Unvaccinated Children are Healthier than Vaccinated Children – Most Censored Topic in the U.S.?
"Vaccines are safe and effective." "The science on vaccines is settled." These statements are the official dogma of Big Pharma and the U.S Government health agencies, and anyone in the corporate media who has ever tried to challenge these statements of belief has been quickly silenced. Yet even to the casual reader with no invested interest in the topic, it would seem fairly obvious that these are statements of faith, and not scientific statements. How can a pharmaceutical product always be "safe and effective" for everyone? And how can the science on anything, let alone vaccines, ever be "settled"? And yet these beliefs are put forward as facts, and all dissenters, or even just those who dare to ask a question, are censored or labeled as "anti-vaxxers" or "quacks" if they happen to be a doctor or scientist. The fact that vaccines can and do cause injury and death in some situations is not even a debatable subject, as the U.S. Vaccine Court has paid out $BILLIONS in damages since the passage of the National Vaccine Compensation program passed in the 1980s, giving legal immunity to pharmaceutical companies who make vaccines, and can no longer be sued if a vaccine causes an injury or death. But even though this is public knowledge, and even though Health Impact News publishes the quarterly reports published by the Department of Justice listing settlements for vaccine injuries and deaths, we are censored and labeled as publishing "Fake News" by the Big Tech giants, like Facebook and Google. This is clearly information they do not want the public to know. But what about the second part of the belief that "vaccines are safe and effective?" Since we know that vaccines are not totally safe, and that this information is censored, it is totally appropriate to then ask the question: Are vaccines actually effective? What about overall health of children following the CDC vaccine schedule, as compared to children who do not receive all the vaccines in the CDC vaccine schedule? This is the one study that would solve this issue once and for all, but the U.S. government refuses to conduct such a trial, claiming it would be "unethical" to withhold vaccines from children. Those outside of the government who have tried to conduct such studies have been attacked and censored. We have featured doctors on Health Impact News over the years who have said that unvaccinated children in their practice are healthier than vaccinated children, and these doctors take great courage to speak publicly, because they are labeled as "quacks" and often face losing their medical license to practice for revealing this. Perhaps the most convincing evidence that unvaccinated children are healthier than vaccinated children, is from parents who observe both in their homes on a daily basis. These are mostly former pro-vaccine parents who never doubted vaccinations until they saw the effects of vaccines in their own children, and then decided to not vaccinate other children born later based on their experience with vaccines. These are actually very good "laboratories" because children in the same home experience much the same things in their environment, and any major differences in their health will be much more obvious. VAXXED II film producer Polly Tommey has done the world a great favor by interviewing many of these families during their bus tour, and here are a few of them.