Ireland Pushes Back Against Gardasil Vaccine Program as Mainstream Media Reports on Real Vaccine Issues

In Ireland, the support and activist group Reactions and Effects of Gardasil Resulting in Extreme Trauma, or R.E.G.R.E.T. has brought worldwide attention to the country’s mounting HPV vaccine injury, political apathy and mainstream medical incompetence surrounding the issue. Set up by dedicated parents of teenage girls who developed serious adverse reactions after taking the HPV vaccine Gardasil, R.E.G.R.E.T. is making the Irish media do their job and the medical community take notice. The increasing media attention is serving to give a black eye to the Irish medical community’s lack of proper informed consent — an unfortunate trend being seen both in the European Union and the United States that is damaging the integrity and trust of their respective medical systems.

New Flu Vaccine Approved Targeting Elderly Contains Squalene

The FDA has approved a new flu vaccine—Fluad. Should we say, “hooray,” or “oy veh”. I will let you decide. Fluad is the first seasonal influenza vaccine containing an adjuvant called squalene. Adjuvants in vaccines, such as aluminum, are used to cause a greater immune system response as compared to vaccines used without an adjuvant. This increased immune system response is hypothesized to result in an enhanced efficacy of the vaccine–in other words, it should make the vaccine more effective. Therefore, you would think that a flu vaccine with an adjuvant such as squalene would result in a more robust antibody response when it is compared to the regular flu vaccine that is adjuvant-free. Well, in the case of Fluad, you would think wrong.

Getting Yearly Flu Shots Decreases Effectiveness, Increases Adverse Event Risks

There is evidence indicating that getting flu shots year after year could actually lower your immune system’s effectiveness. Recently, Dr. Edward Belongia of Wisconsin’s Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation discussed findings that children who had been vaccinated annually over a number of years were more likely to contract the flu than kids who were only vaccinated in the season in which they were studied. Belongia, an epidemiologist, stated in a recent interview: "The vaccine was significantly more effective … if they had not been vaccinated in the previous five years."

Combating Vaccine Extremism in America

For more than 20 years I have been warning that the day would come when vaccine extremists and profiteers would move to legally force Americans to buy and use all government mandated vaccines and punish those who refuse. Still, it was a shock to see it happen in California this year, even as I know that preparations are being made by vaccine extremists to attack the religious and conscientious belief vaccine exemptions in more states next year. What would the people do? Would they bow down and cower before their oppressors, or would they stand up and defend their natural rights and civil liberties? Why are we seeing this unprecedented gutting of informed consent rights and vaccine licensing standards in America?

New Study Dispels Myth that Better Diagnosis is Responsible for Increase in Autism

In October 2015, researchers David Geier, Janet Kern, Brian Hooker, Lisa Sykes, and Mark Geier published a paper titled A Prospective Longitudinal Assessment of Medical Records for Diagnostic Substitution among Subjects Diagnosed with a Pervasive Developmental Disorder in the United States. The aim of their study, supported by the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute, was to investigate whether or not better diagnostic testing was responsible for the ever-increasing numbers of children being diagnosed with persuasive developmental disorder (PDD), autism, cerebral palsy (CP) and mental retardation (MR). For many years, governments around the world have claimed that better diagnosis of autism is responsible for the rise in the condition. However, many professionals disagree and have stated that the increase directly corresponds to the rise in the number of vaccinations being added to the vaccine schedule. To discover whether or not better diagnosis could be responsible for the increase, David Geier and his team investigated the theory by using StatsDirect software and examining medical records for subjects within the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD).

Most Americans Refusing Ineffective Flu Vaccine this Year

This years 2015-2016 flu shots in the United States are showing 18 percent effectiveness in adults and 15 percent effectiveness in children according to local news reports popping up around the country. Local news outlets in Michigan, Georgia, California, and other states have decided to run the headline with this information yet, at the time of this writing, no national mainstream news appear to be touching these figures. Although continually touted by mainstream outlets as “the single best way to prevent against the flu,” this is the second year in a row the flu shot’s effectiveness in the U.S. has been under 25 percent. Last January, USA Today ran the headline “Flu Shot Only 23 Percent Effective This Season.” These dismal effectiveness numbers in the U.S. would have been welcomed by “officials” at the Canadian Centre of Disease Control who reported during last years flu season that their flu shots offered zero protection. With 18 and 15 percent effectiveness respectively this year, many are rightfully questioning if the risk outweighs the reward. An October NPR health poll of 3,008 adults revealed that 64% of adults polled were refusing to get the flu vaccine this year.

Are Mandatory Vaccines Creating a Class System in the Workplace?

As we are nearing 2020, it’s a fair question to check in on how close the nation is to reaching the targets set by Healthy People 2020. Perhaps the more important question is how these goals may be creating a discriminatory class system separating the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated in the workplace. Many consider the workplace mandate for annual influenza vaccinations the most disturbing piece of the Healthy People 2020 agenda. The objective calls for mandatory flu shots as a condition of employment among 90% of health care workers. In 2012, monumental federal actions prompted some movement toward that goal. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services implemented a final rule requiring hospitals to report vaccination rates, tying these rates to Medicare reimbursement. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Vaccine Advisory Committee approved recommendations urging health care facilities to consider mandatory flu vaccination policies as a condition of employment. Despite federal actions, many high-profile groups representing health care workers continue to be divided on flu vaccine mandates. The National Nurses Union, the largest nurses union in the country, for example, publicly oppose mandatory vaccinations for health care workers, while the American Nurses Association regularly speaks out in support. But the division does not stop the bullying and humiliation tactics used nationwide to discriminate against health care workers declining to get influenza vaccine, a vaccine that for the past three flu seasons federal health officials admit has had an effectiveness rate of at best 47% to 62%.5 In addition, influenza vaccine-related injuries and deaths are the number one most compensated vaccine injury claim for adults in the federal vaccine injury compensation program (VICP).

Dr. Brownstein: Flu Vaccines Fail Nearly all Who Get Them

Is it time for everyone to get the annual influenza vaccine? Don’t flu vaccines save lives? I think not. Flu vaccines fail nearly all who get them. The Big Pharma Cartel wants all 350 million of us to get vaccinated yearly in order to prevent the flu. That might be reasonable if the flu vaccine is beneficial to most who receive it. It is not.

Uber Capitalizing on Vaccine Market by Delivering Flu Shots: What’s Next?

Uber is an innovative transportation company that has taken off in recent years offering the public an alternative to taxis. By creating an account and downloading their app, one can hail private Uber drivers by letting the system know your location. But did you know that Uber is getting into the healthcare field as well? With their vast network knowing your identity and location, how else might they use that information? Investigative reporter Jefferey Jaxen reports how Uber is now being used to deliver flu shots to people's homes. Is Uber getting into the vaccine business as a precursor to capitalizing on mandatory vaccines being proposed around the nation?

FDA Prepares to Fast Track New Vaccines Targeting Pregnant Women

In 2006, CDC officials directed doctors to give all pregnant women a flu shot and, in 2011, a Tdap shot during every pregnancy, no matter how little time has elapsed between pregnancies. Prior to FDA licensure, influenza, diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccines were not tested in or proven safe and effective for pregnant women in large clinical trials when given during every pregnancy either singly or simultaneously. Categorized by FDA as Pregnancy Category B and C biologicals because it is not known whether the vaccines are genotoxic and can cause fetal harm or can affect maternal fertility and reproduction, administering influenza and Tdap vaccines to pregnant women is an off-label use of these vaccines. It is a policy that assumes maternal vaccination is necessary, safe and effective without proving it.