Rhode Island Mandates 7th Graders Get Dangerous HPV Vaccine – Adverse Reactions Hidden from Parents

It was announced this week that 7th graders in Rhode Island would be required to have the Gardasil HPV vaccine as a requirement for attending school. The HPV vaccine has become very controversial, particularly outside of the United States, due to the large amount of injuries being attributed to the vaccine, and in some cases, also deaths. Sadly, parents are generally not warned about the serious adverse reactions to the vaccine.

India Still Reporting Cases of Polio-like Acute Flaccid Paralysis

India’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has reported that it has investigated approximately 18,000 cases of Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) in the country since January 2015 as part of its national polio surveillance program, established in 1997, and that all of the cases have tested negative for poliovirus. Some 50,000 cases of AFP are being detected annually in India.

Gardasil: We Thought It Was The Right Choice

Essentially, our lives rocked along with the usual family squabbles, snotty noses, heat rashes and teenage pimples … nothing really major to concern ourselves over. Until the youngest, our daughter, started at College! Then all hell broke loose! In her final primary year (Year 8), we’d received notices regarding Gardasil. Some friends cautioned outright against it; others were 50/50 and still others were, like: Why wouldn’t you if it can prevent cancer? We came to the conclusion that we should go ahead. About six months later, things began to crumble... I refuse to allow this vaccine to continue harming our girls and am doing everything in my power to bring it to the attention of the media and authorities.

Will European HPV Vaccine Investigation Reveal the Truth?

The SaneVax team believes the narrow scope of the current investigation regarding the safety profile of HPV vaccines being conducted by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), will leave parents and medical professionals without answers to questions which may help them solve the mystery surrounding new medical conditions being reported not only in Denmark, but around the globe, after the administration of HPV vaccines. Has the EMA put POTS and CRPS under an investigative microscope in order to blur the overall picture regarding the safety profile of HPV vaccines? Have those in charge never heard the expression, “you can’t see the forest for the trees?” Norwegian journalist, Per Egil Hegge, puts the entire issue into focus when he stated: A scientific environment, no matter the subject, where it is not allowed to ask questions, has thrown its future on the scrap heap and nailed its own death sentence on the wall. Apparently, open discussions on the topic of HPV vaccines are tabu. This is simply not acceptable. If open honest scientific investigations are not forthcoming, young people around the world will continue to have their futures thrown on the proverbial scrap heap. If serious investigations are not conducted, it may well be the public’s trust in national health authorities that is thrown on the trash heap.

While Mandatory Vaccination Laws Are Enacted, Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Is Failing

SB 277, signed into law on June 29, 2015, denies parents in California the legal right to file a personal belief exemption to vaccination for religious and conscientious so their children can attend school. Drug companies donated more than $2 million to the California lawmakers who decided to gut the human right to informed consent to medical risk taking and the civil right to a school education. Since 1988, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has adjudicated more than 14,000 petitions for vaccine injury and death; $3.2 billion has been paid to 4,150 claimants; the remaining cases were dismissed.

New Federal Bill Lowers Standards for Experimental Vaccine Licensing

It has only been a few weeks since the forced vaccination lobby rammed a bill (SB 277) through the California legislature eliminating the personal belief vaccine exemption so children will have to get dozens of doses of federally recommended vaccines or be denied a school education. While California was being subjected to one of the most aggressive and expensive state lobbying campaigns ever mounted by the pharmaceutical industry in partnership with medical trade associations funded by industry and government that same lobby was pulling an even bigger fast one on the American people in Washington, D.C. Here comes the 21st Century Cures Act, which is a Pharma-driven bill blessed by the FDA that seriously compromises the integrity of the FDA drug and vaccine licensing process. The 362-page bill sailed through the U.S. House of Representatives on July 10, 2015 and mandates that about $9 billion dollars be given to NIH to develop more drugs and vaccines and $550 million be given to the FDA to fast track products to market. The 21st Century Cures Act is being sold as a way for the FDA to quickly license experimental pharmaceutical products for people suffering with rare or life threatening diseases, whether or not those products have been adequately tested. However, greasing the FDA licensure skids to make experimental drugs available for the sick and dying, who voluntarily choose to use them, is one thing, while greasing the skids to bum rush experimental vaccines to licensure that government will legally require healthy children and adults to buy and use, is something quite different.

Dr. Brownstein: CDC’s Dr. Thompson Needs to be Subpoenaed to Testify Before Congress

Last summer, a senior CDC scientist–Dr. William Thompson–admitted that the CDC altered data that showed the MMR vaccine was associated with autism. In fact, the original CDC data showed that the MMR vaccine, when given before 36 months of age was associated with a 240% increase in autism in African American children. Furthermore, there was a69% increase in autism in any male child who received the vaccine before 36 months of age. Where is the outrage? Where are the marches? Where are the media reports? If this information is true, tens of thousands of children may have been harmed from receiving a vaccine—MMR–over the last 11 years. Congressman Jason Chaffetz is going to hold hearings on this matter this fall and invite Dr. Thompson to testify. It is important that we all contact the Congressional Oversight and Reform Office and request that he subpoena Dr. Thompson.

Polio Wasn’t Vanquished by Vaccines, It Was Redefined

Under the new definition of polio, thousands of cases which would have previously been counted as polio would no longer be counted as polio. The change in the definition laid the groundwork for creating the impression that the Salk polio vaccine was effective.

New Flu Vaccine Made from Insect Cells Approved Early for Upcoming Flu Season

The Pharmacy Times has reported that the FDA has approved a new influenza vaccine formulation for the 2015-2016 flu season: "Flubok is made using cultured insect cells and can be produced much more rapidly than traditional egg-based flu vaccines. It also contains 3 times more active ingredients than traditional flu vaccines, according to the manufacturer, Protein Sciences Corp. For the upcoming flu season, there were 2 strain changes." The new flu vaccine made using cultured insect cells is expected to be available in retail pharmacies like Target by mid-August. The annual flu vaccine kills and injures more people than any other vaccine, with no close seconds. In fact, according to the U.S. Government Department of Justice reports on vaccine injuries and deaths submitted each quarter, more awards are issued as compensation for flu vaccine injuries and deaths than all the other vaccines on the market combined. During last year's flu season, the CDC admitted that the flu vaccine was not a good match for the influenza strains that were making people sick. People who had received the flu vaccine were still getting the flu. Some of them died, even though they received the flu shot. Nevertheless, the flu vaccine will be recommended to ALL Americans, including the most susceptible members of our society, the very young (even while still in womb as pregnant mothers will be encouraged to get the flu shot), and the very old, many of them in medical care facilities.

European Medicines Agency Launches Probe into HPV Vaccine Injuries

Sunday, July 12th Svenska Dagbladet (a Swedish newspaper) released a story giving hope to hundreds of Danish families whose lives turned upside-down when their daughters began to experience multiple new medical conditions after HPV vaccine injections. This newspaper announced the European Medicines Agency (EMA) was launching a probe into possible side effects of the highly controversial HPV vaccines. Finally, these families believed they might get some answers as to why their daughters had transformed from healthy athletic girls to mere shadows of their former selves.