Gardasil Vaccine on Trial: Attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Exposes Merck Corruption

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is one of the attorneys in the Jennifer Robi vs. Merck and Kaiser Permanente fraud case currently being litigated in Los Angeles Superior Court. This must-watch video, referencing much of the science presented as evidence during the trial, details the many problems with the development and safety of Merck’s third-highest grossing product, Gardasil. Children’s Health Defense (CHD) and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CHD’s Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel, ask that you watch and share this video so that you, and others, may make an informed decision of whether or not to give your child, boy or girl, a Gardasil vaccine. It can also be a useful tool for pediatricians who are trying to understand how this vaccine, that is actually causing health problems with young people, could have been approved by FDA and then recommended by CDC. The video is full of jaw-dropping facts about Gardasil and the clinical trials leading up to its release upon an unsuspecting public.

Killing 20 Babies a Year and Infecting Tens of Thousands: Measles? No – Whooping Cough – Spread by Vaccinated

According to the CDC, since 2010, between 15,000 and 50,000 cases are reported each year in the United States,and up to 20 babies die each year from it. Are they talking about the measles? No, they are talking about whooping cough, and it is being spread by those who have been vaccinated for it with the pertussis vaccine. All across the U.S. the corporate media, funded in a large part by the pharmaceutical industry, is telling the American public that we are currently facing a "measles outbreak" of epidemic proportions. This "outbreak" currently stands at 839 measles cases nationwide as of May 10, 2019, according to the CDC, and ZERO reported deaths. This "outbreak" has been used as an excuse to blame parents of unvaccinated children, and to justify health officials to invoke "state of emergency" actions that allow health authorities to ban unvaccinated children from public places and schools, and to fine parents up to $2000.00 a day if they refuse to vaccinate their children with the MMR vaccine. And yet, other infectious diseases are affecting exponentially more people than the measles and far worse, without being classified as a "state of emergency."

Oregon Becomes First State to Permit Dentists to Vaccinate Children

Governor Kate Brown of Oregon signed a bill on May 6, 2019 that will allow dentists in that state to administer vaccinations. House Bill 2220, which passed Oregon’s House of Representatives on Mar. 28, 2019 and Senate on Apr. 25, will make it possible for dentists to give vaccines, including MMR, HPV and annual flu shots, to their patients during dental checkups. With the signing of HB 2220, Oregon becomes the first state in the U.S. to permit dentists to vaccinate patients of any age, including young children, with many types of vaccines. According to Oregon Public Broadcasting, dentists in Minnesota and Illinois can only give influenza vaccine to adults. The University of Minnesota’s School of Dentistry offers a 10-hour, self-paced, online course to administer flu shots and also offers a more basic three-hour online course.

Cardiologist: Measles AND Mumps Infections Could Save Millions of Lives

Reading that title is sure to shock many people. After all, who would make such a claim, let alone a cardiologist. Here is the proof to back it up. A study from 2015 in the journal Atherosclerosis found that men had 29% fewer heart attacks and 17% fewer strokes if they had a history of childhood measles and mumps. Women suffered less events as well, but not to the same extent. According to the CDC, an estimated 790,000 heart attacks occur in the U.S. every year. So according to data from the JACC study in 2015, there could be 229,000 LESS heart attacks per YEAR if these people had measles AND mumps as children. Measles and mumps appear to reduce stroke risk as well. 135,000 less people would suffer from a stroke PER YEAR if all of these people had measles AND mumps as children. Scientists are not studying benefits of childhood infections. Doing so would be career suicide. There is not much money to be found in health, only in sickness and pharmaceuticals.

Merck Sees “Unprecedented” Growth in Gardasil Vaccine – Over $3 Billion in Sales in 2018 with Expansion into China

Vaccine manufacturer Merck & Co. has reported earnings from its Gardasil HPV vaccine for 2018 at $3.15 billion, far above the previous year sales of $2.31 billion. First quart of 2019 sales of the Gardasil vaccine have soared 31% to $838 million for the first three months of 2019. Executives from the company have stated that these sales of the Gardasil vaccine are "unprecedented," and the company plans to spend over $1 billion to expand its Gardasil vaccine production. Much of this growth of the Gardasil vaccine market is due to Merck's expansion into China. While many other countries, like Japan, are pulling back on their recommendations for the Gardasil vaccines due to the sheer volume of reported Gardasil vaccine injuries, and the resulting lawsuits in those countries against Merck and its distributors, something that is not possible in the United States due to the legal immunity vaccine makers enjoy, China is running full speed ahead to introduce the Gardasil vaccine to its population.

FDA Approves Faulty Dengue Vaccine that Harmed 100,000 Children in the Philippines, Killing Some, and Prompted Lawsuits

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration just approved one of the most sought after vaccines in recent decades. It's the world's first vaccine to prevent dengue fever — a disease so painful that its nickname is "breakbone fever." The vaccine, called Dengvaxia, is aimed at helping children in Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories where dengue is a problem. But this vaccine has a dark — and deadly — history. One that has led to criminal charges in the Philippines, and sparked national panic. "In total, the deaths of about 600 children who received Dengvaxia are under investigation by the Public Attorney's Office, " the South China Morning Post reported last month.

Oregon “Measles Outbreak” of 14 Cases Over but Big Pharma Interests Want Mandatory Vaccinations of Children Using False Information

A Cease and Desist letter was issued on behalf of Oregonians for Medical Freedom to the Oregon Nurses Association (ONA), for engaging in unlawful activities in violation of Oregon’s Lobbying Regulations. While the Vancouver-area measles outbreak has been declared over, with only 14 cases in total reported to Oregon (with only four linked to the Clark Country outbreak), misinformation has been rapidly spreading throughout the Capitol and into town hall meetings as special interests spread inaccurate information to distort support for House Bill 3063. Oregon Heath Authority confirmed in a response to an April 22 press release sent from Senator Dennis Linthicum, R-Klamath Falls, that they have not conducted lab testing on measles cases in Oregon to distinguish vaccine-strain and wild-type measles infection, despite the first cases being reported months ago. Genotype lab testing measles cases is important since we’ve had at least two reported cases of children with measles in the United States this year that lab testing confirmed were vaccine-strain measles virus. If any reported cases in Oregon were vaccine-strain measles, then that means the vaccinated could be contagious and spreading measles. All four pharmaceutical companies who manufacture the 72 childhood vaccine doses are convicted felons who have collectively paid over $35 billion over the past decade in civil and criminal penalties for bribing, extorting, and lying to doctors and defrauding regulators to promote other pharmaceutical products.

Physician Group Exposes False Government Measles Statistics – Opposes Mandatory Vaccination

Government Doctors Make Gross Errors Concerning Measles Statistics, Misinform Senators, and Threaten Public Health. Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC), an organization of doctors and scientists who encourage using statistics to safeguard public health, recently flew in doctors from across California to educate members of the Senate Committee on Health about the risks of measles vs. the risks of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine—which are explained in PIC’s opposition letter to California SB 276, a bill that would allow only state public health officers the right to grant or approve vaccine exemptions to children at-risk of vaccine injuries. PIC’s doctors included Dr. Shira Miller, Dr. Lionel Lee, Dr. Edmond Sarraf, Dr. Melanie Gisler, and Dr. Charles Penick. Misinformation concerning measles data is rampant.

Merck Profits Soar As MMR Measles Vaccine Increases 27% to $496 Million in 2019

There is nothing like a good "measles outbreak" to boost sales when you have a monopoly on the only measles vaccine available, and corporate-funded mainstream media does almost all of your marketing for free, by singing the praises of the vaccine while never mentioning potential side effects or criminal cases currently in place over corruption surrounding the development of the vaccine. Given the fact that U.S. law prevents anyone from suing Merck if a vaccine injury or death occurs from their vaccines, and that the U.S. Government via the CDC is the largest purchaser of vaccines to the tune of $5 billion per year, the vaccine industry has become perhaps the most lucrative market in the history of the world. Merck & Co Inc. reported higher-than-expected first-quarter profits for 2019. Sales of the MMR measles vaccine soared to 27% to $496 million. The company also saw strong sales growth overseas for its Gardasil vaccine, as sales rose 27 percent to $828 million, beating analyst expectations by about $25 million.

FDA Cover-up? New Data Obtained Shows MMR Vaccine Approved on Clinical Trials of Only 342 Children – Half Suffered Side Effects

As we have previously reported here on Health Impact News, pharmaceutical giant Merck has been fighting a criminal case regarding its MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine in court for over 8 years, as their own scientists became whistle-blowers regarding fraud in the development of the vaccine. Now, Del Bigtree, founder of the non-profit Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), has announced that a new Freedom of Information Act disclosure from the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has revealed that the MMR vaccine was licensed based on clinical trials which in total had less than 1,000 participants, and only 342 children. “Thanks to the laws in this country that for now at least permit access to various government records, we now know the MMR vaccine was licensed using an irresponsibly small and limited group of children,” says Bigtree. “But what’s even more alarming is learning about the serious adverse events that were known and acknowledged, yet ignored in order to license the MMR vaccine,” Bigtree adds, noting “This was after only tracking adverse events for 42 days after injection – imagine what they might have found had they tracked safety for three years against an appropriate control, like they do for drugs.”