The CDC’s History of Research Fraud Regarding Vaccines and Autism

Documents obtained by the Freedom of Information Act indicate that Centers for Disease Control (CDC) officials gave preferential treatment to the Danish grantees (including Dr. Poul Thorsen), and took no apparent action to evaluate the veracity of any of the study data when theft of over $1 million of grant money by Thorsen was made known. In 2009, when CDC officials became aware that Thorsen failed to obtain legally required ethics permissions for the autism bio and genetic data projects, these CDC employees worked with the Danish grantees to hide this fact. Dr. Coleen Boyle, current Director of NCBDDD at CDC, should have shut this grant down immediately upon being informed that ethical clearances were not in place. She should have immediately contacted the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Research Integrity as well as the Office of Inspector General. Funding should have been discontinued. She should have led the charge to have these papers retracted. There should have been, at a minimum, a press release from the CDC to inform the public. Instead, Dr. Boyle along with Dr. Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, Joanne Wojcik and Dr. Diana Schendel worked with their Danish Grantees to ‘fix it’ and retrospectively apply ethics approvals. How can the CDC be trusted with stewarding vaccine safety for the U.S. if this is an example of how ethics are regarded within their ranks? Unfortunately, this is just one of many instances of research fraud and malfeasance within the CDC. CDC officials in the Immunization Safety Office and the Developmental Disabilities Branch have repeatedly omitted data and manipulated statistical results to deny any relationship between vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism.

Gardasil Vaccine Documentary “Sacrificial Virgins” Wins World Social Impact Award at Queens World Film Festival

Fresh from recent film festival success in Australia, the documentary Sacrificial Virgins scooped the prestigious Special Jury Prize for World Social Impact at the Queens World Film Festival in Queens, New York. Sacrificial Virgins writer and narrator Joan Shenton said: "It was a wonderfully proud moment for us all when Andi stepped up to receive the Special Jury Prize for the film work he directed. Our hope is that Sacrificial Virgins will have a tremendous social impact by helping to prevent countless girls and boys around the world from going through the torment endured by the young women we interviewed in the films. We do not want to see more young lives lost or ruined."

Leading Animal Health and Cancer Specialists Release FREE 7-part Docu-Series on The Truth About Pet Cancer

Cancer has no mercy. Every year, cancer claims the lives of our mothers… fathers… and friends. And now – this ruthless disease is stealing the lives our beloved animals. It’s sad but true. Each year, over 6 million dogs and 6 million cats are diagnosed with cancer. And millions die as a devastating result. But what if it didn’t have to happen? What if people and pets are tragically dying from cancer, simply because they haven’t heard about treatments that can truly heal them? And if there were simple things you can do that would prevent your pet from getting cancer in the first place. Well, now it’s time for you to discover the Truth about *PET* Cancer.

Rhode Island Urges Congress to Repeal Law Protecting Big Pharma from Vaccine Injuries and Deaths: Subpoena CDC Whistleblower

While many state governments across the U.S. are trying to pass legislation to increase vaccination rates and make vaccines mandatory, one state is seemingly going in the exact opposite direction. The Rhode Island General Assembly has just introduced a Senate resolution calling on the U.S. Congress to repeal The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986. The NCVIA gives legal immunity to pharmaceutical companies producing vaccines, so that any injuries or deaths caused by vaccines have to be litigated in a special government vaccine court funded by taxpayers. Pharmaceutical companies bear no responsibilities for producing faulty or dangerous vaccines in the United States thanks to the 1986 law. However, there is one result of vaccine injuries that is not allowed to be litigated even in the vaccine court: autism. The government position is that the "science is settled" regarding any link between vaccines and autism, and therefore, if your child develops autism after being injected with vaccines, you currently have no legal recourse. It has been well documented that since 1986, the rates of autism have skyrocketed. The ability for parents and families to defend themselves against injuries due to vaccines seems to be the motivation for the Rhode Island Senate Resolution.

Vaccine Injury Payouts: Taxpayers on the Hook for over $3.8 Billion as Vaccine Makers Rake in Profits

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) that went into effect in 1988 stipulated that vaccine manufacturers cannot be held liable for injuries or deaths that occur from use of their vaccines which are recommended for every child in America by the Centers for Disease Control. Vaccine makers are in a win-win position that no other industry in America enjoys. While profits go to vaccine companies, the monetary amounts awarded to the vaccine-injured from “vaccine court” are paid for by taxpayers. As vaccine makers aren’t held accountable for unsafe products intended for children, there’s no incentive for them to ensure the vaccines they manufacture are safe. Only 1% of vaccine injuries are reported and only 1/3 of the petitions are compensated – up to 99% of vaccine injuries go unreported. Total compensation paid for by taxpayers over the life of the program is over $3.8 billion.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Addresses Capitol Hill on Vaccine Safety Issues

Last week, 15 dedicated children’s health and medical choice advocates joined Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on Capitol Hill to fulfill our promise to the community to provide crucial vaccine safety information to every member of Congress. Meetings with Congressional Members, Senators, and staff took place over a four-day time period to explain WMP’s six-step Vaccine Safety Project that details the actions necessary to introduce sound science and transparency to our vaccination program. Federally elected officials can no longer ignore the chronic health conditions—tied in no small part to adverse vaccine reactions—that currently affect over half of our nation’s children. Not only are these officials now aware of the conflicts of interest and inadequate science upon which the vaccine program is built, but they have been given a common-sense plan for enacting desperately needed changes that puts children’s health first.

Newsweek: “Is Marijuana the World’s Most Effective Treatment for Autism?”

Due largely to increased vaccination demands and other toxic food and environment factors, the horror of life-long autism ruining families is constantly increasing. With mainstream medicine’s failure to even moderately improve those children’s quality of life, desperate parents of autistic children are finding that medical marijuana can sometimes offer amazing results, and mainstream media is starting to take note. On the last week of February 2018, Newsweek ran an article titled, “Is Marijuana the World’s Most Effective Treatment for Autism?” The question alone was controversial.

CDC Scandal: Committee that Withdrew Recommendation for Nasal Flu Vaccine Now Recommends it to Experiment on American Public

In June of 2016 the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) admitted that the live attenuated nasal influenza vaccine known as “FluMist” was not effective, and was not recommended for the 2016-2017 flu season. It was also not recommended for the current flu season (2017-2018). The CDC's own data showed that the nasal vaccine was not effective. The CDC press release in 2016 stated, “This three percent estimate means no protective benefit could be measured.” Shortly after this announcement in 2016, a family in Utah went public with their story, explaining how their 8-year old daughter died from influenza, even though she had been vaccinated with FluMist. They had trusted the CDC and their flu recommendations, but now they have lost their daughter. Even though the CDC withdrew their recommendation for the failed nasal flu vaccine, FluMist retained its FDA approval and has been available to purchase the past two years. On February 21, 2018, the CDC's ACIP reversed its decision on FluMist, and voted 12-2 to add FluMist to the CDC’s list of recommended vaccines for the 2018-2019 influenza season. Stat News reports how members of the ACIP expressed concerns about deciding to reverse their decision and recommend it: "The motion to recommend FluMist passed by a surprising 12-to-2 vote, the outcome of which belies the unease that a number of members of the committee clearly felt about the decision they were making. They faced, in essence, a Catch-22: It has been impossible to generate the type of data that would normally be used to make a decision like this. The only way to see if the problem has been solved is to use the vaccine. But without an ACIP recommendation, the vaccine’s use in the U.S. would remain minimal." So the fact is that the effectiveness of FluMist is still not known, but the CDC has no qualms about testing it on the American public to find out.

America’s War on Religious and Conscientious Objections to Mandatory Vaccines

Recognizing that browbeaters should not be allowed to ride roughshod over citizens’ sincerely held religious or conscientious beliefs, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), on January 18, announced that it was forming a Conscience and Religious Freedom Division within the HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR). The new Division’s mandate will be to enforce “federal laws that protect conscience and the free exercise of religion and prohibit coercion and discrimination in health and human services.” To date, most news stories about the new OCR Division have focused on the Division’s role in standing up for the moral or religious beliefs of health care providers, especially in regards to abortion and religious beliefs. However, the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division has indicated that it may also be willing to receive and respond to complaints from citizens who have been prevented from freely exercising their conscientious and religious beliefs related to vaccination. From now until March 27, 2018, citizens have an opportunity to tell the OCR that they want the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division to explicitly include vaccine-related situations in the categories of complaints that the Division will consider. This is a big opportunity to not only retain the right to refuse vaccines on religious and conscientious grounds but also perhaps to reinstate religious and/or philosophical exemptions in California, West Virginia and Mississippi.

Faulty Dengue Vaccine Resulting in Deaths and Increased Diseases in Philippines Seeks FDA Approval for U.S. Market

Health Impact News reported late last year (December 2017) that vaccine manufacturer Sanofi Pasteur admitted that their vaccine for dengue (a deadly tropical disease spread mostly by mosquitoes) was defective. In a press release from France, the pharmaceutical company admitted that the vaccine is harmful to those not previously infected with dengue, and could cause children not previously infected with dengue to contract a severe case of the disease. More than 800,000 Filipino children have received at least one dose of Dengvaxia. Former Philippine President Benigno Aquino III stated recently that he would not have approved a mass immunization program in 2015 using Dengvaxia had Sanofi Pasteur, the French pharmaceutical company that developed the dengue vaccine, made known then that the drug posed risks to the health of some people. Reports of severe cases of Dengue and even some deaths have been related to the Dengvaxia vaccine, and the Philippine Department of Health (DOH) has setup "express lanes" at local hospitals to deal with illnesses and injuries due to the vaccine. In the vaccine marketing trade publication FiercePharma, it is being reported that Sanofi is not going to let the "Dengvaxia mess" in the Philippines stop them from seeking FDA approval for the vaccine to be sold in the U.S.