Gardasil Vaccine Promoted To 12-Year Old Boys To Double The Market

What's the best way to attract new patients for a vaccine heavily marketed to only girls? Why open up the market to boys of course. The HPV vaccine is possibly the biggest vaccine hoax in the last century being nothing more than a worldwide exercise in profiteering at the expense of children's health. Another massively flawed study (basically routine for the HPV vaccine) will give Gardasil manufacturer, Merck & Co. the green light to once again create a vaccine awareness campaign on the pretext that it prevents mouth and throat cancers. There are truthfully no safe vaccines, however the HPV vaccine is one of the 5 vaccines I strongly recommend to avoid. It is perhaps the one vaccine based on the most misrepresented data and unproven assumptions.

HPV Vaccine Injuries: “I Cannot Begin to Describe What it is Like to Watch your Daughter Live in Such Agony”

My eleven year-old daughter, Valeria, was a very athletic normal girl until she received the second dose of human papillomavirus vaccine, Cervarix on May 29, 2014. One week later she began experiencing new medical conditions. She began to lose strength in her right leg first, then her left leg. It was painful for her to try and walk. I cannot begin to describe what it is like to watch your daughter live in such agony. All I want is to find answers and a well-timed treatment protocol for the injured girls. Their new illnesses must be recognized and treated. Simply diagnosing them with psychiatric disorders and hiding them under the proverbial carpet is not acceptable.

Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute: Independent Research on Vaccine Safety

Claire Dwoskin is the founder of Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute (CMSRI) which was established to provide research funding to address the increasing incidence of chronic illness and disability, including autoimmunity, and age related neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and autism. Prominent peer-reviewed journals have published research and articles funded by CMSRI. Claire is the co-founder of the Vaccine Safety Conference, co-chaired the 2nd & 3rd International Symposium on Vaccines and was awarded the AESKU Lifetime Achievement Award at the 9th International Autoimmunity Congress in 2014. She recently recorded an interview with Roger Landry of The Liberty Beacon.

Dr. Brownstein: Pneumococcal Vaccine Worthless for Adults

I am frequently asked by my adult patients if they should get the pneumococcal vaccine. If you want the short answer, I can give it here: NO WAY! Let me explain. An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA—February 17, 2015, volume 313, N. 7) reported on the new guidelines which advise doctors to recommend two pneumococcal vaccines in adults. The recommendations state that “…adults 65 years or older should receive one dose of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) followed by a dose of the 23-valnet pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23) 6 to 12 months later.” After reading that, you would assume that the two vaccines have been shown to be effective at preventing pneumococcal-associated illnesses and death from pneumonia. But, you would think wrong as the vaccines fail over 99% who take them. As reported in the JAMA article, Stretococcus pneumoniae is a common cause of respiratory tract infection and community acquired pneumonia (CAP). In 2012, there were 31,600 cases of pneumococcal infection and 3,300 related deaths in the U.S. The highest rates of infection are among children and adults aged 65 years and older. The PPSV23 vaccine was licensed in the U.S. in 1983. According to a 2013 meta-analysis, there is no consistent evidence that the PPSV23 vaccine is associated with reduced rates of all-cause pneumonia or all-cause mortality.

Healing from Vaccine Damage Begins in the Gut

Is it safe to discuss the option of not vaccinating your children with your child’s pediatrician? Are you risking being turned over to Child Protective Services, if you and your doctor disagree about vaccination? During a recent conversation with Judy Converse, MPH RD LD, a pediatric nutrition specialist, I discussed the medical kidnapping of infants and children by agents of Child Protective Services. Judy Converse provides services to children with a wide range of neurodevelopmental conditions. She also had the personal experience of being threatened with Child Protective Services involvement when she refused to continue vaccinating her son in the mid-1990s when he started experiencing developmental delays. She is the author of three books on the topic of nutrition and child development, and has lectured at numerous national and local gatherings for parents and professionals on topics related to autism, Asperger’s, and related developmental conditions. Her work emphasizes the profound impact nutrition and a healthy gut have on the developing brain.

Parents of HPV Vaccine Victims Protest in the Streets of Colombia

Once again, news regarding injuries due to the Gardasil vaccine is routinely censored from the U.S. media. Thanks to Norma Erickson of, we bring you this report from Colombia, where recently parents of the victims of HPV vaccine injuries gathered to protest in the streets. Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld, one of the world’s foremost experts on autoimmune disorders stated "If the negative effects outweigh the benefits, the vaccine should not be prescribed.” Merck’s own prescribing information sheet states for every 100,000 people who use Gardasil 2,500 serious adverse events are to be expected. Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld state that he would not recommend HPV vaccines for his own daughter.

Student Who Refused to Lie About Vaccines and was Kicked out of Nursing School Fights Back with Lawsuit

In 2013, nursing student Nichole Bruff was dismissed from Baker College in Michigan for allegedly asking questions about the way her instructors were teaching nursing students how to coerce parents into receiving vaccines for their children, even if the children or parents did not want them. Nichole wondered why a patient's right to choose or refuse a medical procedure was not being followed in administering vaccines. To her, this seemed to violate medical ethical issues she had been taught in nursing school, so she wanted clarification on why vaccines were different when it came to patient rights and ethics. Is this not part of the American educational process, the right of students to question their instructors? Shortly before she was due to graduate, she was dismissed from the school without warning, and with no recourse to appeal the dismissal. She soon found out that her dismissal prevented her from being accepted at other nursing schools. Nichole tells Health Impact News: "My dream of being a nurse practitioner of midwifery is gone." Now, she is fighting back by filing a lawsuit against the school.

Top California Pediatricians: Don’t Dictate Vaccines to Parents

The mainstream media and the U.S. Government would like everyone in the world to think that medical doctors are unanimous in their beliefs regarding vaccines. But that is hardly the case. The fact is that medical doctors who question vaccines and see positive results in their clinical practice by delaying or eliminating vaccines are routinely censored in the mainstream media. Here we bring you a very informative interview by Mother Jones editor Kiera Butler with Dr. Stacia Kenet Lansman, the founder of Pediatric Alternatives in Marin County, California. The pediatricians in this California practice suggest that families delay certain childhood immunizations, and forego others entirely.

Vaccine Culture War Myths

"Even if you and your children have willingly received every government recommended vaccine today, if non-medical exemptions are removed from U.S. vaccine laws, you will have no choice if you decide you don’t want to use every new liability-free vaccine that government recommends tomorrow. This Vaccine Culture War is about a lot more than vaccination. Because if the State can tag, track down and force you against your will to be injected with biologicals of known and unknown toxicity today, then there will be no limit on which other freedoms the State can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow." - Barbara Loe Fisher Doctors who say vaccines are safe for everyone and do not cause injury and death are either uninformed, in denial or lying. Since the first vaccine for smallpox, doctors have known and it has been well documented that brain inflammation, permanent brain damage and death have always been among most serious complications of vaccination. Just like any other pharmaceutical product, vaccines carry a risk of injury or death. These risks can be greater for some people with genetic, biological and environmental risk factors that doctors do not understand or cannot predict.

Susan McCreadie, MD: I Rest Easier NOT Vaccinating my Children

I am a mother first and a pediatrician second. This I have never forgotten. I cannot parent in ways that make me uncomfortable, to make others comfortable. There are pros and cons to vaccinations. As my training in holistic medicine continues, I rest easier NOT vaccinating my children. My concerns lie beyond the ingredients found in vaccines. My largest concern is HOW we are stimulating the immune system through subcutaneous and intramuscular injections of vaccines.