FDA Approves New High-Dose Flu Shot for Adults 65 Years of Age and Older with Many Side Effects and Unknown Efficacy

Earlier this month (November, 2019) the FDA approved the Fluzone® High-Dose Quadrivalent influenza vaccine produced by Sanofi Pasteur Inc. Fluzone is approved for adults 65 years old and above. The package insert for the new Fluzone®High-Dose Quadrivalent flu vaccine states that there was one clinical study conducted to evaluate the safety of this new high dose flu shot for seniors. The study did not compare the new flu vaccine to a placebo, but to previous versions of the Fluzone vaccine. Both study groups (the older flu vaccine and the newer one) suffered serious adverse events (SAEs). According to the package insert of the new Fluzone® High-Dose Quadrivalent influenza vaccine, there were no efficacy studies done on the new flu vaccine. The single study that was conducted compared the safety and immunogenicity of Fluzone High-Dose Quadrivalent to those of Fluzone High-Dose. For a measure of effectiveness, they simply quoted the results for the older Fluzone High-Dose vaccine. The relative efficacy of the older study for primary endpoints ranged from 11% to 27.4%. The secondary endpoint had an efficacy rate of 51%. Again, this study was not for the new flu vaccine just approved by the FDA, but for the older flu vaccine against specific virus strains. The new vaccine added a new strain, but this flu vaccine will not even be available until the 2020-2021 flu season. Everything here comes straight from the manufacturers package insert for the flu vaccine, a package insert you are not likely to have access to if you were to walk into a drug store like Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid, and others and request to see before receiving a flu shot. And for simply printing facts like this that are easily found online (the FDA government website is required to have vaccine package inserts online), we have been branded by the corporate media watch dogs as "fake news." Health Impact News, and specifically our VaccineImpact.com website, generates a lot of traffic for readers searching for facts related to vaccines in general, and the flu vaccine specifically. If this particular article starts receiving too much traffic, Facebook and others will come in and label it as "fake news" to immediately reduce the amount of traffic it receives. This has already happened a few times during the current flu season.

Vaccine Scientific Denialism: The Vaccine Deep State’s Control Over Public Policy by Ignoring Real Science

Scientific denialism is rampant and the nation’s vaccination policies are criminally medieval, based upon faith rather than reason. This includes efforts to fund independent studies to confirm or negate many of the more disturbing conclusions found in much of the peer-reviewed literature. The Vaccine Deep State poses very serious threats because it serves private interests instead of the public. It is irrational and bases its agenda more on wishful-thinking than sound evidence-based medicine.

The Vaccine Deep State: Controlling the Media and Government to Suppress Vaccine Facts

There is perhaps no other area of so-called scientific progress that has relied upon more deceptive and misleading research and a distortion of facts and statistics than in modern medicine’s religious belief in vaccines as a miracle to protect the world’s population from infectious diseases. The distortion and exclusion of scientific evidence, the reliance upon cherry-picked studies and blatant corruption behind the vaccine research to further vaccination campaigns and compliance inquisitorial assaults on the medical voices of reason who demand honest and open dialogue about vaccine safety and efficacy has turned into a media war. Popular scientific consensus has yet to tackle the growing uncertainty gap to identify the most probable causes of childhood neurological disorders and increasing rates in asthma, allergies and autoimmune conditions, including the role that toxic vaccine ingredients such as adjuvant aluminum compounds may play in these epidemics. If you have read the opinion pieces in the New York Times, Washington Post or listen to television commentators, you will be left with the impression that there are no evidence-based facts to offer a legitimate challenge to the assumption that all vaccines are effective and safe. Nevertheless there is a large group of board certified pediatricians, immunologists, toxicologists and research scientists who have reviewed volumes of peer-reviewed literature to support their criticisms of what the media wants us to believe. But you will never see anyone from this group cited in mainstream publications or invited on multimedia. Rather, the media has created the illusion that only a small group of activist parents and renegade physicians oppose vaccines.

CDC Paid Maryland $123 Million to Promote Gardasil Vaccine as Requirement for School Attendance

The Maryland Prevention and Health Promotion Agency (PHPA) has received millions — $123 million just between 2012–2017 — as part of an effort to require public schools to force children to get the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination. Those funds came in the form of grants from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC maintains a nonprofit foundation that gets enormous amounts of money from Big Pharma — including Merck, the company that produces Gardasil, the HPV vaccine. At the very least, Maryland’s acceptance of those funds has the appearance of impropriety. During a PHPA-hosted “HPV symposium” attended by state pediatric practices and Maryland Department of Health staffers in March 2018 at Ten Oaks, Maryland, the featured speaker — Dr. Alix Casler — encouraged attendees to offer free dinners, bottles of wine, and “Quality Doctor Incentives $” sales bonuses to get Maryland physicians on board with the HPV vaccine-pushing program. Dr. Casler offered a $5,000 cash payment to pediatric practices that achieve targeted HPV vaccine sales goals. Dr. Casler is a paid spokesperson for Merck — to the tune of more than $59,000 just between 2013 and 2016, according to data compiled by ProPublica. In 2016, the Maryland Partnership for Prevention — which lists the Maryland Department of Health as its top member — accepted $70,000 from the Association of Immunization Managers (AIM). AIM’s top “Corporate Alliance Members” are Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi Pasteur and Seqirus. That same year, legislation was introduced in Maryland to mandate the shot. In the U.S., only three jurisdictions have made HPV vaccination mandatory: Rhode Island, Virginia and the District of Columbia. Clearly, based on the money and other incentives being injected into our public-health policy system, Big Pharma would love to see Maryland become the fourth to do so.

Vaxxed II: The People’s Truth – Opening November 6th, 2019

Did you hear the news? Due to excessive censorship efforts, Vaxxed II: The People's Truth has been working behind the scenes for months to roll out a nationwide (USA) people's premiere on November 6, 2019. Over 100 screenings across the country will take place, with hundreds more to follow in the days and weeks after. Be sure to get your tickets quickly, as many screenings have already sold out. In VAXXED II: THE PEOPLE'S TRUTH, Polly and the team travel over 50,000 miles in the USA and around the world. Interviews of parents and doctors with nothing to gain and everything to lose exposed the vaccine injury epidemic and asked the question on every parent’s mind, “Are vaccines really as safe and effective as we’ve been told?”

Dr. Brownstein: “Measles Amnesia” is False Science – Natural Immunity Superior to Vaccines

Measles has become the cause célèbre for conventional medicine and mainstream media in order to convince us that we need the measles vaccine. Furthermore, the Powers-That-Be are using everything they can about measles to stop any anti-vaccination talk. The new scare is "measles amnesia." The New York Times (NYT 11.1.2019) article on this subject is titled, “Measles Can Kill Memory Used by Immune System.” The NYT was referring to two new studies published October 31, 2019 that show that measles infection can cause lasting harm to the immune system. The NYT claims the measles infection “…erases that memory leaving the patient prone to catching {previous} diseases all over again.” Since the studies were released on Halloween, that is truly scary stuff! IF it were true. But, alas, it is NOT true.

Why This Yale Scientist Believes the TIMING of Vaccines is Harming Our Children

Heather Zwickey, a Yale-trained scientist who is currently Dean of Research and Graduate Studies at the National University of Natural Medicine and Director of the Helfgott Research Institute, has done original research to develop vaccines. Zwickey earned her Ph.D. in immunology and microbiology from the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, and did a postdoc at Yale Medical School. When I interviewed her while doing research for one of my books, Zwickey explained that she was staunchly in favor of some kind of vaccine program. Her scientific concerns are not about vaccines in general, but about the timing of the current childhood vaccine program. Zwickey explained why: A newborn’s immune system can’t mount an effective response to diseases or to vaccines because it is protecting the baby’s brain, which would be damaged by a full-fledged immune reaction. So newborns rely on their mother’s antibodies, which they get in breast milk, to give them the immune cells and proteins needed to combat infections.

Philadelphia School Officials to Start Home Visits of Children not Vaccinated

School officials in Philadelphia are reportedly prepared to start doing home visits for students that have not provided medical records showing that they are up-to-date on their vaccines. The Philadelphia Inquirer reports: "Over the summer, parents of Philadelphia students got phone calls, text messages, and letters reminding them to have their children vaccinated. By Monday’s deadline’s for immunizations, the district may start planning home visits to families that have not provided medical records or sought exemptions. District officials on Thursday said they want to minimize the number of students who are excluded from attending school for vaccine-related reasons. This year, students were given 60 days to provide their records or obtain a religious, medical or philosophical exemption."

Whooping cough outbreak among vaccinated in California: LA Times

Many U.S. government and health officials have avoided addressing rising incidences of infectious disease outbreaks among vaccinated children. These officials choose instead to stay on the vaccine industry narrative of heaping blame on those who are partly vaccinated or unvaccinated. By failing to tackle the issue at hand– vaccines that are not providing the expected immunity– some health experts say the problem only stands to grow worse. One of the most recent cases from this past March comes from Los Angeles, California. A private high school there reports nearly 50 students came down with whooping cough (pertussis), even though they were all vaccinated. According to the Los Angeles Times, none of the students at the school with vaccine exemptions contracted the disease even though they had not received a whooping cough/pertussis shot.

Study: Gardasil Vaccine Linked to Autoimmune Diseases

The powerful government-pharmaceutical industry partnership that has been foisting human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination on girls and boys around the world since 2006 now has working-age adults within its sights. Merck’s Gardasil 9 received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for expanded use in the 27-45 age group in late 2018, and there are signs that a campaign is afoot to achieve the same end result in other countries. HPV vaccines have been linked to over 100,000 reported adverse events globally, including disabling autoimmune conditions and deaths, but officials seem unconcerned. Merck set the tone for the truth-stretching claim that HPV vaccine risks are “negligible” when it conducted its initial clinical trials for Gardasil and dismissed as irrelevant the serious medical conditions that arose—within seven months—in half of all participants who received the vaccine. In a new study in Pathobiology, two of the most-published researchers on this topic report on the overlap between human proteins and HPV antigens. The authors consider their results indicative of “a cross-reactivity potential capable of triggering an extremely wide and complex spectrum of autoimmune diseases.” Using cutting-edge molecular biology techniques to look at matching peptide sequences in HPV “epitopes” and human proteins, Kanduc and Shoenfeld examine epitopes from 15 different HPV types, including eight of the nine types included in Gardasil 9. With 500 micrograms of aluminum adjuvant, Gardasil 9 has more than double the amount of aluminum contained in the original Gardasil vaccine.