Mass Sterilization of Millions of African Girls through Tetanus Vaccine Scandal Broadens as Kenyan Laboratory Attacked

In September of 2017 APA News in Kenya reported that at least 500,000 young girls and women may be infertile, following a tetanus vaccine administered by the government in 2014 and 2015: “Today, we can confirm to the country that the Catholic Church was right. Hundreds of thousands of our girls and women, aged between 14 and 49, from the fastest growing populations in the country will not have children, because of the state-sponsored sterilization that was sold to the country as tetanus vaccination,” Odinga declared. Odinga further charged that they accessed the analysis from four highly-regarded institutions, such as agriQ Quest Ltd, the Nairobi Hospital Laboratories, the University of Nairobi and Lancet Kenya. According to a growing number of reports, Agriq-Quest Ltd, the Nairobi based testing laboratory appointed by the Kenyan Ministry of Health and the Catholic Health Commission to carry out analysis on selected vials of the tetanus toxoid vaccines to determine whether or not they contained the anti-fertility hormone hCG, have had their license suspended. Interestingly, the allegation that their license was suspended came a full two years after they had presented their findings, and representatives from the laboratory have told Health Impact News that their license is still intact. “Our license was not suspended. We continue to run the laboratory. We feel we were right in our analysis and that the vaccines were contaminated with beta hCG. No kind of intimidation will hide this and take this scientific fact away. What happened was a systematic scheme to destroy the credibility of the laboratory and cast doubt on the tests since they did not have the capacity to challenge the science and method that was used to analyze the vaccines."

Milwaukee Health Commissioner Attacked for Statement About Vaccine Safety

Dr. Patricia McManus, the executive director of the Black Health Coalition of Wisconsin, was recently named as the Interim Health Commissioner of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, by an overwhelming majority of the City Council. The vote was 13 to 1 in her favor. She replaced former Milwaukee Health Commissioner Bevan Baker in mid-January, who was apparently forced to resign because the Milwaukee Health Department allegedly "failed to ensure adequate notification of thousands of families whose children tested positive for elevated lead levels in their blood." The City Council had rejected Mayor Tom Barrett's choice to serve as Interim Health Commissioner and chose Dr. McManus instead. Dr. Patricia McManus has served for almost 30 years as the director of the Black Health Coalition of Wisconsin, and holds bachelor and master's degrees in Nursing, as well as a Ph.D in Urban Studies - Health Systems. When asked why she was taking the job as Interim Health Commissioner she reportedly stated: "I love what I do at the Black Health Coalition. I listen to my community too, they asked me to do this. I'm not taking a loyalty oath to [Mayor Barrett] or to the council. It's to the community, that's how I see myself." However, after appearing on a local radio talk show recently, she has come under attack for not taking the extremist position on vaccines, and reportedly stated that the "science is still out" on the link between vaccines and autism. Dr. McManus has since made it clear that she is NOT anti-vaccine, as she stated: "My daughter received all of her immunizations as a child, and all of my grandchildren continue to do so as well." As a result of this one comment made on a radio talk show, however, some aldermen have now come out against her, and have suggested that the Mayor should veto her appointment.

Florida Legislators Seek to Mandate Dangerous Gardasil Vaccine for School Children

The HPV Gardasil vaccine is a very dangerous and controversial vaccine, and world-wide many countries are now removing their recommendations for children to receive this vaccine. Currently, this vaccine is NOT part of the CDC required vaccinations for school children, so Florida legislators, for some reason, want to add this to the schedule of the many vaccines already required for school-age children. Health Impact News has documented many stories of young women who have had their lives destroyed by Gardasil, and some have died as well. Your action is needed to help stop the State of Florida from mandating HPV (human papillomavirus) Vaccines for all school children, girls and boys.

Using Tobacco to Make New Flu Vaccines: Was this Why the CDC Director Resigned?

After the recent media uproar about the CDC Director Brenda Fitzgerald’s resignation, which focused on the inappropriateness of her ownership in tobacco stock, the WMP team decided to investigate further. What we uncovered is new technology that utilizes tobacco leaves to produce vaccines in a much shorter time frame and clinical trials are already underway using this new technology to produce flu vaccines here in the US. So maybe Fitzgerald’s stocks had nothing to do with smoking tobacco cessation and everything to do with vaccine production?

FREE Online 10-Part Video Masterclass on Using Essential Oils for Abundant Living

Dr. Eric & Sabrina Ann Zielinski (affectionately known as Dr. Z & Mama Z) just finished producing a 10-Part Video Masterclass that will give you the confidence that you need to make healing remedies for your body & non-toxic natural recipes for your home with essential oils. This Global Premiere of Essential Oils for Abundant Living runs online for FREE this February 20 – March 1. Distilling down what takes aromatherapists months and even years to learn, the Essential Oils for Abundant Living Masterclass delivers an easy-to-follow roadmap so you can start to use essential oils in your home with confidence. Consider this an all-you-can-sniff buffet of expert aromatherapy tips and DIY hacks to help you and your family enjoy abundant health with essential oils! If used properly, essential oils are one of the safest, most powerful natural remedies and we have a long history of use to guide us on our journey. And the best part? They have virtually no side effects, if you use them the right way! Discover how to give your medicine cabinet a makeover and start to use essential oils for abundant living today!

Dr. Mark Geier Wins Lawsuit Against Maryland Board of Physicians

A Maryland Circuit Court judge has ruled that the Maryland Board of Physicians, which stripped Dr. Mark Geier of his license to practice medicine back in 2011, acted illegally by humiliating Dr. Geier and his family publicly after they removed his medical license. In what is seen as an unprecedented action, Judge Ronald Rubin has ordered not only that $2.5 million in damages be awarded to the Geiers, but that half of that amount was to come out of the pockets of the members of the Maryland Board of Physicians, between $10,000 and $200,000 apiece, depending on their net worth. Dr. Geier was targeted by the Maryland Board of Physicians because he did not toe the party line regarding vaccines, but saw a link between some vaccines and autism, and developed medical protocols to heal children of autism that were not approved by the medical system, while at the same time fighting to make vaccines safer. The case of Dr. Mark Geier is yet another example of how honest physicians who dare to question vaccines, even when they themselves are pro-vaccine and just want an honest discussion about the efficacy and safety of vaccines, are quickly attacked and branded "anti-science" and a "quack."

Study: Rate of American Boys Developing Neurodevelopmental Disorders a National Crisis

At least one in six American children (roughly 17%) has a diagnosed developmental disability. No matter which once-rare disorder one considers—learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), tics, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or emotional disturbances—each has witnessed a dramatic escalation over the past several decades. A systematic literature review recently published in Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis contends that these trends are at crisis proportions. The crisis is spiraling out of control, with society-wide impacts on services, institutions, families and, especially, boys. There are at least two boys for every girl with a neurodevelopmental disorder. For ASD and ADHD, the male-to-female ratio is roughly four and five to one, respectively. Genetics cannot explain this consistent sex-specific pattern. What can explain it is children’s vastly increased exposure to and bioaccumulation of chemical neurotoxins at the same time that the explosion in neurodevelopmental disorders has unfolded. In fact, the skewed sex ratio is, in and of itself, a vital clue that can help pinpoint major causes of neurodevelopmental disorders. Unfortunately, research funding priorities in the U.S. are highly distorted, as the field of ASD research illustrates. In 2013, the federal government awarded more than 38 times as much funding ($291 million) to ASD researchers studying genetics as to those studying ASD’s environmental aspects ($7.5 million)—even though genetics “only addresses at best about 20% of the ASD population.”

Are Vaccine Ingredients Safe?

There is an old saying that you are what you eat. Today, many more people understand the importance of reading food ingredient labels. We check for chemicals, trans fat and sugar content, whether or not the food has been genetically modified, and how full of vitamins and nutrients the food is before we buy it. And yet, when we go to the doctor, how many times do we check the ingredients in the vaccines a doctor recommends? By federal law, drug companies selling vaccines in the U.S. must publish information about vaccine ingredients in the manufacturer package insert that comes with vials of vaccines shipped to doctors’ offices, public health clinics and pharmacies. Here are some of the ingredients that may be in the vaccines your doctor recommends: live weakened viruses, killed bacteria, aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, Polysorbate 80, Triton x-100, Hydrocortisone, Sugar, Yeast, milk and egg protein, virus like protein particles, MSG, Gelatin, squalene, antibiotics, calf serum, human, animal and insect DNA. Not every ingredient has been adequately tested for negative effects on the brain and immune system. And because every person is unique, with a different genetic and epigenetic heritage, a different microbiome, and a different health history, not every person reacts the same way to vaccine ingredients. Before you take a risk, find out what it is. It’s your health, your family, your choice.

CDC Director Resigns Showing Conflict of Interest and Big Pharma Influence Still Reigns at the CDC

Readers of Health Impact News are all too familiar with news about corruption inside the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC is responsible, for example, for protecting the nation's health and ensuring that pharmaceutical products like vaccines are safe and effective. Yet, the CDC is also the largest purchaser of vaccines from the pharmaceutical industry, spending billions of dollars of taxpayer funds every year to purchase these vaccines. Many top executives and leaders at the CDC also leave the agency to take very lucrative positions with pharmaceutical companies, revealing a revolving door policy between the government and Big Pharma. A CDC whistleblower that revealed corruption in vaccine autism studies a few years ago still has not been subpoenaed by Congress to testify, and this scandal at the CDC that is seen by some as "Bigger than Watergate" was the focus of the popular film VAXXED which was released in 2016. There was great hope that with the new administration in place at the White House that the President and his staff would clean things up at the CDC. However, with new allegations of conflicts of interest with the current CDC director, who just resigned, the World Mercury Project Team, led by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., issued a press release this week showing that the nation is still waiting for real reform at the CDC.

Science vs. CDC: Is the Flu Vaccine More Dangerous than the Flu?

CDC’s strategy to use fear to ramp up flu vaccine sales ­­­­requires the agency to exaggerate both flu risks and vaccine efficacy. Pharmaceutical companies and public health officials vastly overstate flu cases and deaths in order to market influenza “as a threat of great proportions.” Simple fact-checking shows that since October 2017, only 14.7% of the almost 447,000 “flu” specimens tested by clinical laboratories working with CDC have tested positive for influenza. This proportion has remained relatively constant for the past two decades. According to the British Medical Journal’s Peter Doshi, “Even the ideal influenza vaccine…can only deal with a small part of the ‘flu’ problem because most ‘flu’ appears to have nothing to do with influenza.” Actual influenza deaths not only rank lower than the major killers such as heart disease and cancer but also are lower down in the mortality rankings than ulcers and hernias. Incredibly, even though most “flu” is not influenza and flu vaccine effectiveness is as low as 10%, public health authorities keep telling everyone from six months of age on up (including pregnant women) that the flu shot is “better than nothing” and the “best tool we have.” However, there are many unanswered questions about influenza vaccines that warrant rigorous investigation. Recent peer-reviewed studies suggest that the shots may actually make people more susceptible to serious problems (as with the recently recalled dengue vaccine) and that getting flu shots year after year may be lowering subsequent vaccine effectiveness as well as drastically increasing risks for Alzheimer’s disease. Getting vaccinated against one strain of influenza may increase risks for other severe respiratory viruses. Unfortunately, most members of the public are not reading this alarming science. The public should make health decisions based on sound science, not scare tactics.