NY Lawsuit to Repeal Denial of Religious Exemptions to Vaccines Starts – 26,000 Families Wait to See if Children Can Start School

On July 10, attorneys Sussman and Kennedy filed a lawsuit in New York State (NYS) Supreme Court challenging the constitutionality of the legislature’s repeal of the religious exemption to vaccination. Suing on behalf of 55 NYS families who held lawful religious exemptions, Sussman and Kennedy requested that the court enjoin the repeal temporarily, preliminarily and permanently. The Honorable Denise Hartman, Supreme Court judge, will hear oral argument Wednesday, August 14th. With school only three weeks away, plaintiffs present their case that on June 13, 2019, NYS halted more than fifty years of lawful religious exemptions from vaccination for those with genuine and sincerely-held religious beliefs. The law, which became effective immediately, threw more than 26,000 NYS families into chaos, barring their children from school and daycare.

Oregon Pediatrician Responds to Critics – Explains How Much Money Pediatricians Make on Vaccines

Let us set the record straight. I am not anti-vaccine. I am absolutely pro-science and vaccine risk aware. One huge misconception, and I see the comments on this, is that pediatricians don't make money on vaccines or that they are not financially incentivized to vaccinate. There are profits from vaccine mark-ups and huge profits from vaccine administration fees. The average admin fee is about $35 per vaccine. For the 715 patients born into my practice who have refused to give any vaccines (each child would have had 28 vaccines by age 2 and over 60 vaccines in their childhood) amounting to income of $700,000 for the 2 years and $1.5 million over their childhood. Those are real dollars lost for Integrative Pediatrics. The money lost when considering that we serve over 15,000 patients, with most being selective about how they vaccinate would have driven most practices out of business. There are also built in incentives in many contracts with health plans. Vaccines are a quality measure (if your practice does not reach a bench mark in numbers vaccinated) you loose a % on all services provided to patients under that insurance contract. Is it any wonder most of my peers discharge patients from their practices who won't follow the CDC schedule? Often these patients are told to call Dr. Thomas (Integrative Pediatrics). Let us be clear. It is not a good business decision to allow families not to vaccinate or to permit selective vaccination. We at Integrative Pediatrics honor the law in Oregon that allows informed consent. Parents are still permitted in Oregon to make health care decisions for their children. Those who discharge these families deny them their legal right. They also profit greatly by limiting the numbers of non-vaccinating families or partially vaccinating families.

Vaccines are Religion, not Science

We hear all the time that “the science is clear: vaccines save lives.” But where is that science? If it exists, then why can nobody show it? Vaccines are a religion and vaccinations are a (barbaric) religious ritual. That means that any kind of mandatory vaccination law is unconstitutional. Some people might still play semantics and say that a belief system is not the same as a religion. But let’s look at the vaccine religion. – You are expected to go to preparation classes (prenatal check-ups) – You are expected to give birth in the temple (=hospital). – As soon as the baby is born you are confronted with the temple servants (doctors/nurses/midwives) who want to submit your baby to the standard ritual (two injections) – If you decline they usually will try to convince or coerce you – At set times after birth you need to bring your baby to another temple (doctor’s practice) for more rituals – If you don’t want to submit your baby to the rituals you can expect extremely negative reactions, which can become aggression and end up with you not being welcome in the temple anymore – If you lose the faith (or never join in the first place) you can expect social exclusion and often serious family trouble. Some grandparents even consider “saving their grandchildren” by bringing them to the temple themselves, without the parents permission. Vaccinations have almost every characteristic of a religion, so the desperate argument that a belief system doesn’t equal a religion doesn’t hold up.

Florida Wants to Become the Most Restrictive State in the U.S. for Mandatory Vaccines

There is a new dangerous threat to vaccine exemptions in Florida. SB 64 was filed by Senator Lauren Book on 8/2/2019. SB 64 would eliminate the religious exemption to vaccines required for public and private school children. It would also add a new section of law requiring the Board of Medicine and the Board of Osteopathic Medicine to jointly create a medical exemption review panel that shall review all medical exemptions. If passed, the new law would become effective on July 1, 2020. We have seen what happens to families in California and New York where religious exemptions have been removed and medical exemptions are reviewed and restricted. SB 64 is a dangerous bill that needs to be stopped early so Florida doesn’t become like California or New York. The 2020 legislative session in Florida convenes on 1/14/2020, however bills are filed in advance (session dates). It is very important that families who support the religious and medical exemptions get out ahead of Senator Book’s effort and talk to their legislators and like-minded families to get involved now! Those who are currently in office during this interim period will be the same legislators who will vote on this bill this spring as statewide legislative offices are not on the ballot this fall.

Study: Babies Born to Moms Who Refuse Flu Vaccine Fare Better than Babies Born to Mom’s Who Receive the Influenza Vaccine

A new study comparing four outcomes—fetal death, low birth weight, small for gestational age birth and preterm birth—for infants whose mothers received flu shots or a placebo turned up surprising results. Not only was influenza vaccination during pregnancy was ineffective in lowering risk for the four outcomes, but they also noted that the vaccinated infants fared worse. The 2011–2012 South Africa study was one of three large double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials of influenza vaccination during pregnancy funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). Overall, the investigators found “no significant vaccine efficacy” with respect to any of the fetal outcomes. Unexpectedly (to the researchers), they also found that the average gestational age at birth was lower in the vaccinated versus placebo group—a statistically significant result indicative of a greater risk of preterm birth. Although most of the study’s other findings did not attain statistical significance, the pattern of results showed, in another writer’s words, tendencies that were “not reassuring.” Members of the public should remember that no vaccines have ever been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) “specifically for use during pregnancy to protect the infant.”

The Weaponizing of CPS – Lose Your Children IF: You Don’t Vaccinate, You Don’t Make a Dentist Appointment, You Don’t Pay School Lunch Fees, You Don’t Shut Up, Etc.

We’ve all heard stories about an angry neighbor or ex-spouse making false reports to Child Protection Services (CPS.) This weaponizing of CPS drew national attention recently because a School Board President, acting more like a bully than the director of a school, sent letters to parents threatening to call CPS if their child’s lunch debt wasn’t paid. However, this weaponizing of CPS has far greater consequences than simply intimidating parents to pay school lunch debts. It can lead to the death of children, the very children these taxpayer social service agencies are supposed to be "protecting." This is what happened to one mother pregnant with twins who was threatened to lose her twins at birth to CPS if she did not consent to receiving the flu shot. Out of fear of losing her babies to CPS, she complied, and her previously healthy twins died shortly later, before they were even born. CPS today is not really focused on "protecting" children, but intimidating non-compliant parents.

Two Nurses Sentenced to Five Years for Manslaughter and Negligence in MMR Vaccine Deaths of Two Babies

Chief Justice of the Samoa Supreme Court Vui Clarence Nelson sentenced two nurses this week (August, 2019) convicted of negligence and manslaughter in the death of two infants who died immediately after receiving the MMR vaccine. Health Impact News reported on the original story in 2018 when it made headline news on TV1 in Samoa. What was so tragic about this story was that the parents of the second child who died had reportedly already learned about the first infant’s death a couple hours earlier and declined to have their child receive the same vaccine. They were coerced into receiving it anyway, and their child died almost immediately. Both nurses eventually pleaded guilty to manslaughter charges and charges of neglect, and their sentencing hearing was this past week. Justice Vui said that applicable nursing protocols required that further vaccinations at the hospital should have stopped following the death of a previously healthy baby. “It appears from the material the defendants did not recognise the possibility the problem was the vaccine," he said. The defendants told the Probation Office they concluded the baby was allergic to the vaccine. "They concluded without any evidence to support their theory; a conclusion plucked out of thin air," the Acting Chief Justice said. The second defendant, Leutogi, concluded that the child must have been suffering from a prior illness. Justice Vui characterised this as a “clearly callous observation unsupported by evidence". "If the child was sick, they should have not immunised the baby," he said.

Merck Continues to Make Hundreds of Millions on Measles Vaccine – 58% Increase After 2019 Measles “Outbreak”

Sales of Merck's measles vaccine, the MMR combo vaccine that also includes mumps and rubella, continues to soar as Merck reported this week that in the second quarter of 2019, sales for the measles vaccine were 58% higher than the year before, at $675 million. As CNBC reports: "Pharmaceutical giant Merck said Tuesday that high consumer demand for its measles vaccines, amid the largest U.S. outbreak in decades, helped boost sales in its second quarter. Sales of children’s vaccines, which includes the New Jersey-based company’s MMR vaccine, for measles, mumps and rubella, jumped 58% year over year to $675 million, Merck announced in its second-quarter earnings report Tuesday. Merck, which is the sole U.S. supplier of measles vaccines, said the strong growth was due in part to this year’s measles outbreak..." Is there any other sector of the U.S. economy that is more profitable than vaccines? Consider these facts: 1. The U.S. Government gave legal immunity to pharmaceutical companies in 1986, because Big Pharma threatened Congress by stating they would stop manufacturing and selling vaccines due to the many lawsuits brought against them for vaccine injuries. Vaccines have proliferated in the market place since 1986 as a result, with the CDC recommending up to 69 doses of vaccines to children before they reach the age of 18. 2. In most states, the CDC recommended vaccine schedule is required for children at attend school. 3. The U.S. Government owns several patents on vaccines, and the CDC is the largest purchaser of vaccines, using U.S. taxpayer funds to purchase more than $5 billion in vaccines each year. Is there any other market in the U.S. where there is virtually no liability for your products, the government requires you to purchase the product, and the government itself is the largest customer of those products? Also, most vaccines have only one manufacturer approved by the U.S. government for sale in the U.S., such as the MMR vaccine, creating a monopoly for that product. And if that is not enough to ensure business success, local health departments can pick and choose which illnesses should be classified as "outbreaks" which are then announced by the compliant corporate media, largely funded by the pharmaceutical industry, to boost sales of a vaccine even more.

Refusing to be Silent, Parents Come Forward to Describe How their Children Suffered Painful Deaths After Being Vaccinated

Ron Kennedy, MD, is a California doctor currently suing the State Medical Board for intimidating doctors in California who write vaccine exemptions for their patients. He recently asked for parents who had children that died as a result of vaccines to email him their stories, and then another California doctor, Dr. Robert Rowen, who has a large following on Facebook, published their stories today. Dr. Rowen commented that these stories brought him to tears, and warns his readers that they may also have the same effect on them. We reproduce these stories here for greater public awareness, and to make sure their voices are not silenced by the Social Media tech giants. There are common themes in many of these tragic stories where once healthy and normal children deteriorated in health after receiving vaccines, and then died. From child protective services (CPS) threats against parents who question vaccines and risk losing their children if they do not comply, to doctors who refuse to admit vaccines cause harm and therefore will not treat vaccine injuries, these testimonies show that we are facing a real crisis and tragedy in the U.S. today when it comes to vaccine policy. These are among the few and brave parents who will not be silenced, risking their reputations and careers to tell their stories publicly in a country now ruled by medical tyranny.

Former Merck Scientist Explains Why He Doesn’t Vaccinate His Children Due to Lack of Vaccine Safety Studies

Del Bigtree, producer of the film VAXXED, and host of the weekly show HighWire, interviewed Jorge Araujo, a scientist who worked for the pharmaceutical company Merck as a lead supervisor on vaccine sterile quality this week. Araujo's wife is a nurse, and they didn't even question the science behind vaccines until they were expecting their first child, when Araujo's wife began asking him questions about vaccines. Araujo relates that as he began to ask questions about vaccine efficacy and safety, the answers were not there. His research showed him that the robust science and quality controls present in regular drug manufacturing did not seem to be present with vaccine manufacturing. So he and his wife decided not vaccinate their children, and today they are all "super healthy." Araujo states that he is not alone in his skepticism regarding the lack of science and quality controls for vaccine manufacture, and that other scientists he knows who worked for Merck are also deciding not to vaccinate their children.