FDA Decision to Approve Gardasil Vaccine for Adults Will Likely Increase Cervical Cancer Rates

The HPV vaccine was just approved for adults, despite Merck’s concerning research data. The FDA made its determination in the face of substantial evidence of the dangers of the HPV vaccine and the existence of safer alternatives. For women who have already been exposed to certain strains of the HPV virus, vaccination can actually increase the risk of precancerous lesions by 44.6%. That’s right: if you are already infected with HPV, getting vaccinated could increase your risk of getting cancer. To put this in perspective, 79 million Americans are thought to be infected with HPV, and about 14 million are newly infected each year, making HPV the most common sexually transmitted infection. Often there are no symptoms. The CDC says that “HPV is so common that almost every person who is sexually active will get HPV at some time in their life.” A large, government-backed push to get more people vaccinated for HPV could actually increase many people’s risk of getting cancer.

Danish Doctor Issues Warning about HPV Vaccine: “The Vaccine Should be Stopped Immediately!”

The HPV vaccine controversy has been raging since the FDA approved Gardasil in 2006 in virtually every country utilizing this new medical intervention. Dr. Stig Gerdes wrote this open letter to Danish Health authorities, the medical community, and local journalists hoping to shed some light on the very real consequences many Danish families were forced to deal with post-HPV vaccine use. Dr. Gerdes wrote: "The vaccine should be stopped immediately! There are so many unanswered questions that should be answered before we continue to vaccinate. With each injection, there is a risk of incapacitating a previously young strong human." Unfortunately, HPV vaccine stakeholders are still trying to deny the facts Dr. Gerdes was courageous enough to put in writing.

Is the Current Epidemic of “Mystery Illnesses,” Similar to Polio, the Result of Vaccine Side Effects?

The CDC and other medical "authorities" refer to them as "mystery illnesses," but they have been around and identified for the past 5 years now, and actually are not all that "mysterious." Young children are affected the most. They are the result of "enteroviruses," the same as the polio virus, but they are not called "polio." There is currently another outbreak of enteroviruses being reported in the corporate media, usually referred to as acute flaccid myelitis (AFM). The symptoms are similar to polio, including paralysis. Health Impact News first reported on these outbreaks back in 2014, providing information you are not likely to read in the corporate media. See our 2014 coverage: As Enterovirus D68 Deaths Increase, Are Vaccine Contaminants to Blame? Lyn Redwood, the president of Children's Health Defense, addresses the current outbreaks and also provides information you are not likely to read in the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media, which generally ignores all environmental factors, including vaccines, as a possible cause: The Non-Polio Illness That “Looks Just Like Polio.”

Parents, Scientists and Doctors from Around the World Gather to Discuss How to Handle Increasing HPV Vaccine Injuries

Earlier this year (2018) parents, scientists and doctors from all over the world gathered in Ireland at an IFICA conference to discuss the future of the HPV vaccine injured. The theme was "Working Together." The Ireland Government HSE (Health Service Executive) was invited to send representatives to attend, but they refused the opportunity to speak or listen to the world-renowned experts who attended. Instead, the HSE claims that the HPV vaccine is "100% safe" and labeled parents of HPV vaccine injured children as "Emotional Terrorists." As a result, victims suffering from Gardasil vaccine injuries in Ireland cannot get treatment, and must travel outside of the country to find medical help for their injuries.

FDA Approves Dangerous Gardasil Vaccine for Adults in the U.S.

Following a June, 2018 “Priority Review” by the FDA to approve Merck's Gardasil 9 vaccine to be expanded to women and men, ages 27 to 45, after 10 years of the FDA denying Merck's request to expand the Gardasil market to adults, the FDA approved Gardasil 9 to be expanded to adults, aged 27 to 45, on October 8, 2018. Granting approval to a vaccine after a "Priority Review" by the FDA in only 3 months is a "fast nod" according to FiercePharma, the market trade publication of the pharmaceutical industry. Merck did not even have to supply any new trials or data to get the vaccine approved for adults, in spite of the fact that the FDA denied their request for 10 years on the older Gardasil vaccine. According to FiercePharma: "Because Gardasil 9 and sister shot Gardasil are manufactured similarly, the FDA based the Gardasil 9 decision on results from a study of its predecessor." The study the FDA relied upon to approve Gardasil 9 for adults, was considered insufficient for 10 years as the FDA denied Merck approval to market the vaccine to adults: "Back in 2008, after agreeing to a faster review in the age group, the FDA decided against Merck’s case for an additional Gardasil approval in females 27 to 45. The agency in 2009 issued a second complete response letter for that application, demanding Merck to provide longer-term efficacy data in the age group. That set of data apparently didn’t turn things around for Merck. In both Gardasil’s and Gardasil 9’s current labels, information about a study on 3,253 women, 27 through 45 years of age, states that there was “no statistically significant efficacy” demonstrated by the vaccine in preventing high-grade cervical lesions or cervical cancer." Yet somehow, that same study is now deemed to be sufficient to approve Gardasil 9 for adults.

Did 80,000 People Really Die from the Flu Last Year? Inflating Flu Death Estimates to Sell Flu Shots

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that the 2017-2018 flu season killed 80,000 and hospitalized 900,000 Americans. Of course, the mainstream media reported this as fact. Deaths from flu are always estimates because if the Powers-That-Be reported the true numbers of deaths from actual influenza infections, the numbers would be much lower and people would not be so inclined to receive a flu shot. How does the CDC overestimate the number of flu deaths? The CDC accomplishes this by reporting a combined pneumonia and influenza death rate. For example, in 2001 the CDC reported that 62,034 died from influenza and pneumonia. After a painful hour of searching the CDCs database, I found the true 2001 numbers: 257 died from influenza and 61,777 died from pneumonia. 80,000 deaths would lead one to conclude that 13,333 died per month (80,000/6 months) from the flu. Since the internet provides 24-hour news cycles, I think we all would have heard that about 9 people (267/30 days per month) in every state dying daily from the flu. I have five practitioners in my office. We have over 100 years of experience in treating patients. None of us has can recall a single patient dying from the flu. In fact, I can guarantee you that if 9 people were dying in my state daily from the flu, my partners and I would hear about it. In fact, there are always headlines on the internet when one person dies from the flu. Studying the past CDC data shows that each year a few hundred to a few thousand die from the flu.

The War Against Vitamin D – A Threat to Big Pharma

Natural substances with tremendous healing capabilities that cannot be patented are a huge threat to the pharmaceutical industry and their FDA-approved drugs, and certainly vitamin D is at the top of this list. For example, published scientific literature shows that vitamin D is more effective in preventing annual influenza than the dangerous flu shot. Since the best and primary source of vitamin D is from the sun, most people in North America are vitamin D deficient, even during the summer months when we are told to block the sun's rays due to the fear of skin cancer. When a natural substance like vitamin D can cure and prevent so many diseases, usually in ways far superior to FDA-approved drugs and vaccines, it should come as no surprise that Big Pharma will pull out all the stops to discredit the science behind these natural substances, as they affect their profits from pharmaceutical products. This is routinely done by funding their own biased studies, and then attacking medical doctors and scientists who promote natural cures. One of the areas of vitamin D deficiency that affects many of the families we work with here at Health Impact News, is in the area of Medical Kidnapping and the widely debunked theory of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) that is used to medically kidnap children. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to brittle bones in infants and children, where multiple hairline fractures occur giving the appearance of "abuse" according to proponents of the Shaken Baby Syndrome medical theory. One doctor who is a world-renown authority on vitamin D and has testified in court on behalf of parents falsely accused of SBS, is Dr. Michael Holick. He has recently come under fire and was attacked in the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media that derives much of its advertising revenue from Big Pharma. William B. Grant, PhD, the director for the Sunlight, Nutrition, and Health Research Center, and former senior research scientist at SRI International, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and the NASA Langley Research Center, has recently published a commentary with the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service exposing Big Pharma's "disinformation playbook" and how they attack natural cures, and vitamin D health benefits specifically. Dr. Grant has authored or coauthored over 60 articles in peer-reviewed journals.

Fraud Uncovered in U.S. Government’s Claim that Vaccines do not Cause Autism – Will Congress and DOJ Act?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Chairman of Children’s Health Defense (CHD) and Rolf Hazlehurst, the father of a vaccine-injured child have petitioned Michael Horowitz, the Inspector General of the Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate the conduct of two DOJ attorneys, Vincent Matanoski and Lynn Ricciardella. The two attorneys represented the Secretary of Health and Human Services in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), otherwise known as the “Vaccine Court”, in the Omnibus Autism Proceedings (OAP), which ruled that vaccines do not cause autism. The alleged actions of the two attorneys in the OAP were fraudulent and obstructed justice. Kennedy and Hazlehurst allege that Matanoski and Ricciardella acted together to intentionally misrepresent the opinion of one of their own witnesses, Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, to conceal evidence of his true opinion from the Special Masters who presided in the “Vaccine Court” and the petitioners who were seeking justice and compensation. The evidence that Matanoski and Ricciardella concealed was a report authored by Dr. Zimmerman showing how vaccines may cause autism in a subset of children with underlying mitochondrial issues. After Dr. Zimmerman submitted his report, the DOJ attorney informed Dr. Zimmerman that he would no longer be needed as a witness. Zimmerman’s full opinion was devastating to the government’s case. Simply stated, it was now entirely possible that the government would lose thousands of the OAP cases. The cost could be into the billions and the fund that compensated the vaccine injured would be bankrupted. Even worse, the government’s claim that vaccines are “safe and effective” would evaporate and the claim that “vaccines don’t cause autism” would be debunked.

Why was the Dangerous and Contagious FluMist Vaccine Approved by the CDC?

In February 2018, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to re-recommend the live virus nasal spray influenza vaccine, FluMist, for the 2018-19 “flu season” after a two-year hiatus. The live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) is popular, particularly with children, since it is sprayed up the nose and does not require a needle for administration. The ACIP voted against recommending the quadrivalent FluMist for the 2016-17 and 2017-18 influenza seasons due to the vaccine’s ineffectiveness in protecting against the H1N1 strain (Influenza A). It is important to note that there are cases reported in the medical literature that FluMist has resulted in shedding and transmission of vaccine strain influenza virus. Despite the fact that the efficacy and effectiveness of this vaccine is unknown, Cynthia Pellegrini, senior vice president of public policy and government affairs for March of Dimes stated, “This vaccine is better than not being vaccinated and there are kids who will not be vaccinated without this option…” The assumption that using FluMist is better than not being vaccinated given the lack of data on the efficacy is not rational because it is not based on scientific evidence.

Financial Incentives for Doctors to Vaccinate as Many Children as Possible – Keep Patients on Statins

There are monetary awards for doctors and other mainstream medical practitioners who maintain high levels of compliance for prescription drugs (including vaccines), and doctors’ visits. These incentives to get more patients into their offices and to receive as many vaccines and prescription drugs as possible come from the insurance industry. The busier a doctor, pediatrician, or clinic is to maintain quotas for vaccinations and drugs, the more insurance awards them with kickbacks. Despite the ostensible stated reason of ensuring a high level of healthcare, this practice can lead to more health problems due to known side effects of these pharmaceutical products. Educating patients on prevention, such as learning how to eat healthy and avoiding environmental toxins, provides no financial benefits to medical professionals.