Are Vaccine Manufacturers Concealing Deaths Caused by Vaccines by Manipulating Post-marketing Data?

National and international health agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) routinely and emphatically claim that serious adverse events following vaccination are rare. Nowhere is officialdom’s minimization of vaccine risks more apparent than in these agencies’ position on vaccine-related deaths. The WHO, for example, states that “so few deaths can plausibly be attributed to vaccines that it is hard to assess the risk statistically.” Nevertheless, once regulators have deemed that a given vaccine is safe enough to be licensed and widely marketed, vaccine manufacturers are supposed to do just that—that is, continue to statistically assess a vaccine’s risks, including the risk of death—and regulators are supposed to carefully review the postlicensure data that pharmaceutical companies submit. A 2017 commentary by India-based physicians Jacob Puliyel and C. Sathyamala in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics describes a shocking dereliction of duty on the part of regulators who were presented with vaccine data carefully tailored to obscure serious risks. Tackling concerns about infant deaths that have occurred following hexavalent vaccination in several European countries, the authors of the commentary show that GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) neglected to report to regulatory authorities that there was a statistically significant increased risk of sudden infant death in the four days after administration of its hexavalent vaccine—and the regulatory agency in question (the EMA) ignored the omission and accepted GSK’s apparently whitewashed data at face value.

The End of Scientific Integrity? Cochrane Collaboration Expels Critic of Big Pharma – 4 Other Board Members Resign

Dr. Peter Gøtzsche recently sent out an email to the public explaining that he is the first person in 25 years to be expelled from the Cochrane Collaboration. He writes: "No clear reasoned justification has been given for my expulsion aside from accusing me of causing 'disrepute' for the organization. This is the first time in 25 years that a member has been excluded from membership of Cochrane." Four other board members have resigned from the Cochrane Collaboration as a result of this action. Health Impact News has covered the work of Dr. Gøtzsche frequently over the years, as he is an outspoken critic of Big Pharma, referring to them as "organized crime." He is author of the book, "Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime: How big pharma has corrupted healthcare." The Cochrane Collaboration is considered to be the "gold standard" in scientific integrity, but they have come under fire recently for what appears to be biased reviews influenced by the pharmaceutical industry. They received a $1.15 million "gift" from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to fund "project work" from 2016 to 2017. Earlier this year (2018), researchers from the Nordic Cochrane Centre published a critique in the British Medical Journal stating that the Cochrane’s review of the HPV vaccine "does not meet the standards for Cochrane reviews or the needs of the citizens or healthcare providers that consult Cochrane reviews to make informed decisions."

Illinois Teen Dies Three Weeks After Being Injected with HPV Gardasil Vaccine

Christopher Bunch, 14 years old, died on Aug. 14, 2018 of complications from a rare neurological disease called Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM). The teenager began experiencing symptoms, including headaches, nausea and vomiting, on Aug. 6. He spent much of the next two days sleeping. Christopher had apparently received the HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine Gardasil three weeks prior to his death. ADEM is a reported side effect of Gardasil. It is listed in the Gardasil package insert.

Michigan Department of Health Tracking Student Vaccination Status in Violation of Federal Law

The group Michigan for Vaccine Choice has sent a letter to parents in Michigan informing them that the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) are violating federal law (FERPA) by transferring private medical records about minor children, without the consent of their parents, regarding each student's vaccination status into a vaccine tracking database.

American Academy of Pediatrics Concerned About Unregulated Food Additives, but Not Vaccine Additives

In July, 2018, The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released a policy statement titled, Food Additives and Child Health. The report begins by stating, “Our purposes with this policy statement and its accompanying technical report are to review and highlight emerging child health concerns related to the use of colorings, flavorings, and chemicals deliberately added to food during processing (direct food additives) as well as substances in food contact materials, including adhesives, dyes, coatings, paper, paperboard, plastic, and other polymers, which may contaminate food as part of packaging or manufacturing equipment (indirect food additives); to make reasonable recommendations that the pediatrician might be able to adopt into the guidance provided during pediatric visits; and to propose urgently needed reforms to the current regulatory process at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for food additives." However, one important subject that the AAP doesn’t address is the toxins in pediatric vaccines. Mercury, the second most dangerous substance known to mankind is still in childhood vaccinations–influenza, meningitis, HIB, Tdap, and Td; aluminum, a neurotoxin, is in a plethora of vaccines including hepatitis A and B, DTaP, Td, HIB, HPV; formaldehyde a known carcinogen is found in DTaP, Td, Hepatis A, Hib, influenza, and Tdap. There are other toxic substances in many different vaccines. Our children are the most vaccinated young people on the planet. Unfortunately, our children are the sickest when compared to any major Western country. It is long overdue for the AAP to address the elephant in the room; toxic additives in childhood vaccines.

Should the CDC Oversee Vaccine Safety When They Purchase Over $5 Billion of Vaccines from Big Pharma?

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is tasked by the U.S. Government with overseeing vaccine safety. They claim on their website: "The United States’ long-standing vaccine safety program closely and constantly monitors the safety of vaccines. A critical part of the program, CDC’s Immunization Safety Office identifies possible vaccine side effects and conducts studies to determine whether health problems are caused by vaccines. Data show that the current U.S. vaccine supply is the safest in history." However, the CDC is the largest purchaser of vaccines in the world, and their budget to purchase vaccines from pharmaceutical companies was over $5.1 BILLION in 2018, and is set to increase to over $5.4 BILLION in 2019. Can we trust the CDC to oversee vaccine safety with such a blatant conflict of interest?

Get Your Flu Shot? DOJ Report From Vaccine Court Reveals Flu Shot is Most Dangerous Vaccine in U.S.

The 2018 push for the flu shot is now in full swing. Pharmacies are advertising enticing offers, including free flu shots with discounts on other products (CVS), and the opportunity to give a free flu shot to children in Africa (Walgreens). These retail outlets offer no-wait shots, making it appear to be as easy as purchasing candy or tissue paper in your visit to your local drug store. What these retail outlets will most likely fail to mention, however, is that according to the Department of Justice's quarterly reports listing compensations for injuries and deaths due to vaccines from the Vaccine Court, the flu shot is the most dangerous vaccine in the U.S. with crippling and fatal side effects. How many people taking advantage of "free" flu shots will know that there is a long list of debilitating side effects from the flu shot, as compensated by the U.S. Government in the federal Vaccine Court? These side effects include (among others): GBS - Guillain–Barré syndrome is a rapid-onset muscle weakness caused by the immune system damaging the peripheral nervous system. TM - Transverse myelitis is an inflammation of both sides of one section of the spinal cord. This neurological disorder often damages the insulating material covering nerve cell fibers (myelin). ADEM - Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, or acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis, is a rare autoimmune disease marked by a sudden, widespread attack of inflammation in the brain and spinal cord. CIDP - Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy is a neurological disorder -- a condition that targets your body's nerves. MS - Multiple sclerosis is a demyelinating disease in which the insulating covers of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord are damaged. SIRVA - SIRVA stands for “Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration.” SIRVA can lead to intense, prolonged pain, limited range of motion, and shoulder-related injuries such as Adhesive Capsulitis or Frozen Shoulder Syndrome. Myasthenia gravis is a long-term neuromuscular disease that leads to varying degrees of skeletal muscle weakness. Peripheral Neuropathy is damage to or disease affecting nerves, which may impair sensation, movement, gland or organ function, or other aspects of health, depending on the type of nerve affected. DEATH by the flu vaccine. All of these debilitating side effects were reported as being compensated in recent DOJ reports.

Was Texas Mom’s Baby who was Accidentally Vaccinated with Gardasil Medically Kidnapped for Medical Research?

When Anita Vasquez sought medical care for the reactions her baby girl was having after mistakenly being given the Gardasil vaccine at only 4 months old, she had no way of knowing that she was walking into a hospital that was working on vaccine development in collaboration with one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. She found herself tangled in what appeared to her to be a deep web of interests that were in direct conflict with her only goal, which was simply trying to get help for her baby. Instead of finding help, she was met with accusations that she had somehow caused harm. Doctors and social workers testified that Anita had Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (also known as "factitious disorder"), which means she was accused of making up her daughter's medical conditions when there were none. Anita is a licensed nurse by profession. The state of Texas recently terminated her parental rights to her daughter Aniya Blu. It was apparent to Anita from the very beginning that there was more going on than meets the eye. Evidence was hidden. Medical records were kept from her and her attorneys. Medical diagnoses of real problems were covered up. The deception continued throughout the ordeal with Child Protective Services, and it followed Anita into the courtroom. There were many facts of the case that Anita didn't learn about until just before the termination hearing. Even then, the evidence was ignored. Anita Vasquez has appealed the termination of her parental rights for her daughter, who was mistakenly injected at 4 months old with the Gardasil 9 vaccine intended for her older brother. Anita received a letter on August 31, 2018, from the Thirteenth District of Texas Court of Appeals noting that her appeal was accepted.

Japan has the Lowest Infant Mortality Rate Following Ban on Mandatory Vaccinations

Fact: Japan has the lowest infant mortality rate following ban on mandatory vaccinations, and they urge other countries to follow this firm stance. The citizens of Japan are statistically proven to be the healthiest and longest-living people in the world. The country also has the lowest infant mortality rate on the planet. It may come as no surprise to many that the Japanese Government banned a number of vaccines that are currently mandatory in the United States and has strict regulations in place for other Big Pharma drugs and vaccines in general. Japan’s anti-vax policies have long been criticised by vaccine pushers in the US who claim that vaccinating the public “promotes health.” However, Japanese people live longer, healthier lives than Americans, with babies born in the US twice as likely to die in infancy than those born in Japan. It’s clear to see that Western nations have a lot to learn from the Japanese when it comes to their approach to vaccinations and issues facing public health. The Japanese are vaccine sceptics, to put it simply, and due to adverse reactions suffered by Japanese children, have banned many vaccines. The Japanese are well educated on the dangers of over-vaccinating their children and oppose the use of multi-shot vaccinations such as the MMR vaccine. Following a record number of children developing adverse reactions, including meningitis, loss of limbs, and even sudden death, the Japanese government banned the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine from its vaccination program, despite facing serious opposition from Big Pharma.

Do You Know How to Recognize a Vaccine Reaction?

Do you know how to recognize a vaccine reaction? Like with prescription drugs and other pharmaceutical products, reactions to vaccines can be mild or severe. There can be complete recovery or long lasting health problems after vaccine reactions. Rarely, vaccine reactions can be fatal. If you are making a decision about vaccination for yourself or your child, it is important to first become fully informed about each vaccine’s reported side effects, precautions and contraindications, which means reasons for why a person may be at risk for having a serious reaction. It is especially important for parents to become informed about vaccine complications and how to recognize the symptoms of a vaccine reaction.