Advocates for Medical Freedom Declare #STANDWITHSEARS Day Regarding Dr. Sears and Vaccine Exemptions

Oregonians for Medical Freedom, a coalition of Oregon voters championing medical freedom and parental rights that helped defeat a similar Oregon bill to California’s SB 277, announced today that it is deeply troubled by the accusation of the Medical Board of California that Bob Sears, M.D., committed “gross negligence” by granting a medical vaccine exemption to a toddler whose renal and digestive systems went into failure after his two-month vaccinations and who went limp for 24 hours after his three-month shots. “Dr. Sears, by granting a medical exemption, may very well have saved a young child’s life while causing no harm to the public,” said Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D., a pediatrician who has over 13,000 children in his private practice in Portland, Oregon, Committee Chair of OFMF, ct o-author of the best-selling book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, and an outspoken champion of children’s health and informed consent. “As many remember during the SB 277 proceedings, Californians were publicly and repeatedly reassured by Senator Richard Pan, M.D. that doctors would not be under inappropriate scrutiny for providing medical exemptions from vaccines for at-risk patients. How much more at-risk can a child be than one who has suffered multiple adverse vaccine reactions?” Oregonians for Medical Freedom, on behalf of parents everywhere who believe that all medical procedures should remain a choice made between an informed and consenting parent and their doctor, declare Monday, September 12th, #StandWithSears Day. They are asking the Medical Board to close the case against Dr. Sears and respect the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship.

CDC Recommendations for Fighting Zika May be Causing Microcephaly, Autism, and Cancer

CDC recommendations may be causing microcephaly, autism, and cancer. The new generation NIH Zika vaccine may end up altering the human genome and giving millions of people chronic illness. Together, the recent actions of the CDC and their plans for the future threaten to drive the U.S. population into a state of mental confusion and prevent us from making well-reasoned decisions. Let’s find out what these government agencies are up to now.

California Dr. Bob Sears Faces Medical Board Discipline for Writing Medical Vaccine Exemption

The mainstream media is widely reporting that California medical doctor Bob Sears is facing discipline by the California state Medical Board after he wrote a medical exemption for vaccines on behalf of a 2-year old patient who experienced adverse reactions from earlier vaccines. The Orange County Register reports: "According to the board documents, the toddler was seen by Sears for the first time in April 2014. His medical record notes that his mother said after his 2-month shots his bowels and bladder “shut down” for 24 hours. After the baby’s 3-month shots, she said, he was limp for a day and didn’t act like himself for a week." Dr. Sears is a well-known pediatrician nationally, and he is not anti-vaccine. He administers vaccines in his practice, but allows for a more individualized approach to vaccines, such as staggering them, or when necessary due to the health of his patients, forgoing some vaccines. He is the author of a very popular book, "The Vaccine Book." Dr. Sears was also an outspoken critic of California's mandatory vaccination bill SB277 that removed philosophical and religious exemptions to vaccines. Only medical exemptions are now allowed under this new bill. Dr. Sears favors "informed consent" and parental rights. Since Dr. Sears is a medical doctor and can legally write medical exemptions for vaccines, why is the state Medical Board investigating him for writing a medical exemption?

Doctors in India Demand Public Transparency on Dangers of New Vaccines

According to a recent article published in the Hindustan Times, Indian doctors have once again questioned the safety and efficiency of new vaccinations that have recently been added to the national immunization schedule. The team made it abundantly clear that, in their professional opinion, all vaccinations should be fully investigated and critically assessed for their suitability, safety, protective efficacy and affordability before they are introduced into any vaccination schedule. Health Impact News believes that they are absolutely correct, and given the number of children who have been adversely affected by vaccinations, many parents would probably also agree.

Study: Many Vaccines Contaminated with Herbicide Glyphosate

Dr. Anthony Samsel, a leading publisher on the dangers of glyphosate, has discovered that various popular vaccines are contaminated with glyphosate. How? Well, vaccine makers sometimes use animal byproducts in vaccines, products such as chicken egg protein or gelatine that comes from bones. And if those vaccine makers are using animals that come out of factory farms, chances are they are fed GMO and glyphosate laced feed. If so, they would pick up Glyphosate into their system just as we humans do. Therefore, egg protein and gelatine made from these animals may also contain glyphosate, which in turn would then contaminate the vaccines that use these products. Finally, people, or animals, vaccinated with these products would have glyphosate directly injected into them, and will in due course have glyphosate initiating a cascade of diseases. Anthony Samsel was not passing opinion on this. Rather, he collected vast samples of these popular vaccines and got them tested by multiple labs in USA for presence of Glyphosate, and found, as he suspected, the vaccines to be largely contaminated by it.

Texas Criminal District Attorney with Vaccine Injured Child Speaks Out: Vaccines Do Cause Autism

The film VAXXED continues to be shown in new cities across the U.S., with the film crew also traveling to these cities to sponsor Q&A sessions after the filming. Producer Del Bigtree states that the story of the CDC whistleblower and cover-up told in the film is "Bigger than Watergate." The film crew also films parents of vaccine damaged or vaccine killed children who turn out to view the film and tell their own stories. Each city they go to reveals incredible stories of families who have suffered from vaccines, and wish they had known more about the risks before agreeing with doctors who seldom, if ever, discuss the side effects and risks. The film crew was recently in San Antonio, Texas where they met Nico LaHood, the criminal District Attorney for San Antonio. Nico and his wife have vaccine injured children, and one of their sons developed autism after his 18 month old round of vaccines. Nico's job as a criminal prosecutor requires him to examine data and evidence to present in a court of law to a jury. He believes that the evidence that vaccines cause autism in many children is so strong, that he could prosecute the case before a jury and win. Of course, he cannot do that, because U.S. law gives total legal immunity to pharmaceutical companies for vaccine products, and they cannot be sued for injuries or deaths as a result of their vaccines.

World Health Organization Documents How to Respond to “Vaccine Deniers”

The controversy surrounding mandatory vaccines seldom is debated on science or merit. Government training materials written to persuade the public to accept mandatory vaccines rely on persuasion and even intimidation, and not facts or science. Health Impact News has previously reported how the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) and other government health officials have tried to silence the media in publishing anything contrary to their controlled information regarding vaccines, and have produced training documents for health workers to combat those opposed to mandatory vaccinations. Vaccine injury data is seldom, if ever, published, and the statistics on vaccine injuries and deaths are purposely withheld from public information. Dr. Suzanne Humphries, when lecturing on vaccine safety, often references a slide presentation from Dr. Jacobson of the Mayo Clinic. It is a slide presentation developed to train doctors on how to deal with patient objectives to vaccines. Jefferey Jaxen has published something similar obtained from the World Health Organization (WHO), which is the agency responsible for world-wide sales of vaccines and distribution, particularly in poorer countries.

Zika: A Masterpiece of Public Mind Control

It’s been nearly nine months since the word “Zika” flashed like a lightning bolt in the headlines of mainstream news. Before January 1, 2016, Zika was just one of many viruses that public health officials monitored. But suddenly in January of this year everything changed, as a nearly harmless virus was transformed into a worldwide threat. As we will see, the Zika propaganda machine was turned on in October of 2015 and it has been running wild ever since. This is a classic example of a mind control program, a public brainwashing project, or a high powered marketing campaign. Regardless of what you call it, it is clear that the mainstream news media, the World Health Organization (WHO), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Big Pharma, Big Chem, and both Republicans and Democrats have joined forces to sell a Zika eradication program to the people of the United States and to the rest of the world. There is just one problem: Zika is NOT a threat to the babies of the world. This has been and continues to be one of the best orchestrated programs of propaganda in recent history. This article will discuss how the program started, how it has been developed, and where it is going.

Dying 13 Year Old Diagnoses Her Own HPV Vaccine Injury that Stumped Doctors

One of the true tragedies in modern medicine is the refusal to consider vaccine injuries when diagnosing or treating disease. The U.S. government acknowledges that people die and are injured by vaccines, as is evidenced from the Department of Justice's quarterly reports on settlements in vaccine court. However, medical students are given no training in recognizing or treating vaccine injuries, and no studies are ever conducted to find out why some children suffer from vaccines while others do not. In this story out of the U.K., a 13 year old girl accomplishes something her doctors could not do, and that was diagnose her own life-threatening disease by researching all of the possibilities, without excluding vaccine injuries, something that apparently handicapped her doctors. She discovered that she suffered from an autoimmune disease after receiving the HPV vaccine.

Virginia State Assembly Given False Information to Support Removal of Vaccine Exemptions

Stephen Weiss made a presentation on vaccines to the Virginia General Assembly’s Healthy Living Health Services Subcommittee meeting on Aug. 3, 2016 in Richmond, VA. He showed a series of slides that was meant to educate legislators to enact legislation in 2017 regarding vaccine policy, which could include eliminating the religious vaccine exemption and restrict the medical exemption to narrow federal (CDC) vaccine contraindications. Was the information he presented accurate? Mr. Weiss is employed in government administration as a Senior Health Policy Analyst. His educational background is in government, and he apparently has no education or experience in practicing medicine. Dr. Suzanne Humphries is a medical doctor, board certified in Nephrology and trained in Internal Medicine, holding active unrestricted medical licenses in Maine and Virginia. She also has a degree in physics, and spent two years in a laboratory using techniques identical to those used for vaccine manufacture and testing. Dr. Humphries left a thriving medical practice where she was well-respected by her peers to pursue medical research, particularly research on vaccines. She wrote a book documenting her research on vaccines: Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History. Dr. Humphries has sent a response to Stephen Weiss' slide presentation given to the Virginia Assembly, highlighting the erroneous information regarding vaccines and public health that was presented to support removing the religious exemption to vaccines in Virginia.