to narcotics, children left immune cripples from corrupt vaccine studies, billions wasted on worthless statin drugs, Vioxx (which murdered tens of thousands), children hooked on mind-altering drugs, addictive antidepressants, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. We are being “pharmed” by Pharma for profit. Will the American people ever awaken from their stupor and throw off the tyrannical corporate shackles?

Dr. Brownstein: What to Avoid and What to Take for Coronavirus

Our misery continues! Today, I went to buy my mother toilet paper at 6am and the local grocery store shelves were emptied. Do not fear, as I found it later at a different store. Later today, mom tasked me with finding eggs. That took two different stores as well before I found them!  But, this is a time not to panic.  It is a time to pull together and support each other.   Many are recovering uneventfully–we just don’t hear about it.  I have seen numerous patients over the past month that may have had it.  I couldn’t test them because of a lack of kits, but they all recovered.  Of course some are very sick and dying.  Overall, I believe we will come through this with a death rate similar or slightly higher than the rate for the common flu. But, we will never know the true numbers because of a lack of test kits.  I do not think this crises will persist into the summer months. As we begin to test more patients, we will see the mortality rate decline.  Of course, those are only my predictions we know that viruses can mutate.  This virus is very contagious but it is a flu-like illness for most who get it.  That must be kept in mind. And, eating a healthy diet and maintaining optimal hydration can help dramatically. More about that later. We are in this mess due to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). If the CDC had done their job, COVID-19 would be contained and manageable. But, all is not lost. As I have detailed in other posts, there are many things you can do to improve your immune system and help you avoid COVID-19 problems.

PREP Act Invoked Nationwide for the First Time in U.S. History – Will Martial Law Follow?

What is this “PREP Act” that has entered our vocabulary this past week? Several terms that were foreign to most just a couple of months ago are now becoming mainstream. Social Distancing. Congregate Settings. Sustained Community Transmission. Flatten the Curve. Prep Act. And even proper personal hygiene for some. I have been discussing the need for many to read and understand the complexities and pitfalls of this federal law for a few years. The PREP Act or “Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act” was the product of President Bush 43 and his Health and Human Services (HHS) Agency. The PREP Act was passed in December of 2005. Most of the emphasis for this act was born upon the federal government’s response to the Anthrax scare immediately after 9/11. We are witnessing the PREP Act in action for the first time nationwide since its passage in 2005. No one really knows the extent of the law and how it will affect everyone in the United States, short term and long term. Most of the media has not even discussed the details of the PREP Act and how it will affect the general public.

Dr Brownstein: We are Not Worried About COVID-19

For over 25 years my office, The Center for Holistic Medicine  located in West Bloomfield, MI, has been effectively treating viral infections. The last few days I have seen the panic that is occurring: schools are closing, college students sent home, and all large events are being cancelled. Rather than a time to panic, this is a time to reflect on our health care system and how to ensure that your immune system is ready to fight COVID-19 (the present coronavirus infection). Conventional medicine’s approach to COVID-19 is suboptimal. They can offer hand washing and quarantining. That is about it. Really, it is pathetic!! Coronavirus is nothing to take lightly. It is also nothing to panic about. Yes, some will get very sick from it. Keep in mind that people get sick from many things. Viruses can cause serious problems. To minimize your risk, follow the instructions I have outlined for you here.

Dr. Rowen: Flu Vaccine May Make you more Susceptible to Coronavirus

In case you plan to rush out and get a flu vaccine, you might want to read this abstract, and also share with your pro vaccine friends. It appears that getting a flu vaccine will make you more prone to coronavirus infection. This is hot off the press. My interpretation of this is that when you receive (or your child) a vaccination, your immune system is artificially deranged by the vaccine so that it will not respond normally to secondary challenge. This is one of the missing elements in alleged vaccine research. A vaccine "interferes" with the immune system's normal processes. The first sentence in the abstract says it all: "...vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as vaccine interference" Please read. My heart goes out to the millions of children whose immune systems have been tampered with by forced vaccination.

New Six-in-One Vaccine Associated with Sudden Infant Death

The childhood vaccine schedule in the U.S. features numerous combination vaccines—formulations that bundle multiple antigens for multiple diseases into one injection. Examples of combination vaccines currently given to American children include Merck’s four-component ProQuad vaccine against measles, mumps, rubella and varicella and Sanofi’s five-in-one Pentacel vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio and Haemophilus influenzae type b. Now, the U.S. is preparing to up the combination vaccine ante still further. At the close of 2018, the FDA approved the nation’s first six-in-one (hexavalent) vaccine—a Merck and Sanofi joint effort called Vaxelis intended for infants at ages two, four and six months. Like hexavalent vaccines given to infants in other countries, Vaxelis combines the five components featured in Pentacel along with Merck’s genetically engineered Recombivax vaccine against hepatitis B (HepB). What about hexavalent vaccine risks, publicized in other countries for decades? On that topic, the CDC and FDA have been largely silent, perhaps because of the next-to-useless design of the U.S. Vaxelis clinical trials, which compared one heavily vaccinated group against another—rather than comparing Vaxelis against an inert placebo. Unsurprisingly, this bogus procedure allowed researchers to conclude that adverse reactions to the vaccines were similar across groups. In other words, “nothing to see here.” Before U.S. agencies open the floodgates for hexavalent vaccination, they would do well to remember that “public trust can be lost only once and not acting or acting too late on a [safety] signal . . . could damage credibility of those supporting and maintaining vaccination for many years.”