Merck Continues to Make Hundreds of Millions on Measles Vaccine – 58% Increase After 2019 Measles “Outbreak”

Sales of Merck's measles vaccine, the MMR combo vaccine that also includes mumps and rubella, continues to soar as Merck reported this week that in the second quarter of 2019, sales for the measles vaccine were 58% higher than the year before, at $675 million. As CNBC reports: "Pharmaceutical giant Merck said Tuesday that high consumer demand for its measles vaccines, amid the largest U.S. outbreak in decades, helped boost sales in its second quarter. Sales of children’s vaccines, which includes the New Jersey-based company’s MMR vaccine, for measles, mumps and rubella, jumped 58% year over year to $675 million, Merck announced in its second-quarter earnings report Tuesday. Merck, which is the sole U.S. supplier of measles vaccines, said the strong growth was due in part to this year’s measles outbreak..." Is there any other sector of the U.S. economy that is more profitable than vaccines? Consider these facts: 1. The U.S. Government gave legal immunity to pharmaceutical companies in 1986, because Big Pharma threatened Congress by stating they would stop manufacturing and selling vaccines due to the many lawsuits brought against them for vaccine injuries. Vaccines have proliferated in the market place since 1986 as a result, with the CDC recommending up to 69 doses of vaccines to children before they reach the age of 18. 2. In most states, the CDC recommended vaccine schedule is required for children at attend school. 3. The U.S. Government owns several patents on vaccines, and the CDC is the largest purchaser of vaccines, using U.S. taxpayer funds to purchase more than $5 billion in vaccines each year. Is there any other market in the U.S. where there is virtually no liability for your products, the government requires you to purchase the product, and the government itself is the largest customer of those products? Also, most vaccines have only one manufacturer approved by the U.S. government for sale in the U.S., such as the MMR vaccine, creating a monopoly for that product. And if that is not enough to ensure business success, local health departments can pick and choose which illnesses should be classified as "outbreaks" which are then announced by the compliant corporate media, largely funded by the pharmaceutical industry, to boost sales of a vaccine even more.

Refusing to be Silent, Parents Come Forward to Describe How their Children Suffered Painful Deaths After Being Vaccinated

Ron Kennedy, MD, is a California doctor currently suing the State Medical Board for intimidating doctors in California who write vaccine exemptions for their patients. He recently asked for parents who had children that died as a result of vaccines to email him their stories, and then another California doctor, Dr. Robert Rowen, who has a large following on Facebook, published their stories today. Dr. Rowen commented that these stories brought him to tears, and warns his readers that they may also have the same effect on them. We reproduce these stories here for greater public awareness, and to make sure their voices are not silenced by the Social Media tech giants. There are common themes in many of these tragic stories where once healthy and normal children deteriorated in health after receiving vaccines, and then died. From child protective services (CPS) threats against parents who question vaccines and risk losing their children if they do not comply, to doctors who refuse to admit vaccines cause harm and therefore will not treat vaccine injuries, these testimonies show that we are facing a real crisis and tragedy in the U.S. today when it comes to vaccine policy. These are among the few and brave parents who will not be silenced, risking their reputations and careers to tell their stories publicly in a country now ruled by medical tyranny.

Former Merck Scientist Explains Why He Doesn’t Vaccinate His Children Due to Lack of Vaccine Safety Studies

Del Bigtree, producer of the film VAXXED, and host of the weekly show HighWire, interviewed Jorge Araujo, a scientist who worked for the pharmaceutical company Merck as a lead supervisor on vaccine sterile quality this week. Araujo's wife is a nurse, and they didn't even question the science behind vaccines until they were expecting their first child, when Araujo's wife began asking him questions about vaccines. Araujo relates that as he began to ask questions about vaccine efficacy and safety, the answers were not there. His research showed him that the robust science and quality controls present in regular drug manufacturing did not seem to be present with vaccine manufacturing. So he and his wife decided not vaccinate their children, and today they are all "super healthy." Araujo states that he is not alone in his skepticism regarding the lack of science and quality controls for vaccine manufacture, and that other scientists he knows who worked for Merck are also deciding not to vaccinate their children.

Fully Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated — A Summary of the Research

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has repeatedly asked CDC to create studies which explain, “How do child health outcomes compare between fully vaccinated and unvaccinated children?” During a November 2012 Congressional hearing on autism before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Dr. Coleen Boyle, the Director of the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, gave evasive answers to lawmakers pressing her on this point. After considerable badgering, she finally stated, “We have not studied vaccinated versus unvaccinated [children].” That was perjury. Boyle knew that CDC had commissioned an in-house researcher, Thomas Verstraeten to perform vaccinated/unvaccinated study on CDC’s giant Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) in 1999 (I summarize Verstraeten’s secret findings on slide 2). Verstraeten found a dramatic link between mercury-containing hepatitis B vaccines and several neurological injuries including autism and prepared the study for publication. CDC shared Verstraeten’s analysis with the then four vaccine makers but kept it secret from the American public.

Soaring Elderly Flu Death: What Role Did the Stronger New Flu Vaccine Play?

On December 23, 2009, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved use of Fluzone High-Dose flu vaccine for the elderly. This new product is four times more powerful, that is, contains four times the amount of flu virus antigen per dose as the product used previously (Fluzone). The vaccine is given as a single injection. FDA approval was given even though its Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices made no indication it was better than the previously-used Fluzone after reviewing studies of safety and effectiveness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated, “Data demonstrating greater protection against influenza illness after vaccination with Fluzone High-Dose are needed to evaluate whether Fluzone High-Dose is a more effective vaccine for patients age 65 years.” The largest study reviewed by the FDA committee showed that the new high-dose vaccine had a 50% higher rate of side effects within the first week after the injection, and four times the chance that patients would develop fever after the shot. The approval was given even though a large three-year study of effectiveness and safety had just begun (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010). Prior to 2013, fewer than 1,000 elderly Americans died from the flu in all but one year. But in the most recent five years available, the average jumped to over 3,000 per year, exceeding 5,000 in the most recent year (2017). The 2013-2017 flu death rate among Americans over 65 jumped 328.6%, or more than four times than it was in the period 2006-2012. The influenza death rate did not change among Americans age under 35, while it rose 132.4% (more than doubled) among those age 35-64. The recent mortality rise in elderly flu deaths should be taken seriously, and future trends should be monitored by health officials.

The Medical Journals’ Sell-Out: Big Pharma Buys Advertising and Decides What Gets Published – Anything Negative About Vaccines Not Allowed

The vaccine industry and its government and scientific partners routinely block meaningful science and fabricate misleading studies about vaccines. They could not do so, however, without having enticed medical journals into a mutually beneficial bargain. Pharmaceutical companies supply journals with needed income, and in return, journals play a key role in suppressing studies that raise critical questions about vaccine risks—which would endanger profits. This concerted campaign to prevent dissemination of vaccine content that does not toe the party line will make it harder than ever for American families to do their due diligence with regard to vaccine risks and benefits.

Autism is Avoidable, Treatable, and Curable – The Chlorine Dioxide Protocol Part 2

Kerri Rivera made the following remarks about the Chlorine Dioxide Protocol during her 2019 presentation at AutismOne. She stated: "Autism is avoidable, treatable, and curable. I have seen the faces of the children. I have met them. I have spoken with them and with the mothers, the parents, and the families who got their lives back. They are back – they are totally back from autism – and I want to share that with you. The CD protocol is tried and true. This is the tenth year for this protocol. I appreciate you keeping an open mind for recovering yourself and your children from illness, especially autism. For those of you who want the information about the CD protocol and are ready for it, here it is. I am happy to help you and I wish you all the best in your journey." The protocol brings about healing by killing pathogens, resolving systemic inflammation, and revitalizing damaged immune system functioning. It addresses candida, bacteria, parasites, viruses, and heavy metals. The CD protocol is not just for autism. It also addresses conditions such as Asperger's, PANDAS, PANS, PITAND, ADD and ADHD, and PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder-not otherwise specified) which is often another label for autism. These related conditions can exist side by side with autism, overlap with it, or be separate from it. If 557 people have already lost their autistic diagnosis through the use of the CD protocol, then how many more must be set free from this modern illness before the scientific and medical communities will wake up and recognize the truth that autism can be treated and cured?

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and World Health Organization Work Together to Conceal Vaccine Death Statistics in Poor Countries

The promotion for the utilization of vaccines and the inadequate surveillance systems in poor, Third World countries is largely controlled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through the mantle of the World Health Organization (WHO) which administers public health programs in poor and middle income countries. Vaccine safety is the domain of the WHO Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS), established in 1999. The WHO-GACVS developed a two-tiered classification system for assessing and reporting adverse events following immunization (AEFI). The AEFI classification system used in Third World countries disqualifies Deaths following vaccination, as having any causal association with vaccines. The dubious rationale given by the WHO: if there was no statistically significant increase in deaths recorded during Phase 3 vaccine trials, death is not associated with vaccination. Those phase 3 trials are too small and too short to detect rare lethal adverse effects. After a vaccine is licensed, all deaths and serious adverse reactions that had not been detected in Phase 3 trials are labelled as ‘coincidental deaths /events’ or ‘unclassifiable’. The association of death with vaccination is discounted. An Exploratory Analysis (2018) by Dr. Jacob Puliyel, head of pediatrics at St. Stephens Hospital Delhi, India, and member of the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) of the Government of India, documented that following the shift from the DPT – diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus – vaccine in 2011, to the pentavalent vaccine, the number of deaths rose precipitously. Dr. Puliyel calculated that data from states with good reporting of adverse events, suggest that there are likely to be 7,020–8,190 additional deaths each year in India, because of the shift from DPT to Pentavalent vaccine. The shocking conclusion one cannot help but draw is that the WHO classification system for adverse events following vaccination was crafted for use in devalued populations in the Third Word, where its use is imposed. This harks back to the days of institutionalized Apartheid. Understandably, Dr. Puliyel concluded that: “deaths and other serious adverse events following vaccination in the third world, that use WHO-AEFI classification are not recorded in any database for pharmacovigilance. It is as if the deaths of children in low (and middle) income countries are of no consequence.”

Fighting Academic Censorship on Gardasil Vaccine Research, Dr. Sin Hang Lee Challenges Medical and Scientific Community to Debate in Open Forum

In an unprecedented move, pathologist/clinical microbiologist, Dr. Sin Hang Lee has decided to invite the international community of scientists and medical professionals to peer-review and/or discuss his latest research “Toll-like receptor 9 agonist in HPV vaccine Gardasil 9” in an open public forum. According to Dr. Lee, during 2011/12, when he tried to publish papers describing HPV DNA fragments he had discovered in Gardasil 4, his first paper was rejected by three medical journal editors despite the fact that the manufacturer had assured health authorities worldwide no such fragments were in the final product. The first of his papers regarding this subject was favorably peer-reviewed by three scientists who recommended publication. However, upon subsequent review by a journal editor publication was inexplicably denied. Both papers were subsequently published in non-medical journals which deal with ‘pure science’ thereby limiting access to most medical professionals. Dr. Lee also states that after submission of his latest research to “Vaccines” the editor-in-chief sent his paper out requesting a peer review. However, the editor’s subordinates refused to process the manuscript even though the journal claims to be “an international, peer-reviewed open access journal focused on laboratory and clinical vaccine research, utilization and immunization.” Dr. Lee believes this unusual response illustrates a top-level concerted effort by vaccine stakeholders to suppress any information which could potentially impact the published safety profile of HPV vaccines.

Former FDA Commissioner Gottlieb Joins Pfizer: World’s Largest Pharmaceutical Company and Second Largest Manufacturer of Vaccines

Former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, MD has joined the board of directors of Pfizer, Inc.—the world’s largest pharmaceutical company and second largest manufacturer of vaccines. Pfizer, which posted total revenues of $53.7 billion in 2018, announced Dr. Gottlieb’s election to the board on June 27, 2019. Dr. Gottlieb, who led the FDA from May 11, 2017 to Apr. 5, 2019, has also been appointed to the Regulatory and Compliance Committee and the Science and Technology Committee of Pfizer’s board. As FDA Commissioner, Dr. Gottlieb often expressed strong opinions about the safety and mandatory use of vaccines. He has said he does not believe there is a need for further scientific research into reported vaccine side effects, such as the development of regressive autism in previously healthy children after vaccination. He was also outspoken this year about his belief that children attending school with vaccine exemptions are to blame for measles outbreaks and the federal government should intervene if states do not restrict or eliminate vaccine exemptions.