Two Meta-Analysis Reviews Confirm (Yet Again) the Link between Mercury and Autism Spectrum Disorder

Mercury is a potent neurotoxin. Even the smallest amounts can cause cumulative adverse effects. Two of the most widespread forms of mercury exposure come from the organic compounds methylmercury (found in fish) and ethylmercury, which makes up 50% of the vaccine preservative thimerosal. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) affirms that young children and fetuses are particularly sensitive to harmful mercury-related effects such as “brain damage, mental retardation, incoordination, blindness, seizures and inability to speak.” This calls into question public health authorities’ aggressive peddling of annual flu shots—many of which contain thimerosal. The influenza vaccine guidelines target all children who are at least six months of age, with two closely spaced doses recommended for very young children in their “first season of vaccination.” They also target pregnant women and women who “might” be pregnant. Organic mercury can cross the blood-brain barrier, and numerous studies have fingered it as a major offender in increasing the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), tic disorders, delayed language and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Shamefully, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) refuses to admit that mercury is an ASD risk factor. Instead, it has been left up to other researchers to continue to focus attention on the compelling relationship between mercury and ASD.

CDC Recommending Dangerous HPV Vaccine for Adult Women

The government agency is now telling adult women to get these multiple Gradasil shots. Speaking to The Washington Post, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) epidemiologist is encouraging women aged 18-26 to get the HPV vaccine. This advice, along with health authorities encouraging young girls (and boys) to get vaccinated for HPV, ignores mounting evidence that the HPV vaccine is among the most dangerous vaccines out there. A World Health Organization study demonstrated that the vaccination has a tendency to produce clusters of serious adverse events. Other evidence indicates that the HPV vaccine is responsible for more adverse events than any other vaccine. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Consider these facts. About 50% of sexually active men and women acquire the HPV virus at some point in their lives. If a woman who has been exposed to certain strains of the virus submits to HPV vaccination, some studies suggest that the risk of developing pre-cancerous lesions may increase by as much as 44%. The point is that there are serious questions about the safety of this vaccine that should be answered before government health officials issue blanket recommendations for women and girls to get vaccinated for HPV.

The Day the Doctor Kicked Me Out for Not Vaccinating My Daughter

The day I was kicked out of my doctor’s office for not vaccinating my daughter, I had no idea what my rights were. I know now. And I want to make sure you know yours as well. When her six month appointment came around, I began to get really nervous. I had just joined a natural parenting group and had begun to hear a couple of stories about vaccine injury. One of the group members shared an article online about a mother, who regretted not doing her research on vaccines prior to vaccinating her daughter, and she went on to develop autism as a result. I read it from start to finish just before I left for my baby’s appointment, and I knew that I just couldn’t go through with the vaccines. I remember calling my husband nervously, though, not knowing what to do. I was so scared of making the wrong choice. The doctor checked our daughter and although she had been completely healthy in every way and was exceeding all of her milestones, he commented that he was concerned about the size of her head. He showed me a chart with the normal measurements and noted that she was significantly off the bell curve. He feared that she could have hydrocephalus and wanted to do an MRI to rule out any complications. I told him that I would need to discuss it further with my husband since general anesthesia was needed for the procedure. He agreed and then reminded me that today was her six month visit, and he needed to catch her up on her vaccines. I expressed my concerns to him, especially now with her head size being an issue, and told him that I just wasn’t ready to move forward with them just yet. I needed more time to make an educated decision and to make sure all was okay with her head. It was then that he snapped. According to him, my time was up, and I needed to do them NOW. He told me that he had warned me at my previous visit and that I no longer could postpone them if I wanted to continue bringing my daughter to him. I remember shaking uncontrollably, and almost said yes ... But I just couldn’t do it. He kicked me out at that point and told me to go to the waiting room for the final paperwork. When I asked him about the concerns with the size of her head, he said that he would no longer take care of her as a patient until I decided to catch her up on ALL of her vaccines. He then slammed the door and left me to dress my baby, alone in the cold room.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield: Fraud or Scapegoat?

I have undertaken this review of the case against Dr. Andrew Wakefield because the issues involved are far more consequential than the vilification of one doctor. The issues, as I see them, involve (a) collusion of public health officials to deceive the public by concealing scientific evidence that confirms empirical evidence of serious harm linked to vaccines – in particular polyvalent vaccines; (b) the “willful blindness” by the medical community as it uncritically fell in line with a government dictated vaccination policy driven by corporate business interests. Public health officials and the medical profession have abrogated their professional, public, and human responsibility, by failing to honestly examine the iatrogenic harm caused by expansive, indiscriminate, and increasingly aggressive vaccination policies. On a human level, the documented evidence shows a callous disregard for the plight of thousands of children who suffer irreversible harm, as if they were unavoidable “collateral damage”. All of the documented evidence and testimonies submitted to the General Medical Council, upon which GMC issued its guilty verdicts against Dr. Wakefield and his two co-defendants in 2010, were subsequently forensically assessed by the UK High Court in March 2012, in the appeal of Professor John Walker-Smith, the senior clinician and senior author of the Lancet case series. The High Court determined that the verdicts of professional misconduct and ethics violations were unsupported by the evidence. Indeed, the adjudicated evidence refutes the case against Dr. Wakefield; the documents and testimonies demonstrate that there is no evidence whatsoever, to support the charges of professional misconduct, much less the accusation of fraud. The accusation of fraud was hurled by the Editor-in-Chief of the BMJ, a medical journal whose corporate ownership is intertwined with the vaccine manufacturing Behemoths, Merck – with whom BMJ signed a partnership agreement in 2008 – and GlaxoSmithKline which provides additional financial support to BMJ. Among their numerous vaccine products, Merck and GSK manufacture the MMR vaccine.

Dr. Brownstein: New Shingrix Vaccine for Shingles Fails 97% of Time

A recent article in the New York Times got me going–it was titled, “CDC Panel Recommends a New Shingles Vaccine.” The new vaccine—Shingrix—is manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline for adults 50 and older. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, which is part of the CDC, now recommends Shingrix over the old shingles vaccine—Merck’s Zostavax. Amazingly, the new recommendations now state that adults who have received the older shingles vaccine should now get the new one. The article in the NYT states, "…clinical trials showed {Shingrix} to be about 98% effective for one year and 85% effective at preventing shingles for three years." I have written about the failure of the older vaccine-Zostavax—for many years. In those articles, I show you that Zostavax fails nearly 99% who take it. Naturally, anything that fails 99% who take it, should not be prescribed. Let’s look at the Shingrix data. A true statement about Shingrix is that it takes 34 people to be vaccinated with Shingrix to prevent one case of shingles. That means the drug failed 33 out of 34 who took it which is a 97% failure rate!

Brian Shilhavy: 40 Years Later – I’m Still Here

Anniversaries are dates etched into history. Most of them are celebrated, because the reason we remember them is that they bring back pleasant memories. These are dates such as birth dates, dates of marriage, etc. Some anniversaries are dates in history that are painful, and not worth celebrating. Yet every day is significant for one reason or another, and even in the midst of tragedy or pain, good can come of it. Today, October 28th, is a date in my past that I have never celebrated, and have seldom even mentioned to others. Yet it is a date in my past that is now known by well over a million people, because I memorialized it (without mentioning the specific date) in my personal testimony, How I Found Peace with God. It is the most important truth I have to communicate to the world, and I have linked to it from all my websites the past 17 plus years, and today it is read hundreds of times every day. It is the day in 1977 where I tried to end my life, by first overdosing on drugs, and then after being unsuccessful in doing that, by driving my car into a light pole along the side of a road at 85 mph. 40 years ago on this date I though I had control over my life, and that it was mine to end. It was not. I learned through experience that day, that God controlled my life, not me. He handed it back to me, and told me I was not done yet. In fact, I was just beginning, and he made it very clear that he had a plan and purpose for my life.

FREE Online Summit for Thyroid Struggles: Healing Hashimoto’s

You’re not alone in your thyroid struggles. Challenged by symptoms, frustrated with testing or even if you already have a firm diagnosis, the experts participating in the Healing Hashitmoto's Summit can help you. Thyroid disorders can overreact to the slightest of imbalances — join us and gain the advice you need to live a happy, healthy life with Hashi’s! Just like you, most of the co-hosts of this summit have Hashi’s — join them online to assist in your path towards wellness. They’ve done it, and you can too! You’ll learn from their personal stories, plus the advice, tips and in-clinic practices from the experts they’ve relied on, not just to diagnose and manage this disease, but to live with hope, purpose and companionship!

The Global Epidemic of Mercury Toxicity and Autism

In nature, toxic metals generally are bound with other elements rather than being present in their pure form. However, with the advent of large-scale industrial processes to extract metals from naturally occurring compounds, humans let the genie out of the bottle, contributing significantly to the distribution of mercury, aluminum and other heavy metals in the environment. When released from nature’s semi-protective hold, these “invariably toxic” metals wreak havoc on living systems, including humans, animals and plants alike. Modern-day scientists have been amassing evidence of mercury’s toxicity for decades, with a growing focus in recent years on the metal’s association with neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD). A new review article in the multidisciplinary journal Environmental Research pulls together a wide body of literature with the aim of summing up current research and emerging trends in mercury toxicology. Geir Bjørklund, the study’s lead author, is the founder of Norway’s non-profit Council for Nutritional and Environmental Medicine and has published prolifically on topics related to heavy metals, autoimmune disorders and ASD.

Tennessee Mom of Premature Twins Who Refused Vaccines is Arrested and Jailed

Almost a year after her youngest set of twins was taken by Child Protective Services, a Tennessee mother was arrested this week and charged with 2 counts of felony child neglect. Tamika Seagraves was blindsided by the arrest when she appeared for a child support hearing on Tuesday, October 24. Friends are trying to raise money to get her out of jail. According to the Nashville and Davidson County court website, her bond is set at $20,000. Her arraignment is set for 9 am on November 8 at the Justice A.A. Birch Building Courthouse in Nashville, Tennessee. Tamika has been fighting to get the twins back home since they were medically kidnapped in January 2017 by the Department of Children's Services, due to their low weight. She has always believed that their seizure by DCS had less to do with their weight and more to do with the unusual circumstances of their birth. Zaylen and Zaliyah were born on December 5, 2016. They were premature - born at 34 weeks. They were the third set of fraternal twins born to their mother, and all 3 sets of twin were a boy and girl pair. Their oldest brother Zayden died in the hospital at 13 days old. He and his twin Ziria were micro-preemies, born at just 24 weeks gestation. Two years later, Tamika Seagraves gave birth to another set of twins - Jordan and Jaliyah, born at 35 weeks. Again, tragedy struck when little Jordan passed away in his sleep. He was almost 2 months old. DCS removed Jaliyah from her home at that time, accusing Tamika of demonstrating “erratic behaviors” because she refused vaccinations, stopped a medication for her child out of concerns for its side effects, and “tried to have Jaliyah seen by a holistic chiropractor as opposed to a pediatrician.” While Tamika was fighting the state to get Jaliyah back, she gave birth to her third set of twins. When they were born, Tamika determined not to take any chances with their health. She refused all vaccines, the Vitamin K shot, the eye ointment, and circumcision for her son. She chose to exclusively breastfeed. Whistleblowers who are NICU nurses have confirmed that they have seen premature infants injured in the NICU by vaccines, and a 2015 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that there are adverse effects from vaccinating very low birth-weight infants. Now, her biggest fear, according to her close friend who contacted Health Impact News, is that her babies will be vaccinated and her son circumcised without her consent.

Social Worker Helping Troubled Teens Loses Job for Questioning Gardasil Vaccine During Planned Parenthood Required Training

A Portland-based social worker working for a non-profit organization has contacted Health Impact News about how he allegedly was terminated from his job after attending a required sex education class by Planned Parenthood in Seattle. Paul Haeder alleges that during the training, where class members were encouraged to write down questions and concerns anonymously, he was told not to come back to day two of the training and also told not to come back to work, because he wrote and submitted (anonymously) concerns about the Gardasil vaccine. He writes: "The creators and distributors of Gardasil are directly tied to my sacking from, get this, pennyante wage slaving job as a social worker. Imagine, Merck and Planned Parenthood, both having their hands on my future. The charge? I dared to voice some concerns (anonymous) that already have been voiced about this vaccine for 10 years on so many platforms, including by medical authorities, international science panels, and the individuals who are suffering disabilities directly associated with the vaccine."