Vaccine-derived Polio Spreading in “Polio-free” India

On June 17, 2016, the International Business Times (IBT) reported that a strain of the vaccine-derived polio virus has been discovered in Hyderabad, India, and experts have warned that the likelihood of more cases being discovered over the next year is extremely likely. India recently reached their "polio-free" status, so the only known cases of polio currently are the ones caused by the vaccine. In 2015, we reported that the oral polio vaccination had been banned in the U.S. since 2000, because too many children who had received the vaccine had subsequently developed vaccine-associated paralytic polio (VAPP), which is a serious side effect of the vaccine. The World Health Organization (WHO) had known about this for many years, but instead of banning this vaccination as one would have expected them to, they vowed to keep using the vaccine until the wild polio virus has been eradicated. It appears that the WHO does not care in the slightest that thousands of children are being paralyzed throughout India and the developing world.

Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism, Pediatricians Do

If a doctor sticks six vaccines into a child while the child is taking antibiotics for an ear infection and Tylenol for a cold, he’s not a doctor, he’s a criminal, and should be hauled into jail on the spot for assault and battery. If the child also happens to have eczema, long-term diarrhea, and has missed a milestone or two, perhaps the charge should be attempted murder. As you know, pediatricians do just this and more every day. How do we stop this recklessness?

Date for Execution of Man on Death Row for Shaken Baby Syndrome is Halted as Conviction is Blamed on “Junk Science”

Last week, we reported that Chief Justice Ralph Gants from the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts had ordered a re-trial in the case of Oswelt Millien, a young father, who in 2015 was jailed for 4-5 years for causing permanent injuries to his six-month old daughter, Jahanna. This week yet another case, this time in Texas, has hit the news. On 17th June, 2016, Reuters reported that: "The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals on Thursday halted the planned June 21 execution of Robert Roberson and sent his case back to trial court. It based its decision on a recent state law that permits legal challenges citing new scientific evidence potentially pointing to wrongful convictions." In 2002, Robert Roberson was convicted for the murder of his two-year old daughter, Nikki Curtis. Although experts at the time had testified that the toddler had died of Shaken baby syndrome--a syndrome defined by brain swelling, bleeding behind the eyes and bleeding on the brain’s surface--Roberson had always denied that he had hurt his daughter and maintained that Nikki’s injuries may have been caused by a fall from her bed or a fever of 104.5 degrees Fahrenheit. (40.3 degrees Centigrade) Reuters continued, by explaining that Shaken baby syndrome can be caused by short falls, other undiagnosed medical conditions, such as blood clotting disorders and latent trauma from a difficult birth. They stated that lawyers had pointed out that it is impossible to shake a child to death without causing serious neck injuries which they said that the child did not have. They concluded that: "Robert Roberson was wrongly convicted of murdering his … daughter based on ‘junk science’ and highly inflammatory sexual-abuse allegations that were false." This is a landmark case and may lead to other innocent prisoners that are awaiting execution to be awarded a reprieve.

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) Used as a Stabilizer in Vaccines

When you think of monosodium glutamate (MSG), what is the first thing that comes to mind? More than likely it is Chinese cuisine, however, this same ingredient is also found in several other food products we use everyday. Almost all processed foods on the grocery store shelves ranging from soups to crackers to meats contain MSG to enhance their flavor. MSG is also an ingredient in vaccines. To be able to make fully informed decisions regarding vaccination for you or your child, it is essential to evaluate what is and is not known about vaccine ingredients and their short and long term effects on the human body.

Study: Combining Childhood Vaccines at One Visit Is Not Safe

Although health authorities including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claim that childhood vaccines are safe and recommend combining multiple vaccines during one visit, a review of data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) shows a dose-dependent association between the number of vaccines administered simultaneously and the likelihood of hospitalization or death for an adverse reaction. Additionally, younger age at the time of the adverse reaction is associated with a higher risk of hospitalization or death. Our study showed that infants who receive several vaccines concurrently, as recommended by CDC, are significantly more likely to be hospitalized or die when compared with infants who receive fewer vaccines simultaneously. It also showed that reported adverse effects were more likely to lead to hospitalization or death in younger infants. These findings are so troubling that we expected major media outlets in America to sound an alarm, calling for an immediate reevaluation of current preventive health care practices. But 4 years after publication of our study, this has not happened. Could it be because, according to Robert Kennedy, Jr., about 70% of advertising revenue on network news comes from drug companies? In fact, the president of a network news division admitted that he would fire a host who brought on a guest that led to loss of a pharmaceutical account. That may be why the mainstream media won’t give equal time to stories about problems with vaccine safety. The safety of CDC’s childhood vaccination schedule was never affirmed in clinical studies. Vaccines are administered to millions of infants every year, yet health authorities have no scientific data from synergistic toxicity studies on all combinations of vaccines that infants are likely to receive. National vaccination campaigns must be supported by scientific evidence. No child should be subjected to a health policy that is not based on sound scientific principles and, in fact, has been shown to be potentially dangerous.

Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts Opens the Legal Door to Retry All Shaken Baby Syndrome Convictions

As the medical profession continues to debate the merits of "Shaken baby syndrome" (SBS), the American judicial system is increasingly determining that the evidence against SBS is strong enough to prevent convictions in a court of law, where the standard is "reasonable doubt." As Christina England reports, Chief Justice Ralph Gants from the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts just ruled this month that another SBS case in Massachusetts must be re-tried, because evidence contrary to the supposed "science" behind SBS was not presented at the trial. Judge Gants even went beyond just issuing a ruling to provide legal advice to attorneys seeking to represent their clients against SBS claims. So now the question remains: if these parents have had their children removed illegally, and many of these parents have wrongly been convicted and incarcerated, should doctors who are responsible for these injustices be tried in a court of law for their crimes? An important case was heard last year in the Ninth Circuit Court, which ruled that Dr. Claudia Wang, the medical director of UCLA’s Suspected Child Abuse and Negligence (SCAN) team, does not have immunity from civil lawsuits, may have set an important legal precedent.

Tribute to the Late Dr. Bradstreet: Beloved Scientific Pioneer in Healing Autism

The late Dr. James Jeffrey Bradstreet was a much beloved physician-pioneer. His revolutionary methods and passionate vision to cure autism have inspired those who knew him to continue the work, to ripple outwards and continue positively touching the lives of the autism community with the same dedication to a cure that he lived for until his tragic death last year. Hailed by his daughter as a hero—one whose sacrificial labor of love saved thousands of people over the course of his two decade long fight to cure those suffering from autism—it is clear from the impassioned voices of each one who paid Dr. Bradstreet tribute that those who knew him and loved him are committed to taking up the torch and continuing to fight for those afflicted with autism. His daughter, Elizabeth, declared: "My goal is to carry out my dad’s legacy and be a hero like him by spreading the message of hope for a cure to all who are affected by this awful epidemic we call autism. I hope that you always remember that God makes all things beautiful in His perfect timing, and to never give up. While my dad may not be here with us physically, his spirit lives on in those who loved him most and that is what empowers us to be a true hero for autism.”

Medical Cannabis is Healing Autism

The subject of autism and its causes is getting more attention due to the documentary Vaxxed. It's like a continual road show going from city to city with its crew of key personnel conducting panel discussions after showings. That's great and sorely needed. But there's little awareness promoted for treating autism among the vaccine damaged. The Cannabis Summit revealed several medical practitioners of different stripes who are willing and able to use cannabis in their practices. One of them was Dr. Bogner who presented on the topic “New Frontier on Autism Spectrum Disorder Recovery: Medical Marijuana."

Japanese Doctor Discovers Link Between HPV Vaccine and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

After receiving the HPV vaccination, many women have reported that they have developed chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Many researchers believe that that the condition is linked to autoimmune disease, however, until recently, the reason why some women have developed the condition post-HPV vaccination has remained a mystery. However, after years of speculation as to why some women develop this condition post-vaccination, one doctor in Japan believes that he has the answer.

Resistance to Vaccine Medical Tyranny Growing in the U.S. as VAXXED Film Gains Wider Audience

It has been nearly two years since a top scientist at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) came forward as a whistleblower, revealing fraud in a top published research paper that has been used to refute any connection between vaccines and autism. The mainstream media, controlled by Big Pharma advertising, ignored this story, and hoped it would fade away quietly. Likewise, members of Congress, for the most part, have not taken action in the public's best interest and called hearings about the alleged fraud. In spite of the fact that Dr. William Thompson supplied documents and an affidavit to Congress via Florida Congressman Bill Posey, no action has been taken for almost two years. This issue, however, is not fading away, but gaining momentum to the point that doctors, parents, and community leaders, among others, are becoming outraged. If Congress does not act soon, this anger is simply going to continue to boil until it explodes into something ugly.