Lawsuits Mount Against Shingles Vaccine is reporting that Merck's shingles vaccine, Zostavax, is facing several lawsuits for causing shingles, the very thing the vaccine is supposed to protect against. Eighteen people from across the country filed one of the first Zostavax lawsuits in New Jersey. The lawsuit alleges the vaccine caused people to develop shingles. The outbreak led to hospitalization and chronic nerve pain called post-herpetic neuralgia. “Merck knew or should have known that its product caused viral infection and was therefore not safe,” the suit said. Jane Boda filed one of the early lawsuits in Wisconsin in May 2018. The lawsuit claims Zostavax gave Boda shingles. She says she suffered chronic nerve damage as a result.

Whistleblower Accuses CDC of Manipulating Shingles Data with Chickenpox Vaccine

The controversy over varicella vaccine safety and mandates has raged since its introduction in the U.S. nearly 25 years ago. When it was licensed in 1995, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) questioned the strength of the scientific evidence for safety and effectiveness used by CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to make a universal use recommendation and argued the vaccine should not be mandated because, in part, universal use of the vaccine could drive chickenpox into older children and adults and raise the risks for shingles later in life. Gary S. Goldman, PhD served for eight years as Research Analyst for the Varicella Active Surveillance Project (VASP) in a cooperative project with the CDC. In March 2018, Dr. Gary S. Goldman published an article in Annals of Clinical Pathology, “The US Universal Varicella Vaccination Program: CDC Censorship of Adverse Public Health Consequences.” In that article he provided evidence to support his allegation that CDC officials manipulated varicella data to affirm the CDC’s support for chickenpox vaccine mandates that that will require a lifetime of expensive vaccine boosters. In what Goldman described as a deliberate “attempt to quash the unwanted outcomes in the years following 2000,” he said it became apparent that the methods for interpretation of data were flawed, skewing CDC and VASP conclusions in favor of the varicella mass vaccination program.

Pro-Vaccine Maryland Parent Outraged over Corruption in Mass Gardasil Vaccination Policies

Maryland parent Josh Mazer is a pro-vaccine parent. He has stated: "A properly administered, robust vaccine policy is instrumental in promoting the public welfare." (We disagree on this point.) However, there is one vaccine he does not promote, and after the local health department started promoting this vaccine to 12 and 13-year-old children without parental consent or knowledge, he decided to do some investigating behind this large public campaign of mass vaccination. The vaccine in question is Merck's HPV vaccine Gardasil, which is well-known to the readers of Health Impact News, but less so among the general public. Mazer was notified of the policy earlier this year (2018) by a "a career public school nurse" who told him that she was "being forced" to market Gardasil to 11 and 12-year-old kids at her school. Mazer decided to investigate why this was being presented as a "public health crisis," but none of the local health department officials gave him any useful facts or information to justify the mass HPV vaccine campaign. So he filed a Public Information Act request with the local government Prevention and Health Promotion Administration. He learned the state health department received $91.6 million just since 2012 from pharma funded non-profits to promote the HPV vaccine in Maryland. Bingo. Welcome to our world, Mr. Mazer.

4 Years After CDC Whistleblower Reveals Vaccine Fraud Still Nothing Happens

It was four years ago, August 2014, that a senior CDC scientist—Dr. William Thompson–claimed whistleblower protection by claiming that the CDC had committed fraud by hiding and manipulating data that showed the MMR vaccine was associated with a higher risk of autism. According to the CDC, we are currently suffering through an exponential increase in autism since the 1970s. In 1970, the autism rate was 1 in 10,000. In 2018, the rate of autism epidemically increased to 1 in 59 children. That is a 169-fold increase in autism in U.S. children over nearly 50 years! You would think a senior CDC scientist who claims malfeasance at the CDC is responsible for the rapid rise in autism would immediately trigger Congressional investigations to find out the truth. However, our dysfunctional Congress would prove you wrong.

U.S. Children Have Highest Rates of Diabetes and the Most Vaccines in the World

Type 1 diabetes—also called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) or juvenile diabetes— is one of the most common and rapidly increasing autoimmune diseases in children. The U.S. has more children with type 1 diabetes than any other country in the world, with a prevalence in children and adolescents that grew by 21% from 2001 to 2009. The U.S. also has the highest number of new cases annually, well ahead of India (with a population four times bigger). Puzzling over the dramatic rise of type 1 diabetes in young children over the past several decades, scientists are reaching consensus that environmental factors play a significant role. Two of the most widely discussed environmental candidates are dietary factors and viral infections. In light of the hypothesis that viruses can be precipitating factors, it has appeared logical to at least some researchers to consider whether live virus vaccines also could be contributors, particularly given the temporal association between expansion of the childhood vaccine schedule and the escalating type 1 diabetes rates.

Are Front-line Emergency Room Doctors the Key to Identifying Vaccine Injuries and Reporting Them?

Are front-line emergency room doctors the key to identifying vaccine injuries and reporting them? At least one ER doctor thinks so. David Denton Davis MD, a former Emergency Physician, claims neither our Centers for Disease Control (CDC) nor our Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has requested help from the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) in identifying illnesses and deaths occurring hours, days and weeks following childhood vaccinations. In his soon-to-be-published book “Who Can Parents Trust? Vaccines: Avoidable and Unsafe," he claims the vast majority of serious vaccine related illnesses coming into Emergency rooms will continue to go unrecognized, unless nurses and physicians ask the last vaccination date (LVD). He believes during the past thirty years several million serious Adverse Events (AE's), including deaths presenting nationwide to more than 5,000 Emergency rooms have never been recognized, documented or submitted for investigation, in accordance with our National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA). All suspicions of a vaccine related adverse event are required by law to be submitted using our Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Sadly, he goes on, very few Emergency Physicians or Nurses have received any NCVIA or VAERS education. As a charter member of ACEP, Dr. Davis served on the Board of Directors during the creation of Emergency Medicine (EM) as a specialty. He admits his own reporting failures were due to a lack of vaccine education. Dr. Davis states he is concerned many pediatricians know, but are not reporting illnesses following vaccinations, for financial reasons. Although neither makers nor physicians are liable for vaccine damage, the ultimate truth for safety was made contingent on investigating physician, parent or third party VAERS submissions. With only a very small percentage being reported, no one can honestly say vaccines are safe.

French Oncologist Analysis of Gardasil Vaccine Finds Higher Rates of Cervical Cancer Associated with High Vaccination Rates

A medical doctor in France, Dr. Gérard Delépine, an oncologist, has published an analysis of the HPV vaccine Gardasil on the independent news site, Agora Vox, showing how increased rates of Gardasil vaccinations are actually correlated with a higher rate of cervical cancer. The analysis was published as an Open letter to parliamentarians, and to all citizens, in response to a recent meeting between French President Emmanuel Macron and "thirty leaders of the world's largest pharmaceutical groups," and to the call among some politicians to make the HPV vaccine Gardasil mandatory in France. Using statistics from several countries, Dr. Delépine shows that cervical cancer was decreasing in all these countries due to the implementation of regular pap smears. However, in some countries where mass Gardasil vaccination took place, the incidence of cervical cancer actually increased.

15 Year Old French Girl’s “Descent into Hell” After Gardasil Vaccine – Wheelchair Bound and Paralyzed

Jean-Jacques and Yveline say that their daughter Océane was a girl full of joy, health, and laughter before her 15th birthday. They affectionately called her their ‘little pearl.’ She never had to visit the doctor for an illness. That is until her life was turned upside-down because of trust. Océane was 15 years old when she went to her family doctor to get a medical certificate for dancing with a friend. The doctor suggested Gardasil for cervical cancer prevention. Her parents trusted their family doctor and consented to the vaccination. They did not realize this decision would set off a chain of events that would make Dante’s Inferno look like a picnic. The year 2011 was a descent into hell for Océane’s parents. One stroke had left their daughter in a wheelchair without vision or hearing due to the acute encephalomyelitis. For two years, Océane could not attend school. Wheelchairs, facial paralysis, dizziness and great fatigue kept her home. Today, they seek justice in court, not only for their daughter, but for the more than 700 other French families who have suffered injuries due to the Gardasil vaccine.

FDA Approves Experimental Hepatitis B Vaccine for Adults Despite Higher Incidence of Heart Attacks

In February 2018, the FDA and CDC approved the recommendation for a new hepatitis B vaccine, Heplisav-B targeting adults over the age of 18. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had twice rejected the application for licensure for Heplisav-B in the past four years because of safety signals. Heplisav-B differs from other licensed hepatitis B vaccines in that it contains a new synthetic adjuvant known as cytosine phosphoguanine 1018 (CpG 1018) composed of short synthetic DNA molecules. In 2016, the FDA rejected an application for licensure for the Heplisav-B vaccine, because the agency was concerned about an increased rate of heart attacks and deaths in people who had been given the vaccine. During the trial, approximately 14 subjects had heart attacks. In July 2017, the FDA committee convened to re-evaluate the scientific evidence and make a decision on whether Heplisav B should or should not be approved for use in the U.S. This committee had only one cardiologist on the team, Milton Packer, MD, who is a distinguished scholar in cardiovascular science at the Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. According to Dr. Packer, it was possible that the Heplisav B vaccine’s novel adjuvant was related to the higher number of heart attacks in study participants who received the experimental vaccine. He stated: "To know if the 7 -1 heart attack imbalance represented a real risk, we’d need comparative data in 50,000 people." However, the only way to conduct such a large trial would be to approve the vaccine and see what happens in the public. With Dr. Packer abstaining in his vote to recommend the vaccine, the FDA committee approved it anyway. Dr. Packer stated: "Why did I abstain? Based on the available data, it was impossible for anyone to know if the increase in heart attack risk was real. There is a simple rule in life: if you don’t know, you should say you don’t know." The vaccine is now available to the public, and all those who receive it are basically guinea pigs to find out if heart attacks will result from the experimental vaccine, and if it will continue to have FDA approval.

HPV Vaccine Scandal Affects Cochrane Biased Review as Critics Speak Out in BMJ

In May 2018, Cochrane, the research organization that bills itself as the “international gold standard for high quality, trusted information,” released a flattering review of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines. The Cochrane review methodology involves pulling together data from clinical trials and reviewing the assembled evidence in what is supposed to be a standardized, systematic and neutral manner. In June, we reported that Cochrane’s sources of funding—agencies and foundations that are unwilling to brook any questions about vaccine safety—raise reasonable doubts about Cochrane’s conflicts of interest and ability to remain independent from its funders’ agendas. Now, researchers affiliated with one of Cochrane’s regional member centers (the Nordic Cochrane Centre) and with the Oxford-based Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (OCEBM) have come out with an exhaustive critique of Cochrane’s HPV review, published in BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine. Not mincing their words, the authors state: "We believe that the Cochrane [HPV vaccine] review does not meet the standards for Cochrane reviews or the needs of the citizens or healthcare providers that consult Cochrane reviews to make ‘Informed decisions,’ which…is part of Cochrane’s motto." The Nordic and OCEBM authors make many solid arguments about the Cochrane reviewers’ omissions and errors, including the reviewers’ inexplicable characterization of the higher death rate in the HPV group as “a chance occurrence.”